Terry H's Experience
Experience description:
2. Express in words: Yes very
3. No live threatening
4. My experience:
I was riding my bike along the canal on the tow path.
I was going to a birthday party of my young nephew. It was a sunny day and not
so much wind. I enjoyed the trip.
Suddenly it felt like I was pulled out my body and
lifted up. I didn't experienced fear or panic. I saw my bike (not my body),
than the canal, the place, earth and space. It looks like I was travelling at
the speed of light. It started slowly and than increased to the speed of light
.. I saw planets and stars. It felt that I was in a sort vacuum. Around me I saw
the planets and stars. The stars looks like stripes because of the speed I was
passing by. Than I stopped. I wasn't conscious of my body. I didn't hear, see,
smell or taste anything. I must have used my eyes because I looked around, But
not with a vision or image. I understand "everything" . This is the hard part to
explain what everything means and what I understand.. Its the meaning of live,
death, space. I understand it completely but I'm not able to explain it in
words. All those years I tried to give words to that feeling of understanding
but I didn't succeed. My thoughts at that moment of completely understanding
was: " Okay that's it". No philosophic or historical words just "that's it. I
felt calm and peaceful. Than I went back to earth and landed on my bike. I
didn't fell or stopped. I was confused and realize that the experiment must have
taken place in a fraction of a split second.
I stopped my bike and sit down
on the dike and tried to comprehended the event. I was not able to do
that. I went along but didn't speak about it until a few years later.
5. My consciousness was high
Not a dream
Separation not certain, but I think I was
7. Emotions calm peaceful
highly sensible
8. No sounds
9. no
10. yes a beam of light
surrounding me but it could have been the stars
11. no other beings
12. no
13. no
14. yes But it feels like I
have another sense ( like telepathy ) or a sense not
aware of here
and now
15. ?
16. Yes. Special knowledge. I
feel privileged to experienced that feeling of
understanding everything, although I cannot explain it. It's something inside
17. no
18. no
19. no
20. no
21. uncertain because of my
age. I was not fully formed at 15. But I think it was live changing
22. too young
23. yes. I was selective in
telling this to people. Most of the time they reacted positive an interested.
Sometime they share experiences with me. But I never found someone with the same
24. peaceful exited full of
25. best part the
understanding and the travel. Worst not able to explain it in words.
26. No
27. uncertain because of my
28. no
29. yes. Al my feelings etc. were questioned.