Richard C Experience
Experience description:
My OBE occurred after graduating from college in '73 (it
occurred in 1974). A friend came to visit. I started to feel funny while I
was talking: Chest pain, thready pulse, clammy palms, cyanotic
nail beds, sweaty forehead, rapid pulse ...
The next thing I knew, I had ‘popped out’ of’ my body through the top of my head, and I was looking down at myself in the chair from above. My friend ran around looking for blankets to warm me up while I watched. It was amazing. I had what can only be described as 360-degree vision in every direction along every radian. It was the ultimate univision. There were no angles I couldn't see simultaneously. But: I could not go beyond the ceiling. I looked at my body in the chair and just one ‘profound’ thought came to mind: “No more taxes." The experience lasted roughly fifteen minutes, and then I felt myself being drawn back into my body through the top of my head; exactly the reverse of how I left it. As I re-entered, all of the pain returned and I was thinking, 'NO! I don't want to go back.' I was warm, comfortable, free of pain, and 'disembodied’. It was wonderful. Then, I was forced to re-enter this physical shell we wear during our time here.
In the years since that event,
I’ve concluded I'm here because I still have some purpose. It may have to do
with my daughters or their families - I don't know. We're never told why
we're here. I believe that, once we've learned whatever we're supposed to
learn while we’re here, we don't return. This event is the reason I no
longer fear 'death' - it's only an illusion, albeit a fairly permanent
Any associated medications or
substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
Yes It's a 'You had to be there' kind
At the time of this experience, was
there an associated life threatening event?
I'm still alive 50 years later, so
'life-threatening' doesn't seem to fit. I am, however, a cardiac patient
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
completely conscious
Was the experience dream like in any way?
Did you experience a separation of
your consciousness from your body?
Yes it was magical, and I did NOT want
to return to my physical body
What emotions did you feel during
the experience?
warmth, lack of
pain, calm
Did you hear any unusual sounds or
i heard no
noise or sounds
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from
familiar religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by
incredible or amazing creatures?
Did you see a light?
Did you meet or see any other
Did you experiment while out of the
body or in another, altered state?
Did you observe or hear anything
regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified
Did you notice how your 5 senses
were working, and if so, how were they different?
all non-physical senses were retained
Did you have any sense of altered
space or time?
Did you have a sense of knowing,
special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Yes I could not move upward any further
than the ceiling
Did you become aware of future
Were you involved in or aware of a
decision regarding your return to the body?
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts
following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes I understood that 'death' is only a
Fig Newton of our emancipation
How has the experience affected
your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
Has your life changed specifically
as a result of your experience?
Have you shared this experience
with others?
Yes the most common reaction is
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
regret that I
had to come back
What was the best and worst part of
your experience?
(a) cessation
of pain & (b) resumption of pain
Is there anything else you would
like to add concerning the experience?
Following the experience, have you
had any other events in your life, medications or substances which
reproduced any part of the experience?
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Yes what more can I add that hasn't
already been addressed here?