Rich W's Experience
Experience description:
I have had many oobes,
since this first one, but the first consciously induced experience was while
practicing Robert Monroe's technique of relaxing, then focusing on a point above
the head a few feet. Just hold your focus on that point, and practice not
thinking or talking in the head.
I practiced that for
about two weeks, while also doing affirmations of �I am awake while my body is
asleep� and also wrote on paper 100 times I am having an out of body
I also was reading
about oobes a lot (in Journey's Out of Body by R. Monroe).
This first experience
was brief.
I was laying on the
floor on a comfortable mat, head facing north, face down.
I was uncomfortable on
the bed. I fell asleep on the floor and woke up maybe 10 minutes later, face
down. I realized that my physical body was still asleep, while I was wide awake
and more awake than usual. I looked up, as I did so I lifted my head off the
pillow. I realized that my physical head had not moved, and that I had lifted
my head out of the body. I could see clearly.
It was twilight. I
could see the walls of the bedroom. They were not exactly the same as the
physical walls. But were generally in the same location.
There was an eerie
ambiance the whole scene. Not much if any color because it was dark. It was
very quiet, in strange yet peaceful sort of way.
I was totally
fascinated that I partially of of body.
I lifted my right arm,
and it came out of body too. The physical body just lay there, unmoving.
I was more awake,
aware, conscious and clear thinking than in physical waking reality. Being that
awake, Self-aware and conscious inspires awe and gives one a new fascination for
what it's like to be really awake.
After this brief
experience, I was drawn back fully into the physical body, maintaining full
wakefulness as it occurred.
I have met hideous
looking human looking creatures.... I can only speculate what it meant. Perhaps
it was their own belief about who what they themselves believed about themselves
(by virtue of how they have lived life) that causes them to create their own
images so hideous. (Just speculation... but yes, I have seen some amazing
creatures. I have seen Dinosaurs, flying elephants, beautiful horses. My own
dog that crossed over.)
I was at a place once
that was like a lonely Tavern on the highway. Inside were what seemed to me to
be just regular people, who were drinkers. It appeared to be a place where
these particular folks came to hang out after they had died. They didn't seem
to understand what was going on, on a deep level, but they did no that they had
�died� and were sort of waiting around, in what was the most
comfortable/familiar environment for them. I was inside talking to them
briefly, but when I went outside, one fellow came out with me to the parking
lot. Crunchy gravel, one lonely street lamp, dim in a wet fog. A few old
clunkers parked under it. This fella seemed somewhat despondent as he explained
to me that he really didn't know what to do or where to go from here.
As religious teachings
go... seems like a kind of purgatory for the people I met there.
I have also been to a
park-like environment on at least 5 occasions. Very nice place. Green lawns,
sidewalks, benches with people sitting and chatting. Flowers. Trees. Some
might call it Heaven. Robert Monroe mentioned �the Park� in his adventures and
I am inclined to think it was likely that's where I went on at least some of
those occasions.
I have on other
occasions seen the following relatives who have passed on to the other planes.
My father: At a Golf
Club (his idea of Heaven I suppose). We didn't talk, but he sat across the
table from me, looking at me kindly, and I looked at him. He appeared to not
really understand how I was there. He was ok emotionally speaking, not unhappy
or anything. But it was like he really didn't know what to say, so he said
nothing as he fiddled with his cigarette pack. The experience only lasted about
30 to 60 seconds. Long enough for each of to understand that the other was ok
and doing fine. Then I shifted back to physical reality.
My Dog. I met him
�over there� about 8 months after he crossed over. We were together in a field
while I was having this out of body experience. We were so happy to see each
other. We played and frolicked in the grass for awhile. It was sweet. It felt
good to know that he was fine and happy (and had not, as some would have me
believe- �absorbed into the great Consciousness of Dogness� where all dogs go
after death, because they don't have individual consciousness - or some such
philosophical �Dogma� (chuckle, chuckle).
My cousin. He died in
his 20's with a history of drug abuse. I met him across the veil a few years
after he crossed over. I met him in his �hang-out�. He was living life after
death, in a room over a garage in a pleasant but meager neighborhood in the
higher planes. He was still recovering from a hard life. He wasn't happy, but
wasn't really depressed any more either. He was getting along just fine, and
felt comfortable in the surroundings he had. A cot in the corner, no dry-wall
on some of the walls, cobwebs in the corners, crumbs of debris and dust on the
floor... but not bad digs really. I talked to him for a bit to sort of cheer
him up and let him know I still love him and think about him from time to time.
What I got from him was that he knew he'd be fine, and that he just needed more
time to recover. He's a good guy, best childhood friends, we were. We played
the Ouija board together and talked to a discarnate spirit using it, when we
were young teenagers. Who would have guessed that 10 or 15 years later we would
meet �over there� and talked face to face.
Best girl friend when
I was in grammar school:
I don't know if she is
still on the physical plane or not, lost contact over 40 years ago. However I
have been with her on at least three occasion while out of body. Very angelic
experiences every time. Of all the people I have known in the physical who I
have seen �over there� she's the one that fits the idea and description, most
closely... of ANGEL. What a loving sweet Angel she is, truly. What was
communicated was pure love and friendship. I really love her.
I have asked �Are you
really a person, or are you just something I am creating or imagining?�
Answer: �I don't know. What do YOU think?�
I once asked a girl if
I could have a drink of her water so I could determine what it tasted and felt
like. Her and her girlfriend were on a veranda overlooking some trees and
grass, sitting in the sun just chatting as I came flying over the trees and saw
them sitting there. I touched down next to them and they were quite pleasant
and friendly. I saw the glass of water there on the table and asked if I could
have a sip. �Sure�. So I took a sip. It tasted like water, but finer, and
purer. A very delicate taste and texture. Oh yes, and WET! Very important!
I once stuck my hand in
extremely cold water while out of body, experimenting to see if I could feel
coldness. I was in the mountains with snow and icy water. I put my hand in the
ice cold water and could very very, very clearly it's coldness. (In physical
terms it felt much colder than 32 degrees (freezing). However there was NOT the
attendant feeling of pain that usually goes with sticking your hand in extremely
cold water and leaving it there for awhile. So I felt all the cold, but no
pain. Very interesting.
Singing experiment: In
the physical plane I can't sing, can't carry a tune, can't hit a clear note,
can't play an instrument. I tried singing while out of body. My singing voice
was absolutely beautiful. And I could sing and make up lyrics on the fly. And
play the guitar. It sounds like I am making this stuff up. I mean as I read
this, it just seems to get more and more unbelievable. But it's true. For over
40 years I have been in love with this subject and have done many different
experiments to get out of body, and many more once I get out. So I have lots of
stories to share.
I have talked to ETs on
board their craft. At least three different times, three different types of ET,
in three different OOBEs. The most memorable is the one where the totally human
looking old guy came walking down the ramp out of the craft that had just landed
(in some higher plane that I was having an oobe in). I went over to him because
I really wanted to talk to this guy. He said �We came to see YOU, Rich.� Well
that surprised me because after about 100 oobes this was the first time anyone
called me by name, my real earth name. Long story short, I was invited on
board, and actually shown these beautiful living quarters. Big picture window
that looked out on a huge park with trees, ponds, lawns and all. And inside,
there was a fireplace, oak dinner table, beautiful furnishings, the works. It
was BEAUTIFUL. The place as so gorgeous and like my own dream place... that
literally, tears welled up in my eyes (over there). The old guy said �This is
for you Rich, when you're ready.� It was a powerful experience... I couldn't
handle any more wonderfulness than that and instantly shifted back to the
physical plane... and had still had tears in my eyes here too. It was a good
As an experiment... to
understand the Beings �over there� and understand their world.. I often tell
them I am from the physical plane and ask them if they have ever heard of it.
I get different answers
from different people I have asked... things like:
1. Never heard of the
2. Yes, I used to live
3. Yes, I have a body
there right now.
4. Yes, I have heard of
it, you poor thing, I am so sorry. (Realizing she was being compassionate and
sympathetic toward my situation, I told this sweet girl something like �Oh no,
it's ok, you get used to it, it's not as bad as it sounds, really.�)
Another experiment has
to do with memory �over there� vs �memory in the physical�. While in a
different plane of existence (usually something as simple as an average looking
neighborhood full of houses, streets, cars, and trees) I have consciously asked
myself if I have memory here, as in do I have a history here that I can recall
if I try. The answer is yes. One time I practiced remembering what I had just
done� moments before. That worked just fine. And right after doing that I
became so awake, aware and conscious of BEING there, that, that world became
more real, and more wonderful BY FAR, than my physical life. And I actually
said to myself while there �Is this perhaps the REAL reality then? Because THIS
place is ABSOLUTELY more real (an d enjoyable) in every way, than what I have
ever experienced in the physical plane... even on my best day there.�
I haven't tried to move
physical objects while in the astral or etheric planes. At least not that I
can recall right now.
I have experimented
with changing the shape of my astral/energy body. I have looked at my astral
fingers, intending them to grow longer, and they did without effort.
I have watched my hand
�bleed� while over there. Looked like real blood. It was a little cut is all.
I don't believe we actually have red blood in our astral bodies, but there it
was �bleeding.�
Such as:
1. A wasp like three
inches away, very clear, every detail, color, wings, legs everything.
2. The sparkle in the
fine dust particles as I sift sand through my fingers. I can see the rainbow
colors as the sun reflects off the silica.
3. I have asked myself
(while out of body) what is the same and what's different about this place....
that makes it uniquely NOT physical. Sounds are clearer, visual details more
vivid, and detailed. Textures very, very distinct. I have shoved my hand
through walls of building paying particular attention to tactile sensation, and
I could feel my hand go through first brick, then a cement wall after that, and
then plaster as my hand and arm went through into the next building (that was
build right up against the shop that I was in. Tactile/sense of touch can be
Smell is a bit trickier
(for me). But if I put my attention on sense of smell I can definitely smell
things. All I can remember now is smelling a girls hair. If I looked through
my journals I can probably find more fragrances I've smelled while out of
body... but like I said, smells a bit trickier than visual and tactile.
Audio? I have to focus
more distinctly on sounds before I can fully appreciate the differences in sound
quality in the physical vs in the other planes and realms. But when I do, the
audio quality over there is way better. Sounds sound clearer. If you hear a
fire crackling it is absolutely unmistakable for example, even though you can't
see it.
Music over there can be
unbelievably sweet too. I have been in a few environments where there is
music. Can't see where it's coming from but it's really pretty music... like an
orchestra playing. But better.
I have listened to
others sing while �over there�. My singing sounds great and so do theirs.
Taste: I have
experimented with taste only twice that I can recall clearly. Water, which I
mentioned earlier, and then there was once in an astral desert environment. It
occurred to me to test my sense of taste while in this desert so I walked over
to a pale blue-gray desert plant and plucked a leaf off and put it in my mouth
and focused on it. Yep. Taste! It was very, very delicate, likened to a weak,
almost tasteless tea, if it were on the physical. But over there it was not
�weak: so much as delicate. I am not good with words that describe flavors so
I'm not much help on that, but think pleasant, delicate, desert plant flavors
that you could use in a delicious soup.
In conclusion, except
for taste and smell the usual physical senses can be above 10 on a scale where
physical sight, sound and touch peak out at 10. And what I have noticed is that
I can experience a keener sense simply by focusing on it with the intent of
experiencing more fully. (I was able to do these kinds of things because in the
physical world I have been trained in helping people improve there physical
perception of the physical world using various perception drills. I learned
those over 40 years ago... I simply started using them on myself but while in
the non-physical realms. Works like a champ!
I have asked a few
people who I've met in the higher planes �When is this?� And �What year is
this?� (There answers where not consistent with our calendar though)
One time while out of
body I was exchanging phone numbers with a girl I'd never met before. We
thought we could contact each other once we got back to the physical. We
realized this wouldn't work when she told me she was from �GUS�. On further
inquiry we G.U.S. (Gus for short) is what people from her time-line and
alternate reality system call �The Greater United States� and it was called
�greater� because there was also �Lesser� United States. So something was WAY
different from our respective physical reality systems from which we both came
from just an hour so ago.
A Space experiment:
One time while out of body I was on a street lined with houses and a few trees.
It looked kinda �low-rent� though. It occurred to me to shift my consciousness
and vibration �up� a bit to see what happened.
What happened was that
the environment �upgraded� magically to a bit nicer looking place. The house
looked nicely painted, the grass was greener, literally. The litter was gone.
And it looked like a neighborhood were there was neighborhood pride and care for
one's environment.
So I did this
vibrational shifting thing again to yet a higher rate. The Space changed
again. It was the same �place� I wasn't moving. I was still standing in front
to the same house looking down the same road. But the houses and landscape did
one of those movie special effect things where all things morphed into something
more beautiful. The houses were much prettier. Generally the same but now with
some extra architecture add-ons, nicer exteriors, and the landscaping was very,
very nice. It was now more like your dream neighborhood.
Time-Travel. Again
this is starting to sound almost unbelievable for some. But one time I found
myself out of body and involved in a rescue mission. Apparently a scientist had
been kidnapped and hidden in a hotel room in time-line not his own. Weird
sci-fi stuff, but there I was like a �Time-Cop� to the rescue. I found him (tied
in a chair) got 'em loose and took him out of there... Back to his own time
presumably. I shifted consciousness back the physical before it was �over�. I
think what's going on in adventures like this are as explained by Robert Monroe
when he merges with another Self in some alternate reality system (as in the
account of him merging with the Architect Self.
The place was like a
little dirty, industrialized city. The People who were brought there (I am
assuming right after they died physically) were �processed� and mind controlled
to not remember their past life in the physical world. So there they were all
very busy with a life of labor in this artificial city life do God knows for for
God knows who.
It was a freaky place.
I remember a lot of detail, the oobe lasted about 30 minutes or more in
subjective time, and I wrote up the experience in detail.
The highlights though
are that (before I realized everyone there was sort of mind controlled or
hypnotized) I was watching these people being brought to this place in large
numbers by transport ships (space craft) and this was like a little floating
city sort of deal. I watched them get processed in and like homeless refugees
after a huge disaster they were all in this huge space lots of beds, and tents,
and groups where families were trying to stay together. From there they were
being sent down to the planets surface. I went down to the surface to see what
was up. There I saw all these poor people working away, just like (I imagine)
when they were in the physical world. It was like these people weren't getting
any relief like most people do when they �die�. Someone was having them
continue with the un-fun �work-work-work� thing. (My speculation).
I wanted to know how
self-determined these people were. Maybe they were consciously choosing this
So I spotted a girl
walking across some railroad tracks. I intercepted her so I could ask her
something. In my notes I have the exact thing I said... but for now it was
basically �Hello, are you awake?� She looked at me with this glassy eyed,
unfocused, trance-looking look, and said nothing. I got a little freaked, not
for my own safety, but for here and the others here. So I said with a lot of
intention something like, �Hello, wake-up�! And she blinked a couple times and
focused on me and actually saw me through her mental fog... But then became
instantly frightened and took off running back into the city with the other
people! So to even wake these people up wasn't necessarily the right thing to
do, at least not abruptly like that.
So these boundaries I
encountered... (there were two). One of them had to do with limiting or limited
consciousness that was causing this trance state in the people there. The other
was more of an electronic barrier to keep these people here. After the girl
took off running I was ready to get out there myself.
So I looked off into
the distance and saw some pretty mountains and trees and countryside. After
about 75 yards of me going in that direction, I started feeling nervous. I kept
walking though, same direction, and I started getting freaky nervous, and very
apprehensive. A few more steps and I was feeling a strong compulsion myself, to
run back �to the safety� of the city and the people there. Well THAT just
didn't seem right at all, and it occurred to me that this was some kind of
energy field to hold the people here. The closer you get to the �perimeter� of
this containment facility the more you get sacred and desire to run back to the
city. Very clever. Well I just bucked up, gritted my astral teeth and kept on
going. The compulsion to run back just got more intense but then I saw the
shimmering energy of the structure. I think it was a holographic image of
mountains in the distance, not actually mountains. I was able to walk right
into the energy field and through it, and from there shifted back to physical
consciousness, with me back in body, back in bed. I'm going THAT was weird! My
own take on this brings understanding for me. (But everyone needs to have their
own non-physical, wide awake adventures come up with their own first hand
To stay on topic, my
understanding of this was that this electronic, holographic, fear energy
radiating boundary was constructed to keep these people contained, people who
may have been alive in the physical, just prior to being brought to this place.
Why? I can only speculate. But I don't think the other Beings who brought these
discarnate human people to this place were savory. I don't think they were the
�good guys�. I think possible that my own guides helped get me to this strange
place because I had been asking for them to show things that would increase my
understanding of the higher planes and the greater reality. Message? Yes, it's
not ALL sweetness and Light �out there�.
So I have had a lot of
that happen because even though I know it can pre-empt a perfectly good oobe, I
am likely to ask the locals if they know about the physical plane.
One time, and only one
time that I can remember, I was unable to return to my physical body even after
I had totally decided I want to go back, but can't!
I was in a bad
situation, being chased by some people who I thought might try to hurt me. I
ran away from them but found myself trapped in a building with no way out. And
they were closing in fast. I was scared. So finally I decided to �just bail�
meaning �think about the physical, and instantly and easily shift back to my
body. Well this time it didn't happen. I didn't just shift back. Not good!
So with more intention and definitely the decision to GO BACK, I thought
�physical body, physical plane� over and over (about 3 or 4 times). Still no
go. I was really scared now, not just because the �bad guys� were almost on me,
but because I had NEVER been stuck �over there� before, ever. So now I was
literally banging my head against the wall (over there) saying things like �back
to the physical-back now, now, back!� Finally just before they nab me, I
shifted back to here, pretty freaked out... but got over it pretty fast. Still
don't know why it was so hard to shift back though. Perhaps something do with
the fear I was experiencing �over there� when trying to get back.
Another time a decision
to return to the physical was made by my friends �over there� and not me. I was
with a great group of friends. I love them very much, they live there, not
here. So now it's time for me to leave them, but I say no, I want to stay (and
I think I meant permanently!) Anyway they were very kind and loving and gentle
about how to handle me. One of my buddies gave me pen with a nice little saying
on it, as a farewell gift. I got hugs all around (there were about 6 or 8 guys
and gals there. Also this whole scene was staged at like a train station, for
departures. Classic really. So I still don't want to leave, but now, instead
of train arriving for me (all symbolic of course) a little one or two man space
craft lands for me right there were the train was supposed to stop. I didn't
want to get in though. So what happens next is that the spacecraft lifts up
(without me) and starts to land on another platform just across the tracks.
Inlaid as part of the design of the landing platform is an inscription that I
noticed as I watch the craft starting to land right on top of it. The
inscription said in tile... �Don't think about the Physical Plane.� Of course
just me reading it had me thinking �the physical plane�. That's the only
trigger needed, I shifted back instantly. Oh, those clever, loving friends of
-The physical plane is
not for everyone.
-There are probably
more human beings who have never been to the physical plane than exist in it
right now.
-The physical plane is
a very dense, heavy place relative to many other alternate reality systems that
are a lot like this physical reality system, except for the density and the
ability to experience pain.
-The physical plane is
the plane of pain. None of the other systems I have visited (in over 200
experiences) have pain as part of it's game plan.
-There's way more than
the astral plane. Another way to say this is that there are some worlds,
planes, dimensions, reality systems, Universes, and Multi-verses that exist in
consciousness that to call them astral travels or out of body experiences is
(although convenient) not always accurate.
-There's a Greater
Reality, it's vast and all kinds of Beings Human and non-human are playing on
many different planes of existence.
-We all are living many
different lives simultaneously. (A lot like in the book Adventures of Oversoul
-We all have the
potential to learn how to shift in consciousness and merge with other Selves, or
other aspects of Self that are living complete and full lives in other planes,
worlds and reality systems.
-I believe that this is
what I often do when I shift. I am merging with �other me's�. And for brief
moments I am in their shows being them living moments in my life, in some other
reality, or what have you. (You can read The Adventures of Oversoul 7 by Jane
Roberts/Seth a fictional account of how this might work, good stuff. And
because I have been fortunate enough to actually experience similar events first
hand, full awake, aware and conscious.... but not in this physical plane, tend
to agree with Seth and Jane, and Robert Monroe or things like this.)"
"Affected Relationships? Yes. I now prefer people who have an understanding to
learn and grow spiritually, and know what Life Holds for everyone after the body
Affected Religious
practices? Here's how I feel about religion, Webster's says it well:
Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary traces the word back to an old Latin word religio meaning �taboo,
restraint.� A deeper study discovers the word comes from the two words re and
ligare. Re is a prefix meaning �return,� and ligare means �to bind;� in other
words, �return to bondage.� I think that says it well for me.
-Robert Monroe's
Methods have worked best for me (his 3 books and his first tape series. I've
never been to his Monroe institute, just used his first 4 tapes for his first
The usual reaction is
somewhere between mild and strong interest. A couple people over the years
showed a passion and burning desire to learn and know more, and with those two I
actually coached them out of body while sitting with them face to face. And
with them I did further oobe research.
Research: This is one
of the reasons I am taking the time to share so much here. I believe in what
you are doing here. OOBE research and development has been my passion for over
30 years." "All kinds over the years but the 3 key one's are:
Love: Once I asked for
help on understanding love, and a few nights later was met (out of body) with a
beautiful girl. She just drifted up close to me and looked lovingly in my
eyes. I broke down and started crying, it was that good.
I came away going �Oh,
ok, so THAT'S what love is. Hmmm. WOW!!!� So then I knew.
Fear: A few times I
woke up afraid, having just experienced something scary. A pure evil Being-ness
(or what appeared to be that) came creeping out of a swamp once, after just
standing there in the water looking at me. Reminds of Luke Skywalker facing off
some pure evil. You could just feel the waves of evil radiating off of it!
Woke up scared from that one.
Frustration: During
those times I'd get out and get drawn or shifted back the physical by some
unknown or subconscious �thing� way before I was consciously ready to return.
Oftentimes I'll get out and instantly snap back the the physical - very
frustrating and disheartening." "There were several that were �best�.
-They included the
one's where I was with Loved Ones, True Loves, and Lovers.
-High Adventure �OOBEs�
are always super fun. They give hope that life after death can actually loads
of fun, and not just spiritual learning. Things like flying fast through
forests. Speed boating, chasing after the guys in the boat ahead of you, wind
and water blowing in your face, the sun beating down, bright and warm, you can
see for miles, crystal clear, vivid, fully awake, knowing you are out of body
having fun who knows where but it sure beats Kansas!
The worst part of
consciousness shifting for me is not the fear but the frustration that over the
years I have become less able to stay �out� for those really nice long oobes.
It's like I have peaked
out. It's not really true - but something's going on that I don't understand.
And I am unable to stay out as long as I'd like, and seem to get drawn back the
physical very quickly on many occasions. It can be very frustrating, and causes
me to not want to do the drills and exercises I used to do to get out, more,
better, and faster. Like, why bother if the experiences is going to be short
lived? That's the worst part of an experience for me.
This is the first site
on the subject that addresses it in a community research setting and I really
like that.
1. When we type in the
validation code �lynx� do we type in the quote marks too, or just the word
without the quote marks? I opted for no quote marks but not absolutely sure.
Hope that's right.
I think there might be
quite a few people who have a tremendous amount of experience with �getting out�
who like me have a lot to share, and thus have many oobes they can base their
answers on and not just one oobe. With that said, at the beginning of the
questionnaire the questions start out asking �time of experience�. So at first
I was just going to sort out which ONE experience might best represent my
answers. Then I thought, �oh lets just share the very first experience, cause I
think that's what he's researching. But then the questions just kept getting
better and better. So I shifted to include data from many different oobes I
have had over the years (filling maybe 1,000 or more pages of two OOBE
journals. I hope you don't mind me including answers from various oobes. If
it's ok to do it this way, perhaps a note to that effect at the beginning would
help. And if you really need and want answers to just one experience at a time,
I completely understand, but again a note to that effect would keep eager
beavers like me for �over doing it�. (smile)
Can people who answer
this questionnaire read other people's answer to it? Or is there a place or a
book you might be writing that will share your findings and results?
Any associated
medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of
experience difficult to express in words?
At the time of this
experience, was there an associated life threatening event?
What was your level
of consciousness and alertness during the experience?
If being awake and
alert and clear thinking in physical waking reality is a 10, then I was at about
11 or 12 at least.
the experience dream like in any way?
No. For me there's a
big difference in consciousness between dreams and being fully awake and aware
in a non-physical environment.
Did you experience
a separation of your consciousness from your body?
Yes In that my head
was completely out of the physical head, it was easy to get that I was not the
body, that I was apart from the body.
What emotions did
you feel during the experience?
Serene quiet mixed with
Did you hear any
unusual sounds or noises?
Not in this first one.
In one that followed a few days later, I heard �clapping� like there were
non-physical beings watching my progress as I began shifting out of body and
they were applauding my efforts. At that time I could not yet see anything. I
also heard the crackle of a fire. The sounds of these two events was crystal
clear like my non-physical vision, my non-physical hearing was crisper, and
cleared and more real, than it is in physical reality.
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
Yes Yes, but not in
this first one.
Did you see a
Did you meet or see
any other beings?
Yes I have over 200
oobes and would like to answer this question yes, because of that. But this
first oobe, no, I didn't see any other beings.
Did you experiment
while out of the body or in another, altered state?
I have talked to may
Beings while out of body.
Did you observe or
hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be
verified later?
Did you notice how
your 5 senses were working, and if so, how were they different?
Yes Vision
is much clearer. Can see close up, very, very close up. And very far away
clear with exceptional detail. I have often watched closely noticing the minute
details of things.
Did you have any
sense of altered space or time?
Yes I did a few
�time� experiments over the years.
Did you have a
sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Uncertain I
don't feel like I have any special knowledge, just a passion for learning and a
passion for the whole �out of body� thing. Because I believe the best way to
learn about what's really going on in our universe (or the Multi-verse aka The
Greater Reality) is to see it for yourself and the best way to that is to learn
how to shift consciousness to other planes, dimensions, realms, worlds, reality
systems, time-lines and Universes.
Did you reach a
boundary or limiting physical structure?
Once I was in a place
where people (who had died) were taken and this place had around it a
containment field, a boundary, created specifically to keep these people there.
Did you become
aware of future events?
Were you involved
in or aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?
Yes Yes, often
times (but not always) what can draw me back to the physical plane is simply the
act of thinking about it.
Did you have any
psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did
not have prior to the experience?
Did you have any
changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes Beliefs and
Has your life
changed specifically as a result of your experience?
Yes I am constantly
learning and using various techniques for consciousness shifting into the other
Have you shared
this experience with others?
Yes I have shared
quite a few of my experiences with others, over the years... in oobe forums
What emotions did
you experience following your experience?
No. (Great questions
by the way, thanks for asking!)
What was the best
and worst part of your experience?
Is there anything
else you would like to add concerning the experience?
In ways I am a more
understanding, loving person. But in other ways I have become somewhat distant
from most people... because most people (I believe) wouldn't get me if I shared
this stuff with them. And for me �getting out of body/astral
projection/consciousness shifting, is not just a little something I'd like to
learn how to do. I see it as one of the very best avenues for spiritual growth
and development there is because with first hand experience you can start
getting a broader, deeper understanding of life and existence than any other
method I know of.
Following the
experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or
substances which reproduced any part of the experience?
Yes Yes, and I
appreciate the opportunity to share in such an organized manner.
Please offer any
suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire.