James C Experience
All the sudden I feel the presence of another being in the corner of the room - death. The feeling of reality going out the window began to set in and I felt myself enter a trancelike state and visions appear above me in the darkness. I was visited by my great grandfather, who my mother compared and compares me to and had died before I was born
STE at age 10 that prevented his suicide attempt.
Jesse W Experience
The people below were cheering for me, and I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and love that was difficult to put into words. It was unlike anything in this world. I would describe the experience as one where feelings of joy and love infused everything with an unearthly golden light that enveloped the spiritual bodies of the crowd, as well as my own and that of my guide. This guide seemed to lead me to a threshold that opened up to a beautiful shoreline.
Two STE dreams.
Paul T Experience
What I felt radiating from that being was raw, indescribable, and overwhelming POWER! This being is power itself! I felt that all life in the entire universe had it’s origin point in this being - every person, every animal, every insect, every plant, every star, every galaxy, and all life in the entire known and unknown universe - had the origin of its life-force in this being!
STE at time of anguish about his alcoholism. Experience cured him.
Vergil C Experience
I felt a huge surge of electricity well up inside of my brain and upper back. The sensation itself felt like a gas bubble rising from beneath a huge body of water. As the energy intensified, like a bubble making its way to the surface and into the light, multiple images of my grandmother overtook my visual memory;
ADC from deceased grandmother, then STE 3 days later. Both experiences occurred less than one week ago.
Katie R Experience
From the United Kingdom
As I looked I could see a barn owl fly up the river, as I followed it with my eyes it’s wings spread out and became the wings of an angel who appeared through this amazingly bright light and stood there dazzling me in the middle of the water. I was then joined by two human looking beings except they had no gender. I knew they were male and female and that I had known them many, many times before in many other lifetimes. The love I felt for them was overwhelmingly pure and I was so happy to see them!
STE dream with many NDE-like features.
Jasmine H Experience
I suddenly heard a voice say my name 'Jasmine'. It was so immaculate, earthly words cannot describe. But if I had to describe it, it was magnificent, powerful, kind and loving, loud, yet soft, dominating and compassionate. I knew it immediately that it was God.
Detailed STE dream with encounter with God.
Nan J Experience
I remember at that time, looking into a tunnel, the brightest tunnel I had ever seen in my life, I realized I was dead and I knew I was dead. But I did not go into the tunnel because I knew it was reincarnation, there was nobody to say it to me, I just knew that it was not my time
STE at time of suicide attempt at age 13. Shared at age 14.
Paige C Experience
Right after that I felt myself going into a dark tornado like type tunnel that at the end was light particles like dust you see in the light of a window. At that time I knew I was going to cross over and I said 'I'm ready' A voice said it is not time. You need to meet your granddaughter.
STE at time of dental procedure. Experience shared one day after it occurred.
Gen Experience
I saw this image as if I had eyes and was inside of it although I had no awareness of having eyes to look at it through. The light was so beautiful, it was as if looking at the sun but there was no warmth or temperature, and it did not bring any pain to me to gaze upon it although it was so bright.
STE dream that led to substantial healing.
Mark K Experience
I was wide awake. I was standing up. My eyes were open. Suddenly, in this totally free state of ‘I-as-a-being’ I became aware that my life was a game. I controlled the game and yet I had completely forgotten that. Just as quickly as that awareness came up I had another astounding realization. I had done this before. This particular life I was living was a single spark from a sparkler of many lifetimes.
Profound STE following multiple profound conversations while he was in the marines.
Louis K Experience
I sat in the middle of a field of tall grass, then demanded of God that if He was real, that he heal my eyes (I had worn glasses since age 12, hated them). The answer I got, more of a revelation than words, was, 'Isn't it a miracle that you can see anything at all?!
419. Requests removal 11/24/24
Pela Experience
It was above all particular forms, and it was a much more universal love. I felt it was the perfect apperence for me, because I was before the experience very suspicious with religions, and seeking for universal truth above particular and cultural forms. It wasn't jésus christ but it was the light !
STE dream.
Trevor L Experience
I was scared, but as I hovered over my body, I felt extreme bliss, having left my physical shell, no longer feeling any sort of pain or discomfort, no cold or heat, no aches or itchiness, no weight or anything at all, just like pure consciousness, like pure energy, and I sort of looked down at my body and realized what was happening, that I was about to leave it
STE after taking pain medications following surgery.
Cristina F Experience
'I came here because you called me, not to judge you. If you don't want to look at me, you don't have to. Just look to the other side.' And that was the most profound sentence that I heard in my entire life. The way he spoke, the compassion, the love, and the most important, the non judgment. It was incredibly beautiful and it took me to a completely new perspective.
STE dream with profound awareness of love.
Suze O Experience
From the United Kingdom
I saw a distant light. I eventually reached the Light, this time without any imaginary body, I felt like I was a single point of existence and could see in all directions. There was nothing to see as it was an eternal unfathomable soft white light. I could access information about whatever came to mind with pure knowledge flowing back to me. An incredible feeling of Bliss which is the only word besides pure love to describe it.
STE which is very NDE-like.
Simon C Experience
From Costa Rica.
I was walking a beautiful shimmering beach, with clear crystal clear blue sky and brilliant sun next to a sparkling, cerulean-blue ocean with laughter and happy voices of adults & children... a heaven on Earth... living in Paradise... living the dream as many have described and observed of my actual life
STE months after plant medicine ceremony while walking down a beach.
Kasia A Experience
Then I was hit with a force out of nowhere. It came out of my body from some mysterious place within and projected up towards the ceiling. Imagine a train just plowing through a tunnel except this tunnel is your chest and this train is the force of pure love. It is a rushing river made of a million strands of love all in an enormous bundle in all the shades of variety. I felt a tremendous overriding compassion and bliss rushing within it. I sank into the cushions, my eyes wide, my mouth open, limp and saturated with bliss.
STE after watching NDE accounts on YouTube.
Lucila GNB Experience
From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille.
Then suddenly, some very tall doors appeared before me, and I began to move towards them. But there were two luminous beings on each side of the doors. Those beings were brighter than the light in the place in which I found myself, because I was able to distinguish them. I started heading towards the giant doors, in a direction such as from south to north (to describe it somewhat). It did not feel like I had a physical body, I was simply going forward, when the being that was on the north side moved towards me, and with a soft voice told me: "Your time hasn't come yet!"
STE dream at time she had leukemia and was pregnant.
Stephanie B Experience
I tore my eyes away from him to the crown in my hand and as I turned the crown in my hand a word appeared across the gold of the crown as the light from Jesus hit the gold as if it were a mirror and in living, pearl colored letters it said: Life.
STE with remarkable and prolonged interaction with Jesus.
Tim C Experience
I was frozen in time at the awareness that I was about to die and when I could bare that fear and guilt not one minute longer, I heard Him say: 'Tim, I love you.' I became undone. I wept uncontrollably for what seemed like hours.
STE involving encounter with God. He became a pastor after this experience.
Angelina G Experience
3/30/2023 Second-Person.
I was walking through the clouds holding Gods hand. I felt the most peace I have ever felt and a feeling that I never wanted to leave. He was walking me closer and closer to pearly gates, but I did not go through. He said to me "It's not your time child, it's not your time" and I felt myself being sucked back down. I knew the body in Heaven was my own as I could see it.
Relatively recent STE where she met God.
David B Experience
he body and face had no features. It had butterfly like wings with three lobes on each side. The upper lobe had a pattern of a dark dot surrounded by a concentric circle. Behind the being was a bright white light that seemed to be so bright that it showed through the being, making it seem like it was glowing.
STE while in emergency room involving multiple communications from an entity.
Daniel PG Experience
From Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille.
I could see through my physical eyes; I could see simultaneously through the eyes of another body, and that one was looking at another body, also mine, which was ascending at great speed through a light full of colors! ! Similar to the tunnels of light that are formed when, in “Star Wars” or “Star Trek”, they exceed the speed of light. It looked like the light was going through me, and I was going through it. I existed in three places all at once, one part of me was ascending, the other contemplated that fact, while I was still able to see through my physical eyes, without knowing or being aware of whether or not I was breathing. Let me add that my eyesight through the physical body was fixed on a spot on the wall, without blinking or moving, as if I were dead or else, in a state of shock. What followed was the Voice! The Voice of my Angel or Higher Self was no longer like in my dreams ; it was not an intuition within me, but a Voice that filled EVERYTHING!
STE dream with interesting consciousness from three different perspectives.
Eugenia S Experience
After a while, since I felt bereft, I decided I had better get out of my apartment and around
other people. So I got on a bus and went to the nearest mall. It was filled with holiday
shoppers, looking for gifts and bargains.
STE with a light being.
Eleanor W Experience
From Ireland.
Something told me telepathically that this space was reserved for me. “One day, your essence, your spirit, your experiences, will find a home there. Nothing is ever be lost or destroyed. I promise you, all will work out fine in the end. There’s no need to worry. But, you have plenty of things to be getting on with. So, go, live your life well.” I felt so much incredible love from this entity. The intensity of the love I felt from it is indescribable, and the bliss that I felt in myself beholding that was beyond ecstasy.
STE at age 14 at time of great despair.
EB Experience
I found myself standing in a large open space that looked like a large grassy field. Off in the distance, miles away, on top of a rise there was a large white, domed building, with a shallow dome, much wider than it was tall. Around the bottom edge, it appeared to have columns. The building was very far away, so it was hard to see detail. I looked behind me, and there was a forest. I looked down to my right, and could see a neat garden, with perfect rows of small round plants.
Sudden SOBE into unearthly realm.
Rhonda M Experience
The main being said I learned enough about knowledge, now I was to go back and learn about love. The information about 'love' is not what we think of here in the physical world. Love is not sexual or possessive, but spiritual. Love is more like endless compassion, without judgment. I was to go back and learn about love. I was not alone; they were with me and guiding me and I would know I had the capability to communicate through this "tone of thought" that we were presently communicating with.
Exceptional STE with profound spiritual wisdom.
Adriana Experience
From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille.
I would add that at the time of the experience, I was conscious. Lying on my bed, next to my little son, I simply closed my eyes to rest and suddenly, I found myself at the level of the ceiling in the room, observing my physical body, then I entered the tunnel... the feelings of unconditional love and happiness are indescribable. There are no adequate terms to explain them ... only the heart feels... the Supreme Being... I was aware of being free, and in a state of absolute happiness and love.
STE at time of emotional trauma.
Kelly O Experience
In the dream I started to panic and started to think/pray in my head "Leave my daughter alone, if you are evil or negative - you DO NOT have permission to be here!", the presence remained and thickened, so I started to panic and aggressively thought/prayed "Leave her alone now - you are not welcome here!" And this is where it took a HUGE turn, I did something I had never done before - I asked God/Jesus for help.
STE involving a powerful dream that included hearing Jesus.
Paul T Experience
I met other spheres of light, It was clear to me then, that I remembered everything of my past, this is the place I came from, this is the place we all ultimately return to. Instantly, I knew who the other spheres were, there were no spoken words, I knew every single thing about them, past present, future, and they knew everything about me, we greeted each other like a long lost family someone who you love dearly, and they loved me, I felt that this place has always been my home.
STE while in bed. Experience quite NDE-like.
Sandor S Experience
The moment I understood that fundamental interdependence, I literally saw my astral body float to the upper right corner of the living room, while simultaneously a tunnel opened slightly to the left and in front of me into which my astral body flew to be received with the warmest WELCOME coming from a luminous being. To the right I saw a large semicircular portal with lights, some stronger and some dimmer moving about. Without words I asked where I was and the being said it was the other side. When I asked what the lights were, the being said they were spiritual survivors, the brighter the light , the more advanced spiritually is the person.
STE in form of SOBE while thinking about his relationship with the Creator.
Kasha Experience
We’re they crazy? I hoped not. I hoped these people were sane. This was the only proof I could think of, so I was watching. Then I was hit with a torrent of bliss and unconditional love coming out of my chest. It threw me back for 30 seconds… He answered my question by going through me. 'Yes, I exist.'
STE while watching NDE accounts on her laptop computer.
Ann Marie F Experience
Suddenly I was transported to another world. It was all energy and color there. I felt some kind of broad relief. I was imparted some information about what death is. Just as suddenly I was back in the normal world.
STE following son’s death. Experience shared about seven weeks after it occurred.
Anders O Experience
From Sweden
I was suddenly in a beautiful garden. My friends were there. I could not see their faces. The landscape was that of a dream, from Earth, in fact it was the pastures outside the farm where I grew up. But the feeling was not of this world. The love, the peace and acceptance is impossible to describe. You have all you need, and ever will need. Time is just the now. And all you have is clear awareness and infinite love.
STE dream at time of depression.
Maria's Mother Experience
Then from somewhere deep within me - as if down below my heart I sensed a voice speaking to me. It was a beautiful voice - all positive and calming - just talking to me like a good friend would - I wanted to stay there all the time. He spoke to me for a good while - and it intrigues me to this day because the memory of what he said is obliterated - I only know he spoke to me for ages as a beautiful friend would - The only thing that I can remember of it was that he said 'Tomorrow is my feast-day
Daughter shares deceased mother’s STE from writings mother left.
394. Kriya Experience 5/27/2021
Non-Western experience From Thailand It felt really good to be so light and free. 'I' (because it was definitely 'me' - minus my physical body) was light, and absolutely free of all concerns and emotions. Honestly the closest I can describe it as is how it must feel to be zero gravity. Like I was helium. I was so excited by the feeling of weightlessness, that I turned a backwards sumersault in the air (much as I would have underwater in a swimming pool... which was what I did almost daily, living in the tropics, to cool down after school.
STE/OBE at age 16 in Singapore.
Guilia D Experience
From Columbia. Original in Spanish, translated to Spanish by Camille.
At one point I said: “God help me !”, and my friend told me to focus on that thought, to focus on God. An immense love, a fullness, a completeness, a harmony, a feeling that everything was fine emitted from this light, I felt that I was in the arms of love itself and that nothing bad would happen to me, over there everything was warm, safe, calm , beautiful. I saw myself as a form of light, I was some kind of silhouette and made up of the same light from the space in which I was in. I looked around me with eyes that I will call mental eyes, because there, the senses are not made up of organs. I could see how a silhouette made of the same light from the space I was in, and from the same light that I was made of, was highlighted, in my opinion that silhouette was much taller than me. It was right in front of me. I knew that he was a being superior to me, I don't know whether to say now that he was God, Jesus, what I do know was that he came from the very Source of love.
STE following ingestion of cannabis, but seems more an STE than drug experience. Posted in English and Spanish.
Michael R Experience
I'm not sure if my fever climbed in the middle of the night, but I felt a sense of health and peace. I remember being beside myself and even though my room was dark, it was being lit up by two beings. I believe they were angels. One male, named Christian, to my left. On my right, a being named Emily.
STE at time of infuenza.
Matt E Experience
I was at the near end of a tunnel--in the circle of the tunnel was an amazing light, bright and radiating an overwhelming sense of love. 360 degrees around the dark tunnel which I viewed through, an invisible choir sang what seemed like a single incredible note. The music filled me with the same overwhelming feeling of love as the light before me
Brief STE during reiki session.
Miguel A Experience
From Spain
I was conscious because I remember having merged with the car and driving. But there is not a single memory of vehicles crossing me, or landscapes, or sensations. The body seemed to disappear. Or maybe my body was the entire Universe. There was not a single thought. Not even a single one. And somehow I know that I let go and I let myself go because I was not there. There was God, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it. (And it was the one who drove the car during the experience, not me). How long did it last? There was no time, so talking about duration is meaningless. It could have been there forever, I guess. I might never have returned. But I came back.
Remarkable SOBE with STE while driving.
Anna E Experience
The Light of God is pure bliss. We are both. We are pure loving awareness. Anything else is a distortion. I was the Void. Imagine floating alone in pitch black empty space, for all eternity, no stars, no body, just pure consciousness, never ceasing to exist in the infinitely vast eternal solitude that you are. The mind of God is without being, and yet without it, nothing would be. The mind of God is pure consciousness longing for all eternity. The mind of God has no other choice but to exist. It never ceases to expand and evolve.
Remarkable STE apparently at time of car accident without injury. Profound spiritual insights.
Linda A Experience
I started to zoom through a black tunnel at an exponential speed and it scared me because I could see no end. But as I went through it, I had the most inexpressible joyous feeling like nothing one can experience on earth. There was no one in the tunnel but me. At that point my spirit telepathically communicated with God and said 'If you want me to die, I am ready, but if you want me to go back (since I was so young) I will and I will live for you'.
STE at time of mental pain and paranoia.
Carlene D Experience
From Canada.
Such relief flooded over me. I had no fear whatsoever. Here’s where it gets strange though as it seemed that time slowed down and I was both watching and experiencing it at once. I felt like I was in a video game or something. I saw the moose whip it’s head and look at this car bearing down on top of it. It tried to run off the road but the road was so icy that it’s legs were scrambling, but it wasn’t going anywhere. I laughed out loud because it looked like a cartoon moose with its legs flapping around like that.
STE when inexplicably avoiding her car colliding with a moose while she was feeling suicidal.
Karla Experience
From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy
There are no human feelings, but nevertheless it is the most BEAUTIFUL THING which I ever experienced. Absolute calm, security, acceptance. There's no 'I' anymore, but also no 'we'. There's only BEING. Yet I'm still 100% myself. I feel like still having a body, but I don't believe that he was really there. I have a long time to look around in the light. The light is resplendently bright but I can look into without any problem. It is also somehow 'moving', it's 'alive'.
Multiple STEs over several years.
Mary A Experience
Then I must Of left the world because then I was laying down I could see a white light in darkness and bending over me was my Family Mom, Dad, Kathy, George, Nick waving there arms for me to come with them. As they were calling fo me Jesus stepped in an said to me it's not your time, but first come with me to the Father God.
STE following suicide attempt.
Adam G Experience
In short, i woke from a nightmare, cried the hell out of my soul, and i saw the holy trinity in green light, like a 3 headed cloud at the foot of my bed, and i got comforted by it lovingly, then without looking to my left a 1.5m round portal opened where i could see the earth from space, where the earth was in animation, but i was in a more awakened faster state, and i was filled with overwhelming joy and laughter.
STE at time of emotional turmoil at age 16.
Orin M Experience
Suddenly, it seemed as though my view was spreading outward. I could see not only the valley and the distant mountains, but also the bend of the horizon. As I watched in fascination, the horizon receded rapidly and I could see the entire earth, floating in space, a huge blue and white orb. This was in 1953.
Remarkable STE at age 10 while riding in a car. Shared 67 years later.
Maria J Experience
From Spain. Translated to English by Camille.
He told me that each of us had a mission. Mine was to create that family and it was going to bring me a lot of happiness. He also said that we cannot interrupt our mission ahead of time (via suicide), as it could have consequences for everyone around us. Suddenly, I understood that human beings do not understand anything in their earthly bodies, which prevent them from seeing the beyond. I also understood that it is not anyone's fault, since our physiological structure is like that and it is tremendously imperfect. There are many more forms of existence, but souls have to be prepared to reincarnate in those forms. Only when a soul has a considerable life trajectory and consequent learning, can it rise to the other level and live lives in more developed bodies. I understood everything suddenly, the laws of physics, the way the whole world works, everything made sense and everything was connected. I thought that was wonderful, it was our true home and I will be so happy when I can return to that beautiful place. I felt immense love for the whole of nature and the souls of this world, because we are all woven from the same material, that light and so pure energy. It was time to make up my mind and I felt ready to go back and live my life in the best possible way.
Remarkably NDE-like STE during dream while in China.
O Experience
From Spain. Translated to English by Camille.
The rock from which they were formed was a translucent white color that reflected lights that were mainly of violet, orange, cyan, and some others colors. In addition, there were pillars that ran from the ground up and from the ceiling to the ground.
Although not enough information to classify this experience, there are some interesting visions.
Stephanie G Experience
Like I said I am laying on the floor looking out the window and looked to my left and said “ Moonshade?” I didn’t know the moon could put off moonshade? Since when? Then I looked up to the moon and there I saw the brilliant white light coming from the moon. More light than what I would perceive the moon putting off. Then about 5 to 7 rays from this light come towards me thru the pen window and the middle one goes to the center of my chest right above my heart.... I am in awe and at this moment I am so overfilled with love, and happiness, bliss, just this extremely overwhelming sense of love for everything here on earth and I just want everyone to experience this enormous amount of pure unconditional love that I am feeling and experiencing.
Remarkable STE while looking at the moon.
Derick B Experience
Suddenly the dream became hyper-real as a scintillating, blazing, electric blue colored, spherical ball of light appeared in my field of view. The blue light was alive and I felt that I reunited with it from very ancient times. The joy and love I felt at this reunion with the blue light being was more powerful than any feeling or emotion I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I felt so overjoyed by this sense of love and reunion that I started crying. It was as if I had been reunited (after forgetting) with my best friend after 100,000 years of separation. My attempt at conveying the abject profundity of emotions, joy, love, and reunion I felt does not do the experience justice.
STE during dream.
Eleonora Experience
I knew my parents were probably getting worried, seeing everyone else come back except me. During that whole time up the cliff I didn't retain any memory of my family and friends, it was like they didn't exist, it was also like Eleonora, 'me', didn't exist; but that kind of awareness came back in a moment, and at that time I reluctantly decided to go back.
STE at age 7 due to sleep apnea.
Carol W Experience
At the moment when there should have been impact, the scene completely changed, and I was in a beautiful, bejeweled, bright, pearly white space. I've since called it a pavilion but that doesn't do it justice. It was changing and becoming beautiful in new ways. It was like a kaleidoscope of constant evolution of beauty--all of it in gorgeous textures and with glowing, precious gems. I began to be aware of beautiful music. I couldn't tell if it had been there all along or if it was just now coming into my hearing. It was like a glorious symphony, but it may have been made of voices.
STE involving encounter with malevolent entity, and then transported into a heavenly realm.
Hoabinh Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
I'm nothing but CONSCIOUSNESS. No goals, no constraints or obstacles, no alterity, also no questions anymore. Simply a state of unlimited joy which gives me the reply to my question about the meaning of life. “You are mentally searching for the meaning of life, while you always knew what was it's real meaning. You knew when you were young and you forgot about it. You entered the world of oblivion. Yet, the answer is evident. You are carrying it inside of yourself and it's called :”LOVE!”
STE associated with question for life’s meaning.
Kim A Experience
I had that energy surge all of a sudden an enormous amount of calmness came over me. I have never felt calmer and more balanced in my life. It was just peaceful. Then I felt this amazing Love for all. I remember my colleague sitting next to me and i looked at her and a surge of immense unconditional love came to me and i almost stood up and hugged her. I could 'see' her thoughts and her worries and i had this huge compassion towards her.
STE on day stepfather died with awareness of great spiritual wisdom.
Stephanie W Experience
At that point, I cried out to God. I asked God if he was out there to please show me the truth. I was immediately surrounded by light. A bright white light. And I was laying at Jesus feet. I did not physically see Jesus, but I knew he was there and I knew I was wrapped around his feet. All fear and worry and anxieties were gone. For one second I thought of my boys and as soon as the thought came to mind Jesus let me know they will be taken care of. I didn’t have any other thoughts of what was here on earth, all I wanted to do was serve Him. I was in awe. I experienced complete Joy and happiness, and love. True love.
STE while dying in the ICU. Encounter with demonic beings that was not part of the STE but consistent with ICU hallucination.
Tiffany P Experience
Then, a voice from behind me said, 'It's all going to be ok'. When they spoke those words over me, I felt my entire soul get washed with complete love and reassurance. I had no more doubt or worry when they spoke those words. It's almost as if it was an acceptance or letting go because as soon as I was bathed in that absolute love and peace, I started to rise upward. I could see the wood fibers of the roof boards as I passed through them. Almost on a molecular level. I could see the shingles the same way.
STE that was NDE-like.
Denis B Experience
From Canada.
Suddenly, I saw or perceived something passing quickly in my peripheral vision on the far left. I then heard clearly a voice in my head saying 'tout est comme il se doit’’ witch is French for 'everything is as it should be’’. At the same moment I felt light and free as if a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I realized immediately that this huge weight was totally useless stuff that I was carrying around for no valid reason.
Remarkable STE with spiritual wisdom while driving a car.
Doreen Experience
There was a tunnel of light (something like Van Gough would have painted). It swirled and curled like a comma. I looked in and there was an angel at the end that looked "plain, white, child-like and simple". Just a simple form with head on body in the form of an inverted tulip, with two nubs for feet at the bottom. No hair, no arms no wings, no facial features. I wanted to go all the way through and see what was on the other side so I could see the angel up close.
STE during time of great stress.
Andrew D Experience
he testing had ended but left me with one ultimate question that I believe God was drawing out of my consciousness. I said, 'does it matter if I believe in Jesus?' I looked up into the sky and saw the clouds moving in a circular rotation with a ball of light shining out of it after my response. Mind you the response I was given was meant to be given in a way that had to do more with feelings than a telepathic message if that makes any sense. The middle eastern lady appeared again and elaborated it to me in a better way. She gave me a feeling that pierced my own previous feelings of Christianity. You are loved no matter what your beliefs are and everything that exists is a part of God.
STE while in bed at age 17.
Donna S Experience
I saw a bright light and felt LOVE all around me and an angel was standing at a slop toward the top as I walked closer but there was no stairs as such it was like nothing was under my feet and I just kept walking towards the angel who's light was very bright and comforting. There were angels all around me as if sorta like in an oval shape with their wings spread out and glowing light as beautiful as the sun. I do not recall any words just an inviting love and compassion and comfort.
STE associated with general anesthesia.
Sophie G Experience
From Canada
I prayed for Amitabha continuously. I didn't know the following description is a dream or in reality. Suddenly, I felt that I woke up in a cloud-like bed. I looked around and found all things are pure white but not that type of white that would make people feel cold. The light is naturally soft and I couldn't see the end of that space. I didn't hear any sound and there was no feeling of pain.
STE at time of illness.
Melanie A Experience
All at once I 'heard' a strong voice say to me, 'Melanie I want you and Harry to go into the ministry.' At the very instant I heard this, I felt an energy almost like electricity (but entirely pleasant, in fact euphoric) pass from the very top of my head all the way down to my toes.
STE- Heard voice during church service saying that she should go into the ministry. That day her husband also had a feeling that he should go into the ministry.
Xavier M Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
He said to me “Look”, and I looked, every word had a power, as if they were an obligation by their obvious truth. I looked at this star, and I asked “What should I look at?” Then he answered “Look what a big value you have”, and I understood. I understood that I was facing myself, I saw who I was, I was stunned. He was allowing me to see myself in my wholeness, from my insignificant consciousness of my human soul for what he only had compassion. He showed to me what I always lacked, what I never got. He showed me how much value I had.
STE at time he was considering suicide.
Jerry C Experience
I SAW a most powerfully bright golden white light, but not a earthly light because this did not hurt the eyes. a thought from somewhere told me I can turn the light up as high as I wish there is no limit and this light is LOVE which is also God. The more love I wanted all I had to do is turn up this light. Then I was told I could have anything I desired and I said this is fine
STE with NDE-like content.
Richard C Experience
Nothing in the physical world mattered anymore things I thought were so important we're not even a thought. Then I had the sense of was about to leave and it was going to other Realms of consciousness and I thought why do we come here. And was told for the experience this is the only Realm Of Consciousness where we can be tangible.
STE with NDE-like insights.
Lilian N Experiences
10/12/2018 From Canada.
All of a sudden the light brightened and colours were so vivid. I felt a presence. More than that, I felt pure unconditional love. It was a shock. I'd never felt anything like it, not from anyone. It was totally new. I asked--in my head--why do you feel like a female? Because the presence did, and that surprised me. I thought if I was going to imagine a divine presence, it would be non-gendered--what I intellectually believed--or male, since that would reflect the prevalent God-talk, ie He, etc. The answer came in my head, ie it wasn't something I heard aurally, but it wasn't my thought: "I come in the form that a person needs, and what you need most is a mother."
Many different types of experiences.
Deborah Experience
Doing some positive affirmation I was hugging myself in front of the mirror, I kissed my image and I said I love you, all of a sudden I felt myself on top of the Earth (I could hug the whole planet), when I felt an extraordinary feeling of peace, unconditional love, oneness, when I felt connected with everybody around the world as we were a big white sheet all connected to each other, I felt that we were all pure love, compassion, understanding and affection. The peace was indescribable, the unconditional love was infinite, I felt complete, serene... It was an extraordinary experience. I saw several transparent white light beings around me as we were all connected. When I came back i saw a white transparent veil like a curtain opening up right in front of me when I saw myself in the mirror I was crying with an overwhelming feeling of well been with a complete fulfillment and my entire thoughts and world changed.
Very short STE.
Pascale M Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
The more I got in contact with this light, the more a kind of comprehension was coming up in me, a very strong feeling. In fact it's description that I'm going to do is the transcription of what I remember (as if it was yesterday) while knowing that, at the same time that I contacted this light a 'comprehension' happened in me, simultaneously transcribed in words. I was in contact with this light and the more I looked at it, the more I got the certitude that I knew it, 'that I came from there and would go back there'...at the same time I had the feeling to look at myself (this could appear strange, but it was like seeing me) and little by little while watching me, I started to see that I also looked at my family... I saw my parents, my close ones and finally the whole of humanity. It was 'I' but not only...it was all beings.
STE with profound insights. In English and French.
Nick C Experience
From the UK.
The vision lessened in intensity, becoming now 2 dimensional - I wasn't in it, I was looking at it, a wall of colourful bricks... I was both elated and traumatised, now I was crying (in real life that is) and a voice of God spoke comfortingly to me 'Acha, Acha' it said - Hindi for 'There, there'. Before that I saw order but no God; since then I have believed in God.
STE at a time of travel in India.
Cat P Experience
Exceptional experience
I heard a voice in my head yelling, 'NO! DON'T GET ON THAT BUS!' It wasn't really a voice but it was this clear message. I asked, 'Okay, then what should I do?' and it responded, 'GO TO HUBBARD PARK!' (a park about a 1/2 hour walk away). As I walked there I felt filled with energy and almost ran up the large hill. I had the sense I should go to a specific spot in the park (that I'd never been to before)
Remarkable awareness she needed to travel to a specific spot far from home. Encountered suicidal person and was able to help.
Susan W Experience
Then I'm 'told' - as if transferred to me in a solid packet of knowledge, not through normal hearing - that, 'Everything will be alright, everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be, and all is well.' This was all very reassuring and so loving. Then slowly,slowly it began to fade. I did not want it to go! It was like being plugged into the God of my understanding - just the most incredible love.
STE with profound awareness of love.
357. Heather P Experience 7/23/2018 As soon as my eyes had closed I saw nothing but white light. After a few moments the light started to slowly surround and embrace me. I felt as though I was being comforted and blanketed in pure love. I opened my eyes and was stunned at what I had just experienced. As I got up to walk out of the room I felt a tear of joy roll down my face, which surprised me.
STE around time of death of cousin at age 13.
Tatiana Experience
From Russia. Original in Russian, translated to English by Sophie.
I thought that I was seeing the place where God is. For me it was quite obvious that there was a being in this light. I was standing at the border between light and darkness - this border was about ten centimeters away from my feet, but I did not cross it. There is no such light here. The sunlight that we see here is nothing and as weak as the spark of a match. I realized that this light was the energy of pure love that comes from God.
STE at time of ear infection.
Judy K Experience
A 'being' was with me, although I didn't see it, I felt it. It filled me with so much intense love!!! This is why I know it wasn't a dream - I couldn't have dreamed this love - it just doesn't exist in this world. It was unconditional, overwhelming (in a very good way), and beautiful. So. Much. Love!!!! I felt at home with this 'being' - like I had come home.
STE While sleeping.
Pamela S Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
I could feel this total joy. I had the impression being in front of the 'secret of life', well that's what I told myself as well as: “I absolutely have to go telling this to S. (my friend)”; and when I said this, it was as if I was falling but this time softly into the little golden world, whose pool started to form a town with skyscrapers; and I opened my eyes in my bed.
STE at time of substantial and prolonged depression.
Guilia DV Experience
From Italy
In my dream experience I was made aware (as it has often happened lately) of the mystical state of being a single point of consciousness about to be born. Incarnation appeared so absolutely perfect and harmless, pure potential. Then I was able to observe how the trouble starts, the moment our ego forms. In previous experiences this week I was both God and creature at the same time. Tonight I saw how harmless everything appears from the angle of a single point of consiousness willing to inarnate. Everythign is perfect and joyful. Pure loving potential.
STE dream with interesting spiritual messages.
Shelley P Experience
From the UK.
I was ranting at God, pleading with him to let me die instead because I had cancer and to let Steven live. The whole time I was screaming, God (who had now changed to a tall man in his mid thirties with brown hair and a strong, kind face) was looking away from me and I could tell he was just giving me time to scream and waiting until I finished. The scene changed again and we were outside a mellow coloured sandstone building, like a castle at sunset and the air was beautifully warm and the light in the sunset was beautiful. Everywhere was really calm and beautiful.
Remarkable STE with awareness of fiancé’s death the next day in accident.
Arja P Experience
From Finland. Translated to English by Ulla.
I was on my way to leave my earthly life when I was stopped. On the left, in some kind of misty niche in the wall there was a shining figure. I was not able to distinct any details. It was a tall character with a white gown, shining a brighter light than the surrounding. The shining light of this character was not blinding. At the same time as I turned myself towards the character, I heard a voice from the right side above me, “just from somewhere” and it said: “He is Jesus, the power and the brightness”.
STE when an atheist meets Jesus.
Kimberly S Experience
That it was all about me being born, it always was about that. I never ever felt so loved and so at home, I was finally home. Home was all there was, I couldn't imagine that I ever not felt at home, since I felt and realized that it was always there, that is was everything… Life is about unconditional love and service. This is all, everything else is a consequence of this.
STE following abortion and during later pregnancy.
Charlie D Experience
I see someone who claimed to be 'God'. Purple and white robes robes, bald, white haired beard, seemed to be slim muscular build, and I think he had sandals on. I said to him that this has to be some kind of dream, he said it isn't. I said 'Oh okay, because in some dreams you can manipulate the scenario, like I'm doing now, talking in the fourth wall. And I'll just touch this 'golden flooring' here, okay?' And I did, it felt solid, being legitimately there. He said to me 'This is not a dream. You always doubt yourself and you lie to yourself through your jokes.'
STE in dream at critical time during his life.
Lawrence C Experience
Phase 2 – A Celestial Tour Guide then came to coax me out of the Silent Void of NOW (No Ordinary Witnessing) and back into the Duality of Spirituality’s' Time-Space-Energy states including: I (the Conscious Awareness 'I') went inside of and at-one-with a granite rock stepping stone leading into the first library. Here in the rock I experience and then 'imperience' (co-resonated in and with) the various multi-harmonic etheric frequencies (including those first, second and third level harmonics) of living … consciously entangled . . . energy fields that are precursors to and thus comprise a physical rock.
Remarkably transcendent STE described.
Wallace A Experience
I was transported to outer space and was shown the earth. I was far enough out that I could see the entire planet and I could feel the emotions and suffering of the people of the world. The area of the most suffering seemed to be the African continent, but it also occurred worldwide to a slightly lesser extent. I was suffering along with the world because I could feel what they felt.
STE with insights about why there is suffering in the world.
Helena L Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
Being of a anxious nature, I didn't feel any fear at that moment. I was welcomed by angels praising me, knowing me, waiting for me. They were greeting me in Arab language: « Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullah ». Meaning : “The peace and mercy of God, should be on you”. I didn't exchange any word during this experience. Everything was done from mind to mind, instantly. Difficult to explain. When I say that I saw angels, it was not with my eyes but still always with my mind/spirit. You see everything, everywhere, at once.
STE from Muslim contributor. Both in English and in French.
Sandra A Experience
From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy.
I continued to fly across a kind of vast, peaceful lake, of which was emanating a calm that was beyond comprehension to me. Then at the horizon a small light appeared and I was thinking, this could be a sun, but the light grew, and then it was clear to me: “Ah! That's THE light! Am I now allowed to go home (God's Realm)?” I was extremely happy and jubilantly wanted to fly into the light, when I heard a clear and loud 'Stop'. Immediately I stopped.
Remarkably transcendent STE. Posted in English and German.
Nejat K Experience
Originally from Turkey. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
I found myself (in my mind - that's the best definition - but in no way imagination, I didn't have the mood to imagine anything!) in a space filled with billions and billions of luminous particles. Similar to tiny stars, but so innumerable, that they made up the very essence of the space surrounding me. There were no walls, no ceiling, no floor. I was like in a tunnel where everything was luminous, thousands of billions of luminous particles....
STE with spiritual insights. In English and French.
Anna H Experience
11/4/2017 From New Zealand.
She very maturely told me 'You know why I'm here' I realised she was speaking to me through her eyes, telepathically. Her eyes were the most beautiful and sparkly loving eyes I have ever seen like they were perfect. I thought 'What a weird thing to say' but shortly after started realising why she had chosen to be my niece and why I was her Aunty. Once I fully understood how our lives fitted together I then starting understanding the next level and the next and the next to the point that I understood how the entire universe worked.
Remarkably transcendent STE dream.
Amanda R Experience
A moment later I saw a misty space above me that seemed to swirl in space. Then I felt a strong pulling upwards towards the ceiling, like I was being yanked up off my bed by my heart, and I felt a rushing sensation like I was being pulled through a cloudy tunnel at great speed towards a light. This rushing feeling didn't last long and I found myself suddenly in a tremendous expanse of wisps of colors swirling around everywhere. I had no body, no sense of gravity, no direction, very little sense of 'self' perspective.
STE that was NDE-like.
Victor C Experience
From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean.
Suddenly I felt myself come out of my body and rise, going through a white coloured tunnel, towards a kind of white cloud. As the cloud of light approached me, I started to feel an immense love, and an immense spiritual pleasure, while at the same time I felt an intense warmth in my heart. I knew immediately that I was connecting with God.
STE of merging with God.. Posted in Spanish and English.
Christine H Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
More and more brighter, illuminated by a white, magnificent light, very, very intensive, but at the same time soft. There's nothing anymore than this wonderful light and an indescribable happiness. Everything is perfect, there are no questions and no answers, no time, no weight. A luminous happiness, immense well-being, lightness.
Was reading a book on bed with sudden SOBE. Posted in French and English.
Martina R Experience
I felt so much love welling up in me, love not directed at anyone or anything in particular. Just love rising in me and pouring out of me towards everything. As I walked on, rejoicing in this wonderful feeling of love, it spread and was just everywhere. My surroundings seemed to have a rose colored tint to it, it was absolutely beautiful.
Experience of feeling intense love spontaneously.
338. Stephanie W Experience 9/15/2017. I sensed Her and the truths of the Universe more fully, and I felt that we were against a backdrop of the entirety of the manifested Universe. She is The Mother. The language I want to use for her is not the way I normally speak. She is cloaked in stars. She is utterly, truly purely loving and this love is unconditional. I sensed her as being black, like the void of space, and lit with stars.
This is a hard experience to classify. One could call it a possible NDE, but 13 days in an ICU you can't tell when the experience happened. It could be ICU psychosis, it could be an intense dream, or it could be really happening in a different dimension. But one thing that does stand out is how this experience profoundly affected Stephanie and transformed her spiritual views.
337. Helen S Experience 7/30/2017. I noticed as I looked out the window that I was one with the blades of grass and the rocks in the road. I was enveloped in a love I could not put into words. This divine love was in everything and in me. At the core of my being, I was this love and so was everyone else. In this state of grace, there was no right or wrong, no good or bad, and no judgment whatsoever. Fear was non-existent. There was no death and I knew that we all live forever. Everyone I met was love.
Remarkably profound STE.
336. Elizabeth A Experience 7/15/2017. He instructed me to look past the roof to the sun, then past the sun to the sky, then past that. I received the impression that behind the sun and behind the sky, there was a world invisible and yet all around me, and that world was realer. I'll explain 'realer' after. It was what I was used.
STE at age 7.
335. Sylvie P Experience 7/15/2017 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. Not being a believer and refuting a God who would accept the suffering of this world, I nevertheless said the following words: 'God if you exist do something (I was physically and morally devastated). I didn't have finished my sentence, when everything surrounding me was but light, a vibrant fluctuating light, at the same time soft and strong. Everything was of a dense and fluctuating transparency, and above all I felt myself being taken into this process of an unbelievable strength and well-being.
STE from an avowed atheist. Posted in English and French.
334. Chris T Experience 6/21/2017 I start seeing little light swirling about my head. Startled, I kept in mind per instruction not to release my focus on my navel no matter what. The light grew in number. The light gave me the clear impression that they were alive; even happy. As the light grew in number they evenually filled the sky and my entire surrounding until their was nothing but light 360 decrees. At that point I knew I was no longer in my body. In fact I knew I had no body. The place I was in was infinite. It was imbued with a feeling of confidence and extreme sensation of love.
Was in Buddhist meditation for four days, then had an STE.
333. Mavis M Experience 6/3/2017 I then noticed a pin needle of light within this darkness. As I noticed it, I tried to reach for it, and as I tried to reach for it, I began to get closer and closer still to this growing light. As I grew closer, I felt better. In a flash, I was in the light. Within the light, I found myself floating down towards a pasture that had a horse pen. I always loved horses, and a man was sitting on the white picket fence, looking at the white horse.
STE during time of depression.
332. Marcella P Experience 4/16/2017 At that instant, (what I now relate all seemed to happen in less than 1/1000 of a second, and happened all at once, as well) the Real, Living Presence of Jesus appeared. He was more alive than anything in this Universe. His being was All Power, Glory, Light, and Love, I imagine that this is how He appeared to the Apostles after His resurrection. The Power radiating from Him was enough to blast the entire Universe apart. He appeared in the shape of a human body, but the Glory was so intense that I did not ‘see’ any things such as hair color, facial features, clothing. Every cell in my body recognized Him, and there was the strong awareness that I had known Him for eternity.
It's difficult to describe, but His ‘Jesus-ness’ was so intense - He radiated every ounce of His ‘Being-ness, Human-ness as Jesus-on-this-earth, that there was no mistaking who He was. It was impossible not to know that He was Jesus, and there was no other being in this Universe that He could be mistaken for.
Major STE at age 28 with awareness of Jesus. Many other experiences.
331. Mary M Experience 3/9/2017 At the end he said the phrase, 'give your life completely up to Christ'. I remember only that phrase out of everything that happened at the assembly. The Christ appeared ahead of me and to my right, just behind the left shoulder of the speaker. I instantly fell into that presence and lost all awareness except for that of a profound sacredness so complete that the world, time, space and all form literally disappeared. I was infused with a holiness that transcends all things and forgives all things absolutely, a peace which enveloped all which ever was or will be.
STE as encounter with Christ at age 12 while at a school assembly. Remarkable spiritual wisdom including insights regarding forgiveness.
330. Peter S Experience 2/12/2017 The features of the face did not move, but I sensed a great, wise intelligence, beyond any given human being. The Intelligence communicated to me that I was loved way and above what I considered possible, that no fault, no bad habit, no sin, no error, ever got in the way of a steady, overflowing, all-encompassing love for me as a person. What is more, I knew that this Love is universal, as a song says, 'not just for some, but for everyone.' And that universality did not diminish by one iota the profound love I was receiving.
STE dream that is NDE-like with insights about love.
329. Mattie A Experience 1/19/2017 From India. And finally I met God, He appeared as an orb of white light at first and I was a bit disappointed I didn't get a chance to walk with him. God never reveals his true face; he always shrouds himself in light. The next time I had a vision of Paradise God appeared like an old man with a long white beard and flowing robes (an image I was comfortable with as I always imagined God like that as a kid) and I walked hand in hand with him and I asked the same questions I asked Jesus in church - why can't all humans go to heaven, we all fell together, lets go home together ! But He also replied only the righteous go to paradise. The righteous I know now are those who believe in salvation through Jesus. And then the vision disappeared.
Athiest who encountered God.
328. Florence D Experience 1/8/2017 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. I didn't travel through a tunnel. I found myself immediately bathed in a supernatural light. It was extremely brilliant but not hurting. It had an aspect, how can I say, 'compact, enveloping', like cotton. It was golden, with waves or pulsations; it was warm, benevolent, without judging; it was unconditional Love. The sensation was really very pleasant and appeasing, a thousand times more intense than the biggest orgasm.
NDE-like STE that started as a dream. Both in English and in French.
327. Marina M Experience 1/7/2017 From Italy. Original in Italian. Little by little, I saw the tunnel and I was rising in the tunnel very fast and at light speed. At the end of the tunnel, I had reached the light. I found myself floating with my soul in space like what astronauts see. The sky was dark. I was very happy as it was so beautiful to be there without problems, pains, or suffering. I felt this great presence that was like a huge spirit, the creator of everything. It was so great and powerful that I should have been scared. I was sand-dust compared with it but it was treating me as a human being; despite that it was invisible and I could not see it. A long dialogue started between me and him. He was talking to me through visions that crossed me in this space.
Very transcendent and NDE-like experience that started from prayer. Both in English and in Italian.
326. Eric Experience 10/31/2016 From Belgium Suddenly I was flooded by the greatest feeling of love you can imagine.
I never have felt this before (even with my first girlfriend when I was 16, the first love of my life, this doesn't even come close) nor have I felt this later.
It was incredible. The feeling of love and being loved was so intense.
Then a voice in my head started to communicate with me.
STE with spiritual insights.
325. Kathy T Experience 9/20/2016 All of a sudden I came up to another plane. I saw thousands of white, beautful Angels or beings. And I said 'oh, thats where the beautiful sounds coming from'. One Angel came to me and we communed telepathically. She looked at me with such love and compassion. She could see everything there was about me, there was nothing I could hide, although I did not want to hide anything. She was pure white and iridescent with form but without form, it's hard to put it into words, but she was beautiful and full of pure love and compassion.
STE at time of severe side effects from medication.
324. Silvia Experience 9/18/2016 From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated into English by Sean.A thought came into my head, and I said in an almost happy voice “Ahhh... it is going to be like this” referring to my death. Then all the water went...and then everything was totally white, everything was light – not blinding – but clear and a feeling of absolute love like I had never felt. The pleasure, the enjoyment or happiness was imeasureable. If I had to choose a word, it would be ecstasy or an eternal orgasm...
STE from relaxing in the ocean. In English and in Spanish.
323. Doreen W Experiences 9/18/2016 When I looked at the people on the machines I saw Light in their stomachs. Each one of the people was lit up with this bright Light. The next day I was sitting in my chair in the living room when all of a sudden I realized who I truly am. I saw that I was really God. I know that sounds strange but I saw that I was whole and perfect and that I didn't need or want anything at all. I told my husband "I am that I am". Again all my fear went away.
Two STEs involving seeing light.
322. Helen R Experiences 7/13/2016 I became aware of a much brighter light behind my head, in the room. I turned my head and looked. In the doorway between the living room and dining room was a tall column of light, reaching almost all the way to the ceiling. I couldn't see a figure in it, but i knew instinctively that this was Christ. He began moving toward me at the speed of a mortal man walking.
STE meeting with Christ and SOBE while explaining about God to an atheist.
321. Miriam A Experience 7/11/2016 The feeling I had brought tears to my eyes and continues to do so even today when I tell someone this story. It didn't last for long...I'd say about 30 seconds. Then it was gone and it has not happened to me since that night… The immense love I felt cannot be expressed in words.
STE with feelings of love.
320. Sylvie G Experience 7/7/2016 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. Then, far away at the right, I notice a white cylinder made of rings. I'm seeing the rings because they create a gray shadow. But the cylinder is very white, very luminous. I'm attracted irresistibly. And I notice what is at the other end of the tunnel. It's magnificent. Lights, rather green and a bit yellow, but light; there are some things like light bubbles dancing. There are sounds also. Not music nor voices, but very soft sounds. I feel better and better. I'm realizing that the light bubbles are in fact 'spirits' of deceased people. And there, I see my grandmother Juliette dancing in the light (she died 2 years before). I'm not astonished, as she always told me that she adored dancing! I feel better and better, filled with peace.
An STE from an attempted suicide with a dosage far too small to be fatal. Experience posted In both English and French.
319. Rebecca V Experiences 6/12/2016 I wondered to myself with an innocent curiosity, 'Hm... I wonder why that sign is red and white... Why did the owners choose those colors?' Then suddenly it HIT me! Everything! The answers to everything. I KNEW everything. I knew why the signs were that color, I knew why fish swam, I knew why we do the things we do, I knew why we were here, I knew everything there was to know. It was so instantaneous; like a split second.
Three remarkable STEs.
318. Marsha R Experience 5/15/2016 I saw a PURE WHITE SUN above me, a few feet above me -- it was perhaps 4-8 inches thick; its rays were 2 inches thick and 8-12 inches long. When I first saw this PURE WHITE SUN, I realized that this WHITE SUN was PURE SPIRITUAL LIGHT from the Father God. I saw the world as in physical form, but it was lit up, illuminated, but not to the point of blinding light. The world was a bit brighter, from that WHITE SUN. Every atom of the physical world had a speck (dot) of pure white light in it, from that WHITE SUN.
Transcendent experience at age 13.
317. Sharon Kay C Experience 4/17/2016 In the light there were two beings one I could not see but hear and one I could see but she did not speak. Then I walked through something like a wide open door into a place of golden light. I noticed there was movement and I focused to see what was moving about. As I looked I begin to see cloud like shapes of light. I was spun around like I was dancing with a being of light. I was taken to a place just along side of where we were dancing. I was told everyone was here now. I witnessed many who were awaking and dancing with this one being of light then taken to their place alongside what looked like a walkway yet it was like diamonds or comets moving around in it. I was told it was the river of life.
STE with many NDE-like elements.
316. Dwight C Experience 4/17/2016 Early one evening I became unconsciousness and experienced the 'out of body' sensation, entering into Heaven, looking down upon the earth, seeing events in the past and events in the future all simultaneously all within a super sentient state of ultimate bliss and grace and absolute complete love… I felt that my awareness, my sentiency, all cognition were fully united in a permanent bond with God, seeing, sensing, feeling more alive than when living on the earthly plane of material existence.
STE after difficult one and a half years.
315. Melissa M Experiences 3/28/2016 She said that I was going to see the face of God. I was happy for a second but almost immediately became frightened and said that I'm not ready for that. I was surprised at my reaction because I had considered myself a spiritual person. Even a bit superior to others. But when presented with the opportunity to go as far as seeing the face of God, I felt humbled and aware of my smallness. She took my hand and flew me along, and I was still protesting and she was saying I was ready and that I needed to open my mind to being ready. I consented to trust her judgment of my readiness. Then it was time to see God.
Remarkable STEs in dreams with fascinating progression of spiritual understanding.
314. Chris H Experience 7921n 3/9/2016 While in the presence of this light I immediately and fully felt it peering deeply into my own awareness, lovingly knowing everything about me all at once. Feeling such love coming from this light I suddenly came to an awareness that this sun was God! I was so overwhelmed and surprised that God was real that I mentally gasped and then yelled out, “You’re Real!” Just prior to this experience I had a deep mistrust of religion and rejected the concept of any kind of "God" or creator, much less the idea there was any continuation for human beings beyond our physical lives.
OBE with encounter with God.
313. Dr. Mary Experience 2/2/2016 From Canada Suddenly, I found I am in a very beautiful place greenery and bright sunshine. Its so bright and still so pleasant that its hard to describe in words.
In a word its beautiful, beyond imagination. I have seen a form of supreme power ( I don't want to reveal that form), as if welcoming me to that place with open arms. I found myself standing at the edge of a mountain, as if I am about to leap from there into huge dark cave or tunnel....
STE that started as a dream, from scientist who is Hindu.
312. Anna E Experience 1/11/2016 From Switzerland I sat in the bus talking to God. I said, 'Prove me that you exist. I need to know. Show me a light!' Ten minutes later I got off the bus and started to run home because it was so cold. Suddenly there was a blinking light in my coat, not in the pocket but it must have slipped down through an hole. I have no idea when I should have left it there, but it started blinking because I ran, and I knew it wasn't an accident. I got scared and said, 'Okay, okay I'm sorry, I believe in you.' The light was real but the circumstances it appeared didn't leave no doubt to me. It was a sign.
STE asking God to “Prove to me that you exist”.
311. Behnam R Experience 8/29/2015 From Iran. Original in Persian, translated to English by Amir. I was hearing his voice inside me (maybe it was telepathy). He asked me if I knew that I am dead? I said yes. He asked do I know that I have to pass that bridge too? I said yes with great sadness (I knew most likely I would fall into the valley). He said are you “Behnam” the son of … the son of …? I first wanted to lie to somehow save myself or maybe they return me. But I told myself if they find out I am lying it will be worse and they would say what a bad person who even lies here. While I was thinking all these thoughts I was also looking at his face. He looked quite different than the guards and had feelings and there was a excitement and energy in his look and was waiting for my response. I became certain that he is seeing my thoughts and knows I am not sure between telling the truth or lying. So I told the truth. After my response he looked at his book which now looked like a normal size book. Every time he turned a page, it would make no difference in the thicknesses of pages on this or that side of the book ( I felt that he knew what he is going to read but hesitating on purpose to see how do I react). Eventually he told me: “Your name is not here and essentially you are not supposed to be dead yet. God just wanted to give you a serious warning so you get your act together. Your situation is very bad and you better take these events seriously.”
STE dream where a child thought he died. Posted in both, Persian and in English. (Keep in mind that NDEs are remarkably consistent and NDErs many times do not see what they think they should see so it is not biased or made up. The other thing is that the experience is what it is. However, many people will use language they are familiar with to explain or communicate the NDE to others. Many people can only explain their experience in biblical or religious terms, so they internalize and explain it to others in terms of the bible or religion.)
310. Requested removal
309. Carolyn B Experience 8/23/2015 From Australia. While I was in the Light, I experienced a sense of love and compassion such as I'd never known previously. The Light was acceptance without any judgment whatsoever. I was intensely aware how much weight we carry in terms of what we think we ought to be doing, and with the petty problems and the struggles that take up our daily existence. All these concerns fell away from me in the presence of the Light, and I felt an indescribable sense of lightness, peace, freedom and love.
Stunning experience at group therapy.
308. Flo V Experience 7/26/2015 It was a beautiful day and sunshine filled the room. From above me on the ceiling an even brighter light emerged and came toward me. My heart flew out of my chest and was beating wildly about an arms length from me as if straining to get to that light. The light enveloped me completely and I was in the most outrageous love hug I'd ever felt. I was being loved to an absolutely ridiculous degree. It was PURE love. I was raised in a very loving family (atheist but very loving :) and I had never known love like this before. It was other-worldly. I remember thinking to myself, 'oh my god! I can't believe I'm getting this!'
Two experiences of feeling profound unearthly love.
307. Carole A Experience 7/14/2015 When I was in the recovery room at the hospital, I saw the words 'I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS' in bold black letters on golden-colored tiles written in descending formation.
STE in recovery room after surgery.
306. Mark E Experience 6/22/2015 Then this rather tall thin man dressed like a medieval monk came along side of me, to my left. Then the "dream" became real. He reached down and took my left hand, and had this strong urge to follow him. I was not scared or afraid, but I felt that this person was extremely "powerful" and wise. He sort of "told" me not to be afraid and to go with him. We walked down the central Isle of the church towards the confessional boxes on the left. The priest's center box door was opened, and we walked into it. Inside, we kept walking, but it was a dimly lit tunnel. Before I knew what was going on, we began to move extremely quickly until we began to "fly".
STE dream at age 6.
305. Peter C Experiences 6/20/2015 & 8/3/15 Immediately, I become aware of both past and future lives. These are not happening sequentially, one after the other, set in a style of birth, death, and rebirth. Instead, they are all happening concurrently. It doesn’t matter how long or short the life is, it is still occurring as though speeded up or slowed down to match the pace of some other timeline, or perhaps the life in which I am having this vision. This is my most immediate awareness, but in being aware of these, that they are an intimate part of me, of my character and of my soul, they do not define me. I am still me, separate and apart from these lives. Though we may share a common soul, each of these lives is separate and is independent in their own minds. I know that these eventually merge and become one with the learning and wisdom of all and the minds of many. But for now we are separate, but remain interconnected in an intimate way.
Profound is an understatement for this astoundingly detailed and transcendent vision.
304. Deidre R Experience 6/20/2015 I found myself up above looking down at this deflated thing on the table. I had no connection to it. It looked odd to me as I studied it. It reminded me of a deflated balloon or a tube of toothpaste that has been squeezed empty. As I continued to observe this thing on the table, the face looked familiar and I realized I knew that person. It was me. Like a switch had been flipped, my lucidity heightened Now, I felt completely awake and functioning. I wondered if that was me on the table, but I was up above, what did I look like now? And I brought my left hand before my eyes to see this gorgeous gold, soft and glowing, translucent shape with tiny sparkles inside that glittered. It was the most beautiful thing I think I'd ever seen. And I turned my hand over and held it up and stared at it, marveling that this was me. I remember thinking, I am so beautiful. It was odd that I had no thought of my waking life. I had no sense of time outside that moment. No history or future. I existed now. A warmth that was love filled me and wrapped its beautiful self around me. I had no worries at that point.
STE with interesting content.
303. Yusuke M Experience 6/13/2015 From Japan. Original in Japanese, translated to English by Max. That powerful love was not just a love. Because of it, everything existed. This God’s love made everything exist.
I felt intense love and I could not stop loving everything in existence. I clearly understood that everything is so holy and precious.
While I was touched deeply, I also felt the intense calmness that I had never felt before.
Buddhist STE.
302. Conrad S Experience 5/9/2015 The next thing I remember was going through some type of initiation ceremony but there is no memory of exactly what happened. Then they left my mind and I was by myself again. I could have reasoned that this experience never happened except for one thing, when they left my consciousness they also left some information. I had a conscious memory of the values; Beauty, Order, Honesty, Truth, Laughter, Positive Thoughts and Path of the Golden Heart. I thought to myself, 'why laughter?' and with that thought I received an intuitive answer, 'when we're laughing we are in the moment, it is the ego-killer and it's hard to think ill of someone else when laughing.' I thought this sounded to be reasonable
STE while on 35 hour bus trip in Brazil.
301. Graciela B Experience 5/1/2015 From Uruguay. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean. Immediately I was carried to the other side, I was in a type of park, there was an intense light, I can't say if it was white, it lit up everything, but never dazzled, it was resplendent, the green of the grass was so intense, that I couldn't compare it with any other colour here on Earth. Then I saw my puppy, it was lying down, I felt so happy to see it, she was seventeen years old and had died less than a year ago, and I missed her so much, I cried so much, but now I saw her as a pup of three years, with black radiant fur, not as she was then, when she was blind and ill. I said happily “Yacky it's me!” and went to stroke her, but I stayed there and said (without words, just through thought)... but Yacky you are dead! If you have died then I am dead as well! Only then did I realize my current state, in that moment. Immediately I was taken to where the wise beings were. Then I realized they had had to go away from there to deliberate the decision that had been left in their hands. The one in the middle in front was still communicating with me, he said that in my next life I had to go to the USA, this caught my attention and I said the “USA”? He replied “Not USA the country, but one in another dimension above the USA!”
STE during a dream.
300. Scott F Experience 4/18/2015 As I stood in the apple grove I was suddenly overcome by a powerful energy. It was nothing I could see but it felt electric and warm. I was suddenly overcome with joy. My senses became heightened. I could now sense the life in the tree's and every blade of grass. The warmth began to get more intense and with it a feeling of unconditional love unlike anything I ever could have imagined in life. I was at one with my surrounding's. I could smell every blade of grass, apple and the air was sweet. I could see the figure off in the distance, standing quietly as if to ' let me have my time here to take all of this in '. Standing near the apple tree's I noticed it was getting dark. Overcome with happiness I then knelt to the ground. I was crying with joy. There I was ' Home' I remember saying repeatedly with joy to myself out loud ' I'm home. I'm finally home '.
Profound STE during a dream.
299. Leeann A Experience 3/27/2015 From New Zealand David and the other people were sitting on the blanket eating lunch and chatting, the boys were playing in the sand, I was standing at the waters edge watching the boys playing, my mind said walk backwards into the water, so I did, I walked and walked, I could still see the kids on the beach, I looked above me and there was water my height plus above me, I thought if this is drowning yes please I like it, I was feeling so clam just standing there, I asked in my mind, is this it? what happens now,?... then a very gentle male voice said it's not your time, you have things many things to do......when this voice stopped I heard my son Paul calling his daddy, daddy daddy I can't see mummy any more. and with that I stared walking back to shore, it took a blink of time to get back on shore to stand beside my son, I looked down and I was bone dry not one drop of water on me at all.....
STE at time of suicide attempt by drowning.
298. Bill B Experience 3/17/2015 My next awareness was of being in a long tunnel; it was a cave with red stone walls. This was more than a dream, it was very real and yet I had an awareness that I had that life on the surface, in the car. Surprisingly I felt very happy there. I loved that place and the sense of time was so ... ancient beyond ancient, beyond any sense of time. The stone walls had cave paintings, much like the ones at Lascaux. What I noticed though was the painting were knowledge of the deep of our existence, and I could read the meaning. Moving deeper and deeper I found myself happier, more ebullient, joyful and comprehending of this cascade of knowing. The deeper I went the more it became apparent the walls and paintings were really made of light in little rainbows of color and not stone and pigment. Finally, very deep in this place, I came to the end of knowing. There is such a place. it was then I turned to my right and saw this warm, most wonderful, welcoming, familiar light. I was home! This is home.
STE dream at time of crisis in his life
297. Elena Experience 3/8/2015 From Venezuela. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean. He accompanied me again in my body. The next day I did it again on my own. And this way I travelled for a year. But after a year I felt there had been much more and one night I emboldened myself and made a big mental effort (to get me going further through the tunnel, it was like falling through it) when suddenly I heard a noise like a “splash” and I was in a dark empty place, there was nothing except darkness around me, but just then I saw a point of light, far away and I knew, I don't know how, automatically, that if I prayed, it would come near me, and I prayed the only prayer I knew the “Our father” and I repeated it until the light came look for me and I was in the cone of light. Without thinking, I walked to the source of the light I got close to it, and I felt it put it's hand on my shoulder, although it wasn't like this, because I was frightened that I didn't have a shoulder, and they said to me “No you can't continue because if you go any further you won't be able to return” in an instant I knew, that if I went where I was going, some form of energy would spread me into all other energies.
Many NDE-like dreams.
296. Phil F Experience 3/4/2015 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. I felt good, quiet, then this calmness intensified softly, but more and more. Then things get very difficult to explain, I felt being in an INDESCRIBABLE happiness, a serenity, a real IMMENSE happiness. There was love that filled me more and more. At the same time I started to know many things, and the longer it continued the more I understood, like a kind of puzzle that was rebuilding in front of me. For all questions that I asked myself, I instantly got the answer, that came to me as an evidence, and this knowing was filling me with still more joy. I really felt good, and was extremely lucid.
STE from France.
295. Ulla B Experience 2/28/2015 From Denmark. Original in Danish, translated to English by Mette Line. I saw brief images of my life. This part of the experience is unclear – I don’t recall the details, only the feeling I had, that nothing really mattered, and that I shouldn’t spend time on it. The most important thing in life, the only important thing was love for other people, the love that encompasses us. Giving and receiving love from others, as well as offering and wanting to offer forgiveness. Living in the moment – joy in what we see and experience. The Light – God’s love felt warm and vibrated throughout my “body”.
STE from a NDE-like OBE.
294. Eeva-Kaisa R Experience 2/21/2015 From Finland It was totally dark. The darkness was warm and heavy, pressure-like. Like water around me. It was full of meaning, heavy with all the meaning of life. I felt a presence of a huge, solid wall. I was not close to the wall, but it was there. I knew it was the Wall between life and death. The edge of life. It was not open to me. I was taken there to understand that there is a limit to pain. Pain is not infinite. Pain is something that belongs to life. To this world. When life is over, pain will be over. Behind the Wall there is no pain.
STE at time of their life when they were in great pain due to liver failure.
293. Seva H Experience 2/15/2015 Then in less than a blink of an eye I was out of my body and was behind it. My perspective was of being several feet back, even though I was hovering near the kitchen wall behind my body, which was only maybe 3 feet away. I say this because everything seemed farther away. I sensed that I was formless, but orb like, like a clear small orb, or spark. Yet I felt huge somehow, but in a way that is difficult to describe. I immediately remembered that this perspective was the real me (like waking up from a dream and remembering that you are the real you, not the dream you). I could see the entire kitchen and everyone standing around, and I noticed my body standing away from me and yet I felt absolutely no connection to it. I do not mean only that I had no emotional connection to it, which I didn’t, but that I had no bodily sensations at all, nor would I be able to control it’s movements. And my vision was not connected to my body in any way. As a matter of fact, I could not see what the eyes of my body were seeing.
Interesting SOBE while standing in the kitchen with others around.
292. Robert S Experience 2/15/2015 We also asked for the free will to decide if each of us would help or hurt one another. And we are the ones interpreting discipline for judgment and punishment. The song tells us that we've asked for independence from our Creator. But no Creator or parent would give up on an erring child after a mistake or two. We don't remember because of His forgiveness.
STE at a critical time during his life.
291. Darian Q Experience 2/10/2015 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. Calmly I thought by myself that this light was supernatural, and that it probably was the manifestation of a divine presence, but that this visit after all was quite logical, as we were being told about God. I had the impression that this revelation was a personal chance. But I had not the time to linger on this subject, nor to try to know if the others saw the light also. So after my deduction it seemed normal to me, not to keep interested anymore in this, and to concentrate again on the words of the catechist, as you would do after the arrival of a latecomer. I even noted by myself, that having divine powers, it would beat everything having missed the beginning of the lesson! I was wrong, this presence wasn't too late, the moment was selected, as the lady would soon say something important.
Very in-depth spiritual experience, espesically for a 5 year old.
290. Sallyan G Experience 2/10/2015 From the UK. In that moment I saw that I was a mirror image of Jesus and as I looked into his eyes I saw my Father God and I remembered everything. I ran into his arms and we bear hugged. It was like a scene from the prodigal son. The emotion was nothing to compare with on earth. Incredible. There were no words and o questions just deep peace and I had no memory of the world or the body I had just left. It was like it never existed. It was like I just woke from a dream. We walked hand in hand and sat down by a babbling brook and dipped our bare feet in the water. Father was skimming stones when suddenly we disappeared completely. I cannot speak of this time I just do not know what happened. Sometime later we were back on the banks of the brook and the Father gave me a healing wand and said this is a symbol of what you are on earth. You are a healer like me.
Life-long atheist STE. Stunning encounter with Jesus and God.
289. Russell R Experience 2/1/2015 Turning back over my right shoulder to look up, I saw a being in a long white flowing robe standing in the air a few inches off the ground. His hands were exposed a little above his wrists and his robe’s hem touched the tops of his feet. A glorious, but non-blinding white light brighter than the sun, radiated from his being, flooding the surrounding grove. His radiance was brightest nearest his personage. His thick hair, white and shoulder length, was neatly groomed and he wore a full, white, neatly trimmed beard. His most striking and curious feature to me was his eyes, which seemed to appear as if they were on fire and yet they were not. Remember, this was how I perceived the Savior’s eye’s as an eight year old.
Baptized into the Mormon church at age 8, and shortly after had an STE dream. Interesting to note the strong Mormon influence in the dream, and the difference in his encounter with Jesus and NDE descriptions of encountering Jesus. Exceptionally long account and fundamentalist in tone.