Leo G Dream
Experience description:
In San
Francisco, a dream occurred at night, while asleep.
The dream was memorable, and the dream happened when I already knew
about and was planning to move to a ranch in eastern Wyoming where I would
learn about organic ranching and farming from a sheep herder.
The dream was about hearing gunshots, as well as hearing bullets
passing overhead, from my right to my left.
The vision of the dream involved me looking ahead, standing in broad
daylight in a field. When hearing the
gunshots and the bullets passing overhead, I looked up.
That was the dream. Weeks
later, I really was standing in an alfalfa field in eastern Wyoming, looking
east towards the eastern end of the ranch where the sheepherder was using
his car to herd some sheep towards a pen.
He had no trained sheep dog at that moment available.
Then, my previous dream came true, exactly, in every way.
I heard gunshots, as well as bullets passing overhead from my right
(south) to my left (north). Just like
in the dream, I looked up. Next, I
looked to my right where I saw a man on the neighboring ranch.
He was holding a rifle, and he quickly moved behind a building.
I realized that my dream had come true so I felt no fear.
I guess that the man had become upset at the unusual sight of the
sheepherder using a car to herd sheep.
Later on, the sheepherder asked me to get my goat to lead the sheep
into the pen. Worked well.
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
At the time of this experience, was
there an associated life threatening event?
I guess that some people would have felt fear, but I did not.
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
Was the experience dream like in any way?
The dream in San
Francisco was a dream, memorable.
The wide awake reality in eastern Wyoming was the dream come true.
Did you experience a separation of
your consciousness from your body?
What emotions did you feel during
the experience?
Did you hear any unusual sounds or
Gunshots and
bullets passing overhead.
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from
familiar religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by
incredible or amazing creatures?
Did you see a light?
Did you meet or see any other
Only the sheepherder and his family and the
animals, plus the rifle-toting neighbor on the ranch to the south.
Did you experiment while out of the
body or in another, altered state?
Did you observe or hear anything
regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified
Yes The dream came true, exactly.
Did you notice how your 5 senses
were working, and if so, how were they different?
The dream and when it came true were
Did you have any sense of altered
space or time?
Did you have a sense of knowing,
special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
The sense of knowing when the dream
came true was a special knowledge. I
had no fear because I already knew.
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Did you become aware of future
Yes It was a future event come true.
It was precise, exact, in every way.
Were you involved in or aware of a
decision regarding your return to the body?
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts
following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes Events so strong have resulted in
being more open to future events.
How has the experience affected
your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
More trusting in intuition.
Has your life changed specifically
as a result of your experience?
Yes Anything so powerful is certain to
affect awareness and activity.
Have you shared this experience
with others?
Yes Smiling.
I heard a very interesting experience which I asked the person to
share with you.
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
What was the best and worst part of
your experience?
The best was
experiencing the dream come true.
There was no worst part. It just was
an event.
Is there anything else you would
like to add concerning the experience?
Following the experience, have you
had any other events in your life, medications or substances which
reproduced any part of the experience?
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Yes Even though the dream and the later
coming true reality are still very clear and memorable, the form questions
made me think about how to best answer.
Please offer any suggestions you
may have to improve this questionnaire.
Not yet.