Maria's Experience
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I was in my first year at university, about 18 or 19 years old, I don't recall the exact date, just the year, 1991. I had good qualifications, a good family life, and I am Catholic. I fell in love with the wrong man, and fell into a deep depression. My father had a pistol and I begged my mother to kill me, saying I didn't want to go on living. I took some tablets, but thank God I went no further than a light sleep, in the event. One night, while sleeping, I felt as if I got up from my bed, I could feel the night breeze coming from the balcony, I could hear the song of the crickets, in other words everything was so real that it is impossible to think that the whole scene was a dream.

Then suddenly I saw a black circle on the wall, like the mouth of a mine-shaft, followed immediately by a light in front of me, whiter than any I had ever seen. It did not harm my eyes, but was a strong light, which lit up the silhouette and the hands of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He offered me his hands as if to welcome me, and in a most beautiful tone of voice he asked me:

"Maria, do you wish to come with me?" Without hesitation I replied "Yes!" This was without reflecting twice, my reply was instantaneous, and straightaway my mother appeared on the scene, saying: "No, Lord, don't take her with you, I still need her so much." With that, the well of light  disappeared, and turning round I saw myself in my bed, and I saw how two angels, strong and adorable, who were holding me up by the arms as if to take me upwards, let me go all at once, and by this action made me "return" to my body, with such a jolt that it made me wake up. It was several days later that I began to turn this experience over in my mind, and I understood that the answer to my problems was not in suicide, that I had a mission in life, like everyone else, it is just that in these moments (of crisis) one seizes up and stops thinking clearly. I managed to overcome this depression, with heavenly assistance, clearly, and with the help of my whole family. I had kept this experience to myself all this time, however, until the departure to the Heavenly Home of a very beloved brother provoked in me, as well as grief, a host of concerns about "death", which I now prefer to call "return to the Father's house".  Just as I felt such love and absolute trust in the words of Our Lord, so also I feel that his (my brother's) "Yes" has surely been the most wonderful of all the "yeses" he said while in this earthly world.

Best wishes, and Thanks for letting me share this experience which transformed my life.


Estudiaba el primer a�o en la universidad, ten�a aproximadamente 18 o 19 a�os no recuerdo la fecha exacta, s�lo el a�o, 1991. Buenas calificaciones, buen ambiente familiar, cat�lica. Me enamor� de el hombre equivocado y ca� en una fuerte depresi�n. Mi padre contaba con una pistola y yo le ped� a mi madre que me matara, que ya no quer�a seguir viviendo. Tom� algunas pastillas pero en el fondo y Gracias a DIOS no pas� de un leve adormecimiento. Una noche, estando dormida, sent� c�mo me levant� de mi cama, sent�a la brisa de la noche entrando por mi balc�n, el canto de los grillitos, en f�n, todo era tan real, es imposible considerar que era un sue�o todo ese cuadro, de repente, observo en la pared un c�rculo negro, a manera de boca de mina, de pronto una luz ante m� de una blancura nunca antes vista, no me lastimaba la vista, m�s era una luz fuerte y que me permiti� observar la silueta y las manos de Nuestro Se�or Jesucristo, que me ofreci� sus manos a manera de recibirme y con una voz hermos�sima me pregunt�: "Maria, te quieres venir ya conmigo?", y yo le respond� de manera inmediata "S�", pero ni lo pens� dos veces, mi respuesta fu� inmediata y de repente aparece en la escena mi mam� diciendo "No Se�or no te la lleves porque Yo la necesito mucho todav�a" y acto seguido se desaparece ese pozo de luz y volteo y me veo en mi cama, y veo como dos �ngeles preciosos y fuertes que ya me iban sujetando de los brazos como llev�ndome para arriba de repente me sueltan y esta acci�n hace que yo "entre" en mi cuerpo y el sobresalto de haber entrado con tal fuerza hace que me despierte. Pasaron varios d�as hasta que empez� a rumiar esta experiencia, comprend� que la soluci�n a mis problemas no era el suicidio, comprend� que Yo ten�a una misi�n en la vida, como todos, solo que pues, en esos momentos uno no piensa, uno se bloquea. Logr� superar esa depresi�n, con ayuda Celestial obviamente y con ayuda de toda mi familia. Esta experiencia me la hab�a yo guardado todo este tiempo, sin embargo, la partida de un muy bell�simo hermano a la Casa Celestial me provoc�, adem�s del duelo, un mont�n de inquietudes acerca de la "muerte", que yo ahora prefiero llamar "retorno a la Casa del Padre". As� como yo sent� tanto amor y confianza absoluta en las palabras de Nuestro Se�or, as� siento que contest� mi hermano al momento de partir, solo que El lo ha visto cara a cara, por lo mismo, siento que su "s�" ha sido el s� m�s maravilloso que todos los "s�" que dijo aqu� en este mundo terrenal. Saludos y Gracias por permitirme compartir esta experiencia que transform� mi vida.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words? No

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? siento que en todo el momento que dur� mi experiencia, tal vez al momento de regresar a mi cuerpo en ese momento justo.

I think the whole time the experience lasted, perhaps at the moment of coming back to my body, just at that instant.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? Normal consciousness and alertness. Siento que en todo el momento que dur� mi experiencia, tal vez al momento de regresar a mi cuerpo en ese momento justo.

Normal consciousness and alertness. I think the whole time the experience lasted, perhaps at the moment of coming back to my body, just at that instant.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)? Yes Observ� un color que nunca hab�a ni he observado en estado normal.

Yes, I observed a colour which I had never seen before, nor have I seen since, in normal life.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Al principio temor. Posteriormente, al ver a Nuestro Se�or y esa luz que lo rodeaba, una Paz y Tranquilidad absoluta, es como reconocer el verdadero origen de nuestra alma.

At first, fear. Then afterwards, when I saw Our Lord and the light surrounding him, absolute Peace and Tranquility, it was like recognizing the true origin of our soul.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? Uncertain Parec�a la entrada a un T�nel muy obscuro, como si fuera boca de mina.

Uncertain, it looked like the entrance to a very dark tunnel, resembling a mineshaft.

Did you see a light? Yes Una luz incre�blemente blanca, un blanco que nunca he visto en este mundo. Una luz que trasmite Paz, amor puro.

Yes. An incredibly white light, a white which I have never seen in this world. A light which brings Peace, pure love.


Did you meet or see any other beings? Yes A Nuestro Se�or Jesucristo.

Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life? No

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions? No

Did you have any sense of altered space or time? No

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? No

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes La entrada a un t�nel, pero no pas�. En ese lugar fu� recibida por Jesucristo.

Yes, a tunnel entrance, but I did not enter. In this place I was met by Jesus Christ.

Did you become aware of future events? Uncertain. Tiempo despu�s he tenido sue�os donde me doy cuenta de familiares que tienen problemas, incluso, sue�o con personas que ya no est�n aqu� pero siguen ligados a la vida de sus seres queridos y que de alguna forma est�n al tanto. So�� que mi hermano mayor fallec�a y desgraciadamente para nosotros as� pas�.

Uncertain. Some time later I have had dreams where I become aware of relatives who have problems, and also I dream of people no longer here, who still remain bound to the lives of their loved ones, and are in some way informed about them. I dreamed that my older brother died, and unfortunately for us, this happened.

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience? Uncertain Sue�o cosas que suceden. Sue�o con familiares que ya han fallecido y siguen pendientes y preocupados por lo que pasa ac�. Veo la energ�a de las almas que ya est�n en la otra vida, sobre todo en la Santa Misa.

Uncertain. I dream of things which then happen. I dream about deceased relatives who remain dependent and preoccupied by what is going on down here. I see the energy of souls which are already passed over, especially during the Mass.

Have you shared this experience with others? Yes Tuvieron que pasar 18 a�os para que yo contara mi experiencia, mi familia cree en lo que cuento pero no siento que lo interpreten de manera pr�ctica.

Yes it need 18 years to go by before I related my experience, my family believes what I say, but I don't feel they interpret it in a practical way.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was probably real La manera en como se mov�a la cortina del balc�n, la manera de cantar de los grillos, sobre todo ver a mis hermanas roncar tal y como lo hacen.

Experience was probably real. The way the curtain to the balcony moved, the way I heard the song of the crickets, especially seeing my sisters snoring away just as they really do.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you? Cuando escuch� la voz de Nuestro Se�or y v� sus precios�simas manos

When I heard the voice of Our Lord and saw his precious hands.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience?
Experience was definitely real Me maravillo de saber que Dios nos conoce a cada uno de nosotros a pesar de ser tantas personas nada m�s en este planeta. C�mo est� al pendiente de nosotros en cada momento aunque estemos sumidos en una fuerte depresi�n. Amo por sobre todas las cosas a Pap� Dios porque a pesar de lo pecadora que soy, me d� d�a con d�a la oportunidad de mejorar para cuando vuelva a hacerme la misma pregunta sea yo cap�z de decirle limpiamente "S�".

Experience was definitely real. I marvel to know that God knows each one of us despite there being so many people, on this planet alone. How he attends to us every moment although we may be sunk in a strong depression. I love abundantly everything to do with Papa God, because despite the sinner I am, day after day he gives me the chance to improve, against the time when he asks me again the same question, so that I can say clearly "Yes!"

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? Uncertain S�lo hasta ahora realmente, al conocer la similitud con otras experiencias.

Uncertain. Only up till now, really, seeing the similarity to other experiences.

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes Un profundo agradecimiento a Pap� Dios, porque El es puro Amor y Misericordia infinitos.

Yes a profound gratitude to Papa God, because He is pure Love and infinite Mercy.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience? No

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience? Yes