Experience description:
pulled over to the side of the road to pick up someone
It was a very busy 4 lane street
and the person came over to the drivers side I opened the door and he grabbed me
by the neck . It happened so fast .
I struggled at first and then I realized I was going to die right here
today on this busy street. While he
strangled me I was making eye contact and I thought to myself I don't want to
die looking into his eyes. That is
not the last thing I want to see.
Then that man's voice came and told me to 'look up at the clouds' .
I follow the directive and it was amazing because when I looked at the
clouds I didn't have any discomfort anymore it was just peace and calm.
I saw the beautiful blue sky with the white clouds.
Eventually, I came back realizing that this guy that strangled me left
--it took me a few minutes to get it together. When I did, I hit the lock on the
door because the door was shut. I hit the lock so many times I wasn't'
sure if it was locked or open. I was in panic mode.
I saw he was walking down the street with not a care in the world.
When I started the vehicle up, it was loud and he heard it start.
When he realized I was alive, he immediately turned back towards me and started
walking my way again. I panicked and
thought I should do a u-turn now because I was fearful of passing him. I
had no choice but to go forward. A u turn would have caused a major
accident. I escaped but the man's
voice I have heard it before.
experience was frightening beyond belief. But that man's voice was my
comfort and that voice saved my life. By looking up at the clouds that
killer thought my rolled eyes was an indication that I was dead.
This direction, no doubt saved my life.
I heard that voice before and it was such a comfort.
Its like
something so horrible can happen but you gain this amazing experience of hearing
that beautiful confirmation that someone is still there with you even though you
can't see them.
Any associated medications or
substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
Yes It was amazing.
At the time of this experience, was
there an associated life threatening event?
I was being strangled
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
very alert ---consciousness until I may
not have been .....Not sure if I even lost it
Was the experience dream like in any way?
not at all
Did you experience a separation of
your consciousness from your body?
Yes When I looked up at the clouds my
body was no longer connected because I didn't feel the pain or fear
What emotions did you feel during
the experience?
initially a
great fear of dying ...but then a contentment
Did you hear any unusual sounds or
Yes the voice
of a man
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
Did you see a light?
Did you meet or see any other
Did you experiment while out of the
body or in another, altered state?
Did you observe or hear anything
regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?
Did you notice how your 5 senses
were working, and if so, how were they different?
senses of vision and hearing were present but I could not feel my body .
Did you have any sense of altered
space or time?
Yes Unable to say how long I was
alone in the van ...I could only estimate due to the distance that the person
had walked ...they were approx 3/4 block away
Did you have a sense of knowing,
special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Did you become aware of future
Were you involved in or aware of a
decision regarding your return to the body?
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the
experience that you did not have prior to the experience?
Uncertain not
certain ...
How has the experience affected
your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
It was so beautiful to hear that
voice to know that we are never alone
Has your life changed specifically
as a result of your experience?
Yes Yes, of course I feel safe even
when I 'm alone ....
Have you shared this experience
with others?
Yes Amazed ....frightened and
grateful I survived
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
grateful to have lived ...that I was not ready yet.
What was the best and worst part of
your experience?
best ...that
voice the love ..no words can explain the love and how I was directed on what to
do to save my life. The worst ...the fear
that another human being can be so cruel
Is there anything else you would
like to add concerning the experience?
The voice is
the same voice I have heard numerous times in my life ..
Following the experience, have you
had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced
any part of the experience?
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Yes I hope I explained it as well as I
could ....I know when I think of this event I am so grateful.
I just hope one day I will see who is behind this voice.