Phil F's Experience
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My Experience split up in two periods.

I don't remember any more what age I had at that time, I would say between 11 and 14, I had made a kind of very deep and really sincere request to God to give me a sign, and I had been choosing at random a date on the calendar that was to be a kind of deadline. (Yes I gave God an ultimatum). It was the 16th of August. (I remember that I wrote down ''August 16'' with many colors.)

Second period.

I was in the French National Marine for already 2 years. I then was 22 years old. We were alongside the quay, and that day I was on duty. I just finished my quart from 18:00pm � 22:00pm, performed a quick cleaning of the cafeteria and went to the quarterdeck  in order to smoke a joint (cannabis).

I sat down contemplating the calm of the night. The experience started at that moment:

I began to feel more and more calm, more and more good.

(To be truthful I have to say that I was smoking, but don't jump to conclusions.)

I then felt an immense peace inside of me, a peace, a lucidity and a well-being, I never felt before and after that moment. I wouldn't be able to give an exact chronology, but at a certain moment there was a face appearing in front of me (at the same time I knew that it was deep down inside me), this face was very familiar to me, I knew this person very well and he too knew me as well, and an evidence hit me, this person was God, and at the same time he was my profound self.

From this flowed enormous knowledge about everything. And this knowledge was of an evidence, of a simplicity!

At a certain moment I said, 'if this will continue my heart will explode'.

And from there I slowly started to come down, I didn't want to leave this place or state, and I said to myself, 'damn you shouldn't have said that your heart would explode', while continuing to move away from this place/state in a way that I couldn't explain. I asked the being to give me a proof, a sign.

And the sign, he gave it to me later in the evening. As the following morning I had to do the quart from 4:00am- 8:00am I took my telephone in order to put the alarm clock at 3:20am and I saw the date: 16th of August.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  Yes
     Very difficult to describe.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?
            When the face appeared and I knew that it was me and at the same time God.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal
   More lucidity.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   The face appeared very clearly but deep inside of myself.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.    I don't know.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?

What emotions did you feel during the experience?  TOTAL well-being

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   No

Did you see an unearthly light?   No

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
The face of the being.

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   Yes
   Always ideal face.

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   No

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
   Some unfamiliar and strange place

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?
   Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
No notion of time.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?
   Everything about the universe

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   No

Did you come to a border or point of no return?

Did scenes from the future come to you?

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (�life after death�)?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s meaning or purpose?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   Uncertain

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   Uncertain

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   Uncertain

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your exp

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience
My experience directly resulted in:
   Moderate changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?  

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?

Have you ever shared this experience with others?  

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   Yes

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was definitely real

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was definitely real

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Uncertain  

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   No

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?


Mon  exp�rience se scinde en deux p�riode

Je ne me souviens plus de l �ge que j avais entre 11 et 14 ans je dirais  j avais fais une sorte de demande tres profonde et vraiment sinc�re � Dieu de me donner un signe et j'avais choisi au hasard une date sur un calendrier qui devait �tre une sorte de date butoir. (Oui j ai mis un ultimatum a Dieu) Ce fut le 16 ao�t. (je me souviens d'avoir �cris ""16 ao�t "" Avec plein de couleur.

Deuxi�me p�riode.

J �tais dans la marine nationale fran�aise depuis d�j� 2 ans. J avais alors 22 ans. On �tait � quai, et j'�tais de service ce jour l�  j avais fini mon quart de 18h-20h fais un l�ger nettoyage de la cafeteria et me suis rendu sur la plage arri�re pour fumer un joint (cannabis).

Je me suis assis contemplant le calme de la nuit. L exp�rience commen�a � ce moment l�

Je me suis senti de plus en plus calme de plus en plus bien.

(Par souci de v�rit� je me dois de dire que j ai fum�,  mais ne faites pas de conclusion h�tives )

Ensuite j ai senti une immense paix en moi, une paix, une lucidit� et un bien �tre comme  je n'ai jamais ressenti avant et apr�s  ce moment, je ne pourrais pas donner la chronologie exacte  mais � un moment il y a eu un visage qui est apparu devant moi  ( en m�me temps je sais qu il �tait au fond de moi) , ce visage m �tait tr�s familier, je connaissais cette personne tr�s bien et elle me  connaissais aussi bien, et une evidence m' est tomb� dessus, cette personne  c �tait Dieu,  et en m�me temps c �tait mon moi profond.

De la � jailli �norm�ment  de conaissances sur tout. Et cette conaissance �tait d'une �vidence, d une simplicit�!

A un moment j'ai dis 'si �a continue  mon coeur va exploser'

�t � partir de l� j'ai commenc� � redescendre, je ne  voulais pas partir de cet endroit o� �tat,  et je me suis dit mince t aurais pas du dire que ton  coeur allait exploser.tout en  m �loignant d une fa�on que je ne pourrais pas trop explique de cet endroit �tat, j ai demand� � l �tre de me donner une preuve un signe.

Et le signe, il me l as donn�  plus tard dans la soir�e, faisant le lendemain  le quart de 4h-8h, j ai pris mon tel pour mettre un r�veil � 3h20 et j ai vu la date : Le 16 ao�t.

Au moment de votre exp�rience, y avait-il une situation mettant votre vie en danger ?    Non      

Cette exp�rience est-elle difficile � d�crire avec des mots ?    Oui     Tr�s difficile � d�crire

A quel moment au cours de l�exp�rience �tiez-vous au niveau d��tat de conscience et de lucidit� maximum ?    Plus conscient(e) et lucide que d�habitude     Quand le visage est apparu et que j ai su que c �tait moi et en m�me temps Dieu    Plus lucide

Veuillez comparer votre vue pendant l�exp�rience � celle que vous aviez imm�diatement avant l�exp�rience.    Le visage est apparu tres clairement mais au fond de moi.

Veuillez comparer votre ou�e pendant l�exp�rience � celle que vous aviez juste avant l�exp�rience.    Je ne sais pas

Avez-vous vu ou entendu des �v�nements terrestres qui se d�roulaient alors que votre conscience �tait s�par�e de votre corps physique/terrestre ?    Non     

Quelles �motions ressentiez-vous pendant l�exp�rience ?    Bien �tre TOTAL  

Avez-vous travers� un tunnel ?    Non     

Avez-vous vu une lumi�re surnaturelle ?    Non     

Vous a-t-il sembl� rencontrer un �tre ou une pr�sence �sot�rique, ou bien entendre une voix non identifi�e ?      J�ai rencontr� un �tre pr�cis, ou une voix clairement d�origine �sot�rique ou surnaturelle    Le visage de l �tre

Avez-vous rencontr� ou d�cel� des �tres d�c�d�s (ou en vie) ?    Non     

Au cours de l�exp�rience, avez-vous eu connaissance d��v�nements de votre pass� ?    Non     

Vous a-t-il sembl� p�n�trer dans un monde diff�rent, surnaturel ?    Un endroit inconnu, �trange     

Le temps a-t-il sembl� acc�l�rer ou ralentir ?     Tout semblait se passer en m�me temps, ou le temps s�est arr�t�, ou il n�y avait pas de notion de temps    Pas de notion de temps

Avez-vous soudainement sembl� comprendre tout ?  Au sujet de l�univers     

Avez-vous atteint une limite ou une structure physique de d�limitation ?    Non     

Avez-vous vu des sc�nes de l�avenir ?    Non     

Avez-vous  le sentiment d�avoir connaissance d�un savoir ou dessein particulier ?     Ind�cis(e)   

Veuillez expliquer tout changement qui aurait eu lieu dans votre vie apr�s votre exp�rience :   Moderate changes in my life   

Apr�s s��tre produite, votre exp�rience a-t-elle provoqu� des changements dans vos valeurs ou vos croyances ?    Oui     

Apr�s votre exp�rience, poss�diez-vous des facult�s paranormales, sortant de l�ordinaire ou autres que vous n�aviez pas avant l�exp�rience ?    Non     

Avez-vous racont� cette exp�rience � quelqu�un ?    Oui     

Avant votre exp�rience, connaissiez-vous les exp�riences de mort imminente (EMI) ?    Oui     

Peu apr�s avoir v�cu votre exp�rience (quelques jours ou semaines), comment consid�riez-vous sa r�alit�:    l�exp�rience �tait tout � fait r�elle     

Comment consid�rez-vous actuellement la r�alit� de votre exp�rience:    l�exp�rience �tait tout � fait r�elle     

Vos relations ont-elles chang� directement � cause de votre exp�rience ?     Ind�cis(e)   

Vos croyances/pratiques religieuses ont-elles chang� directement � cause de votre exp�rience ?    Non     

Au cours de votre vie, est-ce que quoi que ce soit, � un moment quelconque, a reproduit une partie de l�exp�rience ?    Non   

Les questions pos�es et les informations que vous venez de fournir d�crivent-elles votre exp�rience compl�tement et avec exactitude ?    Non



Experience description 2/2015:   

The experience happened in 2002, it's not an NDE, in the way that I was not dying(at least I don't think so), but the similarity about certain points with the experiences that I could read on that website, are blatant. (I don't know well where to classify it).


The characteristic of my experience, requires that we have to go years back, for it to obtain its full sense.

I must have been about 10-12 years old, I don't remember well anymore, I was very curious about everything.

And one day I asked God that he should show himself to me, to give me a sign, in short to do something. At the time I did this, I meant it very sincerely, a bit like a game, but a sincere game. I chose the day when it should happen, by throwing a little object on a calendar. The object stopped on the 16th of August. I even made a drawing representing the 16th of August written in various colors.

This 16th of August passed and nothing special happened...


Many years went by.

In 2002 I was in the navy, I was working on a ship and I was 22 years old. This story of August 16th was completely past, very far back, forgotten.


The experience happened one evening, we were on shore. I finished my quart at the gangway, my quart was from 6pm to 8pm, cleaned the cafeteria and went to the quarterdeck to place the trash cans.

I remember that I was sitting down, it was night and very quiet, it's at that moment that the experience started.

I felt good, quiet, then this calmness intensified softly, but more and more. Then things get very difficult to explain, I felt being in an INDESCRIBABLE happiness, a serenity, a real IMMENSE happiness. There was love that filled me more and more. At the same time I started to know many things, and the longer it continued the more I understood, like a kind of puzzle that was rebuilding in front of me. For all questions that I asked myself, I instantly got the answer, that came to me as an evidence, and this knowing was filling me with still more joy. I really felt good, and was extremely lucid.

I couldn't say if it was afterwards, or at the same time, that a face appeared in front of me. The face was clearly visible, the face of a man, kind of a half-blood, short hair, brown, I'm no good in giving ages, but I would say between 25 and 35 years old.


I recognized this face as being of somebody that I knew perfectly well and this being also knew me perfectly well. This being was the source of all this love, all this peace. Then I remember that I asked myself the question, who this being could be. The answer came in two times, but I couldn't say which part came first and what as second. It was: it is God and it's me.

It's a kind of very intimate revelation, I was in contact with me, but with the REAL ME.

Nothing to do with the 'everyday' me, and I had the impression that this real me, this simply marvelous, perfect being, filled with love, told me that it was at the same time God, that we all are God.

I was in a COMPLETE Happiness, I'm insisting upon this fact, because in my opinion that is the essential thing. And this revelation, took me even farther into this infinite happiness.

I remember telling myself 'if this is continuing my heart will explode', but I just said it like that, just like a simple expression.

It was at that moment that I felt myself 'coming down' softly, all the magic of the moment went away.

I was sad that everything stopped, and I thought : my God give me a proof, because in this moment I know what I saw, but for the future, so that I will not tell myself that I was hallucinating or something else like this.


I do think, without being sure about it, that the experience took between 3 or ten minutes.

I went to sleep, my head still filled up with all this, and as I had another quart between 4am and 8am the next morning, I took my telephone to set the alarm and there on the screen it said: August 16th.


L'experience a eu lieu en 2002, ce n'est pas une EMI, dans le sens o� je n �tais pas en train de mourir (du moins je pense) mais la ressemblance sur certains points avec les exp�riences que j ai pu lire sur ce site sont flagrante. ( je ne sais pas trop ou la placer).


La particularit� de mon exp�rience  c' est qu il faut remonter des ann�es en arri�re pour qu'elle prenne tout son sens.

Je devais avoir 10~12 ans, je ne me souviens plus vraiment, j' �tais curieux de tout.

Et un jour j avais demand� � Dieu de se montrer � moi, de me faire un signe, bref de faire quelque chose. Je l avais fait a l' �poque de mani�re sinc�re, un peu comme un jeu, mais un jeu sinc�re. j avais choisi le jour o� �a devait arriver en jetant un petit objet sur un calendrier. L objet s'est arr�t� sur le 16 aout. J avais m�me fait un dessin repr�sentant le 16 aout �crit tout en couleurs.

Ce 16 aout passa et rien de particulier se passa...

Les ann�es ont pass� .

En 2002 j'�tais dans la marine, je travaillais sur un bateau et j avais 22 ans.

Cet histoire de 16 aout etait compl�tement derri�re moi, tr�s loin derri�re moi.


L' experience se passa un soir, on etait a quai. J' avais fini mon quart � la coup�e, quart de 18h a 20h, nettoy� la caf�t�ria et je me suis rendu sur la plage arri�re du bateau pour mettre les poubelles.

Je me souviens m' etre assis, il faisait nuit et tr�s calme,  cet a ce moment que l experience commen�a.

Je me sentais bien, tranquille, puis ce calme s' intensifia doucement mais de plus en plus. Ensuite les choses deviennent tr�s difficile � expliquer, je me suis sentis dans un bonheur INDESCRIPTIBLE , une s�r�nit�, un bonheur vraiment IMMENSE. Il y avait de l amour qui me remplissait de plus en plus. En m�me temps  j ai eu la connaissance de pleine choses et plus �a allait, plus je comprenais, comme une sorte de puzzle qui se reconstituait devant moi. A toutes les questions que je me posais, instantan�ment j avais la r�ponse qui m' arrivait comme une �vidence, et ces connaissances  me remplissait encore plus de joies. J � �tais vraiment bien, et extr�mement lucide.

Je ne pourrais pas dire si � est ensuite ou en m�me temps, mais un visage m' est apparu . Le visage �tait clairement visible, celui d'un homme type m�tisse, cheveux court, brun, je suis  nul pour donner des �ges, mais je dirai entre 25 et 35 ans.

 je reconnaissais ce visage comme quelqu'un que je connaissais parfaitement et cet �tre me connaissait lui aussi parfaitement.

Cet �tre etait la source de tout cet amour, de toute cette paix. Ensuite je me souviens m etre pose la question de savoir qui etait cet �tre. la r�ponse est venu en deux temps, mais je ne pourrais pas dire laquelle en premier et laquelle apr�s. Ce fut �'est Dieu et �' est moi.

� est une sorte de r�v�lation tr�s intime, j �tais en contact avec moi, mais le VRAI MOI.

Rien a voir avec le moi de "tout les jours", et j avais l impression que ce vrai moi, cet �tre tout simplement merveilleux, parfait, rempli d amour me disait qu'il etait en m�me temps Dieu, que nous sommes tous Dieu.

J'  �tais dans un bonheur TOTAL, j' insiste sur ce fait, parce que a mon avis � est la chose essentiel. Et cette r�v�lation m' emmena encore plus loin dans ce bonheur infini.

Je me souviens avoir dit "si �a continue mon c�ur va exploser", mais je l ai dit comme �a, comme une simple expression.

� est � ce moment la que je me suis senti " redescendre" doucement, toute la magie du moment partait.

J'�tais triste que tout s'arr�te, et j ai pens� : mon Dieu donne moi une preuve, parce qu'en ce moment je sais ce que j ai vu, mais pour plus tard, que je ne me dise pas que j ai d�lir� ou quoi que se soit d'autre.

Je pense sans etre sur que l exp�rience dura entre 3 et 10 minutes.

Je suis parti me coucher, la t�te rempli de tout �a, et comme je faisais le quart de 4h00 a 8h00 le lendemain matin, j'ai pris mon t�l�phone pour mettre mon r�veil et la sur l �cran  etait affiche:  16 aout.