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Misty E Experience
So I my farewell prayers to Christ and He responded relaxed. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and parted. Moments later the family members near me caught me by my hair and snatched me up from the water.. and I ran to safety… The Lord himself spoke to me and saved me
Other experience at age 4. Drowning and heard the Lord speak to her and save her.
Margaret B Experience
Then that mans voice came and told me to 'look up at the clouds'. I follow the directive and it was amazing because when I looked at the clouds I didn't have any discomfort anymore it was just peace and calm. I saw the beautiful blue sky with the white clouds.
Other experience of hearing a voice that saved her life during a criminal attack.
Linda Experience
everything started turning goldish blue the trees gold hue, I saw butterfly's and bunnies across the street where the flowers and grass was everything had the golden glow like before a storm comes. I have seen this before as a child. As this started everything and everyone froze but me
Other experience at time of severe pneumonia.
Mudappallur G Experience
From India
The voice disappeared and I saw myself rising into a dark cloud I don’t know what happened afterwards Must be next day I saw myself standing naked before a dead body I rushed to the rest room Yes I was the same face with blind left eye Ichecked my left leg Yes same polio leg I fell down to the dead body and asked forgiveness for leaving it
States he was killed and apparently immediately incarnated into another physical body.
Dominic S Experience
I remember looking at the sky and it was unbelievably bright. I then heard a yell from across the street. It was my mother calling my name from our front door. 'Dom, come on we gotta go! Come on!' I then quickly floated from Scotty’s lawn across the street and into the door to my house as my mother was holding it open, and that’s when I woke back up laying in my alley again.
Other experience of being severely bitten by a dog at age 10, and had a vision that was apparently hallucinatory. The rarity of this type of hallucinatory vision contrasts with NDEs with generally non-hallucinatory and often verifiable out-of-body observations.
Grace P Experience
The presence said. You cannot live if you merely want to live to raise your children. I was brought back to a time in high school when the teacher returned back an essay with a 10 the highest mark possible. If I promise to write then can I live? Then I will promise to write. Suddenly my pain left me and the high fevers were gone.
Other experience shared by daughter about her mother. Remarkable healing and other spiritual experiences.
Rebecca P Experience
I came up out of my body and saw myself spinning under the waves, I was also in my body at the same time spinning under the waves, so I was both witnessing my death and experiencing it. I felt peace. Then I remembered a story I heard about two mice that fell into a vat of milk. One mouse gave up and drowned and the other kept swimming until it churned butter and could crawl out. Then I had the thought, what mouse are you going to be?
Interesting bilocation experience due to near drowning at age 14.
Laura F Experience
We'll try to explain what happened, but it's difficult to describe. We were able to bike somehow, and at the same time, there were hundreds of alternate realities that were on either side of us like waves, but they were black wavy lines. We totally lost track of where we were going, and time. We can remember snippets of the ride, and stopping to drink more water, but we couldn't discern what was this reality. It was the most disorienting experience, because we also couldn't remember anything, and we felt as though we were biking without being aware of where we were going. We thought we'd never get home and that we were riding in circles because the words we kept hearing were that 'time creates a loop on itself.'
Different altered states of consciousness surrounding different events.
TO O Experience
One of the more curious things Del and I attempted to do was use the lens of her eyes, overlaid over my eyes, as we did with the sigil, but it proved to be too much for my human brain to handle. The experience is like looking from a 2D into a 3D dimension or 4D dimension. My brain could perceive parts of what I was seeing, but there was such an overload of visual and energetic data to take in, I couldn't handle looking for more than a few seconds.
An extraordinary account of a former girlfriend who died, then appeared to him as a ghost. Extensive interactions over a week, and the deceased girlfriend had remarkable experiences around the world. This experience is unlike any other ever shared with NDERF.
Snezana R Experience
From Serbia. Translated to English by Amer.
I answered her "How could I know what heaven is like?". I asked her to describe what she dreamed about, she said: "I was in the house with you and stepfather and I walked out to the most beautiful place. Those colors, that music and that air doesn't exist here on earth and I've never felt it before. There's no pain, there's no sadness, it's a very nice feeling and everyone is happy".
Other experience involving a dream about heaven of 17-year-old. Dream happened a few days before she was killed in a traffic accident. Experience shared by her mother.
Irene Z Experience
From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Allison.
When I was alone, at a certain point, I saw the face of my father, who died of cancer three years ago in excruciating pain, and he was serene, he was fine, he smiled at me, as if he were happy that I was still alive. Then I cried because I thought that, if I was suffering so excruciatingly but only for a few hours, he who knows how much he had suffered. I remember that, after this vision, I felt again this superhuman force that wanted to pull me back, bring me back into unconsciousness; So, to stay awake I started pulling strands of hair. It was the only way to still feel alive.
Other experiences of altered consciousness following a complicated hysterectomy surgery.
Edina K Experience
'Instead of taking the steps down, you will jump off, but you won’t fall. You will float over the stairs and safely touch down in the landing, because the laws of the Universe will be suspended for you for this brief time. No one will believe what happened to you, and you may also question this memory when you grow up. You must make a commitment here and now that you will never write this off as something a silly child made up.
Other experience. At age 10 heard voice that he could jump off an upstairs floor and float down- and he did.
Michael G Experience
It was like a moon - no atmosphere - the Golden Light was on a horizon, there was a sea of golden-LIQUID light. At the beach of this sea and at a small distance away, the Woman was there. I asked her what I could bring back from this place that could help a dying person. I heard hear voice - a command - "Tell them to love THIS."
Shamanic experiences, some with meditation.
Michael J Experience
there's no pain, there's no feeling, there no suffering, there's no thoughts, there's nothing and one else around you, there's no other souls or anything you are alone and your soul is floating in air or I wouldn't call it air it kind of felt more like being in space. I started seeing a little into the future on this earth such as my parents preparing for my funeral then a little more into the future where I saw some of my friends walking around on earth at my funeral.
Drug experience that has NDE-like elements.
216. Request removal.
Kelly G Experience
I believe that "upper" part is the part of my brain involved in connecting with the Divine. My "lower" brain retains a great deal of my intelligence, but is somewhat slower, and my memory isn't so great, especially when I'm under stress. I can feel sad, angry, and scared, but happiness is rare. I compare it to the corona of a solar eclipse - I can feel the edges of joy, but the full burst of it remains hidden from me… Medical science doesn't acknowledge mystical experience, so doesn't think I have any impairment since I still test well cognitively.
Ruptured brain aneurysm. Following this, sense of reduced spiritual awareness/connection. Important experience in the consideration of awareness of spirituality and consciousness.
Nineta C Experience
I heard a very clear voice saying pray for peace. So I started praying for peace, and all of a sudden I received such peace that at that moment I wanted to die, I was waiting to die. It was a peace I never felt before. So in my vision I died and my soul came out of my body and I can see the people in the room talking and myself on that table. Then someone took my hand and we ascend to heaven. In heaven it felt so peaceful, loving and joy, that I was saying to myself I never want to leave this place
Other vision with an OBE.
Adrianne P Experience
I opened my eyes and saw my mother and father standing at the foot of my bed and between the two of them was Jesus - he was wearing a white robe and he was holding his hands out to me. Where the wall of my hospital room used to be, there was blue sky studded with soft white clouds and a wide, white staircase leading high up into the clouds to a bautiful huge gateway to heaven.
Other experience while very ill at age 16. Encounter with Jesus. Shared 53 years after experience.
Kolleen C Experience
I felt the presence of a bright little spirit in the room, and an absolute knowing that I would conceive, to the point that taking the pregnancy test weeks later seemed a mere formality, and I knew it would be positive based on my absolute knowing.
Other experience of awareness she was pregnant before she should have been able to know.
Sébastien A Experience
Original in French, translated to English by Camille.
But my mind suddenly found itself in a great inner peace, without any sadness, as if the weight of my life had been removed. My mind knew at that point that there was an alternate reality, I just don't know how to explain it. I immediately thought I would have to read as many NDE stories as possible to learn more. Inside, I was at the same time at peace and flabbergasted. I then remembered several times in my life when strange things had happened to me and I understood them differently.
Other experience at time of conflict with wife. In English and French.
Louis P Experience
My bedroom was totally illuminated, but there was no source of light. I didn't see any shadows. I got up and went to the window, but there was no source of light. I went to the window several times. I laid back down on the bed and tried to figure it out, but then the light went out on it's own. The light had a swirel to it as it went out.
Other experience involving light.
Michael B Experience
Then I saw my guardian angel walking up to me from a distance. I felt extreme tranquility and euphoria. I felt this natural urge to run up to him hugged the angel. He hugged me back and I felt a lot of love but not like the love we feel on earth. I felt peace and safety. He had long curly hair and a white robe with big wings like an eagle.
Angel encounter dream.
Rita B Experience
Suddenly appeared on my right, from the quick sand area, a boy of about 12. His skin color matched mine, but it had an unreal, reddish hue. He stretched his arm to me and I stopped being afraid. He pulled me out of the quicksand, never saying a word.
Other experience with mystical entity apparently saving her life at age 10 in Nigeria.
Connor H Experience
I began to experience the 'life reel' and had strange snapshots of mostly seemingly inconsequential things from my life: A trip to Alaska, cafeteria memories from middle school, baseball with my friends, a fight with my dad, fishing with my brother, then meeting my wife. I then saw the light- but not in the sense I've seen it described elsewhere. It was a white, fist-sized orb to the right of me. It began to get bigger and I punched through it to find a (perfectly lined up) rock hand hold that I grabbed on to.
Other experience after being struck by large wave.
Shirin Experience
Originally from Iran. Shared by Javad.
I asked “ is the man alive?”. My husband looked astounded. He said “what man are talking about?”. I gave the description of the man who had jumped in front of his car. My husband was speechless and quietly asked me but who informed you about it so quickly and so much details ?. I said “no one, I saw it”.
Amazing experiences that do not clearly fit into any other category
Neema R Experience
From Iran
I saw my soul on the ceiling of my room!
If what I saw was true, I saw myself in the design of a white energy that has nothing in the head called the ears, mouth, nose, no abdomen and no back, and I saw my legs in the energy design.
Part of this energy was coming out of the ceiling and it looked like I was going to be taken to heaven
Other experience with no life threatening event described.
Kathleen T Experience
I felt a presence in the room. Even though my husband was there next to me, it felt like I was totally alone with this presence. It was a very personal interaction with just this one presence. Everything around me just kind of disappeared. I felt a I felt unjudged by anything I had done wrong in my life. I felt a tremendous feeling of love and warmth. I had absolutely no regrets. Just felt like someone had wrapped me in a warm blanket and gave me a dose of love I had never felt. I was at total peace.
Loving entity awareness while very sick.
Gabriel A Experience
From Bolivia. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille
When I got back on the bike, I saw a strange light in the whole sky, and I felt a question: "Do you want to come or do you want to stay?" I thought I wanted to stay because of my mother and because I still thought I had things to do in life. A few minutes later, the cyclist who was in front of me braked unexpectedly next to a truck. He gave me time to jump off the bike and hit the ground. Otherwise, the truck would have crushed me or I would have fallen over the side of the road, down a deep cliff.
Other experience associated with experience shortly before bicycle accident.
Julia J Experiences
In my understanding, that kind of separation from everyone I loved would feel more like a never ending hell than anything, so I sought God’s explanation. Usually my answers were more of words and feelings that came to my mind, but this time pictures, words, feelings, and an uncanny complete and fleshed out understanding flooded my mind almost instantly. I saw myself floating just beyond an open view of a young cosmos. New earths were being formed, new planets. Stars were exploding and nebulas were birthing new ones. “You can come back to me and I will take you with me and teach you everything there is to know about astronomy. You will not be bored. You will comprehend physics and math, and chemistry and even help me. The heavens will be at your disposal and you will be able to go anywhere.
Prayer experience, SOBE, and other experiences as she was near death and then recovered from heart failure at age 14.
Nick D Experience
Eventually, I did lose consciousness. When I had come back to full awareness, I was in the middle of sprinting, full speed, across the field. At this point, I looked behind me. I saw that the people beating on me were still hitting the ground, and both my brother and friend were completely unaware that I had gotten out of the situation and somehow got past them.
Other experience. Was being severely beaten by mob while he was on the ground, then suddenly and inexplicably he was far away from them.
Barbara D Experience
8/28/2020 From Australia.
I struggled over and lay on the couch and then realized I was out of my body looking down on myself. The next thing I knew I was going through a tunnel towards a bright light and there I was spoken to by a being of light, my father was standing off to one side he did not speak and had no real form but I knew it was him.
This is hard to classify because it probably isn't a NDE, it is an OBE. But again, it could be a STE. Certainly it is automatic writing.
Tracie Y Experience
From Singapore
I woke up the next morning feeling all upset and feeling the shame/pain of a cancer care giver. I remember protesting that I did not want to go back to such mortal feelings. then suddenly, in pitch darkness a soft glow appeared at my left. Then it grew bigger until it felt like someone lit up the room (even though it was only 545am and I had my eyes closed). I moved towards the light and there was a suction force through my mouth and this light felt like a pure white light that cleansed me from head to toe. In a few seconds, I lost all negative feelings of human kind.
Many varied spiritual experiences in spite of difficult life circumstances.
BK Experience
I turned myself around so I was on my back beneath the water facing up towards the surface when suddenly time slowed down to a crawl. It felt like I was no longer in the rushing water and chaos of trying to save my life, but like I was floating in space. Time was imperceptible. Then a woman's voice began to speak to me, filling my head.
Other experience at time of drowning. Remained conscious, but with apparent alteration of consciousness.
Hélène V Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Camille.
At that instant, all of a sudden, I was no longer anybody. I was no longer there nor elsewhere. I couldn't hear anything, I saw a kind of darkness, not really black but almost. But saying "I" is strange because "I" was no longer a person. "I" told myself: "Well, I didn't know that it was possible not to be someone anymore." Then I felt a movement of ascent, always surrounded by dark color. Then I saw inexpressible things, things from another dimension. These things meant that EVERYTHING IS ONE. It's like seeing behind the scenes. Everything is connected, everything is one.
Other experience during Yoga session.
Debbie B Experiences
After a few minutes a cone type thing would appear. It was made of little white things that I was never able to figure out what they were. They were a transparent white material and they looked like little toys, or at least that's what I thought they might be. I felt God gave them to me because I couldn't sleep and it was something to do.
Multiple early childhood experiences of visualizing a cone of white that went around her. Shared over 50 years later.
Ray C Experience
All of a sudden, the room was filled with a very strong smell of roses. I can’t overemphasize the words ‘very strong,’ as it was as though someone had opened a bottle of rose-scented perfume and poured it onto the floor of my little office. The smell was so strong that it actually made me suddenly jolt/stiffen in my chair and open my eyes, as though I had been physically prodded in some way.
Three people all experienced unexplained sense of roses in a school office.
Katharine H Experience
0.00min Michael stood alone in deep sorrow and conflict, trying not to dwell on the miserable feelings that were at the forefront of his mind. He stood there, forgetting that he was loved by many….and that he was never alone…..forgetting that life was good…
Revelations about deceased husbands final moments and life after death while listening to music.
Kathie J Experience
My boyfriend and I were in the back of the van and he kept swatting at my head - he was worried about my hair catching fire. There was confusion, panic and yelling and it seemed no one could get the door open. It was unbelievable to me what was happening. Then everything went into slow motion and I remember a series of thoughts: 'I can't believe this is happening.
Other experience associated with fire in camper due to propane gas leak.
Deesa A Experience
From Iceland
Just when I was falling asleep one night It yanked my feet so I literally fell off my pillow and woke up in an instant and felt it hovering over my bed. And then finally, the last night of all of this, I 'fell asleep' on the couch so my physical body was sleeping but my spirit awoke and I look up and there it was, clear as the day, sitting right next to me on the couch, but it didn't notice that I was in this state. I panicked and woke up, jumped out of the couch and stared at where it was sitting (not seeing it anymore), walk past it in a huge curve as far away from where it was sitting and locked myself in the bedroom, had all the lights on for the whole night.
Entity Encounter that started as a dream.
Misty Dawn E Experience
Anyway, this light hovered for a moment and I felt peace and knew all was going to be ok, it hovered over to the door handle and instantly I knew, I had to pull him out so he could push open that heavy door to begin with, on top of 5 to 6 ft of water rushing against it. So I know all this knowledge in a couple seconds.
Dramatic account of near drowning in car during flood. Appearance of light that seemed to save them from drowning.
Shada M Experience
However, the “source' had no directionality and it was coming from and permeating all areas of the room simultaneously… The sound of this being sung to me woke me and hearing it filled me with this beautiful, full-bodied sensation. It was like a full-body orgasm. It was blissful. Amazing.
Other experience while in bed involving encounter with entities.
Stan S Experience
Haunting on Boynton Beach
Robyne B Experience
I could hear many voices as though at a party. I also received messages that looked like bumper sticker slogans. These messages flashed in my head. The messages were sayings such as 'ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE' AND 'YES!' I also saw a vision of the future in which I saw how I die and how old I am when I die.
Other experience associated with extensive spiritual activities at the time.
Nicole Experience
I started to ask my grandma about a wedding I went to where they did odd things like held one another’s hands and lit a candle then they jumped over sticks and people where throwing rice at them and how it was so odd because I’ve never seen a wedding like that sense. She looked at me and said that it was my uncles wedding that they did all that and she thought the stuff was odd to then she went silent that’s when she looked me in my eyes and said you were not born you couldn’t have been there I started shaking I know I was there but how when I wasn’t even born let alone thought of.
Other experience of possible remembrance of a wedding that occurred before she was born.
Valerie S Experience
From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Domenico
I saw a powerful, beautiful, bright light which was like a magnet. The light emanated peace and an inexpressible well-being. It was an unknown force and I was approaching to it closer and closer. Suddenly, I realized that if I kept to go toward that light, I couldn’t get back anymore. Anyway, the attraction was too much powerful, and I was in an inexpressible well-being. In that very moment I heard a voice. That voice was the voice of the person I was going to meet which was calling my name.
Other experience while flying to meet someone she knew from the internet.
Douglas W Experience
As I lay there I could see my spirit sit up out of my body and point toward the apparition and command it to go and come back no more and then lay back down in my body. I was filled with such a peaceful and content feeling I couldn't, or maybe didn't want the feeling to go away so I just lay there in this, what I'd call, pure love tell morning.
Entity encounter with entity taunting a baby.
Hilary Y Experience
I got back in bed rested for a moment and tried several times to get back up only to go thru the experience again. I ended up staying home from work. My husband and I own our business and both our children work with us. My staying home, caused my daughter to arrive late to work as she rode in with her Dad. As they were pulling into work, an ambulance passed them. My son had suffered a broken femur in a freak accident.
Other experience. Nausea in morning which resulted in her being spared witnessing a painful fracture that her son had in a freak accident. Experience may have happened at time son had the femur fracture.
Andreas G Experience
From Austria.
While sinking my body curled up into an embryo position, all became peaceful and quiet until suddenly something happened, booom: My body exploded into a fully stretched position, my arms straight up, and into a channel of light through which my body got pulled up, with high speed, until my body popped up again at the water’s surface. I was ecstatic, loud screamed out some Sanskrit sayings that were meant to say ( maybe I got them partly wrong ;) ) that the ocean, the moon above, god, the universe, me, all are but One and the same.
Experiences in India over time.
Stephen C Experience
It was black and red in color, about 5-6 feet tall, had two arms, two legs, and a head. If I were to describe what it looked like I would have to say it reminded me of the Balrog from Lord of the Rings. It disappeared very quickly, but the energy continued to get closer and closer to me. Right then, I heard in front of my face, a sound that reminded me of a bull exhaling right before it would charge at you. At this point I yelled at it to 'GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!'
Two interesting entity encounters.
Janet HP Experience
I envisioned myself in our family cottage (log cabin in the woods of Maine). I 'saw' a white figure that seemed to have a veil or scarf around the head area, but again, no features could be made out. I don't recall the feeling I had at that time, but I do remember feeling 'at home', thinking at the time that it was because I was in a familiar 'place'.
Past life regressions with guided meditation.
Misty Experience
I had no idea how far I actually was able to go! He took me to the first life on earth. It was short, I wore fur, lived in rock, ate plants and animal and did not no what fire was. I saw my death. Then the teacher asked if I could go to my first memory of 'existence.' I said 'yes' and he said 'go there.' He asked a few times if I was male or female to which I was silent because I was neither of those things. He asked if there were others around like me. I said 'yes' he asked, 'can you communicate with them?'
Past life regression experience.
Dion B Experience
Suddenly I had no more pain. I was at total peace. I told my partner that if I lived or died that everything was going to be ok. He had also been in the restroom praying at the exact same time that I had been praying. Years before, I had told got that I needed conformation that my lifestyle was not going to affect the decision of whether or not I go to heaven.
Angel encounter at time of serious heart attack.
Esther Experience
From Spain.
In those moments, I was shocked, tense and I did not move from the place, although I sensed that I could move, but I did not want to, I felt very comfortable and very peaceful. The invisible arms embraced me with a love that can not be compared to any embrace we can give or give us here on earth. It is something much more intense, it can not be described with words. But since I was fully aware of everything that was going on, I began to feel bad about myself for feeling so good.
Entity encounter that radiated love at critical time her mother was dying. In English and Spanish
Rene O Experience
The man stares at me, dumbfounded, for a few minutes and then runs to their car and drives away. There was a guy inside the gas station that stood hiding at the front counter. he couldn't speak for a few minutes and then asked me if I was in any type of pain or anything, he asked if I could feel the punches?… It was obvious to myself and I believe to everyone in the vicinity that something ethereal was happening. The general consensus was that an angel had saved me.
Other experience of inexplicable resistance to being hit twice.
Colette B Experience
From Canada. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
he young woman at the left is trying to talk to me through telepathy, but I don't understand her...and I tell my friend...but immediately, it's as if there was like a change of channel and there I UNDERSTOOD THE MESSAGE!!! I received an unbelievable, an immense mega-dose of LOVE, as if all love of the universe was flowing over me!!!
Other experience that may have been a message of love from her twins that were born five years later. In English and French.
Eric B Experience
In a cloud of overwhelming grief and tears, at the worst moment of my life, it happened. It was as if something swept through the room and an unbelievable weight or burden, almost like a gravity I never knew had been pressing down on me my entire existence was lifted away and I was nearly breathless. Every ounce of negative emotion: doubt, sadness, despair, hurt, anger was lifted off me. It was an overwhelming and indescribable feeling of peace, as if anything negative that ever existed or had been felt or experienced disappeared from me.
Other experience shortly after father died.
Tonya H Experience
This was not a hurricane day nor had there been our often sunshine-rain that generally occurs for 15-20 minutes during the day. The bizarre creaking noise probably only lasted less than 7-8 seconds if that, when it felt like someone had placed their hands over my ears and I could see what I used to describe as a body of 'nothingness' but now can better describe it as kind of a almost 'clear puddle of water' emerge from that corner of the room and very, very quickly rushed down towards me as in purposely coming 'at me'. The moment it was going over my glass of ice tea on the coffee table in front of me, the ice cubes in my glass popped, then I felt it either go through me and stay or exit through the back of me.
Other experience while sitting on couch.
Brandon M Experience
On the right of the room are two booths, covered in a ornate red leather for the seats. The roof slightly dips just above them in a rectangular design. I can also see the windows as finely ornate as the rest of the room. Some black paneling forming a rectangle and foggy like window panes. Then the scene moves towards the booth in the back as I see at least three dark shadow figures, two on the left and one on the right. While I can't see what they are, I felt like they were people chatting and enjoying themselves. They seemed to be discussing a story of some sort.
Sudden first memory of their earthly life at age three.
Brian Experience
Other experience while lying in bed.
Dave Experience
I stood up and started walking down the hallway, and when my wife saw me walking she jumped up and came running over to me asking me “what are you doing”? I told her that “you said you wanted to talk so I was coming to talk”. She said “no, I mean walking, you’re actually walking”. “You haven’t walked in fourteen years, what are you doing”? She asked me “didn’t you see the wheelchair next to your recliner”? I said “yes, but I wasn’t sure what it was for”.
Miraculous Healing!
MaryJo W Experience
All of a sudden thru the top of my head a VOICE over came me. it was a man's voice with under tones of a woman, motherly loving being talking to me. says to me: "MaryJo, I need you to jump, can you jump for me? come on MaryJo jump, follow me, jump keep jumping. I did not see anything, just a voice that was calling to me and wanting me to jump and follow him.
Heard voice that may have saved her from drowning at age 5.
Bethany M Experience
To my right I heard singing and I heard or saw light. The light was warm and the light did not allow fear. This light was all encompassing. The Singing sounded as if every note that had been ever created were meshed together. This music/singing signified an immutable unmatched holiness. The Singing could also have been from where music had actually originated from.
Other experience at time of life-threatening hemorrhage. Interesting simultaneous awareness of foreboding figure and also of light and singing.
168. Catherine E Experience 3/3/2018 So, I let him through and he got 2 oranges and while he had his back to me, he said 'I want to tell you something, that is weird and very strange and I don't understand it myself'. So, he then went on, to tell me, how, his son, had died, 6 months ago and that when I say to him 'Good morning, Bell' - he sees and feels his son presence.
Other experience involving father whose son died.
Leslie K Experience
My 'spirit' came out of my body, laying on its side, doing leg lift exercises. Then it mentally said, 'Poor old tired body...' I mentally said back, 'I'm not that old!' Then it sent me a feeling of LOVE, pure and unconditional, like nothing I have ever experience on earth. The next thing I knew, it was standing at the tray table at the end of my bed, eating these bright colored foods, that sort of looked like child's blocks of different shapes.
Other experience in recovery room following surgery.
Angelique T Experience
Next thing I know I felt like I was floating. I watched myself walk up a concrete paved ramp and weakly plead for an employee in the parking lot to help me. Then I saw myself sitting in the store on an orange crate with two ladies standing in front of me asking for my mother's phone number I remember watching my self give it to them over and over again. I kept repeating what happened?
Other experience attributed to being hit by a car at age 17.
Stephanie B Experience
There were papers and items that were not packed with me in my car for the trip and that I hadn't even seen before that ended up in the accident wreckage that may prove multiple timelines exist and that I did not exist in the same timeline as the me that packed those papers.
Severe auto accident with interesting experience shortly after.
Richard J Experience
It was like I was suspended in space and things were hitting me from all directions, but without inflicting any pain. While still in my 'suspended state of consciousness', and after I realized what was happening and the seriousness of my situation, I immediately thought: 'I'm about to find out what it's like to be dead'. I was pretty sure that I was in the process of dying, and about to experience being dead. At the point when I had that thought, I had no fear of dying or being dead and my mind was in a very peaceful state.
Severe auto accident with associated peaceful state.
Roya H Others Experience
From Iran. Translated to English by Amir.
But interestingly as years passed and I grew, I started having transcendental spiritual experiences. For example, I could see things and events close by that others could not see, or I could sense good or bad events happing far away. It was going like this until a few years ago during one of these transcendental experiences I saw that I am being taken into Kabeh in Mecca [center of worship for Muslims in Saudi Arabia, where Muslims always face to for their daily prayers]. After a while, I saw inside the Kabeh in a TV program and it was exactly like I had seen it in my experience.
Many experiences that happened to her. In English and Persian.
162. Ken G Experience 8/15/2017 Now I had never heard of a walk-in, or even have ever heard of the concept until listening to your interview. But this is what I said: "You felt guilty about not stopping the murder when you could have, and when you died on the operating table, you made a swap. Your mission in this life was over, so there was no point in you returning, and you could make amends to the person who died by swapping with them on the operating table, so they could continue to do what they were here to do. So that's what you did." He was astonished, and it's like everything clicked for him. "What kind of music did that person like? Is it what you like now?" We started to go through the similarities between the other person and him, and there it was - the evidence that could explain why he felt so different, and so confused, after resuscitation.
Could this be a walk-in experience?
161. Bradley G Experiences 7/24/2017. While under the water I found myself surrounded by a bright light. The source of the lights was behind me. While under water I was given knowledge (I did not hear anything or anyone speak) that an Angel was behind me and that she was young, dressed in a long white gown, and had long dark hair.
Angel encounter that may have saved him from drowning at age 12.
160. Kathleen P Experiences 7/9/2017. I distinctly remember thinking to myself 'it feels like someone has taken over my body. I was no longer in control of my own thoughts or actions'. I remember it scary as hell because things like that are not supposed to be able to happen. I didn't know what to do. I knew I couldn't tell anyone. Number one I knew I would have made a laughing stock out of myself if I told any body about it and they might even have locked up in a mental hospital.
Brain aneurysm burst. Following this, apparent ‘walk-in’ experience.
159. Tonya G Experiences 6/26/2017. As I lay there taking my last short gasps of air I was looking toward my dining room and say this what I can only describe as a back mist it was a large mass and it was coming towards me fast clinging to the ceiling and walls I was in SHOCK and my first thought was 'NO! my KIDS OMG they are to young they still need me I cannot die!'
As she was approaching unconsciousness from asthma she saw a mist coming toward her along the ceiling and walls. Rare observation during a life-threatening event.
158. Henry M Experiences 5/27/2017. My partner quickly and immediately got onto the M-60 machine mounted on our jeep and I told him to keep me covered as I got out of the jeep with my M-16 at the ready and started walking down the alley to check out the noise. I was about 50-75 feet into the alley when I heard a voice say, 'Get Out'. The voice was male, clear, in English and I thought someone was standing next to me as it had come from my right side. I turned to see who that may be and no one was there. I then took two steps forward and again the voice said 'Get Out'. This time the voice was loud and harsh with authority stopping me from moving forward.
Two experiences of inexplicable events while fighting in Vietnam.
157. Laurie O Experience 4/10/2017 From Canada. I was looking at the plate, from where I lay on the bed, when sound became distorted and I heard ringing coming from inside my head. And I saw a bright, white light begin to emanate from the plate - it was incredibly bright, but didn't hurt my eyes to look at it. I next became aware of a rushing sound, like a great wind and when that diminished I saw there was a being in the room with me; it was as if it had stepped out of the plate. It was tall and human shaped but had no distinguishing characteristics - I didn't get a sense of gender, just of being. It was surrounded by the white glowing light but was also made up of the light. I remember thinking, if it's an angel, why doesn't it have wings?
Fever episode at age 14. Fevers are difficult to classify because it is hard to tell where the consciousness was at the time of the experience. If the consciousness was still in the body, it could be a febril hallucination. Yet if the consciousness was closer to spirit, the experience could have been real. Ultimately this is a subjective experience, so it is up to the experiencer to determine the reality of the experience and how it affects her life.
156. Jacob D Experience 8/22/2016 From Wales. After a minute of being in that black void where I felt nothing I saw a red spec appear just as the blackness had but this was different, it was pulsating slightly, the diameter of this spec, as it grew showed a clear 2 steps out 1 step in pattern til it encompassed most of my sight. i could see this red cloud or blob of energy but never entered it. I saw an image in the centre suddenly appear.
Drug (Ketamine) experience. The difference between this experience and typical NDEs should be obvious to readers familiar with NDEs posted on NDERF.
155. Barbara R Experience 4/30/2016 From Poland Every person gave me some information. I understand now the structure of the higher dimensions in everyone of us. First and lowest is a dark basement with imprints of all our traumas and fears, then the earthly landscapes, with fairy land, forests, villages and cities. And their inhabitants: dwarfs, unicorns and some unknown beings on Earth. There are tunnels and passages, sometimes rainbow serves as a energetic portal to the higher plane. The stripe of blue sky is the last earthly vibration before cosmic planes. In Cosmos within us we can meet and talk to our light beings, souls of people who are now on Earth or are already dead. We can have 'normal' conversation with them, ask questions, see them, touch them, hug them.
Experience of spontaneously guiding another person through a spiritual journey.
154. JB Dad's Experiences 3/16/2016 The first of these occurred when he was a young boy (around 9 years old). He was sitting at the kitchen table in his house when he spontaneously experienced a vantage point near the ceiling, seeing the top of his own head as his body sat at the table. He said that it was over as quickly as it began but had always been something that he was never completely able to rationalize to himself, as he knew that it was not imaginative.
Father had many experiences during his life.
153. Puthen P Experience 2/16/2016. From India. Going through a bone marrow transplant is a near death experience because the bone marrow is suppressed with high dose chemotherapy and I am susceptible for any infection leading to death. Though I had all the antibiotics etc given I developed a strong will to LIVE and used to see my wife and daughters photos which made me keep saying that I have a purpose to LIVE… a white light engulfed in my room in the ward that I was admitted it came twice… felt that light was from God who engulfed and protected me.
Experience of white light during bone marrow transplant for chronic myelogenous leukemia.
152. Dani C Experience 2/16/2016. I liked to look at my figures on the shelf. I looked at them through the mirror, and I saw them fidgeting around and chattering to each other. When I looked at them directly, they shushed themselves. Then I looked to my beanie babies, and they too were fidgeting, but they seemed to be in pain. They were asking me to please unclip them from the hanging chain. It was very wondrous, but I felt bad for my toys, making the experience slightly unsettling.
Age 5 mirror experience where toys came alive.
151. Evelyn M Experience 1/30/2016. My mother was walking ahead of us and as we were walking by a long high wall it sort of gave way to reveal a cemetery. I stopped to watch as about six or seven beautiful angels in white with huge wings were almost gliding to particular graves and placing a single white lily flower on the grave from lilies they were holding. It was done slowly and deliberately with great care and compassion. I was mesmerized and the angels seemed to know I was there. I wasn't scared and excitedly called to my sister to look at the angels but she said she couldn't see anything and didn't know what I was talking about and to hurry up or we would be in trouble. A second or so later the wall reappeared and I caught up.
Angel encounter at age 4. Shared 59 years later.
150. Linda S Experience 12/22/2015. I was awoken by a blow to the back of the head and a male voice said to me very loudly 'Ive got you!' I have also been awoken at night by someone gently blowing on my hand to awaken me. It also awoke me one night by asking from across the room 'Will you marry me?' To which I shouted my reply of 'No!'. This frightful entity bothered me at night for several months. The experiences with this particular entity stopped after a few months. Praying, saying the lord prayer. etc did NOT make it stop bothering me. For three years now I have had people contact me while I am falling asleep. I had one experience with a voice saying to me 'I am an 85 year old man and don't know where to go.' I also had one with a frightened young women pleading for help one night. I felt she was a crime victim. I have voices bothering me every night. Mostly they are unintelligible conversations that I am hearing. They vary from an adult male, adult women and a female child. This has been extremely aggravating.
Multiple entity encounters.
149. Michael A Experience 12/20/2015. There were 3 men on each side of the bed and 3 men at the foot of the bed. Today, I often wonder was there 3 other men behind me that I didn’t see. Now, the closest I can tell you about the center man on the left side of the bed is that he wore what I can only describe as a Japanese courtesan mask with a veil and a beautiful horn decoration was on top of the mask bent back over his head. When I focused my attention on the man on my left at the foot of the bed it seemed we instantly moved together into a field of sorts like I’ve never seen. I could smell water.
Atypical experience most likely ICU experience vs entity encounter.
148. Mel TJ Experience 10/20/2015. In the body and life of another 'me', I saw myself in a small galley kitchen. There was an aluminum table with two chairs sat against a wall and a 'lazy Susan' on the tabletop also sat against the wall. I knew, somehow, that I was waiting for my sister to come home and was preparing tea because I knew she would be tired from work. The tea I was making was in a small, red tin. It had obviously been used a lot because it had started to rust in the hinges. It reminded me of vintage band aid containers, only a bit bigger. There was a design in the center, although I'm not certain what it was, maybe a rooster or chickens. It felt like I was going about my everyday life, nothing spectacular or extraordinary. There was a screen door opened and I walked out, waiting for my sister to get off of the bus at a stop not far from our front door. The home we lived in was small and seemed to be the right side of a white duplex. There was a road running in front and I go the feeling I lived in a small town.
She slipped into another lifetime and different body.
147. Peter C Experience 10/11/2015. Instantly, I expanded in every dimensional direction: I took up infinite space, infinite time, infinite probability, and so forth. I was going through each dimension, as if I was showing myself the truth about what I really was. I knew that I, GOD, would return to Peter, for his life was unfinished, but he would gain this incomprehensible knowledge nevertheless. I, God, would show this lost little ego what it really was. It was everything, it was infinite. While I could go on for days, years, centuries, all the way to infinities, about the nature of infinity, dimensions (being Space, Time, Probability, etc- the things that primarily make up that which is.) I won't do that just yet.
So eventually, I was inevitably reaching the point of infinity. I knew what was going to happen, but I wasn't aware of it. That is because at the point of ABSOLUTE INFINITY, nothing happened.
Although this is a drug experience, the detailed nde-like description and changes in his life after the experience seems to be more than brain chemistry.
146. Francesca SS Experience 9/26/2015 From Italy. Original in Italian. The strange thing is that upon waking I could recognize nothing of my body, starting with me being a man at that time. I didn't know what my language was, didn't know the name of the objects around me, what I was doing there, I would not call it amnesia, I'd rather call it a complete lack of knowledge. Even stranger, persons around me told I had the voice of a woman, though I was visibly a male and my relatives wondered whether I had some throat surgery or I had a related trauma, which never happened.
This is an Amnesia experience from a medical doctor that sounds like an evidential walk-in. It is posted in both English and Italian.
145. NC Experience 9/21/2015 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. A fellow worker was crushing a fly and I saw the soul of the fly going. In front of me I saw a kind of cone opening, bright at the outside and completely black inside. It was a perfect and circular form. Immediately after the cone stopped growing it aspired the soul.
This is an 'Other' type of experience that is posted in both English and French.
144. Farrah J Experiences 5/12/2015 But see there were more lives out there. These lives were all being lived out simultaneously, side by side. Energy- life- went on forever, in every direction. I’m not sure what order this happened in, but I felt like I was being given all the knowledge in the universe…I suddenly was filled with this immense knowledge of math and science and all of these questions I had ever wondered about were answered instantaneously. It seemed so simple. I could hear myself saying, “Ohhhhh” because everything suddenly made sense. I felt so powerful, so knowledgeable and so filled with happiness. And I wanted to share my knowledge with everyone. It was all so perfect and beautiful.
The best way to sum this up is a life journey. Scientifically, there could be a lot of these experiences that could be dissociation or some that could be related to drugs. However, there are other experiences like the spontaneous life review and frequent OBEs, that say otherwise. . .
Ray C Experience
2/16/2020 & 4/8/2015
All of a sudden, the room was filled with a very strong smell of roses. I can’t overemphasize the words ‘very strong,’ as it was as though someone had opened a bottle of rose-scented perfume and poured it onto the floor of my little office. The smell was so strong that it actually made me suddenly jolt/stiffen in my chair and open my eyes, as though I had been physically prodded in some way.
Three people all experienced unexplained sense of roses in a school office.
143. Kelly G Experience 4/8/2015 From Australia We stopped at a red light. We were all relaxed and glad to be going home when the driver yelled , " Oh No! " I looked at her face in the rear view mirror. Her eyes were wide open. I was about to turn around to see what she was looking at through the rear view mirror. I heard a voice very calmly say , " Don't look , just lean your forehead against the back of the seat in front of you." And Then I was directed to tug on the seat belt to make sure it was secure. I Wanted to see why the driver screamed, but the voice repeated don't turn your head. Then I heard the loud crash, and I felt like I was on some kind of carnival ride. And I remember laughing and telling the voice, " I usually don't like carnival rides, but this is not so bad." But not out loud, I was communicating with out speech. I Was spinning it seemed for a long time and I felt extremely happy and excited . There was no pain and no fear. I still can relive that feeling of sharing that experience with my guardian angel.
Other experience that likely saved her from substantial injury at time the car she was in was struck from the rear.
142. John B Experience 4/7/2015 From New Zealand At a pre school age I awoke in my bedroom and looked up. In the corner of my room high up I could see what I can only try to describe. There was no animation to suit in the early fifties and no screens however in today's animations it may be described as an uneven ball of 'energy'. I know energy is not descriptive in itself so I will say, imagine a loosely wound ball of wool, not even but slightly elongated about a couple of feet in diameter. Now imagine that big ball of wool being made of semi transparent fibers and those fibers relative in size to the 2 ft ball as are the strands of a normal sized ball of thick wool. Now give gaps all through the ball as if there are lots of stands which are not actually connected but moving around at a relatively fast pace with gaps between them however all moving as if in a swarm, an unordered but non colliding swarm. It was not bright at all but I could see the top corner of the room behind it so it was semi transparent. I interpreted it as a 'presence' and felt fear so concentrated on pushing it away.
Several interesting experiences, one like a foo fighter?
141. Marilynn Experience 3/1/2015 I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a man standing above my husband and I. I closed my eyes just wanting him to go away and he stayed for what seemed like several minutes. When my husband and I woke up I told him that I know he doesn’t like to hear my ghost stories but told him what happened anyway. I smoked back then and my husband was taking me to the store to get some cigarettes and we saw the ambulance about a quarter block down. We went down there and my neighbors told us that the 18 year old boy had hung himself that night. There is no way I could have known that.
Multiple life-threatening events and premonitions
140. Douglas H Experience 6/30/2014 My own experience in that tunnel demonstrated clearly to me that there is an existence beyond our earthly and intellectual dimensions that I must keep and open-mind to accept. I went through something really strange and foreign to me at a very early stage in my life, that I couldn't explain, but it was enough to give me an understanding that death is not what it seems, and something enriching is in that tunnel to somewhere interesting and intriguing.
Several experiences, including experience with ether at age 5, that helped lead this scientist to conclude that “there is an existence beyond our earthly and intellectual dimensions.”
139. Cassie S Experience 6/21/2014 Joyce was four years older than me (about 13 at the time), and we shared a room. That night I quietly said, "Joyce, I'm a witch." I thought she would laugh. Instead she asked me what I meant. I explained to her what had been happening, and she unexpectedly burst into tears. She told me how on the bus a group of boys would tease her, knock her books out of her hands, kick her, etc. and asked if I could help her. I had no idea this was taking place and was infuriated. I asked Joyce what she wanted me to do. Joyce asked me to break the "gang"" leader's leg so that he couldn't ride the bus for awhile. I stayed up all night concentrating on it. That very next day while he was skateboarding down our street, he fell and broke his leg (the exact scenario I saw in my mind).
Episodes of telekinesis during childhood after a possible NDE or fear-death experience at age 6.
138. Scott T Experience 6/21/2014 A high orbital position above the Earth which appeared with the left side of the planet lit by the Sun, and the right in the darkness of night. The Sun was clearly visible as a natural star. This became my Home Point and still is today. Quite an awesome experience in itself. It has taken many viewings to learn about this point and the themes used during the communication in the viewing. How all of this is happening is still not completely understood, but it does... From this point the question of where to go next may arise. Quite simply, while one is floating surrounded in the darkness and volume of space, the NDE reports of 'seeking the light' or 'I followed the light' seemed as appropriate a thing to try as any. So from space there is one very big light to draw your attention, the Sun. Now technically the Sun is physically, a gravitational ball of rawing nuclear fusion of no apparent intelligence, or it should be at least. The Sun is not just this though, it is such a thing in its physical appearance but it has a non-physical aspect as well.
Remarkable observations from remote viewing.
137. Sandy W Experience 5/17/2014 I had recently cut the side of my right hand open, during washing a glass. Surgery was needed to fix the nerve in my hand. I remember coming out of the anesthesia and saying, "Why is my arms in the air. The doctor stated, they were not. I reply, "yes they are they feel straight up in the air. I feel so cold. The doctor explained my arm that was having surgery done was out to the right laying on a table, it felt cold because blood flow was stopped for the surgery. I remember very vividly feeling like I was reaching up out of my body, half in my body half out. I wasn't afraid at all. But when I woke I didn't understand the feeling and knowing I was awake… It was so vivid, it didn't matter what the doctor was saying to me, even though I saw my arm was on the table to the right. It felt like I was reaching up out of my body, more real than what he was saying.
Unusual belief that arms were in the air after surgery. (angular gyros experience)
136. Babs Experience 3/23/2014 I was participating in a function for a Masonic associated group known as Rainbow for Girls. More accurately, I was invited to a pool party and preparing for the Grand Assembly, a big Rainbow Girls meeting, where every group in the state gathers. I can't swim, but we were playing a game where we would slide down a slide and land in a raft below it. I had slipped off and ended up in the deep end of the pool. It was ethereal, very dreamlike, once I realized what was happening. I don't remember if water ever got in my lungs, it was just funny. I was very afraid and scared, and then I opened my eyes: I could see and breathe underwater, and that shouldn't happen. I remember both pleasant surprise from this, but also deep concern that I might not make it out of the pool. So I started walking, almost with no thought of what I was doing, to the shallow end. Eventually, I heard a voice telling me to go for a hand, then one of the other girls pulled me out and rescued me. I don't remember ever grabbing her hand, though.
Other experience of altered consciousness at age 12 associated with threat of drowning.