Michelle C Pre-birth
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Experience description:

I didn't witness where I came from or met anyone. My earliest memory I didn't have a body. I just had my awareness. I was flying in the sky over these beautiful healthy looking trees. I felt the wind hitting me but I wasn't aware of my hair, my legs, or arms. It was an awesome feeling and sight, flying over it seemed like a endless group of trees. It wasn't cold or hot. More like comfortable. I started to lower closer to the ground and thinking, 'Where am I going?' I ended up it the middle of the street surrounded by houses on each side in long rows. Instead of my body laying flat when I was flying I was descending to the ground in the upright position very very slowly. I remember thinking, 'Wow I am so tall! Thank God I am grownup'. But then I started to shrink more and more. I wasn't very happy about being very small, confused because I was so tall a few seconds ago. I was wearing a black leather jacket hold a peach in the street. I do remember thinking, 'Where did this come from?'

Growing up I had a very physical and abusive upbringing. I learned being by my self meant I was safe from trouble. When I was 7 years old, I was at my grandmother's home in New Jersey. She has pictures on her wall of all other kids and grandkids. There I was in one of the pictures of me at age 1 wearing a black leather jacket holding a peach standing on the side of the street. I told my mom, 'I remember this! My soul was coming to join my body!' My mom didn't believe me. I told my boyfriend and he thought it was interesting. I knew I was different from everyone else. I'm very friendly person who would help anyone. Nothing ever comes easily in my life, but I'm a late bloomer in dating, moving out on my own, marriage, kids, but it will all come in God's time. I'm more a nature person not materialistic. I try to do the right thing even when it's hard. I feel like I don't fit with my family. I don't fit on earth, so much vanity, pain, cruelly, and madness. I remember being in second grade praying God at night before bed God would give me cancer from another child, crying and begging to come 'home' because my life felt pointless and he could give a sick child a chance to live instead of me. My parents were divorced at the time and my dad was our caretaker. He was physically abusive at times. My soul doesn't belong here, when I'm around animals or nature I'm truly happy

Any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?      No     

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?          No     

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No     

What was your level of consciousness and alertness during the experience?    Alert

Was the experience dream like in any way?  No

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?   Yes    My soul was traveling looking for my body

What emotions did you feel during the experience?          Happy, peaceful, than confused

Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises?         No

LOCATION DESCRIPTION:  Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or amazing creatures?         No     

Did you see a light?        No     

Did you meet or see any other beings?         No     

Did you experiment while out of the body or in another, altered state?         No     

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?          Yes    I saw a picture of myself. I remember that day vividly

Did you notice how your 5 senses were working, and if so, how were they different? No Response         Did you have any sense of altered space or time?   Uncertain     I was flying like it was normal. Like I could do it forever.

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?         Yes    I feel the earth pattern. I can tell when something is about to happen in my life or my family's life. A thought will pop in my head and it will happen. If I'm angry or upset enough things I say will come true. I can read people and know their true nature.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?           No     

Did you become aware of future events?      No     

Were you involved in or aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?          No     

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?
            Uncertain     I feel when things are about to happen. I feel connected to Earth but not people

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?     Uncertain     I believe in God and Jesus, mother Mary. I'm Lutheran but I feel it's so much more than what we are learning on earth. We are all connected to each other. I don't know if I believe in hell or purgatory.

How has the experience affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?   Yes, I can't live pretending who I am not. I have to be real to my heart. I feel like a old soul. I get annoyed with people who are materialistic like you are wasting your time here and don't want to help others. Selfishness is a trigger for me not to be around you. I feel like we do a lot of unnecessary stuff on earth. Like life here is pointless. We should be doing something else other than work and school.

Has your life changed specifically as a result of your experience? No     

Have you shared this experience with others?       Yes          They don't believe me

What emotions did you experience following your experience? Unfortunately uncertainty

What was the best and worst part of your experience?          Flying is the best worst is my childhood and feeling so alone and hurt.

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience? I feel like heaven it is different for everyone but in ways the same feeling.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?       No     

Did the questions asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?           No