Neil S's Experience
Experience description:
I hope this makes some sort of sense :) You might find this experience interesting.
It was late in the evening of the 19th of December, 2003, and I was in the mood for an OBE. Up until that point, I had been experimenting with the OBE state for about three years, and had become quite an accomplished explorer, able to enter the OBE state on-demand almost every time I tried.
My technique is a simple one; I lay flat on my bed, facing the ceiling, with my hands crossed over my chest. I focus intently on the 'sensation' of my body - the beating of my heart, the sound of my inner ears, the feeling of my muscles where they hang from my bones and the points where my body meets the bed...and so on. I wait. Eventually, after 20-30 minutes, the transition occurs, and I am suddenly floating within myself, I find myself able to swing my 'legs' up and out of the body and stand up. It's as simple as that.
It went unusually smoothly, and I was standing in my bedroom very quickly. There was no blindness - normally, until I move away from my body, I am blind. This time however, I was able to make out the features of my bedroom very clearly, in sharp focus, from the moment I 'stood up'.
I walked out of my bedroom in the usual manner - straight through the window. The sensation of walking through glass is an interesting one, isn't it? The grainy, crystal texture of the glass swept through me and I was outside, in the dark of the evening, in my patio/back yard.
To my surprise, I was not alone. Someone was waiting for me. It was a man, snappily dressed, wearing a dark suit with a crimson red silk shirt underneath (that's as much as I remember). He was perched on my fence. As soon as he saw me, he hopped down and drifted across towards me. I can't remember any particular emotion at the time; I experienced a sort of inquisitive excitement, if anything.
He didn't introduce himself - if he did, I don't remember his name. He was straight to the point. "There is something you need to see," he said. "Follow me."
He shot straight up and into the air. My ability to fly varies - I normally move in long, sweeping leaps. But strangely, I was able to follow him without any unusual effort; I just flew. I remember thinking how simple it was, all of a sudden.
We gained altitude. I remember looking down at my city - Londonderry, in Northern Ireland - it was a glistening map of streetlights, parted by the winding black swathe of the Foyle river. It was beautiful. My guide/friend scolded me from above. "Hurry up," he said, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. And so I hurried up.
We stopped somewhere above the cloud layer. "Follow me," said the man, and this time he flew in...a new direction. That's the best way I can describe it; it was a new direction. A direction which had not been there before. Not up, down, left, right, backwards, forwards...this was 'through'. And, seeing this new direction for the first time, I was able to follow him, using sheer instinct, soaring close behind him.
Strange arrangements of lights surrounded us, passing by us in waves. With each wave, I felt as I had hit an infinite elastic wall, and I had to force my way through this wall to advance any further. After passing through a number of these invisible walls, slowly losing momentum, we stopped altogether.
We were in the air again, above the clouds.
Something happened to me then that had never happened before; I 'saw' words in the air before me, as if they were superimposed on my normal vision. The words simply said:
"Tuesday the 23rd".
I knew then that we had moved through _time_. I was amazed. I remember that the man was smiling at me, with his arms folded, giving me a few seconds to absorb the new information. I looked down, and there was my city - it hadn't moved. And then he said it again, one last time: "follow me."
There was a powerful 'rushing' sensation and the city blinked out of existence, replaced by a new scene.
It was night. We were above a town, in some dry, mountainous part of the world. There were trees, I remember - we were hovering together somewhere just above the tops of the tall pines. On the ground there were lights - the lights of vehicles on a road which ran below us. The lights illuminated the rubble of a ruined building, which was strewn across the road, blocking the vehicles. I remember the roadsigns, bent and twisted...the flashing of the emergency soon became apparent that this was a scene of devastation.
For some reason, my first thought was that this was the result of a nuclear explosion. I asked my guide/friend - he laughed. He said one word after that, before disappearing altogether: "earthquake."
I peered on into the darkness - there were more buildings beyond that one, in various states of ruin. I remember feeling a wave of despair hit me from below - it felt uncomfortable, like sitting too close to an open fire. I responded, perhaps naively, by shouting "it'll all be okay!" into the night.
Shoom. I was back in bed, my heart pounding. This was still Friday the 19th. I tried to verify the date - Tuesday the 23rd - but for some reason, I miscalculated, and thought that Monday would be the 23rd. So, I dismissed the experience as just a strange and interesting one. I didn't take it seriously.
So, I rose from my bed and went over to the computer, to record the experience. It was then that I checked the discover that I was wrong! Tuesday WAS the 23rd! You can imagine how excited I was. I reassured myself that nothing would happen on the 23rd, however. It's not in my nature to leap to that sort of conclusion.
Tuesday the 23rd of December, 07:00am - the BBC news. I am sitting in my robe, eating cereal, watching the news, just out of interest, 'just in case'. Imagine my surprise when the headline was this: "Earthquake Rocks California Coast"
Link to the story:
I screamed for about an hour. :)
The actual earthquake occured late on Monday night - so what I was seeing, in what might have been the early hours of Tuesday morning, would have been the aftermath.
I remember checking my notes...just to prove to myself that it had happened at all.
It was a
beautiful experience. Absolutely real. And it has changed me, fundimentally.
Unfortunately, for the last two years, I have found one excuse after another NOT
to persue this any further. Any time I've tried, I've found it impossible to
leave my body. It's absurd, isn't it? After all that time, all that hard work,
and I just gave up as soon as it became 'real'. But not anymore, no; I'm going
to start again, with new determination. With a newfound respect for the awesome
potential of the human condition.
Any associated medications
or substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
High. It was an absolutely
coherent experience.
Was the
experience dream like in any way?
Not at all.
Did you experience a
separation of your consciousness from your body?
What emotions did you feel
during the experience?
Extraordinary awe; a drive to
explore further; a cautious sort of fear. I was quite experienced in the OBE
state up to that point, so it was sort of...'old news', up until the time-travel
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
Yes It was a fully-coherent OBE - I stood up in my bedroom, walked
through the bedroom wall into the patio of my house, flew into the air, and
observed my town from above (at night - it was quite beautiful). After this, I
'blinked' to the scene of devastation, above a small town in a mountainous area.
Did you meet or see any other
beings? Yes
As soon as I left my bedroom, I was met by a male, wearing some sort of dark
suit. I will refer to him as my 'friend'. He spoke very little, telling me
twice that there was something I needed to see, and asking me to follow him - so
I did. Later, when he was showing me the ruined town from above, he was able to
confirm for me that it was caused by an earthquake.
Did you experiment while out
of the body or in another, altered state?
See the description above.
Did you observe or hear
anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be
verified later?
Yes I observed devestation in a small town/village, in a rocky area. It was
night. I watched rescue vehicles make their way towards this village, driving
through the wreckage of ruined buildings. I asked my 'friend' if there had been
some sort of nuclear attack; he laughed, said no, and then simply said
'earthquake'. I didn't know exactly where I was - but an earthquake did occur,
two days later, as I was shown.
Did you notice how your 5
senses were working, and if so, how were they different?
Yes Through repeated
OBEs, I have developed a sort of 'spherical vision' while in that state, where I
'see' from all angles at once. Also, the date was displayed 'in my mind' as if
on a computer's a HUD (head-up-display) of essential
information. It was very unusual.
Did you have any sense of
altered space or time?
Yes As recorded in the details of the event.
Did you have a sense of
knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Yes The time-travel process
involved forcing my point-of-consciousness through a succession of invisible,
elastic 'walls'. This was a representation of the fourth dimension, time, and
it's natural resistance to my travelling through it.
Did you become aware of future
events? Yes My
experience took place late in the evening of Friday the 19th of December, 2003.
I witnessed local devestation following an earthquake event. I knew that it wasn't Ireland because of the roadsigns, and the distance travelled from my home. I remember, quite clearly, that the date "Tuesday, 23rd Of December" appeared across my vision while I observed the scene from above. It was night, or the early hours of the morning.
After the experience, I disregarded all of this, as I believed (incorrectly!) that the 23rd would be a Monday. I just so happened to be checking a calendar later...imagine my shock when I discovered that the 23rd of December 2003 was a Tuesday! The experience was so powerful that I emailed myself and my friends with a description of what I had seen, jokingly, calling it my 'first premonition!'.
In the early hours of Tuesday the 23rd of December 2003, earthquakes rocked California, damaging a number of mountain towns, causing enough damage to make headline news here in the UK. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
experience rocked my world.
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes I have been unable to
access the out-of-body state since, now that it has taken on new aspect of utter
reality. It has been two years, and I haven't TRIED again - something which was
once such a large part of my life has now faded from it altogether, simply
because it ceased to be a 'game' and became something much more powerful.
I will
return to my OBE research soon, however. (This is why I am here, on this site,
reading up on the experiences of others :))
Has your life changed
specifically as a result of your experience?
Have you shared this
experience with others?
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
Exhaltation. Awe. Amazement.
And a new 'fear-of-self'.
What was the best and worst
part of your experience?
The best part: it proved, for me,
that there is so much more to this world of ours, and so much more untapped
potential behind the human experience. It proved this once and for all.