Kim C Experiences
Experience description:
My four-month old NDE started as a man, whom I will refer to as ‘Tracey,’ was
carrying me downstairs into the basement of my grandma’s house. It is my opinion
that my grandma most likely put me down for a nap and then decided to rest for a
bit, as all caretakers and mothers do from time to time as their children sleep
safely in their home. She had every right to feel safe in doing so. Tracey, whom
we had every reason to trust, secretly and quietly took advantage of the
I believe he entered the room I was sleeping in and took me without permission.
He carried me easily down the stairs in my baby carrier and set me on some sort
of table or counter. Then, a few minutes later, he let a big man I did not
recognize into the basement through a back door. The big man removed me from the
carrier and laid me on a flat surface.
Next thing I knew, I was out of my body and above him at ceiling height, looking
down at how the big man continued to hurt me. I felt to be a young adult spirit
and had 360 degree perception around me. I turned away and looked off to my
left. Surrounding me was a see-through tunnel and far into the distance was a
light. I knew it was the way to Heaven, so I decided to approach it. I took one
last look at my infant body and knew I couldn’t return.
As I turned toward Heaven, I heard a soft angelic voice and felt a light touch
on my shoulder. The word spoken directly to my mind by the voice was a gentle
command. He simply said, 'Remember.' In lightning quick flashes of memory, I was
shown my life’s work - both physical and spiritual, past and future, before
Earth and on Earth - and was given an understanding of the importance of my
mission. It was also revealed to me that these acts of malice would continue
throughout my childhood, but I was to rise above them, break the chain of abuse
and fulfill my mission.
Frightened, but determined to follow Heavenly Father’s plan for me, I started
heading back to my body. But the alabaster-robed angel stopped me. He
transferred a thought directive for me to wait for the man to be done before I
returned. He also reassured me that there would be no lasting physical effects
from the damage being done to my body.
I looked around and saw Tracey sitting in an armchair. He looked nervous and
detached at the same time. I got the distinct impression that he was being
coerced into facilitating this perpetration. Tracey looked like he just wanted
it all to be over, but I felt no empathy or sorrow from him for what the big man
was doing to me. He seemed more worried about getting caught and frustrated that
they'd cornered him somehow.
When the big man finished and left, I journeyed back to my body, unaware of the
experience until my subconscious revealed it many years later as an adult.
Tracey never even looked at me as he put me in the carrier and took me back
My seven year-old to teen NDEs were forced upon me when on one particular day I
had made plans to go to my friend’s house after school. After the short walk to
her home, we sat and drank lemonade in her kitchen. As we sipped our sweet,
icy-cold drinks, my friend’s mom came in and said that my dad had just called.
There was a family emergency, and I had to get home right away. I would come to
understand later that it was not my dad who had called. But my friend’s mom had
no way of knowing that; they’d never met.
Without a second thought, I set my beverage on the counter, thanked my friend’s
mom and said goodbye. The walk home was pleasant. My young kindergarten mind did
not comprehend the word ‘emergency,’ only that I needed to go home. As I walked
along the sidewalk, hyper-aware of my surroundings, puffy clouds shimmered like
sentinels in the azure sky; emerald leaves twinkled in the blossoming trees, and
varied flowers - planted and wild - dotted the yards with their vibrant jewel
tones. Everything around me seemed to shine with a lovely radiance as I
experienced all of this in a déjà vu, slow-motion time warp.
As an adult, I'd perplexed family and friends because I never liked getting
flowers. It was not just that flowers reminded me of springtime or even of this
particular day, for untarnished flowers are fresh, beautiful and pure. It was
simply that - though like all physical things, flowers eventually die - they die
all the more quickly when ripped from their roots and taken indoors away from
the sunlight, rain and earth. I preferred flowers in their natural setting. I
especially loved wildflowers. As for dried flowers - they are brittle and
lifeless, and the rancid smell of rotting cut-flowers is disgusting.
In the moment, I wanted to say, 'Please, flower-snatcher, don’t take me. I don’t
want to die!' But it all happened so fast. Out of fear or instinct maybe, I
seemed to have lost my voice. One second, I was walking along the sidewalk, on
my way home, feeling the light breeze, smelling the freshness of springtime and
enjoying my surroundings. And the next second, I was taken, by car, to a house
in the neighborhood.
I experienced many NDEs when taken to this house, a ritual that went on for
years, completely and wholly undetected. The first time I remember leaving my
body in this manner, I could see the snatchers as my spirit rose up and out of
my body. I turned my back to the men and rose up toward the ceiling, getting as
far away from them and their nefarious efforts as I could.
I found myself once again, as I did at my four month NDE, in a see-through
tunnel. And off in the distance, towards the light, was a male angel, guarding
the way to Heaven like a celestial sentry. Though still possessing my free will,
I could sense the message loud and clear - that was not what God wanted; he did
not want me to come home; my mission was not yet complete. But I had no scope of
understanding for my mission at this time. I would only piece it all together
years later. At the time, I was just a child trying to survive. And though I
wanted to be a good girl, I didn’t think I could take being hurt any longer. So
I decided to go toward the light.
I was in Heaven. All was bright, in shades of iridescent white. I stood in some
kind of processing area that resembled a large and open waiting room. Desks and
chairs were organized neatly throughout. But something was wrong; there was no
one there to greet me. To me, it felt as if all of Heaven was empty, abandoned
I was being sent a message. But before I could even consider my next move, two
adult masculine angels, complete with formidable wings, were standing on either
side of me. Their dress was shades of beige, like that of a Greek guard but with
no armor or weapons. They stared forward and refused to look at me - like
soldiers who’d hardened themselves because they'd been asked to carry out an
order they knew was cruel.
And without a word, they lifted me up and escorted me out of Heaven. I literally
felt the sensation of being thrown back to Earth, back to my body and the
snatchers. Hurt and devastated, I heard the message loud and clear, 'You cannot
forsake your purpose by seeking sanctuary.'
I’ve had no choice but to accept the tough love displayed to me that day; it was
the ultimate rejection, though. I was an innocent child who needed help, and I
was thrown out like trash. I just wanted to go to my heavenly home - to be safe,
healed and protected. I’ve had to conclude that it was essential that I, in my
seven-year-old mind, understood that Heaven wasn’t an option for me at that
time, no matter how bad it got, no matter how many times their malevolent
actions separated my spirit from my body. It was important that I knew there was
no escape, at least not one God approved of anyway. It was like there was a Do
Not Enter sign flashing above the way to Heaven. I never did, in my many NDEs,
go back towards the light. I couldn’t handle the rebuff of being thrown out
And though a deeply scarring moment, it calloused me and gave me a strong
determination to endure and persevere. Even at that young age, I wanted to be
worthy to walk with Heavenly Father, to serve him and his will. I had to find
the strength to tough it out, and through some miracle, that’s exactly what I
The snatchers real and acted upon threats - to harm family and friends, if I
told - kept me silent, as did my subconscious’ ability to keep the abuse hidden
from my daily life. It was easier for them to achieve such an ongoing
perpetration than you might think. Life was different back then. My family had
every reason to believe that I was safely playing in our neighborhood each time
I was forced back to that house. A lot of damage can be done in a very short
amount of time. And each time I returned home, all would be stored away and
suppressed, waiting for a time when I was mature enough to process it.
Fortunately, in today’s society we are slightly more educated about the evils of
the world in regards to children. It’s a sad truth of Earth-life.
Finally, some years later, having returned to my body after another forced NDE
episode, I awakened to find an angel standing next to me. I knew, immediately,
that it was my maternal grandfather and was certain he’d healed me many times
while at this house, for I never returned to my body with the previously
sustained injuries intact. Grandfather had died when I was a toddler, yet I'd
always loved the many wonderful stories my mom and sister would tell me about
him, with his beautiful singing voice, his kind heart and his friendly demeanor.
I truly felt as if I knew him. And I could feel his love, compassion and sorrow
for me.
Suddenly, an incredible force of strength and indignation began to well up
inside of Grandfather like a huge ball of light. And when it reached its full
potential, he blasted the snatchers with such force that they were pinned
against the wall. Then, Grandfather said, 'It is finished! If you ever come
anywhere near my granddaughter again, God will punish you unto death.'
They fell to the ground unconscious, and I stood there dumbfounded, not knowing
what to do. So my grandfather, very gently, guided me out and away from that
house of ill repute and said, 'It’s time to go and never come back.' I was in
shock, so Grandfather walked me most of the way home. Then, he was simply, gone.
Completely numb, I found myself on someone’s front lawn, not knowing how or why
I was there. I sat and wept for a long time as the sprinklers hummed their way
back and forth, spraying me; it was like healing rain. And as my tears blended
with the beads of water on my face, I felt a cleansing peace fill my mind and
Eventually, I made it home. As soon as I walked through the front door, I forgot
everything. Either buried in my subconscious or another of Heavenly Father’s
veils, it saved me from those awful memories, for a time anyway.
I recovered these specific experiences and many others starting at age
twenty-one. It would take me twenty-one years to fully piece together all that
had happened to me. In the process, I learned to forgive so that I could move
forward and have peace; I remembered parts of my life before Earth, and I even
remembered my soulmate and was blessed to find him. I wrote my story in a book called, Thrown Out of Heaven. I freely share it with all who are interested in PDF format on
At the time
of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?
I had many life-threatening experiences
during the abuse and torture.
Was the experience
difficult to express in words?
It's like there aren't words or reference
points in the English language to rightly describe the experience.
Nor is there a basis of normality in sharing these
At what time during the
experience were you at your highest level of
consciousness and alertness?
As I entered Heaven
How did your highest level
of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal
everyday consciousness and alertness?
consciousness and alertness than normal
I felt I could decipher any meaning if I
just thought about it long enough.
compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had
immediately prior to the time of the experience.
I had 360 degree vision around me during the experience.
compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had
immediately prior to the time of the experience.
I could receive mind-talk or thought transference
during the experience.
Did you see
or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your
consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?
I could clearly feel what my perpetrator,
'Tracy' was feeling and thinking during the experience but had no way to verify
What emotions did you feel
during the experience?
My emotions were tied to the abuse. I felt relief
from evading my perpetrators. I felt confused as to what the purpose was.
I felt devastation when thrown back to Heaven. I
felt understanding when the angel had me remember.
Did you pass into or
through a tunnel?
It was a see-through tunnel with a light
at one end that I knew was the way to Heaven.
Did you see an unearthly
In the see-through tunnel there was a
light at one end that I knew was the way to Heaven.
you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable
I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly
I encountered an angel at my two described NDEs.
Did you encounter or
become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by
name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?
you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?
At 7 year-old NDE, I saw my maternal
grandfather who died when I was a toddler.
you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?
At 4 month NDE, I remembered parts of my
life before birth.
you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
At 7 year-old NDE, I
entered a waiting room in Heaven.
Did time seem
to speed up or slow down?
Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or
lost all meaning
Sometimes time felt
sped up, sometimes slower and sometimes it lost all meaning.
you suddenly seem to understand everything?
Everything about myself or others
When the angel told me to remember at 4 month
NDE, I felt a deep and complete understanding of my life and mission.
Did you reach a boundary
or limiting physical structure?
I felt there to be a, 'Do Not Enter' sign to the
way to Heaven at my 7 year-old NDE with an angel guard, trying to deter me to
enter Heaven.
you come to a border or point of no return?
I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against
my will
I was thrown back to Heaven. It was not my time
to die.
Did scenes from the
future come to you?
Scenes from my personal future
I saw the perpetrations that would take place in
the future at my 4 month NDE.
your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly
life (“life after death”)?
I was shown by the angel at my 4 month NDE
that there was life before and after Earth.
your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God
or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?
I remembered God/Heavenly Father in my 4
month NDE.
your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you
either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?
In my 4 month NDE, I remembered and was
shown events that I/we existed before this lifetime.
your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a
mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?
During your experience,
did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s
meaning or purpose?
During your experience,
did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s
difficulties, challenges, or hardships?
During your experience,
did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?
During your experience,
did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not
shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?
Did you have a sense of
knowing special knowledge or purpose?
I felt greater understanding in my
What occurred during your
experience included:
Content that was entirely consistent with the
beliefs you had at the time of your experience
Consistent: I believed in God and Heaven previously.
How accurately do you
remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around
the time of the experience?
I remember the experience more accurately than
other life events that occurred around the time of th
These NDE experience were graved upon my soul in a way that's impossible to
forget. My memory, for the most part, in other areas is hit and miss.
Discuss any changes
that might have occurred in your life after your experience:
My religious beliefs have greatly broadened as has
my spirituality.
The basis of my previous beliefs are still intact
but the differences marginalize me,
and I feel I have nowhere to belong.
experience directly resulted in:
Large changes in my life
Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that
occurred as a result of the experience?
I now believe in a more expansive before Earth-life existence.
Do you
have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that
you did not have before the experience?
I am aware of the spirit realm because of
my experiences.
Are there one or several parts of your experience
that are especially meaningful or significant to you?
Reaching Heaven was meaningful. I can't even slightly doubt now.
Have you ever shared this experience with others?
Being a child and recovering the memories
as a young adult, I never shared my experience until I was in my early forties.
Familial reactions were uncomfortable as were most
friends. My husband and some of his family believe me and that's been a
Did you have any knowledge
of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?
What did you believe about
the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:
Experience was definitely real
I never doubted the reality.
What do you believe about
the reality of your experience at the current time:
Experience was definitely real
It's like not believing you were a baby,
or that you went to school, or that your parents are real. it happened. Period.
End of story.
Have your relationships
changed specifically as a result of your experience?
Siblings and many friends are distant as a result.
Have your religious
beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?
I am much more liberal and expansive in my religious and spiritual beliefs.
any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?
the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and
comprehensively describe your experience?
As much as is possible in this format.