Toma's Experience
Experience description:
I have OBEs only 2-3 times in the year, otherwise I sleep as a log, fall asleep immediately I smell a pillow. I'll tell an experience when I was 4 years old.
I hated to sleep at noon as my parents put me in bed early and I slept till late.
But that day was a hot July noon, I got tired of running to and fro in the heat and went to bed without the admonitions and threats of my granny.
Dream: The yard was well groomed and a bonfire was quietly burning the debris. My father and I stood near it watching the flames engulfing the twigs and straw. Suddenly the flames rose up, then started to creep in the whole yard. My father took my hand and we ran into the garden. The flames followed us. Soon the whole garden was "inundated " by flames: they already reached our waists. A large flame twisted around, I left my father's hand, closed my eyes and screamed. The flame lift me up high in sky.
I stood in the air for some time with closed eyes, not daring to open them.
When I opened my eyes, there were no flames. My father was not there ,too. I was hanging about 20m above the garden= It was a warm summer afternoon. At first I thought that I would fall down and was afraid to move. I tried to see my body (since then, at OBEs I always try to see my body and the sun) but I didn't find it. Any way I moved. Never in my life have I felt such a pleasure - as my body was built of millions of bubbles and the warm air caressed them. I spiraled and coiled in the air above the garden. When I got tired of playing I stopped to watch the landscape. I' d never realized till then that our house was on a hill, I could see the roofs of the other houses with their red and white bricks.
Suddenly I saw SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. There was an apricot tree in the garden - on the low branches the apricots were still green and grand mother did not allow to pick them. But on the higher branches THERE WERE RIPE APRICOTS!
I woke up and shout to
my granny "There are ripe apricots on tree!" and ran into the garden. Soon I was
dropping them in granny's apron.
Any associated
medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?
No I don't
take any drugs
Was the kind of
experience difficult to express in words?
At the time of this
experience, was there an associated life threatening event?
What was your level
of consciousness and alertness during the experience?
I don't remember
the experience dream like in any way?
Did you experience
a separation of your consciousness from your body?
What emotions did
you feel during the experience?
Did you hear any
unusual sounds or noises?
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
In other OBEs I've been
in open cosmos, past or other dimensions
Did you see a
Only 3 times in my experiences
Did you meet or see
any other beings?
Yes .Small grey
creatures (taller than me but shorter than my parents) when I was 2 years and 8
months - they were very kind with me
. A man who took me to another planet - looked as us but had 4 fingers on his hands
. Creatures that took me to their flying craft. They dressed me a in silver like robe and told me that it will make me invisible.
. God
Did you experiment
while out of the body or in another, altered state?
I didn't know e.g.
about the Earth changes, the climate chaos or that in 20-25 years their will be
only one religion - I learnt it in 1991 ... and some such...
Did you observe or
hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be
verified later?
Yes Many times.
Example - I dreamed the death of an old neighbor and told my grand mother. The
neighbor died after a week.
Did you notice how
your 5 senses were working, and if so, how were they different?
Yes Normally
Did you have any
sense of altered space or time?
Yes It happened to
me to "travel" back and forward in time, in open space, and as far as suppose,
in other dimensions.
Did you have a
sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Yes The
narration would be a whole book
Did you reach a
boundary or limiting physical structure?
Yes When crossing
other dimensions or coming out in open space. When travelling back and forward
in time one has the feeling of entering doors. When read for the first time
Doors of W. Blake I had immediately the idea that Blake could travel in time.
Did you become
aware of future events?
Yes I mentioned
some above. Very soon we'll use different energy sources.
Were you involved
in or aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?
Yes Once I was
quite afraid of not returning in my body - I entered alone the so called Eye of
the God, the same that illuminated or not that much put on what comes at hand.
Another time I had to
have a speedy return of the energy file through the fontanel - I nearly hit in a
escadrille of flying objects.
Did you have any
psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did
not have prior to the experience?
Yes I read about
the yoga practice only 5 years ago. And I nearly dropped from the sofa - Since
childhood I could do most of the things yogis do after a long practice. I feel
the bio-field of other people, I can contract or expand my own bio-field and
say, scratch the one of my interlocutor. Sometimes when I reach my hand towards
somebody (not everybody) appear sparks. And I am a dowser.
Did you have any
changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Has your life
changed specifically as a result of your experience?
Have you shared
this experience with others?
Yes I do not
believe in paranormal phenomena. What we call paranormal is the unstudied and
unexplained phenomena by science
What emotions did
you experience following your experience?
What was the best
and worst part of your experience?
The best part of my
experience above was that there were ripe apricots on tree!
Is there anything
else you would like to add concerning the experience?
Following the
experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or
substances which reproduced any part of the experience?
Did the questions
asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Uncertain It isn't
my only experience, some questions are adequate to this one, some to other
Please offer any
suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire.
You could ask about the
type of experience. In general, questions are O.K. as far as you come from the
point of experiences caused by drugs, traumas, near death experiences. Mine are
not such - I never take drugs (except for a pneumonia 10 years back), I don't
have traumas and never been in clinical death.