Experience description:
I remember... I remember standing next to a gentleman.
Emotionless almost. We watched people from above. I remember asking questions
about them and why I was given the ability to choose. I got to watch a quick
glimpse of how life would be with each of the individuals. The moment I picked
the people I was intrigued by that when I felt it... I felt emotions.... Happy,
anxious, sad, and well ready honestly. I was excited to start this experience
with these strangers. It felt right. Oddly enough.. I forget about this
experience until I pray. Then I have a flashback. Almost as if it’s some kind of
reminder that I am where I’m supposed to be and funny enough I’m exactly where I
wanted to be. Sadly I haven’t shared this story with ANYONE... I’ve always been
so afraid of judgment or whatever could come of it. Didn’t want to be called
crazy, sick, a liar, or whatever people would’ve thrown at me. So I’ve hid this
experience for my entire 24 years on Earth. I was looking up names for my new
puppy (the cutest little blue Merle Aussie) and well I started searching what
the names meant. Then I searched what my first name meant. Then both of my
middle names along with my last. Come to find out my full name means 'trust in
the desire to be pious'. Grew up in a very loving Christian home. My birthday is
only July 17th. After reading into this
fascinating discovery I read that it refers to 'the
spiritual perfection in the first place'. I then remembered my Life Before Birth
experience again. This time hitting me harder and more emotionally than I have
experienced. I was full of happy/scared emotions. Thinking to myself 'am I
crazy' so I jumped on Google searching to see if anyone else had ever had a
similar experience. After finding this website and all the stories my body was
covered in goose bumps. I was relieved to know I in fact.. NOT CRAZY haha. Then
I got worried because I started to wonder 'why me?' and 'why do I remember this
and why don’t I remember more!?'
I have a tendency to ramble so my apologies. I just find this absolutely
fascinating yet so unfortunate that I’ve waited this long to look for others or
share my story.
To all of those that may read this.... GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES!
May we all understand what and why one of these day
Any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the
Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?
No Response
At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?
What was your level of consciousness and alertness during the experience?
Was the experience dream like in any way?
100% real and vivid
Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?
What emotions did you feel during the experience?
None at first and then all of them at the end.
Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises?
I remember talking to the gentleman. But I can’t remember a voice. Almost as if
we just knew what we saying without using words!
Did you meet or see any other beings?
I seen a few people. Who I was choosing to
go with.
Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or
Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?
Yes No. I just knew it was almost like
watching from above. Watching these individuals live basically and I was
observing so I could pick my family.
Did you become aware of future events?
Yes Fairly accurate. I remember knowing
I was going to enter a life of ups and downs. A life to start poor and hard but
end wealthy and happy. (Wealth not being money but more knowledge on knowing the
meaning of true wealth. Such as love and bonding with family )
Were you involved in or aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?
Yes Yes I was given a preview and knew
where I was going. Without truly knowing much detail. Just knowing the basic
obstacles and adventures ahead.
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the
experience that you did not have prior to the experience?
Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
How has the experience affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious
practices? Career choices?
As I have the random 'flashbacks' which is the same story I remember over and
over again. Every time is like a wake up call. Like for me to push harder or
keep going. Or in some cases to love and not fight with family/friends.
Have you shared this experience with others?
What emotions did you experience following your experience?
Growth and selflessness
What was the best and worst part of your experience?
Best was knowing I had a choice and I wouldn’t change it. Worst would be not
knowing why I’m able to remember.
Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life,
medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?