Experience description:
I slept in a bedroom with my sisters.
I remember feeling that I had awoken, and found myself above my bed, I
could see my sister asleep in our bed and my two other sisters asleep in a
separate double bed. I
remember looking down at everyone from above.
Somehow I travelled out of and above our house and travelled a couple of
miles into the countryside. I looked
down at a little farmhouse, surrounded by trees.
I found myself moving towards the house and somehow went inside the house
where I saw an old man, who was dead.
I watched people standing around in the house and greeting people who
came into the house to attend the wake.
I remember people shaking hands and commiserating with an adult man.
I only watched for a short time and found myself travelling up out of the
farmhouse and floating towards my own home.
I went in through the roof of the house and floated back down into my
I found myself awake,
confused and scared about what had happened.
I remember reaching down
under the side of the bed and looking at my watch, it was 2.15am.
I remember re-running what I had seen in my head and when I got up to go
to my work, I told my mother about the strange "dream" that I had.
When I arrived into
work that morning, I was still pre-occupied by what had happened and what it
meant. I mean, I knew it happened
but I could not make sense of it. I
remember a lady called Bella O'Leary coming into my workplace and asking a young
teenage boy called John, why he was in work that day.
Didn't he know that his grandfather had died in the night?
remember feeling very strange, like the blood was draining from me.
I felt faint. I didn't say
anything to anybody, but I rushed home to my own home at lunchtime, to tell my
mother about the old man really dying. My mother accepted what I was telling
her. I had the feeling that she believed
me, but it didn't make sense. The teenage
boy John was a neighbor of mine. I didn't
know anything about his grandfather and I don't remember recognizing anyone at
the wake. This experience has never left
my mind. I have rarely told anyone about
it, mainly because I didn't think anyone would believe me at the time.
I know this experience happened, but I still have difficulty
understanding why it happened and how.
Any associated medications or
substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
At the time of this experience, was
there an associated life threatening event?
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
I'm not sure.
I felt that I was fully conscious and awake but how could i travel
through walls and through the air, to another place.
Was the experience dream like in any way?
Now, I tend to view it as
dreamlike. But, that night when I checked my watch and couldn't wait to tell my
mother about it in the morning, my impression at that time was it was not a
dream. It happened.
Did you experience a separation of
your consciousness from your body?
What emotions did you feel during
the experience?
Relaxed during
the OBE, but afterwards I felt confusion and a level of fear
Did you hear any unusual sounds or
No, just people
talking in low voices
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
Did you see a light?
Did you meet or see any other
I saw several adults inside the farmhouse, the
dead man and people coming into the house to offer condolences to an adult man.
Did you experiment while out of the
body or in another, altered state?
I went
to a rural farmhouse and saw a dead man, with people coming into the house to
offer condolences and attend the wake. I
didn't remember recognising anyone, and the following morning I was told that a
neighbour's grandfather had died in the middle of the night.
When I asked about where the old man had lived, I was told that he lived
in a little house in the country, surrounded by trees.
Did you observe or hear anything
regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?
Uncertain I observed people attending the
wake of an elderly man.
Did you notice how your 5 senses
were working, and if so, how were they different?
I felt that my senses were heightened.
Did you have any sense of altered
space or time?
Yes I felt that I had been watching
something that didn't happen yet. An old
man did die, but at that time there were no arrangements made for the wake that
was to follow.
Did you have a sense of knowing,
special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
I was able to see something that, at that
time, nobody else knew.
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Did you become aware of future
Yes I observed a wake being held for an
old man. The wake would not happen until
at least 12 hours later, in the afternoon and evenings for 2 days.
Were you involved in or aware of a
decision regarding your return to the body?
Uncertain I didn't feel that I decided to
return to my own home, I didn't feel that I was controlling what was happening.
Did you have any psychic,
paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have
prior to the experience?
About 5 years later, I awoke in the middle of the night to see a man at the end
of my bed. I was living in Dublin at the
time. I remember staring at an angry
looking man with facial scaring, possibly from acne?
While I stared at the man, he stood silent, but stared back.
I felt that he was angry. What I
sat up in the bed, he was gone.
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes I began to realize that there were
things that happened to me that I could not explain, but I was absolutely
certain that the experiences were real.
How has the experience affected
your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
I don't know.
I suppose I chose very carefully who I told about the man at the end of
my bed. Some people I told, laughed and
joked that I must have been drinking. I
hadn't been drinking and I am conviced that I saw what I saw.
Has your life changed specifically
as a result of your experience?
Have you shared this experience
with others?
Yes People generally did not
believe me.
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
Confusion, I
was fearful of the man, because he looked so angry.
I was wary of going to sleep for a period of time after that.
What was the best and worst part of
your experience?
The best, is
that I know that there are occurrences and experiences that we cannot explain at
this time, and in many ways that is also the worst part.
I would like to know what these occurrences meant and why I saw them.
Is there anything else you would
like to add concerning the experience?
No, apart from
the fact that there were a few more incidents where I could recall seeing
something that I couldn't have seen, in that I knew something that I couldn't
have known.
Following the experience, have you
had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced
any part of the experience?
Yes I've had a few experiences where I
saw something, or knew something that I could not explain.
I have not had another OBE
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Yes I believe so
Please offer any suggestions you
may have to improve this questionnaire.