Rebecca J Experience
Experience description:
was a weightless blob of colored light zooming around in open space with other
blobs of light playing some kind of game. There was a sense of unity and bliss,
laughter and chatter was going on but no words or language was used.
Then I was suddenly alone, I found all the other little light blobs on what I
can only describe as some kind of ancient ship... I know it makes no sense.
It was easy to find the others because of sharing 'thoughts'... Everyone
else was happy and excited about this journey but I was certain it was a
terrible idea and tried to get everyone off the ship, frantically trying to
convince them. I finally tried to grab who I could and flee but was repelled
back onboard- and then born. Being
in a body was very uncomfortable and limiting.
tried very hard to talk to other kids about the experience as I grew up, at
first I thought I just hadn't learned the correct words. I literally studied to
learn vocabulary and so disappointed to figure out that language was not the
problem, no body else shared this experience and they thought I was very
6th grade I found 'reincarnation' in the encyclopedia in the school library- and
was nearly beside myself, thinking now I had the words to express this and
somebody would surely understand. However, not only did my teacher not
understand or allow me to do my book report on reincarnation, I got sent to the
office because I 'didn't seem well'.
I learned to stop talking about the whole thing, obviously. It was frustrating
but as time goes on I'm less and less frustrated.
imagine that many of the people I come across in life are the other little bits
of light and I'm sure there's a larger purpose, as much as I resisted wanting to
be here in the first place.
did try to kill myself when I was 12, and I feel strongly that I did go back to
that place before I was born as I did have a near death experience, but I do not
remember it at all. When I woke up, I felt much of my frustration and sense that
I'm not supposed to be here, a stowaway, was just lifted from me. I have no
memory whatsoever though.
did nearly die in childbirth, requiring a transfusion and having manual removal
of a retained placenta without anesthesia - I hovered above my body looking down
for that.
And today I have a condition called PPPD, which only developed recently but
effects the area of the brain that perceives gravity and balance- and apparently
people have reported out of body experiences due to the vertigo of PPPD. I have
no idea what the correlation between it all is, if any. I came on the website
today to see if anyone else has PPPD (a Neuro vestibular disorder that seems to
affect the temporal parietal junction).
Any associated
medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience difficult to express in
it was pre-birth, so I hadn't learned to
At the time of this experience, was there an
associated life threatening event?
What was your level of consciousness and alertness
during the experience?
a sense of
unity, highly alert
Was the experience dream like in any way?
no, very different from dreaming
Did you experience a separation of your
consciousness from your body?
I didn't have a body yet.
What emotions did you feel during the experience?
bliss and joy
Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises?
nothing like we would hear with ears.... a sense of laughter and chatter but I
can't describe it because we don't have a point of reference
you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar religious
teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or amazing
I like to think that was heaven, but I
don't really know
Did you see a light?
best I can describe, the background was like a very pale slow moving liquid
light show, and each 'being' was an amorphous blob of differently colored pastel
Did you meet or see any other beings?
Yes each 'being' was an
amorphous blob of differently colored pastel light
Did you experiment while out of the body or in
another, altered state?
Did you observe or hear anything regarding people
or events during your experience that could be verified later?
Did you notice how your 5 senses were working, and
if so, how were they different?
there was vision, but touch and sound are
without a reference points, and smell and taste I didn't notice
Did you have any sense of altered space or time?
time? what's that? I still struggle today.
Did you have a sense of knowing, special
knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
yes, in that there is definitely something
more than the physical world, it's very cool, and that we are connected
Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical
OMG I really tried to get back off that
boat and go back to just being a blob of light, coming here seems like it was a
trick and a really bad idea. But I do think there is a greater purpose that what
I could see then, and still see today of course.
Did you become aware of future events?
Were you involved in or aware of a decision
regarding your return to the body?
the whole thing is about me not being very
happy about being in a body. I felt like a stowaway because I was just following
my playmates and trying to convince them that their journey was at terrible
trick and not to come.... here.
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other
special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the
some of my friends think I'm very
intuitive, but I think I just pay attention to details a little more
Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs
following the experience?
that was the start so I don't think the
question counts
How has the experience affected your
relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
transitioning careers into health and wellbeing, with a program that focuses on
increasing wellbeing by increasing one's sense of Unity with a greater whole, I
feel that many of my relationships are because I followed my little pod of light
blobs into the world that I wasn't interested in coming to in the first place.