The Survival Research Institute of Canada (SRIC)
The Survival Research Institute of Canada (SRIC) is pleased to announce the release of records relating to the psychical research experiments conducted in Toronto during the 1970s by A.R.G. (George) and Iris Owen. In Canada, George and Iris Owen are known for their experiments with members of the Toronto Society for Psychical Research that resulted in creation of an imaginary ghost or �tulpa.� The Toronto group named its ghost �Philip,� created a detailed story about his life, and entered into communication with him through raps in the surface of a card table. The Owens concluded that the raps and paranormal movements of the table resulted from the combined psychokinetic (PK) energy of the group.
Documentation relating to the Toronto experiments is now available for free download, for educational and research purposes only, through the SRIC website:
� New Horizons Journal, 1972-1978
� New Horizons Research Foundation occasional papers � a collection of 53 papers, most authored by George and/or Iris Owen
Following Iris Owen�s death in 2009, Robin Owen transferred to SRIC the remaining records of his parents� psychical research experiments. After paying to create digital copies of the journals and occasional papers, SRIC deposited the originals, along with correspondence and other records, in the University of Manitoba Dept. of Archives & Special Collections (MSS 373), to ensure their permanent preservation.
Three upcoming presentations will discuss the history of table levitation phenomena in Brooklyn (5 April), Laguna Woods, CA (1 June), and Dearborn, MI (6 June). If you would like to attend or know interested individuals in those areas, detailed information is available on the SRIC website.
If this material has been of interest to you, please consider making a donation toward the acquisition, preservation and digitization of additional materials relating to psychical research, mediumship, and spiritual healing. To receive a receipt for Canadian income tax purposes, you may donate to either the Survival Research Institute of Canada (click on Donations Welcomed to use your PayPal account or credit card) or the recently created Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund at the University of Manitoba.
Financial contributions to the Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund must be made through the University of Manitoba and are eligible for an income tax receipt in both Canada and the United States. To receive a receipt for Canadian tax purposes, please select the fund name from the drop-down list on the University of Manitoba fund-raising page: Alternately, Canadian donations may be made by phone (1-204-474-9195) or by mail to University of Manitoba Donor Relations, 179 Extended Education Complex, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada. Please make your cheque payable to the University of Manitoba and note on the cheque that the funds are intended for the Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund.
To receive a receipt for United States tax purposes, please make your cheque payable to the University of Manitoba Foundation U.S.A. Inc. and include a letter expressing your �wish and desire� that your donation be directed towards the Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund. Mail your cheque to University of Manitoba Foundation U.S.A. Inc., c/o Ms C. McGahan at Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella PC, 22nd floor, IBM Plaza, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-3607 United States
Thank you for your financial support of ongoing efforts to preserve records of psychical research experiments. Personally, I hope that records of such experiments will ultimately help humanity better understand:
1) the little understood human psychokinetic (PK) energy that may prove more important for its role in �spiritual healing� than in moving objects, bending spoons or moving tables; and
2) the mechanism by which mediums are able to communicate with non-physical beings, whether surviving post-mortem personalities or a thought form created by a group.
Walter Meyer zu Erpen, President
Survival Research Institute of Canada
Post Office Box 8697
Victoria B.C. V8W 3S3
Charitable Organization Researching Survival of the Human Personality After
(Charitable Registration Number: 87138 7536 RR0001)
An income tax receipt will be issued for donations of $10.00 or more.