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Richard C Experience 3/25/2025 My friend ran around looking for blankets to warm me up while I watched. It was amazing. I had what can only be described as 360-degree vision in every direction along every radian. It was the ultimate UniVision. There were no angles I couldn't see simultaneously. But: I could not go beyond the ceiling.
SOBE associated with chest pain. Shared 50 years later.


Sam S Experience 3/23/2025 From the Netherlands In this dream, my alarm clock radio went off and tuned into the morning news. The news presenter started of with news that would leave the world in shock if it were for real. Michael Jackson, 50 years old, was found dead. Cause of death appeared to be cardiac arrest.
Premonition dream with accurate details about Michael Jackson’s death months before his death occurred.


David H Experiences 3/2/2025 This speck of light started coming towards me. As it did it started to make a whirlpool of light. Going from right to left it went round and round in a blur of white blueish light that as I said made the shape of a whirlpool of light.
Three SOBEs described at ages 6, 41, and 47.


Jon E Experience 2/9/2025 I embraced Jesus. He was gold. I have never felt such acceptance, such strength and love, with an incredible sense of protection. Time stopped. We produced a screen with attitudes of my father on it. Together, we made the images shrink and go away.
Remarkable guided meditation experience.


James C Experience 2/3/2025 All the sudden I feel the presence of another being in the corner of the room - death. The feeling of reality going out the window began to set in and I felt myself enter a trancelike state and visions appear above me in the darkness. I was visited by my great grandfather, who my mother compared and compares me to and had died before I was born
STE at age 10 that prevented his suicide attempt.


Jesse W Experience 2/3/2025 The people below were cheering for me, and I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and love that was difficult to put into words. It was unlike anything in this world. I would describe the experience as one where feelings of joy and love infused everything with an unearthly golden light that enveloped the spiritual bodies of the crowd, as well as my own and that of my guide. This guide seemed to lead me to a threshold that opened up to a beautiful shoreline.
Two STE dreams.


Dogan D Experience 1/26/2025 From Sweden I was in a very bright place with my friends and beings whom I knew were close to me. We were asked to make a choice about what kind of body and life we would have in the future. I made my choice quite happily and cheerfully and told those around me that I had made my decision. As soon as I made my decision, we all started to ascend together in a dark void filled with columns of white light.
Pre-birth remembrance


Ken L Prebirth Experience 1/20/2025 I was in a white dull pearl like void where everything was like that. An emerging creator created me the same time he was made in spirit form for both of us. He said you can be a male; reading my thoughts and I could see and hear but I cannot move. I was from the right side of his body. Next thing I know is I was sent to earth.
Pre-Birth Remembrance


Nini L Experience 1/20/2025 From Hungary. Original in Hungarian, Shared in English and Hungarian. I saw my neighbors in their own apartments, I saw cars passing by on the road, the trees swaying gently in the wind. It was an unearthly feeling, a mixture of peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment, as if everything was 'as it should be'. I remembered the rest of my family and knew who was where at that moment - some were working, some were running errands, some were on vacation. Whenever I thought of any of them, I suddenly 'traveled' to the city where that person was and also saw from above what they were doing.
SOBE probable dream. Shared in Hungarian and translated to English.


Rebecca N Experience 1/20/2025 From the United Kingdom Despite my extremely confused state my memory turned clearer when I suddenly popped out of my body. I was rather chill overall about the whole thing, apart from the part I got a bit nifty over the fact my view out of my body was the doctors balding head (which I wouldn’t be see prior to him walking in the room.
SOBE following seizure at age 5-6.


Misty E Experience 1/14/2025 So I my farewell prayers to Christ and He responded relaxed. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and parted. Moments later the family members near me caught me by my hair and snatched me up from the water.. and I ran to safety… The Lord himself spoke to me and saved me
Other experience at age 4. Drowning and heard the Lord speak to her and save her.


Margaret B Experience 1/1/2025 Then that mans voice came and told me to 'look up at the clouds'. I follow the directive and it was amazing because when I looked at the clouds I didn't have any discomfort anymore it was just peace and calm. I saw the beautiful blue sky with the white clouds.
Other experience of hearing a voice that saved her life during a criminal attack.


Violette G Experiences 12/2/2024 From France. Original in French, translated to English I had acquired a vision of more than 360°, to the point where I did not need to turn around to see what was happening behind me. I had the impression that my desires became reality as soon as I thought about them and barely did I think about this person who was going to join me that suddenly, I had the impression of 'seeing' behind me.
OBEs shared in English and French.


Rebecca Experience 11/10/2024 From the United Kingdom I was called Charlie and I knew I was a boy in this life. I knew I didn’t pass from this. I also roughly knew that I lived on a farm. After that I was stunned and immediately told my friend.
Past life remembrance at age 13 with experience shared by another person with her.


Alan R Experience 11/4/2024 I could see the sergeant from above checking the cars. It was only for a split second and I was back in my body.
Brief SOBE.


Paul T Experience 10/26/2024 What I felt radiating from that being was raw, indescribable, and overwhelming POWER! This being is power itself! I felt that all life in the entire universe had it’s origin point in this being - every person, every animal, every insect, every plant, every star, every galaxy, and all life in the entire known and unknown universe - had the origin of its life-force in this being!
STE at time of anguish about his alcoholism. Experience cured him.


Linda Experience 10/21/2024 everything started turning goldish blue the trees gold hue, I saw butterfly's and bunnies across the street where the flowers and grass was everything had the golden glow like before a storm comes. I have seen this before as a child. As this started everything and everyone froze but me
Other experience at time of severe pneumonia.


Jeani Experience 10/14/2024 From South Africa I was with the creator and held very lovingly. Love was the key emotion or reality. It was a very expansive experience and I knew everything with all the knowledge coming to me without trying. I did not have any idea about who I was in the physical world at all. It was peaceful and extremely blissful.
Meditation experience that happened in India.


Vergil C Experience 10/9/2024 I felt a huge surge of electricity well up inside of my brain and upper back. The sensation itself felt like a gas bubble rising from beneath a huge body of water. As the energy intensified, like a bubble making its way to the surface and into the light, multiple images of my grandmother overtook my visual memory;
ADC from deceased grandmother, then STE 3 days later. Both experiences occurred less than one week ago.


Mudappallur G Experience 10/7/2024 From India The voice disappeared and I saw myself rising into a dark cloud I don’t know what happened afterwards Must be next day I saw myself standing naked before a dead body I rushed to the rest room Yes I was the same face with blind left eye Ichecked my left leg Yes same polio leg I fell down to the dead body and asked forgiveness for leaving it
States he was killed and apparently immediately incarnated into another physical body.


Katie R Experience 9/19/2024 From the United Kingdom As I looked I could see a barn owl fly up the river, as I followed it with my eyes it’s wings spread out and became the wings of an angel who appeared through this amazingly bright light and stood there dazzling me in the middle of the water. I was then joined by two human looking beings except they had no gender. I knew they were male and female and that I had known them many, many times before in many other lifetimes. The love I felt for them was overwhelmingly pure and I was so happy to see them!
STE dream with many NDE-like features.


Jasmine H Experience 9/6/2024 I suddenly heard a voice say my name 'Jasmine'. It was so immaculate, earthly words cannot describe. But if I had to describe it, it was magnificent, powerful, kind and loving, loud, yet soft, dominating and compassionate. I knew it immediately that it was God.
Detailed STE dream with encounter with God.


Nan J Experience 8/4/2024 I remember at that time, looking into a tunnel, the brightest tunnel I had ever seen in my life, I realized I was dead and I knew I was dead. But I did not go into the tunnel because I knew it was reincarnation, there was nobody to say it to me, I just knew that it was not my time
STE at time of suicide attempt at age 13. Shared at age 14.


Paige C Experience 8/3/2024 Right after that I felt myself going into a dark tornado like type tunnel that at the end was light particles like dust you see in the light of a window. At that time I knew I was going to cross over and I said 'I'm ready' A voice said it is not time. You need to meet your granddaughter.
STE at time of dental procedure. Experience shared one day after it occurred.


Suzanne F Experience 8/2/2024 From the UK The whole room looked wispy white and I then became very small in the bottom corner of the room, almost the height of the table. I recall looking across at the table and just seeing my head/shoulders and hand sticking out. At that point I felt really strange.
OBE during acupuncture treatment.


Gen Experience 7/23/2024 I saw this image as if I had eyes and was inside of it although I had no awareness of having eyes to look at it through. The light was so beautiful, it was as if looking at the sun but there was no warmth or temperature, and it did not bring any pain to me to gaze upon it although it was so bright.
STE dream that led to substantial healing.


Mark K Experience 7/22/2024 I was wide awake. I was standing up. My eyes were open. Suddenly, in this totally free state of ‘I-as-a-being’ I became aware that my life was a game. I controlled the game and yet I had completely forgotten that. Just as quickly as that awareness came up I had another astounding realization. I had done this before. This particular life I was living was a single spark from a sparkler of many lifetimes.
Profound STE following multiple profound conversations while he was in the marines.


Louis K Experience 7/9/2024 I sat in the middle of a field of tall grass, then demanded of God that if He was real, that he heal my eyes (I had worn glasses since age 12, hated them). The answer I got, more of a revelation than words, was, 'Isn't it a miracle that you can see anything at all?!


Carol B Experience 5/23/2024 I dreamed that I was in a pregnant woman's uterus and I could see the baby. The cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. I flew out of the uterus into a nearby doctor's head. I screamed at him, 'Do a C-Section! The baby is going to die! Do a C-section!'
Exceptional SOBE dream with awareness of specific details at the time of a remotely occurring emergency caesarian section.


Gary H Experience 5/5/2024 I happened to go over to their house and my younger brother who still lived at home began to excitedly tell me of something that had happened. A radio that was downstairs had come on full blast, woke up everybody and then it turned itself off. I then realized what I had done.
SOBE dream with apparent turning on of radio at another house. Shared about 55 years later.


Alessa S Experience 4/15/2024 From Taiwan. Original in Traditional Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. In English and Traditional Chinese. There was one special phenomenon which is that while I am floating I can see through the ceiling floor. I saw four of my family members play Mahjong in the living room, and the direction was accurate while I was watching them from up high.
OBE dream where she Saw through floor and saw family below.


Xue X Experience 4/2/2024 From China. Original in Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. Jesus opened his arms to me and motioned me to go over. I rushed to my father's arms. I was so happy. After hugging him for a while, he sent me to my mother's arms. My mother smiled and looked at me and caressed me. My mother put me in Jesus' arms again. Jesus waved his right hand forward and motioned me to go back to my room to rest, and I lay down on the big bed again. At this time, the song "Unchangeable Pursuit" was played in the hall. I was so happy. I wanted to sing with the music, but I didn't have the strength. I thought I didn't have the strength to dance. I really want to express myself with songs and my limbs, worship and praise well, but I can't do anything. At this time, the saint and all the people who listened to the truth in the hall were dancing by my bed. They were full of smiles on their faces.
Prayer experience with Jesus. Posted in English and Chinese.


Lea P Experience 3/28/2024 The Earth was lit up beautifully, with a vibrant blue for the oceans. I was awestruck by its beauty. It was like looking at a little golf-ball sized version, and I knew instinctively that I was looking at it from a great distance versus up close, for a very important reason. Without words, knowledge was imparted to me that my path is mine, and whether or not I attend church is not relevant. Nor is it relevant for me to attempt to compare my path to the path of anyone else.
Remarkable SOBE with spiritual insights. Shared slightly more than two months after the experience occurred.


Kim P Experience 3/24/2024 At the same time the male energy was imparting that the cat was going to be hit by a car at the same time guiding me into the house and making me aware of everything that was going to happen a second prior to it happening.
Premonition at age 15 about the death of a neglected cat and awareness the cat was going to a better place.


Mena A Experience 3/16/2024 From Russia All of a sudden I was shifted to the Light reality - it looks like a thousand suns, the color of a bit yellowish white. There was nothing but light, I had no physical body and I felt connected with everything, I had crystal clarity, consciousness and bliss. There was no time - it feels like eternity, there were no objects, no movements. Then I was slowly returning to my physical state... it is hard to explain, it looked like a bended transparent something, not water, not a iar, not liquid, but a dense layer between physical reality and light reality. I could see movements in slow motion and like from above of my body and people around.
SOBE with remarkable gained ability during martial arts sparring match.


Sara T Experience 3/12/2024 I was in a dark space or void, that I didn't feel any threat. The next I remember is im inside what I knew was my mother. This was a different space to the one prior, and i was 100% sure i was supposed to be there. I was concious and it only feels like seconds pass when I'm forced to exit my place of peace.
Pre-birth and birth remembrance.


Dominic S Experience 2/3/2024 I remember looking at the sky and it was unbelievably bright. I then heard a yell from across the street. It was my mother calling my name from our front door. 'Dom, come on we gotta go! Come on!' I then quickly floated from Scotty’s lawn across the street and into the door to my house as my mother was holding it open, and that’s when I woke back up laying in my alley again.
Other experience of being severely bitten by a dog at age 10, and had a vision that was apparently hallucinatory. The rarity of this type of hallucinatory vision contrasts with NDEs with generally non-hallucinatory and often verifiable out-of-body observations.


Pela Experience 1/30/2024 It was above all particular forms, and it was a much more universal love. I felt it was the perfect apperence for me, because I was before the experience very suspicious with religions, and seeking for universal truth above particular and cultural forms. It wasn't jésus christ but it was the light !
STE dream.


Melinda Experience 1/28/2024 I saw great-grandma and she and I went for a walk. I saw James but I didn't talk to him. Inside the gate there was a golden sidewalk that we walked on. It led to a bridge that crossed water that was clear as crystal. (She described the vibrant colors, and a wall(s) made of gems, however, I cannot recall which ones). We to a park and sat down on a bench. There were other children there who were also visiting their grandparents.
Dream of daughter at age 10 as told by her mother.


Trevor L Experience 1/24/2024 I was scared, but as I hovered over my body, I felt extreme bliss, having left my physical shell, no longer feeling any sort of pain or discomfort, no cold or heat, no aches or itchiness, no weight or anything at all, just like pure consciousness, like pure energy, and I sort of looked down at my body and realized what was happening, that I was about to leave it
STE after taking pain medications following surgery.


Grace P Experience 1/19/2024 The presence said. You cannot live if you merely want to live to raise your children. I was brought back to a time in high school when the teacher returned back an essay with a 10 the highest mark possible. If I promise to write then can I live? Then I will promise to write. Suddenly my pain left me and the high fevers were gone.
Other experience shared by daughter about her mother. Remarkable healing and other spiritual experiences.


Maria A Experience 1/15/2024 All of a sudden, someone opened the casket. Inside - laid at its center like a precious jewel - there was what I would call some sort of a colored medal made up of a semi-solid substance. In fact, it was more than that because out of the blue this 'medal' became alive just like the colors of which it was made up. Its colors became extraordinarily vivid, fluid, splendid, they rose up in the air, they were many and magnificent.
Pre-birth remembrance during dream.


Nurlybek S Experience 1/13/2024 From Kazakshtan. I saw futuristic city like metropolis type anyway feeling I get from that world was that it was very advanced civilization and the other screen I saw a reptilian humanoid being in a cave or rather he just got out of the cave to view the landscape I guess it was night and dark blue rocky area/world? It was overwhelming to choose just one life and I did sense that there was a pressure to hurry up? So I was kinda recommended by beings/guides/whatever to go to the earth planet earth.
Detailed probable pre-birth Remembrance.


Cristina F Experience 1/10/2024 'I came here because you called me, not to judge you. If you don't want to look at me, you don't have to. Just look to the other side.' And that was the most profound sentence that I heard in my entire life. The way he spoke, the compassion, the love, and the most important, the non judgment. It was incredibly beautiful and it took me to a completely new perspective.
STE dream with profound awareness of love.


Tristan B Experience 1/10/2024 I remember my birth. I remember there being nothing, then light, and seeing my mother on a hospital bed with my father beside her standing. I instantly recognized both of them even though there was a blur or haze to everything. I yelled out 'mom! Mom! Mom!' As I was grabbed and swaddled up. That is where it ends.
Possible birth remembrance.


Ernest P Experience 12/18/2023 From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. I absolutely wanted this soul as my partner. I was told by my spirit guide that he first had to ask this soul if it accepted. That took some time, I have no idea how long but the approval was given. I was told that this soul would be older than I and that in this constellation I wouldn't have any friends. I didn't care, I was quite happy that this worked out for my life plan. The next memory was that my spirit guide showed me several things in the afterlife. There have been souls chastising themselves under a weak light. I asked the spirit guide why those souls were flogging themselves and he told me that those souls needed to forgive themselves about their past life. The next memory was that I wanted to explore other planets, seemingly I was already at that time interested in alien life.
Detailed past life remembrance.


Suze O Experience 12/9/2023 From the United Kingdom I saw a distant light. I eventually reached the Light, this time without any imaginary body, I felt like I was a single point of existence and could see in all directions. There was nothing to see as it was an eternal unfathomable soft white light. I could access information about whatever came to mind with pure knowledge flowing back to me. An incredible feeling of Bliss which is the only word besides pure love to describe it.
STE which is very NDE-like.


Simon C Experience 12/4/2023 From Costa Rica. I was walking a beautiful shimmering beach, with clear crystal clear blue sky and brilliant sun next to a sparkling, cerulean-blue ocean with laughter and happy voices of adults & children... a heaven on Earth... living in Paradise... living the dream as many have described and observed of my actual life
STE months after plant medicine ceremony while walking down a beach.


Kasia A Experience 11/27/2023 Then I was hit with a force out of nowhere. It came out of my body from some mysterious place within and projected up towards the ceiling. Imagine a train just plowing through a tunnel except this tunnel is your chest and this train is the force of pure love. It is a rushing river made of a million strands of love all in an enormous bundle in all the shades of variety. I felt a tremendous overriding compassion and bliss rushing within it. I sank into the cushions, my eyes wide, my mouth open, limp and saturated with bliss.
STE after watching NDE accounts on YouTube.


Lucila GNB Experience 11/5/2023 From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille. Then suddenly, some very tall doors appeared before me, and I began to move towards them. But there were two luminous beings on each side of the doors. Those beings were brighter than the light in the place in which I found myself, because I was able to distinguish them. I started heading towards the giant doors, in a direction such as from south to north (to describe it somewhat). It did not feel like I had a physical body, I was simply going forward, when the being that was on the north side moved towards me, and with a soft voice told me: "Your time hasn't come yet!"
STE dream at time she had leukemia and was pregnant.


Stephanie B Experience 10/26/2023 I tore my eyes away from him to the crown in my hand and as I turned the crown in my hand a word appeared across the gold of the crown as the light from Jesus hit the gold as if it were a mirror and in living, pearl colored letters it said: Life.
STE with remarkable and prolonged interaction with Jesus.


Allegra C Experience 10/9/2023 From the United Kingdom. I remember clearly being able to see a man walk up to the front door of the apartment from the hall. My eyes were closed and I was in a dark room. And 3 rooms away from the hall. But I could see him, clearly with his dark jacket and tanned skin approach the door.
SOBE dream with precognition.


Rebecca P Experience 9/18/2023 I came up out of my body and saw myself spinning under the waves, I was also in my body at the same time spinning under the waves, so I was both witnessing my death and experiencing it. I felt peace. Then I remembered a story I heard about two mice that fell into a vat of milk. One mouse gave up and drowned and the other kept swimming until it churned butter and could crawl out. Then I had the thought, what mouse are you going to be?
Interesting bilocation experience due to near drowning at age 14.


Laura F Experience 9/12/2023 We'll try to explain what happened, but it's difficult to describe. We were able to bike somehow, and at the same time, there were hundreds of alternate realities that were on either side of us like waves, but they were black wavy lines. We totally lost track of where we were going, and time. We can remember snippets of the ride, and stopping to drink more water, but we couldn't discern what was this reality. It was the most disorienting experience, because we also couldn't remember anything, and we felt as though we were biking without being aware of where we were going. We thought we'd never get home and that we were riding in circles because the words we kept hearing were that 'time creates a loop on itself.'
Different altered states of consciousness surrounding different events.


Tim C Experience 9/10/2023 I was frozen in time at the awareness that I was about to die and when I could bare that fear and guilt not one minute longer, I heard Him say: 'Tim, I love you.' I became undone. I wept uncontrollably for what seemed like hours.
STE involving encounter with God. He became a pastor after this experience.


Gangadhar B Experience 9/9/2023 From India I had a strange experience. I was hyper-aware and attentive. I feel like I switched off from the world. I don't remember anything about my body at that time. It was like I was moving towards some very bright light. It was completely pleasant and peaceful and was like real peace.
OBE during session with Hindu guru. Experience happened about 4 ½ months ago.


Julie C Experience 9/9/2023 The feeling was of complete and utter unconditional love. The feeling was intense. I was so loved, I didn't want to leave. I would feel very pleased that again, I had managed to get back to this place and could imagine then saying 'She's here again.' Anyway, my life on earth was wonderful at that time. But I never wanted to go back to earth. I couldn't see them but could hear them telepathically. They would tell me to go back and I would argue. They would say 'no.' Yet, I had to go.
Multiple OBE dreams at age 4. Shared 53 years later.


TO O Experience 9/8/2023 One of the more curious things Del and I attempted to do was use the lens of her eyes, overlaid over my eyes, as we did with the sigil, but it proved to be too much for my human brain to handle. The experience is like looking from a 2D into a 3D dimension or 4D dimension. My brain could perceive parts of what I was seeing, but there was such an overload of visual and energetic data to take in, I couldn't handle looking for more than a few seconds.
An extraordinary account of a former girlfriend who died, then appeared to him as a ghost. Extensive interactions over a week, and the deceased girlfriend had remarkable experiences around the world. This experience is unlike any other ever shared with NDERF.

Lainey M Experience 9/1/2023 I realized that I was at a funeral but was not sure whose . Then I woke from the dream. It seemed a baffling dream. Fell asleep after an hour or so, then reawoke to my phone ringing. Went and picked the phone up and my brother was crying hard, sobbing that ' Daddy’s dead, our Dad is dead'.
Multiple premonitions that came true.


Riëtte W Experience 8/12/2023 From Germany. On one on the left of me were four lives I could choose from. In the other there was more information about them. I only since I had this memory could remember two of them. One of the lives I could choose from was a dark skinned boy in a poor country with reet looking huts, who would've died very young due malnutrition. One other life was this one which I'm currently living, and I only remember it would be highly difficult and hard.
Pre-birth remembrance recalled at age 4.


Sylvia R Experience 7/10/2023 From Switzerland. I felt I was a bulb of light, a soul, waiting for instructions decided and agreed with me and others – to enter this life, through my now mother’s womb. The memory of that instant in that place was vivid. Then, I also noticed in the ‘waiting’, that in addition to the small lights, there were some beings surrounding me. They appeared to be ‘tall’ (or bigger than me) and made of light too, slightly shaped in crown and torso, but no other physical features.
Detailed pre-birth remembrance.


Holly E Experience 7/10/2023
I was given a promise of certain things if I agreed to be born. I don't remember all of them, but one was that I would not suffer great poverty or illness and the other was that I would always have The Knowing that the Source (aka God) of my being would always be with me. So, I went ahead with it and was born. The next memory I have is of lying in the nursery with the other babies and thinking how dull the avocado green nursery and cribs were.
Detailed pre-birth remembrance with observations of delivery while OBE later verified.


Catherine CP Experience 7/2/2023 At a certain point I realized I was floating above my body. I was on the ceiling, looking down at myself sleeping on the sofa. I could see the position I was sleeping in and the pajamas that I was wearing. I felt neither blissful nor non-blissful; I just felt like, wow, this is so strange and interesting, I wonder how this is happening?
Occurred when dying mother was staying at her house.


Snezana R Other Experience 6/25/2023 From Serbia. Translated to English by Amer. I answered her "How could I know what heaven is like?". I asked her to describe what she dreamed about, she said: "I was in the house with you and stepfather and I walked out to the most beautiful place. Those colors, that music and that air doesn't exist here on earth and I've never felt it before. There's no pain, there's no sadness, it's a very nice feeling and everyone is happy".
Other experience involving a dream about heaven of 17-year-old. Dream happened a few days before she was killed in a traffic accident. Experience shared by her mother.


Matthew T Experience 5/18/2023 I entered a pew, knelt and emptied my mind so could meditate on the presence of God. My consciousness left my body, and I found myself way high with my back almost touching the ceiling. I looked down and studied the slope of my back, my haircut and my attache case sitting next to me on the floor.
Meditation experience with OBE.


Parisa K Experience 5/16/2023 Originally from Iran. The dream was very vivid and real. My mother was in the house among the blazes of fire. She was reading a book and was unaware of what's going on around her. On my way to the room to save her, some piece of ceiling banged on my head and fell on the floor unconscious and instantly and suddenly i was seeing my self from above lying on the floor on my stomach and my left side of my face. I was hoovering on top of me. I asked myself 'what just happend?
OBE dream that reminded her of NDE at age 16.


Paige L Experience 5/12/2023 I remember thinking "Where am I?", then I opened my eyes. All around me was my mother's womb. I didn't have a body, I didn't have awareness of my hands or feet as they didn't exist. The womb was bright (Similar to how your finger looks when held against a bright light). I could see the veins in her skin, and I was floating in the space. I thought "oh. I'm here."
Brief possible pre-birth remembrance.


Maria R Experience 5/8/2023 From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Allison. I observed with pleasant serenity my body lying on the bed. I can't say how much time passed but in a certain moment I was conscious of a state in which I found myself and I thought I was about to die.
OBE where she was observing herself.


Saeed Experience 5/7/2023 From Iran. Original in Farsi, translated to English by Heshniz I looked at the space of the room and saw that beside it was night and dark, but there was a bright golden light, like a golden little bits had spread in the room. It was a strange and beautiful combination as if it was the darkness of the night and at the same time there was this golden light that was spread everywhere and could be seen everywhere. After that, I saw the streets of the city for a moment, the solitude of the bright street lights was the darkness of the night, and at the same time, there was a bright golden on the other side that lit up everything.
OBE probable dream.


Irene Z Experience 4/12/2023 From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Allison. When I was alone, at a certain point, I saw the face of my father, who died of cancer three years ago in excruciating pain, and he was serene, he was fine, he smiled at me, as if he were happy that I was still alive. Then I cried because I thought that, if I was suffering so excruciatingly but only for a few hours, he who knows how much he had suffered. I remember that, after this vision, I felt again this superhuman force that wanted to pull me back, bring me back into unconsciousness; So, to stay awake I started pulling strands of hair. It was the only way to still feel alive.
Other experiences of altered consciousness following a complicated hysterectomy surgery.


Matthew L Experience 4/8/2023 I was floating away from my body like a balloon and had no control over it. I was fully conscious and aware. I'm not sure where I was, but I wasn't in my body or on earth. I felt more alive and more real than when I was in my physical body. My first thought was, 'Oh, no! I just died and I'm not ready to meet GOD. Please don't let me meet GOD. I want to go back.' I felt a pull like I was being pulled back to my body. I had no control over that either.
SOBE after day of military training in a desert.


Maria Experience 4/8/2023 From Spain. I remember seeing a baby's body and two entities on my right smiling at me. They were very kind and loving. They were like parents who drop off their kids at school but instead they were dropping me into this body. As I was watching this fat and small body, I began to see the childhood that she was going to experience. It was like living images that were unfolding and going faster. The images were sad. I saw a lot of stress and crying. I told them I didn't want to go there because I didn't want to experience that. The beings gently told me that, "I had to" and that "everything was going to be Ok." These images went through my childhood and into my youth, but stop around the adult years.
Pre-birth remembrance including discussion with two entities.


Angelina G Experience 3/30/2023 Second-Person I was walking through the clouds holding Gods hand. I felt the most peace I have ever felt and a feeling that I never wanted to leave. He was walking me closer and closer to pearly gates, but I did not go through. He said to me "It's not your time child, it's not your time" and I felt myself being sucked back down. I knew the body in Heaven was my own as I could see it.
Relatively recent STE where she met God.


Larry B Experience 2/26/2023 I found myself 'floating?', looking down at my T-shirt and jeans clad body face down. I then noted my room-mate at his desk studying for what I concluded looking at the book he was reviewing along with his notes; to be for a history exam.
OBE that started with a dream with verified observations. Shared nearly 65 years later.


Edina K Experience 2/17/2023 'Instead of taking the steps down, you will jump off, but you won’t fall. You will float over the stairs and safely touch down in the landing, because the laws of the Universe will be suspended for you for this brief time. No one will believe what happened to you, and you may also question this memory when you grow up. You must make a commitment here and now that you will never write this off as something a silly child made up.
Other experience. At age 10 heard voice that he could jump off an upstairs floor and float down- and he did.


Tracy R Experience 2/8/2023 Then I heard someone say, don't be afraid, you have died many times before." I suddenly became calm, but very sad. Suddenly, I was standing on a grassy hill, to my right was Winchester Cathedral in Winchester England. My mother was English, and I had visited the Cathedral as a child. But, I was not looking at the Cathedral, I was looking up the street. Several years later, my uncle told me that where I was looking was the funeral home where my grandmother was prepared for burial.
Past life remembrance following auto accident and hospitalization.


David B Experience 1/30/2023 he body and face had no features. It had butterfly like wings with three lobes on each side. The upper lobe had a pattern of a dark dot surrounded by a concentric circle. Behind the being was a bright white light that seemed to be so bright that it showed through the being, making it seem like it was glowing.
STE while in emergency room involving multiple communications from an entity.


Daniel PG Experience 1/19/2023 From Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille. I could see through my physical eyes; I could see simultaneously through the eyes of another body, and that one was looking at another body, also mine, which was ascending at great speed through a light full of colors! ! Similar to the tunnels of light that are formed when, in “Star Wars” or “Star Trek”, they exceed the speed of light. It looked like the light was going through me, and I was going through it. I existed in three places all at once, one part of me was ascending, the other contemplated that fact, while I was still able to see through my physical eyes, without knowing or being aware of whether or not I was breathing. Let me add that my eyesight through the physical body was fixed on a spot on the wall, without blinking or moving, as if I were dead or else, in a state of shock. What followed was the Voice! The Voice of my Angel or Higher Self was no longer like in my dreams ; it was not an intuition within me, but a Voice that filled EVERYTHING!
STE dream with interesting consciousness from three different perspectives.


Tim E Experience 1/19/2023 From Thailand The experience in sequential order (from notes made the day after) a) Blackness. Silence. An awareness of self as gentle, waiting. No thought, no commentary, just the perception of blackness and the perception of self. b) A sound (to be interpreted later). Not directed at me. Not aggressive. c) Sudden movement, not of my doing. Being violently squeezed, pushed, turned. A simultaneous feeling of extreme terror. d) Gasping for breath/being suffocated.
Dream with apparent remembrance of his own birth.


Eugenia S Experience 1/10/2023 After a while, since I felt bereft, I decided I had better get out of my apartment and around other people. So I got on a bus and went to the nearest mall. It was filled with holiday shoppers, looking for gifts and bargains.
STE with a light being.


Margaret G Experience 1/5/2023 From Ireland. Somehow I travelled out of and above our house and travelled a couple of miles into the countryside. I looked down at a little farmhouse, surrounded by trees. I found myself moving towards the house and somehow went inside the house where I saw an old man, who was dead. I watched people standing around in the house and greeting people who came into the house to attend the wake.
OBE dream with travel to a wake. Found out the next morning that the grandfather of a neighbor died during the night.


Ronnie C Experience 12/23/2022 I went to sleep in my bed that night and woke up more alive than I have ever been, but without a body and I was in complete endless empty darkness. I was pure consciousness and I was still me but completely alone. It felt like I was there forever, and I even had thoughts that I never really existed.
NDE-like OBE void experience.


Mohammad Experience 12/12/2022 From India I felt complete lightness, complete peace, fearlessness, calm and quietness. Again I was very very alert and aware what was happening, i saw to my right, i saw my window curtains, i saw left where I could see door.
OBE dream.


Jason N Experience 12/12/2022 It was quiet, it was deep inside, and it was an unmistakable voice. I didn’t recognize it as anyone I knew, and I don’t even remember if it was ale or female (I think male?)… I got an email with a job description attached that was different than the first position I’d interviewed for, and the staff wanted to interview me.
Prayer experience leading to new and desired job.


Michael G Experience 12/12/2022 It was like a moon - no atmosphere - the Golden Light was on a horizon, there was a sea of golden-LIQUID light. At the beach of this sea and at a small distance away, the Woman was there. I asked her what I could bring back from this place that could help a dying person. I heard hear voice - a command - "Tell them to love THIS."
Shamanic experiences, some with meditation.


Michael J Experience 11/27/2022 there's no pain, there's no feeling, there no suffering, there's no thoughts, there's nothing and one else around you, there's no other souls or anything you are alone and your soul is floating in air or I wouldn't call it air it kind of felt more like being in space. I started seeing a little into the future on this earth such as my parents preparing for my funeral then a little more into the future where I saw some of my friends walking around on earth at my funeral.
Drug experience that has NDE-like elements.


Sally M Experience 11/27/2022 Light in a non-descript human shape. We are in an all white structure, marble. There is a small pond we sit around. It's like an Greek garden or something. I only see this immaculate marble architecture. It is peaceful at times until we start being taken. An authority figure takes us 1 at a time and none of us are happy when this happens. I believe these are soul mates. I wasn't taken last but there's no sense of time in between my soul mates being taken. It isn't peaceful when it happens. I don't remember myself being taken. I remember no emotion only I saw my parents atop a staircase with a light bulb above them. I felt warm-like love but it was fleeting
Pre-birth remembrance.


Fran Experience 11/27/2022 One friend died from mesothelioma. He was an ornery man. We had a long and confusing friendship where I had eventually pushed him away. When he was severely ill I visited him. We had a good visit. Six months later, I found out he had died. One day out of the blue, clear as a bell, I heard him in my mind say, "Prettier than a speckled pup on a full moon!" That was how he always described me.
Multiple spiritual experiences.

Kelly G Experience 11/27/2022 I believe that "upper" part is the part of my brain involved in connecting with the Divine. My "lower" brain retains a great deal of my intelligence, but is somewhat slower, and my memory isn't so great, especially when I'm under stress. I can feel sad, angry, and scared, but happiness is rare. I compare it to the corona of a solar eclipse - I can feel the edges of joy, but the full burst of it remains hidden from me… Medical science doesn't acknowledge mystical experience, so doesn't think I have any impairment since I still test well cognitively.
Ruptured brain aneurysm. Following this, sense of reduced spiritual awareness/connection. Important experience in the consideration of awareness of spirituality and consciousness.


Alessandra P Experience 8/3/2016 & 11/27/2022 From Italy. Original in Italian. I was walking on an invisible pathway leading upward towards the sky. My father (who passed a few years ago, but who seemed to feel quite well there) was walking in front of me and taking me towards a garden. There was an unbelievable atmosphere of peace and joy, and it could be felt a love that here on the earth we cannot imagine even remotely. There isn't another way to explain what is over there, and unfortunately words cannot give any exact account.
NDE-like Dream. Posted in English and Italian.


Kate K Experience 10/13/2022 I could see the entire of the universe, galaxies, planets, everything. I felt an incredible, powerful, immense love. I could feel information being transmitted to me, not that I can remember what it was, but it was a lot having to do with answers to questions I’ve had since I was a child, visions I have had all my life, math (I’m not a math person so I don’t know how to say more than that), the connectedness or oneness of everything, and that the only thing that’s really important at all times is love.
Very detailed SOBE with many spiritual insights.


Jake C Experience 9/12/2022 From the United Kingdom Victorian looking building so would have been quite rural. I then went onto what I think was a farmyard when I encountered another person, a male, and usually people don't see that I am there however this person noticed that I was there and they were not happy. Is this possible that you can meet someone else during this experience?
Another mediation experience from Jake B.


Jake C Experiences 9/12/2022 From the United Kingdom I felt myself leave my body (just as I had researched) and then travelled at speed leaving a trail of light brightness behind me. I came to a field and slowed down, weaving between the grass or grain that may have been growing. Then I came upon two trees and as I went above them I looked down on some terraced housing with a garage to the right hand side. I truly didn't know what it meant. I then returned to my body.
Meditation experience with confirmed distant OBE observations.


Marlon C Experience 9/9/2022 Exeptional Experience. It's very difficult to explain, but the consciousness of the older man, and my current consciousness either merged, or swamped position. I eventually penetrated what I initially thought was a wall. I was going to hit it and afterwards, splat. Instead, I squeezed through it, as if it was a thick liquid. I saw the embryo but was communicating with something telepathically. It was telling me I had to enter the embryo, but I got a glimpse of another place and wanted to go there. I was very adamant about not wanting to come back here, but, in a very soothing voice, it simply said, 'you have to go back'.
Remarkable pre-birth remembrance of observing man dying, aware of his consciousness apart from the body, then awareness of themselves as a sperm beginning a new life. Shared 50 years later.


Megan S Experience 8/20/2022 As I was sitting at home I saw him walking towards me. I got scared and ran. This happened about 5 times that morning. Everytime I ran in the house, and he was gone. The last time it happened, I ran into my car and shut the door. I closed my eyes and said you are not real you are not real but upon opening them, he was standing there. He said, I'm okay and smiled and was gone.
Premonition and ADC involving deceased grandfather.


Eleanor W Experience 8/1/2022 From Ireland. Something told me telepathically that this space was reserved for me. “One day, your essence, your spirit, your experiences, will find a home there. Nothing is ever be lost or destroyed. I promise you, all will work out fine in the end. There’s no need to worry. But, you have plenty of things to be getting on with. So, go, live your life well.” I felt so much incredible love from this entity. The intensity of the love I felt from it is indescribable, and the bliss that I felt in myself beholding that was beyond ecstasy.
STE at age 14 at time of great despair.


EB Experience 8/1/2022 I found myself standing in a large open space that looked like a large grassy field. Off in the distance, miles away, on top of a rise there was a large white, domed building, with a shallow dome, much wider than it was tall. Around the bottom edge, it appeared to have columns. The building was very far away, so it was hard to see detail. I looked behind me, and there was a forest. I looked down to my right, and could see a neat garden, with perfect rows of small round plants.
Sudden SOBE into unearthly realm.


Rhonda M Experience 7/27/2022 The main being said I learned enough about knowledge, now I was to go back and learn about love. The information about 'love' is not what we think of here in the physical world. Love is not sexual or possessive, but spiritual. Love is more like endless compassion, without judgment. I was to go back and learn about love. I was not alone; they were with me and guiding me and I would know I had the capability to communicate through this "tone of thought" that we were presently communicating with.
Exceptional STE with profound spiritual wisdom.


Clara S Experience 7/11/2022 I found myself near a horse in a forest - I was a man, I had a sword, from the clothing the time was around the 1400- 1500's. I met a woman there - also on horseback - a clandestine meeting. We were planning how I and my men would enter her husband's castle and kill him so she and I could be together and I could take her husband's place.
Remarkable past life regression that led to awareness of why she had back pain in her current life and resulted in her healing.


Davide Experience 6/29/2022 From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Allison. I was on earth. I saw energy flow across things; I saw colored streams of energy flow across my body. All the colors were very vivid; I felt myself wrapped in an aura of total well-being. I could see my body laid on the bed.
Several OBEs.


Pat W Experience 6/12/2022 From the UK. Quite suddenly I popped out of my body and had a bird's eye view of the garden below. This was a frightening experience and I quickly popped back. I have tried to rationalise the cause and think it may well have been me picking up vibes from the meditators as well as having my eyes de-focussed by the gravel.
Brief SOBE during meditation.


Nina N Experience 6/6/2022 My Guide was listening to my ideas of what I wanted to experience this time coming to Earth. The Guide and I didn't talk out loud, we communicated by hearing each others thoughts. My Guide asked me if I was sure about the long list of things I wanted to experience and reminded me of how challenging like on Earth can be but I did not remember my past lives at all and I wanted to feel all the feelings. Now I remember 3 of my past lives.
Pre-birth remembrance.


Lela P Experience 5/28/2022 There were other light sources floating by me that I intuitively knew were other people. I felt completely comfortable. Not afraid, no negative emotions at all. It was like there was nothing, but that nothingness was indescribably wonderful. I was asked where I was going, did I have a name, etc. I could answer none of the questions. All I knew was that everything was fine and perfect.
Pre-Life Remembrance During hypnosis.


John H Experience 5/14/2022 I was so aware of my situation, so vividly aware, I knew I was not dreaming. I know when I have a dream and most people know a dream .. this was NOT a dream, it was as real as my typing this. I had feeling, fear, questions ... it was so weird. Then I remember thinking about what I had heard in the past about people seeing a light in the distance, so I started looking for it! I really concentrated and I saw a very, very small light in the distance.
SOBE with encountering a tunnel.


Keith M Experience 5/14/2022 When I got to the point of the whirlpool, I was lifted out of the water and weird carnival music (or the ending of a video game wen the music plays) started playing. I was moved around above the water in a counterclockwise motion, I was like I was hovering over the ocean. I was brought over the beach, back into the water, beach water, etc.
OBE dream suggesting possible reincarnation.


Marquel S Experience 5/5/2022 After GOD went invisible GOD contained me and being to create all through me after I went through GOD spend 7 seconds turned into millions+ years GOD asked me what do I want to come down as then I choose my eye color etc then GOD sent me here but before I came I said back to GOD “GOD created heaven and earth.” Then I was sent here into my current body but as a baby boy.
Pre-birth memory where he met God.


Hannah C Experience 5/3/2022 Exeptional Experience. Suddenly I was in outer space outside this bright, burning ball of fire, which I now believe was a star. I looked down, and realized my body was gone. I was just this bright ball of light with a misty like haze surrounding it. I looked around and realized there were hundreds of other little bright balls of light just like me also encircling the star. I didn't know anything about their lives, or who they were... but I KNEW them like I know myself.
OBE dream with awareness of many other beings.


Adriana Experience 5/1/2022 From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille. I would add that at the time of the experience, I was conscious. Lying on my bed, next to my little son, I simply closed my eyes to rest and suddenly, I found myself at the level of the ceiling in the room, observing my physical body, then I entered the tunnel... the feelings of unconditional love and happiness are indescribable. There are no adequate terms to explain them ... only the heart feels... the Supreme Being... I was aware of being free, and in a state of absolute happiness and love.
STE at time of emotional trauma.


Kelly O Experience 4/12/2022 In the dream I started to panic and started to think/pray in my head "Leave my daughter alone, if you are evil or negative - you DO NOT have permission to be here!", the presence remained and thickened, so I started to panic and aggressively thought/prayed "Leave her alone now - you are not welcome here!" And this is where it took a HUGE turn, I did something I had never done before - I asked God/Jesus for help.
STE involving a powerful dream that included hearing Jesus.


Rebecca J Experience 4/12/2022 I found all the other little light blobs on what I can only describe as some kind of ancient ship... I know it makes no sense. It was easy to find the others because of sharing 'thoughts'... Everyone else was happy and excited about this journey but I was certain it was a terrible idea and tried to get everyone off the ship, frantically trying to convince them. I finally tried to grab who I could and flee but was repelled back onboard- and then born.
Pre-birth remembrance. Experience shared 51 years after birth.


Paul T Experience 4/6/2022 I met other spheres of light, It was clear to me then, that I remembered everything of my past, this is the place I came from, this is the place we all ultimately return to. Instantly, I knew who the other spheres were, there were no spoken words, I knew every single thing about them, past present, future, and they knew everything about me, we greeted each other like a long lost family someone who you love dearly, and they loved me, I felt that this place has always been my home.
STE while in bed. Experience quite NDE-like.


Brooke K Experience 3/29/2022 I stood there looking at the chair and thinking of the experience I had just had. Still then I felt the presence with me. I felt an overwhelming sensation of spirits. I had predicted my own death. I was a small child just eight years old. The best outcome of me not moving most likely would have been losing my legs and having severe third-degree burns, possibly even killing me.
Remarkable SOBE at age 8 with information that may have saved her life.


Zara Experience 2/25/2022 From Pakistan It seems crazy to say all this, but i think i remember fragments of dying in a past life and then being reborn. While i was dying, i was deeply scared, not sure of what was going to happen. Right after dying, i was floating in nothingness, like a dark universe but nothing terrible happened. I felt at peace and as if i knew that everything was going to be alright. And somehow, i knew that i was going to be reborn and that death meant the beginning of a new life. It brought me so much peace and comfort and reassurance, even before i was born in this world.
Pre-birth remembrance. Contributor is from Pakistan.


KH Experience 2/25/2022 The light was warmly coloured and I remember being surprised that it went straight up in an almost vertical angle. The moment I stepped into it, I had a feeling of rising upward. Almost instantaneously, I could hear myself saying, 'thankyou for telling me/letting me know' before suddenly feeling myself being 'released' from this energy (not sure how else to describe it) and I could hear my mind calling, 'no, please, wait!'
Detailed OBE dream.


Nineta C Experience 2/19/2022 I heard a very clear voice saying pray for peace. So I started praying for peace, and all of a sudden I received such peace that at that moment I wanted to die, I was waiting to die. It was a peace I never felt before. So in my vision I died and my soul came out of my body and I can see the people in the room talking and myself on that table. Then someone took my hand and we ascend to heaven. In heaven it felt so peaceful, loving and joy, that I was saying to myself I never want to leave this place
Other vision with an OBE.


Jessica A Experiences 2/4/2022 I started rising to the upper corners of the room. It was very relaxing. I have never used any drugs at all. Sometimes I was afraid and declined the experience, as I was unsure of the intentions of an entity that was inviting and pulling me. Eventually, I taught myself to say to this being, "I am with God. I only walk in the light." The being assured me this was a good thing to say. Somehow, the entity put me at ease. I continued to go many places with it. On one trip to an abandoned church (I think somewhere in Europe) I began to gain control of my movements to some extent.
Multiple interesting dream OBEs.


Everly T Pre-birth Experience 1/29/2022 This memory is as vivid today as when I was an infant, I never told anyone about it. My mother once told me when I was about 10 (we were not religious nor church members) that she had been told by God I was only for he to care for for a period, that I belonged to God, I was on loan so to speak.
Pre-birth remembrance with remarkable apparent verified observation of his hospital nursery.


Kristin S Experience 12/13/2021 What seems exquisite about this space is the PROFOUND POTENTIAL ENERGY. I am going to be direct here because it was simply a fact. It was what it was and it was quite obvious. The darkness was in fact light particles without any force acting upon them. Since the space was infinite there was room for everything to be at rest. The light was not extending. It wasn't collapsed light particles; it was more like still light where the light spectrum encapsulated itself. An endless amount of light 'seeds' or 'individual light densities' that if acted upon with force could create images, sounds, matter. It was white light (or spectral light at rest) Each particle of nonmoving light had such profound potential energy and as if it 'waiting for a creative force to act upon it'.
SOBE with encounter with profound potential energy.


Adrianne P Experience 12/1/2021 I opened my eyes and saw my mother and father standing at the foot of my bed and between the two of them was Jesus - he was wearing a white robe and he was holding his hands out to me. Where the wall of my hospital room used to be, there was blue sky studded with soft white clouds and a wide, white staircase leading high up into the clouds to a bautiful huge gateway to heaven.
Other experience while very ill at age 16. Encounter with Jesus. Shared 53 years after experience.


Kolleen C Experience 11/9/2021 I felt the presence of a bright little spirit in the room, and an absolute knowing that I would conceive, to the point that taking the pregnancy test weeks later seemed a mere formality, and I knew it would be positive based on my absolute knowing.
Other experience of awareness she was pregnant before she should have been able to know.


Sandor S Experience 11/9/2021 The moment I understood that fundamental interdependence, I literally saw my astral body float to the upper right corner of the living room, while simultaneously a tunnel opened slightly to the left and in front of me into which my astral body flew to be received with the warmest WELCOME coming from a luminous being. To the right I saw a large semicircular portal with lights, some stronger and some dimmer moving about. Without words I asked where I was and the being said it was the other side. When I asked what the lights were, the being said they were spiritual survivors, the brighter the light , the more advanced spiritually is the person.
STE in form of SOBE while thinking about his relationship with the Creator.


Akiba T Experience 11/1/2021 From Japan. Original in Japanese. Translated to English by Andi. My thoughts were no longer dull, and rather than feeling empty, my heart felt peaceful. Upon just one glance at the great tree, I was filled with a profound sense of love and blessings. The great tree seemed to be moving from its roots to its trunk like a waterfall. I understood that the great tree of life which stood before my eyes was at the same time a collector of souls and their administrator. When a dead soul separates from its body and becomes one with the great tree, it returns the results of its life to the tree. Bodies are a system given by the great tree to individual souls for their own training. Until that training is completed, the cycle of reincarnation continues—and this was the starting and ending point of that.
OBE Dream. Posted in English and Japanese.


Sébastien A Experience 10/25/2021 Original in French, translated to English by Camille. But my mind suddenly found itself in a great inner peace, without any sadness, as if the weight of my life had been removed. My mind knew at that point that there was an alternate reality, I just don't know how to explain it. I immediately thought I would have to read as many NDE stories as possible to learn more. Inside, I was at the same time at peace and flabbergasted. I then remembered several times in my life when strange things had happened to me and I understood them differently.
Other experience at time of conflict with wife. In English and French.


Louis P Experience 10/21/2021 My bedroom was totally illuminated, but there was no source of light. I didn't see any shadows. I got up and went to the window, but there was no source of light. I went to the window several times. I laid back down on the bed and tried to figure it out, but then the light went out on it's own. The light had a swirel to it as it went out.
Other experience involving light.


Kyrstie R Experience 10/16/2021 Michael the archangel came to me and said "Do not be afraid. Something bad is going to happen to you but do not be afraid because I am going to protect you. You will be okay and I am here for you."
OBE dream with apparent information about a life-threatening upcoming life event.


Cheri Experience 10/12/2021 I just remember that I knew the life and family that I was getting into and I spoke. I said, “I’m ready.” And then I quickly flew into my room infant body.
Pre-birth remembrance with remembrance of unearthly realm.


Michael B Experience 9/27/2021 Then I saw my guardian angel walking up to me from a distance. I felt extreme tranquility and euphoria. I felt this natural urge to run up to him hugged the angel. He hugged me back and I felt a lot of love but not like the love we feel on earth. I felt peace and safety. He had long curly hair and a white robe with big wings like an eagle.
Angel encounter dream.


Rita B Experience 9/25/2021 Suddenly appeared on my right, from the quick sand area, a boy of about 12. His skin color matched mine, but it had an unreal, reddish hue. He stretched his arm to me and I stopped being afraid. He pulled me out of the quicksand, never saying a word.
Other experience with mystical entity apparently saving her life at age 10 in Nigeria.


Kasha Experience 9/4/2021 We’re they crazy? I hoped not. I hoped these people were sane. This was the only proof I could think of, so I was watching. Then I was hit with a torrent of bliss and unconditional love coming out of my chest. It threw me back for 30 seconds… He answered my question by going through me. 'Yes, I exist.'
STE while watching NDE accounts on her laptop computer.


Claudio M Experience 8/21/2021 From Italy. Original in Italian. Translated to English by Amy. To my surprise the flight did not end at the end of the long corridor, but it turned into an endless tunnel of light where I continued to fly non-stop. The speed of the flight was increasing more and more and had already lasted for a long time, when suddenly the tunnel ended and I found myself in a vast luminous space. I was finally still, immersed in a white, warm and enveloping light. It seemed like a warm mist that let the shadows of other people walk by. I felt - it is appropriate to say - heavenly sensations: well-being, joy, tranquility, a sense of protection. In light of my current experience, I would describe it as: "A bath in the subtle material essence of love".
NDE-like experience that is possibly an NDE. In English and Italian.


Mariam N Experience 7/25/2021 Original in French, translated to English by Camille. I saw myself sleeping, as if my soul was floating above, I could watch my body sleeping. At the time I did not really understand, rather I was like: “Am I dreaming? Why do I see myself?” And I saw that blinding white light, pure white! Even whiter than snow, like a tunnel, it was something quite indescribable. This light pulled at me like a magnet. It was then that I realized that it was not normal, so I tried to reach my body and I couldn't. Instinctively, I professed my faith by reciting the “Shahada” and I rejoined my body straight away.
NDE-like OBE experience.


Ronald L Experience 7/15/2021 While walking up to entry to ready room after a training flight as an instructor in advance Naval trading command. As I approached the ready room to debrief my student, I experienced the out of body moment - I found my self looking at my physical body at the doorway and the conscious thought 'you do not belong here anymore'.
Brief SOBE shared 52 years later.


Josep SC Experience 7/12/2021 From Spain. Original in Catalonian, translated to English by Camille. I managed to “remember” what I “thought,” if those are the right words - I don’t know - the following: “Again?” I will again have to start again an entire experience of growing, working, suffering, living and dying; at that moment during which I was, I considered it as something bad and negative, I remember that I did not like it ... but now in adulthood, I greatly appreciate having the opportunity to live, experience and help other people.
Intensive meditation experience with birth remembrance and other life memories.


Connor H Experience 7/10/2021 I began to experience the 'life reel' and had strange snapshots of mostly seemingly inconsequential things from my life: A trip to Alaska, cafeteria memories from middle school, baseball with my friends, a fight with my dad, fishing with my brother, then meeting my wife. I then saw the light- but not in the sense I've seen it described elsewhere. It was a white, fist-sized orb to the right of me. It began to get bigger and I punched through it to find a (perfectly lined up) rock hand hold that I grabbed on to.
Other experience after being struck by large wave.


Amit S Experience 7/10/2021 As soon as I felt that, my late mother appeared in my thoughts and I felt that she told me to sing the ode to Lord Hanuman. I also felt that my mother sensed that I was in trouble and I needed help. I did not exactly remember the ode but nevertheless started chanting something about Lord Hanuman. I think I saw him and felt his presence during the struggle.
OBE dream. Happened in America, but he was born in India.


Charles MD Experience 7/5/2021 From Canada The visions made sure I wouldn't let that person down and they worked, despite how hard it was, by working on my subconscious mind. At some point during the pregnancy, I had to configure what my organs were gonna be used for. I remember being shown each part of my body one at a time in my mind and, with the help of my guides or angels, being shown what each of them needs to do.
Pre-birth remembrance and other varied experiences.


Shirin Experience 7/2/2021 Originally from Iran. Shared by Javad. I asked “ is the man alive?”. My husband looked astounded. He said “what man are talking about?”. I gave the description of the man who had jumped in front of his car. My husband was speechless and quietly asked me but who informed you about it so quickly and so much details ?. I said “no one, I saw it”.
Amazing experiences that do not clearly fit into any other category


Ann Marie F Experience 7/2/2021 Suddenly I was transported to another world. It was all energy and color there. I felt some kind of broad relief. I was imparted some information about what death is. Just as suddenly I was back in the normal world.
STE following son’s death. Experience shared about seven weeks after it occurred.


GH Experience 6/21/2021 From the United Kingdom I was then aware of being surrounded by grey and I could see stars and galaxies. I was travelling very fast amongst them and I was huge - as if I was actually part of it. There was a sound, like music but different, it was more of a feeling that I could hear. It was like signals with various pitches but was so beautiful. I felt absolute and total love and so safe. I did not want to leave.
Very NDE-like content although there is no life-threatening experience described.


Anders O Experience 6/17/2021 From Sweden I was suddenly in a beautiful garden. My friends were there. I could not see their faces. The landscape was that of a dream, from Earth, in fact it was the pastures outside the farm where I grew up. But the feeling was not of this world. The love, the peace and acceptance is impossible to describe. You have all you need, and ever will need. Time is just the now. And all you have is clear awareness and infinite love.
STE dream at time of depression.


Paul R Experience 6/16/2021 nstantly all I saw was a bright white light. Nothing overpowering, just a bright pure whiteness. I then began to see shadows in the distance of what appeared to be people, but I couldn't make out who they were. As I watched, I had this sense of complete peace. Peace that I had never felt before.
Prayer experience.


Maria's Mother Experience 6/13/2021 Then from somewhere deep within me - as if down below my heart I sensed a voice speaking to me. It was a beautiful voice - all positive and calming - just talking to me like a good friend would - I wanted to stay there all the time. He spoke to me for a good while - and it intrigues me to this day because the memory of what he said is obliterated - I only know he spoke to me for ages as a beautiful friend would - The only thing that I can remember of it was that he said 'Tomorrow is my feast-day
Daughter shares deceased mother’s STE from writings mother left.


BD Experience 6/6/2021 I never even considered the possibility of writing as though I were an identity outside myself. So I know this message did not originate from a construed part of my mind, subconscious or otherwise.) I then regained control of my body and wept. It felt like my flesh itself was crying. Because there had been an overlap between the divine and my waking, conscious life. This was not like an NDE or a Vision, etc, where there is some separation of consciousness. This was a waking experience. Like witnessing some sort of miracle. In fact, I suppose it was a miracle, in hindsight.
Prayer experience with interesting events following.


Daniela Father's Experience 5/31/2021 From Argentina. Translated to English by Camille. Suddenly, he felt that he had left his body, he began to see himself from above, he saw his body lying on the bed with his eyes closed. He felt that he was beginning to very slowly rise towards the roof, as he continued to see his body lying on the bed. The feeling was incredibly pleasant, difficult to compare with anything in this world. A feeling of infinite love and peace. He was aware at all times. He tried to see if he had any limbs from his body with him, but no. He described himself as “eyes with a pair of wings”, with a 360 ° view. He could see his mother and father sleeping in the other room, he could go through the walls using his sight. Suddenly, he reached the ceiling, his “eyes with wings” stopped when they were about to go through the ceiling to go higher, then he thought about his family, his parents, how they would suffer if he left. He began to force himself to go down towards his body, using a lot, a lot of force, he felt that little by little he began to go down to his body, very slowly, until he got closer and closer, and entered his body again. When he got in, he felt a 'blow' and opened his physical eyes.
Daughter shares father’s OBE dream. Posted in English and Spanish.


Kriya Experience 5/27/2021 Non-Western experience From Thailand It felt really good to be so light and free. 'I' (because it was definitely 'me' - minus my physical body) was light, and absolutely free of all concerns and emotions. Honestly the closest I can describe it as is how it must feel to be zero gravity. Like I was helium. I was so excited by the feeling of weightlessness, that I turned a backwards sumersault in the air (much as I would have underwater in a swimming pool... which was what I did almost daily, living in the tropics, to cool down after school.
STE/OBE at age 16 in Singapore.


Louise C Experience 5/27/2021 From South Africa my eyes were closed but it felt like a light switch went off and it was instantly darker (this had happened before but every time I would sit up in bed and almost break the 'spell' for lack of better words). This time I was too tired to bother to sit up. The next minute, I was underground and there were rows and rows of what looked like terracotta children, old women and one male face looking at me. I sensed their fear and that they were trapped.
OBE probable dream with possible encounter with deceased spirits from the Boer War concentration camps.


Stan E Experience 5/16/2021 Exceptional Experience. A wave of unexplained euphoria overwhelmed me without words of recognition or explanation. I began to feel like I was drifting toward some beautiful unknown place. I experienced looking down on a large grassland valley surrounded by foothills. There were several buffalo grazing in the valley. I saw a young Native American man standing on a distant foothill guarding a remuda of horses tethered to a long rope at the bottom of the foothill behind him.
Exceptional meditation experience with detailed awareness of prior life as a Native American.


Guilia D Experience 5/7/2021 From Columbia. Original in Spanish, translated to Spanish by Camille. At one point I said: “God help me !”, and my friend told me to focus on that thought, to focus on God. An immense love, a fullness, a completeness, a harmony, a feeling that everything was fine emitted from this light, I felt that I was in the arms of love itself and that nothing bad would happen to me, over there everything was warm, safe, calm , beautiful. I saw myself as a form of light, I was some kind of silhouette and made up of the same light from the space in which I was in. I looked around me with eyes that I will call mental eyes, because there, the senses are not made up of organs. I could see how a silhouette made of the same light from the space I was in, and from the same light that I was made of, was highlighted, in my opinion that silhouette was much taller than me. It was right in front of me. I knew that he was a being superior to me, I don't know whether to say now that he was God, Jesus, what I do know was that he came from the very Source of love.
STE following ingestion of cannabis, but seems more an STE than drug experience. Posted in English and Spanish.


Bryon F Experience 5/5/2021 Then suddenly I was laying on the ceiling looking down at my mother beating me. I don’t think I could hear myself screaming or anything like that, I just observed her hitting me. I watched for a few moments without much emotion. Nothing else happened, I just floated on the ceiling and watched.
SOBE at age 4 at time of being severely spanked.


William P Experience 5/5/2021 One second, two seconds, three seconds passed, but there was no impact! No sound of ripping, shrieking metal! No agony of burning flesh! What? Was I dead? No, I was not dead, but I suddenly realized that I had no fear. I was at peace. This is really difficult to explain. I opened my eyes to see that I was still sitting in the pilots seat of the small aircraft, which was now on the ground, and hurtling down the runway at over 100 mph!! But-who-what-how? My mind was electrified with a thousand thoughts, one of which, “I never felt the aircraft touchdown upon the runway!!”
One of the most dramatic demonstrations of the power of prayer


Michael R Experience 4/21/2021 I'm not sure if my fever climbed in the middle of the night, but I felt a sense of health and peace. I remember being beside myself and even though my room was dark, it was being lit up by two beings. I believe they were angels. One male, named Christian, to my left. On my right, a being named Emily.
STE at time of infuenza.


Neema R Experience 4/16/2021 From Iran I saw my soul on the ceiling of my room! If what I saw was true, I saw myself in the design of a white energy that has nothing in the head called the ears, mouth, nose, no abdomen and no back, and I saw my legs in the energy design. Part of this energy was coming out of the ceiling and it looked like I was going to be taken to heaven
Other experience with no life threatening event described.


Alex S Father's Experience 4/14/2021 My dad typed and communicated, 'I saw Him !' while smiling and laughing as best he could with the tube down his throat. I asked, 'Who? The Stake President?' He nodded his head yes, but then typed out, 'I saw HIM. I saw the Savior!' My dad communicated that I needed to buy him darker flesh tone paints. He let me know that he had been painting Jesus wrong all these years and that Christ was darker than my dad expected.
Son describes father’s dramatic deathbed vision.


Matt E Experience 4/14/2021 I was at the near end of a tunnel--in the circle of the tunnel was an amazing light, bright and radiating an overwhelming sense of love. 360 degrees around the dark tunnel which I viewed through, an invisible choir sang what seemed like a single incredible note. The music filled me with the same overwhelming feeling of love as the light before me
Brief STE during reiki session.


Miguel A Experience 4/12/2021 From Spain I was conscious because I remember having merged with the car and driving. But there is not a single memory of vehicles crossing me, or landscapes, or sensations. The body seemed to disappear. Or maybe my body was the entire Universe. There was not a single thought. Not even a single one. And somehow I know that I let go and I let myself go because I was not there. There was God, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it. (And it was the one who drove the car during the experience, not me). How long did it last? There was no time, so talking about duration is meaningless. It could have been there forever, I guess. I might never have returned. But I came back.
Remarkable SOBE with STE while driving.


Heine S Experience 3/10/2021 From Denmark The bedouin then pulls me completely out of my body. I told my mother to listen carefully, because this was out of the ordinary, and I wanted her to remember, so she could tell me about it afterwards. So I kept talking to her all the while, I wandered of with the man holding my right hand. We walked for some time on a kind of dirt road in the mauntains with a valley to the right.
SOBE with remarkable ongoing discussion with mother in same room as SOBE was occurring.


Jessie E Experience 3/8/2021 I was standing over my own shoulder and I can still see my face when I died. It was a blank stare. And I was in a dark room like it reminds of a film set ya know with 3 walls lol and I couldn't see myself or who was next to me but His presence was undeniable. I just knew it was God. and I was begging with him to let me come back.
SOBE at time she thought she was dying, though no obvious significant physical compromise.


Anna E Experience 3/8/2021 The Light of God is pure bliss. We are both. We are pure loving awareness. Anything else is a distortion. I was the Void. Imagine floating alone in pitch black empty space, for all eternity, no stars, no body, just pure consciousness, never ceasing to exist in the infinitely vast eternal solitude that you are. The mind of God is without being, and yet without it, nothing would be. The mind of God is pure consciousness longing for all eternity. The mind of God has no other choice but to exist. It never ceases to expand and evolve.
Remarkable STE apparently at time of car accident without injury. Profound spiritual insights.


Kathleen T Experience 3/4/2021 I felt a presence in the room. Even though my husband was there next to me, it felt like I was totally alone with this presence. It was a very personal interaction with just this one presence. Everything around me just kind of disappeared. I felt a I felt unjudged by anything I had done wrong in my life. I felt a tremendous feeling of love and warmth. I had absolutely no regrets. Just felt like someone had wrapped me in a warm blanket and gave me a dose of love I had never felt. I was at total peace.
Loving entity awareness while very sick.


Nigel P Experience 2/25/2021 From Ireland. I called upon his name and he just appeared out of thin air in front of me around 20 feet away, right in front of me. This next bit is very hard to put into words. In the air there was pure love, I don't know if the pure love was in the air or from the energy connecting us but it was an unbelievable feeling. On earth you feel love by touching or speaking by telling someone you love them but where I was, the love surrounded you. My Dog was perfect his hair was glowing with light but not like light here on earth, the light had mass to it.
ADC, dream, NDE-like SOBE, reuniting with deceased beloved pet dog.


Mark E Experience 2/25/2021 From Australia. But at the same time, they were kind and gentle, and knew everything about you. This entity held out their hand, and I took it. I was then led down the isle towards the middle confessional box that had the door open. We stepped inside, and instead of it being small and cramped, it opened up into a tunnel or passageway. The walls of this tunnel were ribbed, and gave off an emerald green glow which I also felt. It was a feeling of happiness and joy, like Christmas.
STE dream that is very NDE like at age 9. Shared 52 years later.


Anne A Experience 2/24/2021 From the United Kingdom I was hovering in the void with my arms out like I was on a cross. The streaks of light touch the top of my fingers and I immediately felt warmth unconditional love. It started to move up my arms and into me. No words to describe that euphoric feeling of home. As it worked its way through me I couldn’t help notice what I could see within the Center of the gold light. There was fields and fields radiating in gold light. There was a cobbled road and a hump bridge. Over that hump bridge was a great gold city illuminated. It was surround my huge great big gold walls.
Very NDE-like STE while in bed.


Linda A Experience 2/6/2021 I started to zoom through a black tunnel at an exponential speed and it scared me because I could see no end. But as I went through it, I had the most inexpressible joyous feeling like nothing one can experience on earth. There was no one in the tunnel but me. At that point my spirit telepathically communicated with God and said 'If you want me to die, I am ready, but if you want me to go back (since I was so young) I will and I will live for you'.
STE at time of mental pain and paranoia.


Gabriel A Experience 2/5/2021 From Bolivia. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille When I got back on the bike, I saw a strange light in the whole sky, and I felt a question: "Do you want to come or do you want to stay?" I thought I wanted to stay because of my mother and because I still thought I had things to do in life. A few minutes later, the cyclist who was in front of me braked unexpectedly next to a truck. He gave me time to jump off the bike and hit the ground. Otherwise, the truck would have crushed me or I would have fallen over the side of the road, down a deep cliff.
Other experience associated with experience shortly before bicycle accident.


Carlene D Experience 1/26/2021 From Canada. Such relief flooded over me. I had no fear whatsoever. Here’s where it gets strange though as it seemed that time slowed down and I was both watching and experiencing it at once. I felt like I was in a video game or something. I saw the moose whip it’s head and look at this car bearing down on top of it. It tried to run off the road but the road was so icy that it’s legs were scrambling, but it wasn’t going anywhere. I laughed out loud because it looked like a cartoon moose with its legs flapping around like that.
STE when inexplicably avoiding her car colliding with a moose while she was feeling suicidal.


Jackie SH Experience 12/30/2020 At the same instance that this revelation came to me, my deceased step-father’s spirit, Marcel touched me with a great love that I had never experienced before, in the next instance my real father, Alfred who is also deceased, (I was 2 years old), touched me with the same spirit of great love. The next instance, there came over me the most powerful and wonderful experience of God’s love, our Father in heaven. His great love enveloped me, like a warm blanket of love. The three Fathers in one embrace.
Dramatic OBE dream and other experiences.


Susan Experience 12/13/2020 I was in space, designing my body of what I wanted it to look like on earth. My body was floating and my hands were out. It looked like designing an avatar for a game. At first I saw my body as a whole, and then it zoomed in on my hands. I remember growing out my fingers for how long I wanted each of them to be. When growing them out, I couldn’t go shorter or longer than certain points. It had to stay in a 'range'. There were no clothes on my body but I don’t really remember focusing on anything other than my hands.
Pre-birth remembrance.


Karla Experience 12/3/2020 From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy There are no human feelings, but nevertheless it is the most BEAUTIFUL THING which I ever experienced. Absolute calm, security, acceptance. There's no 'I' anymore, but also no 'we'. There's only BEING. Yet I'm still 100% myself. I feel like still having a body, but I don't believe that he was really there. I have a long time to look around in the light. The light is resplendently bright but I can look into without any problem. It is also somehow 'moving', it's 'alive'.
Multiple STEs over several years.


Mary A Experience 11/10/2020 Then I must Of left the world because then I was laying down I could see a white light in darkness and bending over me was my Family Mom, Dad, Kathy, George, Nick waving there arms for me to come with them. As they were calling fo me Jesus stepped in an said to me it's not your time, but first come with me to the Father God.
STE following suicide attempt.


Helena S Experience 10/29/2020 From the United Kingdom From somewhere in the middle of my head I 'saw' that this connection was a beam of brilliant white light with sparks round the outside. Like a super super bright firework. Some of the sparks close to the entrance of that somewhere were orange, maybe because the whole thing was engulfed in the golden light.
Shared death experience with pet cat who was dying.


Julia J Experiences 10/28/2020 In my understanding, that kind of separation from everyone I loved would feel more like a never ending hell than anything, so I sought God’s explanation. Usually my answers were more of words and feelings that came to my mind, but this time pictures, words, feelings, and an uncanny complete and fleshed out understanding flooded my mind almost instantly. I saw myself floating just beyond an open view of a young cosmos. New earths were being formed, new planets. Stars were exploding and nebulas were birthing new ones. “You can come back to me and I will take you with me and teach you everything there is to know about astronomy. You will not be bored. You will comprehend physics and math, and chemistry and even help me. The heavens will be at your disposal and you will be able to go anywhere.
Prayer experience, SOBE, and other experiences as she was near death and then recovered from heart failure at age 14.


Nick D Experience 10/23/2020 Eventually, I did lose consciousness. When I had come back to full awareness, I was in the middle of sprinting, full speed, across the field. At this point, I looked behind me. I saw that the people beating on me were still hitting the ground, and both my brother and friend were completely unaware that I had gotten out of the situation and somehow got past them.
Other experience. Was being severely beaten by mob while he was on the ground, then suddenly and inexplicably he was far away from them.


Maryann H Experience 10/13/2020 I felt myself like from my stomach being pushed through the bed I can imagine the whole thing happening as it was the next time I looked around I was in the corner of the room at the ceiling it was near a window I had looked over at my mother who was still on the phone I saw my body on the bed and I decided to look out the window as it was something I wanted to do to see if this was real
SOBE at age 7. Shared 60 years later.


Louise L Experience 9/29/2020 From Australia. I became fully aware and cognizant of being abound the scene with 2 wise and caring entities by my sides, just behind me. I watched it all.. and they asked me.. what do I want to do and I said I wanted to come, and to make it so they fixed the infant so I could continue. I The was “wooshed' back into the baby’s body, and have about 10 seconds more complete awareness. I
Pre-birth and post-birth remembrance. Shared 55 years after birth.


Gary M Experience 9/20/2020 I was standing in a bar wide awake getting ready to drink… I was high above the very room I was in… When I was shown myself I was an eddy that was a whirling spiral that got darker and darker the deeper it went… over time everything in my life has changed on the inside. I entered that bar and man filled with hate and alcoholic. I left it never to drink again.
Fragmentary description of apparent SOBE. Very transformative experience.


Adam G Experience 9/14/2020 In short, i woke from a nightmare, cried the hell out of my soul, and i saw the holy trinity in green light, like a 3 headed cloud at the foot of my bed, and i got comforted by it lovingly, then without looking to my left a 1.5m round portal opened where i could see the earth from space, where the earth was in animation, but i was in a more awakened faster state, and i was filled with overwhelming joy and laughter.
STE at time of emotional turmoil at age 16.


Barbara D Experience 8/28/2020 From Australia. I struggled over and lay on the couch and then realized I was out of my body looking down on myself. The next thing I knew I was going through a tunnel towards a bright light and there I was spoken to by a being of light, my father was standing off to one side he did not speak and had no real form but I knew it was him.
This is hard to classify because it probably isn't a NDE, it is an OBE. But again, it could be a STE. Certainly it is automatic writing.


Tracie Y Experience 8/24/2020 From Singapore I woke up the next morning feeling all upset and feeling the shame/pain of a cancer care giver. I remember protesting that I did not want to go back to such mortal feelings. then suddenly, in pitch darkness a soft glow appeared at my left. Then it grew bigger until it felt like someone lit up the room (even though it was only 545am and I had my eyes closed). I moved towards the light and there was a suction force through my mouth and this light felt like a pure white light that cleansed me from head to toe. In a few seconds, I lost all negative feelings of human kind.
Many varied spiritual experiences in spite of difficult life circumstances.


Denis D Experience 8/24/2020 I have a pre-birth experience whereby I remember looking down on the street where my future mother was walking. I remember the street, two stores, and some of what my future mother was wearing. I remember a voice next to me asking if this was the woman I wanted to be my mother. I remember saying yes and then I was born. The street that my mother was walking on as I grew up, was exactly as I saw pre-birth and remembered as a child.
Pre-birth remembrance with choice of selecting future mother. Experience shared 66 years later.


BK Experience 8/21/2020 I turned myself around so I was on my back beneath the water facing up towards the surface when suddenly time slowed down to a crawl. It felt like I was no longer in the rushing water and chaos of trying to save my life, but like I was floating in space. Time was imperceptible. Then a woman's voice began to speak to me, filling my head.
Other experience at time of drowning. Remained conscious, but with apparent alteration of consciousness.


TCWN Experience 8/15/2020 I remember standing next to a gentleman. Emotionless almost. We watched people from above. I remember asking questions about them and why I was given the ability to choose. I got to watch a quick glimpse of how life would be with each of the individuals. The moment I picked the people I was intrigued by that’s when I felt it... I felt emotions.... Happy, anxious, sad, and well ready honestly. I was excited to start this experience with these strangers.
Pre-life experience of picking his future parents.


Orin M Experience 8/11/2020 Suddenly, it seemed as though my view was spreading outward. I could see not only the valley and the distant mountains, but also the bend of the horizon. As I watched in fascination, the horizon receded rapidly and I could see the entire earth, floating in space, a huge blue and white orb. This was in 1953.
Remarkable STE at age 10 while riding in a car. Shared 67 years later.


John B Experience 8/8/2020 I immediately asked Michael why this was happening when I reminded him I was told I was going to be working with him. He remained silent. I then got very upset and angry at the talking head.I tried to block him from entering my mind. At this point, I started to look carefully at this White City. The sky was pitch black but rising above and coming from the city was a beautiful golden bow. It was continuously forming from the central dome of the city as two parallel golden stripes. I also witnessed the room under the dome where I felt I belonged. Entities just like me working in a joyous chorus of love and light.
Pre-birth remembrance. Shared 76 years later.


Franziska R Experience 8/8/2020 From Switzerland They were bright like us (i get the feeling, we were about 5 right there and then) who were waiting, but taller than we were. When it was my turn i got a sign from the one right in front of us. Then i went down kind of a yellow slide. The slide helped me to shape me as a small ball of light. At the end of the slide there was 'the angel of forgetting' waiting.
Pre-birth remembrance. Interesting apparent verification of pre-birth OBE observations. Other details previously shared and posted on


Robin C Experience 8/2/2020 As I prayed I saw a white light that drew me to it. I eventually came back to myself and was a little bit weirded out by what had happened, but felt calm and peaceful. I didn't really know anyone who was there to any extent, but I talked to a couple of people about what I'd just experienced, and they told me I'd had an ’out of body experience'. It has never happened to me again, but I still remember that white light, coming back to myself afterward and feeling calmer and at peace.
Prayer Experience at a retreat.


Paul W Experience 7/28/2020 I remember looking down from above onto my parents driving onto the street where their new home was being built. The street was unfinished and I saw they were stuck in the mud. This is my earliest memory and as a teenager when I told my father about it he confirmed they had indeed got stuck in the mud and he had to push the car out.
Pre-birth remembrance with OBE observations later verified. Shared 70 years later.


Hélène V Experience 7/19/2020 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Camille. At that instant, all of a sudden, I was no longer anybody. I was no longer there nor elsewhere. I couldn't hear anything, I saw a kind of darkness, not really black but almost. But saying "I" is strange because "I" was no longer a person. "I" told myself: "Well, I didn't know that it was possible not to be someone anymore." Then I felt a movement of ascent, always surrounded by dark color. Then I saw inexpressible things, things from another dimension. These things meant that EVERYTHING IS ONE. It's like seeing behind the scenes. Everything is connected, everything is one.
Other experience during Yoga session.


Debbie B Experiences 6/25/2020 After a few minutes a cone type thing would appear. It was made of little white things that I was never able to figure out what they were. They were a transparent white material and they looked like little toys, or at least that's what I thought they might be. I felt God gave them to me because I couldn't sleep and it was something to do.
Multiple early childhood experiences of visualizing a cone of white that went around her. Shared over 50 years later.


Paul P Experience 6/18/2020 From the Netherlands I remember being in a calm, quiet, 'dark' and endless space, drifting and relaxing.
NDE-like void from severe burns as a 5 year old.


Michelle N Experience 5/8/2020 Myself and the other little girl got on a boat like thing and left. I remember seeing this bright white light whiter then anything I’ve ever seen and that’s where my memory stops. I’ve definitely been learning life’s lessons in this life and I remember it like it was yesterday.
Pre-birth remembrance from flash backs and dreams.


Janine S Experience 4/28/2020 At the exact time I was seeing the rays of light I was feeling a presence, a shadowy 3D profile of Christ and I FELT this incomparable sense of LOVE and I began to weep. (And every time I think of this love I begin to cry.)… I want to expand a little on what I saw about the two paths. I was shown two paths from way up high above - one was wide and curvy and fun with lots of people that looked like ants; the other looked steep and narrow with fewer people and more hardships, like rugged terrain - an unpaved path of stepping stones - a harder path, not paved smooth like with concrete - and one led to a gray fortress and one to the bright sun and this beautiful, incredibly vivid and colorful park setting with Jesus and children and animals like deer and birds and dogs and cats and butterflies.
Dream including an encounter with Christ.


Alice Experience 4/25/2020 Original in Spanish. Translated to English by Sean. I started floating up to the ceiling, it was dark there, but there was a small bit, in which I could see the Universe, I thought I had to take the decision to carry on floating up to it (the Universe) or if I started to explore my part the house and the homes most familiar to me this time in which in which I had to take the decision.
OBE that started as a dream.


Hugo Experience 4/22/2020 From France This bad bed exit puts me out of balance I find myself face facing the ground ready to fall (the bed was 1m70 high) and I do not fall I float in the air slowly towards the ground. A feeling of intense panic invades me, I feel the fall in my guts (I am very sensitive to variations in weightlessness.) this feeling of weightlessness makes me even more panicking I move arms and feet like a grab on my back and brutally I get up from my bed.
SOBE vs OBE dream.


Ryan O Experience 4/19/2020 There was no perception of time passing, and the experience of how I was in an infinite space is hard to convey in words, other than to say that we experience space around us in a finite way usually, and this limitation was gone. I was at some stage in the presence of, and felt at the same time that I was, a glowing spherical orb of orange / golden light, somewhat like the sun but with the light dimmed to a softer glow.
Meditation experience that is NDE-like.


Bella C Experience 4/15/2020 I am feeling very confident that time because it is like my second attempt and I feel like I can be successful again because in my first life on earth I became very successful. But this time I remembered that I chose a middle class life where I will start from the bottom. And my memory ended after I chose which life I want to be born with.
Prebirth memory choosing life experience on earth.


Carol W Experience 4/11/2020 I simply remember the brightest white light ( my closest description of it is when sun hits fresh untouched snow and it has that sparkle to it ) the incredibly wonderful peaceful, loving feeling I felt and then being very agitated at the fact that I had to 'come here'. I desperately did not want to but for whatever reason I was put here. It is indescribable how mad I remember being that I had to come back.
Pre-birth remembrance.


Zendo V Experience 4/11/2020 I remember that I choose to relive my life. My first memory (I actually think I wasn't in body before this) is of the time I got back home from the hospital after birth and I was in a cradle being overlooked by my parents, grandmother and our neighbors. I can still see them from 1st person perspective. They were taunting me using different names than my actual name.
Pre-birth remembrance and memories from earliest childhood.


Bill D Experience 4/4/2020 From Greece. However, next thing I remember is being in my mother's womb. I did not know I was getting born, neither did I know I was in a womb. However, I do remember kicking once or twice, and I knew somehow someone could feel my kicks. I also had told myself, look, you still remember before getting here, this is something you have to keep.
Pre-birth remembrance with many details.


Melissa E Experience 4/3/2020 Exceptional Experiences I land and there is a party in progress, all these happy joyous people celebrating, I know they are all my oldies. As I land I see Eric (13 yo past life) run up to me and hug me and he links my arm through his and we start to do a jig. I look up and Thomas (a past life murdered out of jealousy) is on the piano and we carry on dancing with everyone else joining in. It felt wonderful. I know they are celebrating my progress working through my beliefs. I ask why I only see male versions of me and they said its so I will let go of my resentment of men because I have been one many times, I've made many mistakes and done many wonderful things both as a man and as a woman.
Many meditations with among the most profound spiritual insights into forgiveness ever shared with us. Remarkable journey of healing from childhood abuse.


Tracey F Experience 4/3/2020 I was floating and surrounded by the brightest white light I've ever seen. The light was whiter then anything I've ever seen on earth. It was whiter then a brand new white T- shirt. I don't remember having a body as I never saw one, just a view of the white that surrounded me. I felt the purest love and joy surround my being. I started talking to a being that was slightly translucent as I could barely make it out, it was slightly a different color, almost more clearer then the bright white all around it but with no apparent form. I said to it 'What is this place?
Pre-birth remembrance.


Sabine D Experience 3/30/2020 I was dreaming about a brown horse with a blaze in a yard. It was wearing a halter. A white horse cantered up and then I saw both of them cantering away the brown horse still with the halter and with the lead rope dangling loose. I woke up from the dream to the phone ringing in the hallway.
Pre-birth remembrance, premonitions, and other experiences.


Maria J Experience 3/26/2020 From Spain. Translated to English by Camille. He told me that each of us had a mission. Mine was to create that family and it was going to bring me a lot of happiness. He also said that we cannot interrupt our mission ahead of time (via suicide), as it could have consequences for everyone around us. Suddenly, I understood that human beings do not understand anything in their earthly bodies, which prevent them from seeing the beyond. I also understood that it is not anyone's fault, since our physiological structure is like that and it is tremendously imperfect. There are many more forms of existence, but souls have to be prepared to reincarnate in those forms. Only when a soul has a considerable life trajectory and consequent learning, can it rise to the other level and live lives in more developed bodies. I understood everything suddenly, the laws of physics, the way the whole world works, everything made sense and everything was connected. I thought that was wonderful, it was our true home and I will be so happy when I can return to that beautiful place. I felt immense love for the whole of nature and the souls of this world, because we are all woven from the same material, that light and so pure energy. It was time to make up my mind and I felt ready to go back and live my life in the best possible way.
Remarkably NDE-like STE during dream while in China.


O Experience 3/23/2020 From Spain. Translated to English by Camille. The rock from which they were formed was a translucent white color that reflected lights that were mainly of violet, orange, cyan, and some others colors. In addition, there were pillars that ran from the ground up and from the ceiling to the ground.
Although not enough information to classify this experience, there are some interesting visions.


Leah C Experience 3/14/2020 I moved along the ceiling through walls until I came to a room with two very old, demented women laying in their beds, awake and in some kind of mental distress. I noticed a soft, green glow coming from me as I moved closer to them. The first woman looked up and started smiling with joy in my direction and I realized she could see me! The light from me touched her and she kind of babbled at me but she was so happy.
Remarkably detailed OBE dream.


Sarah M Experience 3/9/2020 From Denmark. When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me 'that is inspiration to people on earth' and then he said that I would soon 'fall apart' as we get closer but that he would 'fix me' again when we get there...Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls). He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms…
Very detailed prayer experience / probable dream.


Stephanie G Experience 3/8/2020 Like I said I am laying on the floor looking out the window and looked to my left and said “ Moonshade?” I didn’t know the moon could put off moonshade? Since when? Then I looked up to the moon and there I saw the brilliant white light coming from the moon. More light than what I would perceive the moon putting off. Then about 5 to 7 rays from this light come towards me thru the pen window and the middle one goes to the center of my chest right above my heart.... I am in awe and at this moment I am so overfilled with love, and happiness, bliss, just this extremely overwhelming sense of love for everything here on earth and I just want everyone to experience this enormous amount of pure unconditional love that I am feeling and experiencing.
Remarkable STE while looking at the moon.


Alex H Experience 2/26/2020 I was facing south, and my focus was immediately brought to the power lines in my backyard. At that height level, I see a small stream of smoke coming directly towards me. It looked like a trail from a high flying plane, but it was literally right in front of me, 50 feet away. As it barreled towards my house, it quickly morphed from a stream of fog, into a large, intensely bright ball of light. It had an orange hue to it, but it was bright enough to light up my entire backyard as if it was mid-day.
UFO sighting during meditation.


Trevor W Experience 2/22/2020 All of a sudden a white light appeared but not a light as in a electric light it was a light that penetrated into my body which became me in a way. With this there were immense sensations running through me. I was in the light or the light in me the sensation is of pure love it felt so beautiful it kind of devoured me in a feeling of pure love but much more then that. I don't think there are words in our vocabulary that can describe it if you are a religious person.
Prayer experience following suicide attempt.


Elimor S Experiences 2/21/2020 From Australia. One night soon after that event I remember exactly where I was sleeping, an angel like figure came into the room through the wall to my left it was a female figure with long glowing hair fairly tall and glowing in a golden apricot and light filled colour, I floated out of my body and together we went back through the wall into the hallway, down the hallway through the door and turned right to the staircase that went to the rooftop. As we went halfway up the stairs we suddenly went through a white spiral tunnel that seemed to have rings or segments to it I am not sure if I was actually on my own or if what seemed to be a female angel was with me.
Many OBEs since age 6.


JR P Experience 2/21/2020 Gradually, while relaxing everything around me faded away and all I could 'see' was pure blackness. Within the blackness I saw balls of vivid colors slowly passing 'before my eyes.' (my closed eyes) Reds, blues, greens, yellows...this went on for some time. I was completely relaxed and no longer aware of anything else around me in the room.
Meditation experience with apparent partial OBE.


Derick B Experience 2/21/2020 Suddenly the dream became hyper-real as a scintillating, blazing, electric blue colored, spherical ball of light appeared in my field of view. The blue light was alive and I felt that I reunited with it from very ancient times. The joy and love I felt at this reunion with the blue light being was more powerful than any feeling or emotion I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I felt so overjoyed by this sense of love and reunion that I started crying. It was as if I had been reunited (after forgetting) with my best friend after 100,000 years of separation. My attempt at conveying the abject profundity of emotions, joy, love, and reunion I felt does not do the experience justice.
STE during dream.


Ray C Experience 2/16/2020 All of a sudden, the room was filled with a very strong smell of roses. I can’t overemphasize the words ‘very strong,’ as it was as though someone had opened a bottle of rose-scented perfume and poured it onto the floor of my little office. The smell was so strong that it actually made me suddenly jolt/stiffen in my chair and open my eyes, as though I had been physically prodded in some way.
Three people all experienced unexplained sense of roses in a school office.


Adam K Experience 2/16/2020 I remember being given the choice between two different lives. One life without a twin brother where I’d be much taller and a possible professional athlete and a life with a twin brother where our bond would be eternal. I remember so easily picking my life with my twin and whatever was offering me these choices was pleased with my choice. I remember feeling extreme love.
Remembering he chose to be born with a twin.


Kim S Experience 2/13/2020 It was made up of all light, also had no face that I could make out. It stretched from ceiling to floor and appeared to somehow be bigger than the room yet still contained within it. It was shaped like a man wearing long draping clothes but really it was all made of light. At the top of its 'light head' was something shaped like a man's top hat. I was again very scared but also intrigued. I felt so small. I then found my voice and spoke, I said, ' WHO ARE YOU?!' and I was surprised at the sound of my voice.
OBE dream during time of emotional turmoil.


Anne Marie F Experience 2/10/2020 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. Behind one of the dunes there was an intense but not blinding light. I went a bit closer and very fast I sensed that if I would walk over to this light, I would be grilled like an insect. This light, masked by the hill was of an extraordinary intensity, more soft and powerful than anything I can express. There was a radiation of love, but not a comely or soppy love. But love as a power, love as a powerful energy. Powerful is not the right word, but there is no word for this energy.
Meditation experience in English and French with many insights.


Richard E Experience 1/29/2020 My next perception was that I was at a point in space some distance from the Earth, looking at the Earth. Based on my recollection of the Apollo Program and the size of the Earth from the moon's surface, I would estimate I was halfway between the two. It was stereotypically beautiful. As I watched, the Earth's surface began to undulate, gently at first, but slowly increasing in intensity. The undulation gradually intensified and finally an explosion occurred. It was not an explosion of the Earth, but from it. Streams of light raced outward, the leading edges of which were tipped with human faces and hands. The expansion of light reached a maximum and began to retract back down toward the Earth until it looked like a small stellar object, or a luminous, radiant orb.
SOBE while washing dishes.


Charlie B Experience 1/24/2020 It came at me, fast! Hit me straight in the third eye. And my brain/consciousness just exploded. In fact it was obliterated in a shower of light and love and power. Imploding and sending me into ecstasy. Not wanting to be rude but it was like 1000's of orgasms in one go. And I felt like I died and all I could do was lie there like a little gibbering baby and slowly regain my 'sight' of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Meditation experience while traveling in India.


Leo G Experience 1/24/2020 The dream was about hearing gunshots, as well as hearing bullets passing overhead, from my right to my left. The vision of the dream involved me looking ahead, standing in broad daylight in a field. When hearing the gunshots and the bullets passing overhead, I looked up. That was the dream.
Premonition dream about a future event.


Mary Experience 1/20/2020 I was in a great deal of pain and heard that my baby needed to be ‘turned around’. I saw a doctor take my hand and then I was suddenly floating on the ceiling looking down at my body and the silver of the surgical lights. There was no longer any pain. I saw the doctors around my body below and the same doctor still holding my hand. I was aware that he was new and frightened by this experience. I flipped back into my body once the baby was turned.
SOBE during childbirth.


Robyne B Experiences 1/20/2020 I also was out of body. I had wanted for some time to be able to leave my body, so I was very happy to be out of my body. When I was in this warm void space, I laughed and laughed. I was delighted to be out of body. The darkness did not frighten me. I felt completely safe. I was simply enjoying being free of my body.
OBEs Dreams a few hours after surgery.


John L Experience 1/12/2020 From Spain. Translated to English by Sean. I don't know how much time had passed, but at a particular moment I was in another place. It was very dark, it's hard to explain in words, but I will try as much as is possible. In front of me was a wall, it was made of concrete blocks, like the grey ones used to make store shops, but the wall was totally black. I don't know how to explain it but I was conscious of everything, there was nothing near me, there was this wall in front of me, perfectly made, the joints between the bricks were calling my attention, they were perfect.
OBE that started from a dream.


Katharine H Experience 1/5/2020 0.00min Michael stood alone in deep sorrow and conflict, trying not to dwell on the miserable feelings that were at the forefront of his mind. He stood there, forgetting that he was loved by many….and that he was never alone…..forgetting that life was good…
Revelations about deceased husbands final moments and life after death while listening to music.


Cal M Experience 1/4/2020 Exceptional Experience For a few brief moments I was alone, although it did not occur to me to feel scared, I was mostly just curious and watching to see what happened. From a distance I saw three figures and as I approached (or they approached me - there was no frame of reference), they grew in size and I recognized two of them. The figure on the left was Mother Mary, the figure in the middle was Jesus of Nazareth.
Remarkable meditation experience while meditating alone in a church. Contributor has a Ph.D. and works in the aerospace industry.


Kathie J Experience 1/1/2020 My boyfriend and I were in the back of the van and he kept swatting at my head - he was worried about my hair catching fire. There was confusion, panic and yelling and it seemed no one could get the door open. It was unbelievable to me what was happening. Then everything went into slow motion and I remember a series of thoughts: 'I can't believe this is happening.
Other experience associated with fire in camper due to propane gas leak.




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