Jackie S's Experience
Experience description:
In 1974 after experiencing a very powerful Marriage Encounter weekend I had a dream-vision which changed my whole perspective on living. The 44-hour weekend was very enlightening, very moving, draining and most of all a significant moment in my life and my relationship with my husband, children, parents and the whole universe.
On the Friday following the Marriage Encounter weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, I put our 2 year daughter Lisa down for a nap and still being tired from the week following our experience, I took a nap around 1:30 in the afternoon before going to work at 5:30 PM. Before falling asleep I asked myself why my step-dad Marcel (who died in October 1973) was so disillusioned with life and gave up on himself and the ones who loved him.?
At precisely 2:55 PM, 5 minutes before my two older daughters Donna and Joanne were scheduled to get home from school, I had the following experience. The answer came from deep deep inside of me My dad was hurting because no one chose to understand and listen to his feelings, his believes, his thoughts, no one really gave to him the understanding that he needed. Also within me the awareness that hurt is a very self-centered emotion and if you let go of hurt, love can grow again. Seconds after this knowledge came to me, I experienced a great love from my step-dad Marcel (died in 1973), followed by the same great love from my father Alfred (died in 1944 The Battle of the Bulge) and than a tremendous overwhelming love from God, my Father. Arms enveloping me all three together as one being.
Having been terribly afraid of death and not believing that I was good enough to receive eternal life, this experience gave me the answer to the question of life after life. At that same moment I was lifted above the couch, saw my non moving body on the couch, saw my funeral procession with my children, husband and tried to get up from the couch and could not until I truly believed that if I let go of my self-centeredness I would be free.
immediately remembered that Lisa was napping and told myself that I needed to
come back to take care of her. I came to just enough to notice that it was 2:55p
m. When Donna and Joanne came home I was overwhelmed.
At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?
Uncertain I was very run down physically before the encounter and also in a
whirlwind following the intense Marriage Encounter weekend.
the experience difficult to express in words?
Yes How does one explain the greatest love of ALL? God, the Source of all
what time during the experience were you at your highest level of
consciousness and alertness?
The peak was the encounter with my step-Dad Marcel, my father Alfred and God the
Father. Arms enveloping me all three together as one being.
did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience
compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?
consciousness and alertness than normal Overwhelming level, the highest
ecstasy that I have ever experienced.
Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that
you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.
Acceleration is hard to describe. You could compare it to a flash of
Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that
you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.
was not everyday hearing, it was a knowing deep within.
Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that
your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?
Yes I immediately remembered that Lisa was napping and told myself that I
needed to come back to take care of her. I came to just enough to notice that it
was 2:55p m. When Donna and Joanne came home I was overwhelmed.
What emotions did you feel during the experience?
love; some fear and confusion
you pass into or through a tunnel?
you see an unearthly light?
Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an
unidentifiable voice?
I encountered a
definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
I experienced a great love from my step-dad Marcel (died in 1973), followed by
the same great love from my father Alfred (died in 1944 The Battle of the Bulge)
and than a tremendous overwhelming love from God, my Father. Arms enveloping me
all three together as one being.
you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who
are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha,
Uncertain Jesus through God the Father
Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?
Yes my step-dad Marcel (died in 1973), followed by the same great love from my
father Alfred (died in 1944 The Battle of the Bulge) I was 2 1/2 years old.
Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?
Uncertain Not this first experience but later visions.
Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
A clearly
mystical or unearthly realm
center that I call Love. Union with ALL.
Did time seem to speed up or slow down?
Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
stopped. Everything happened in about 5 minutes, very very fast.
Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?
Everything about
myself or others
you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?
I was able to choose and decide to come back, when I remembered that my youngest
daughter two years of age Lisa, was sleeping.
Did you come to a border or point of no return?
I came to a
definite conscious decision to "return" to life
I made the choice to become less self-centered and was released to come back.
scenes from the future come to you?
Scenes from the world's future
The future was NOW in this presence.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly
life (�life after death�)?
Yes I was alive and well and had the knowledge that all beings will live on
after the transition from dying. Also that there is no death, you are carry on
from this space to the next space. It was above my head and yet paralleled.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?
Yes I experienced God the Father in my being. I was one with God. A great
source of Love from God to me and from me to God.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?
Yes My awareness was that I am, who I am.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not)
Yes ALL is ONE. All is connected, a circle.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
regarding earthly life�s meaning or purpose?
Yes It is very difficult to let go of self. The ego plays a great part and
loves to be first. The greatest gift is to be able to let go and let your
Spirit lead you to yourself and the unknown. It is a the greatest journey, not
to plan but to be led by the great Spirit of God. To let go and let God. Not
in a control type of relationship but in a give and give relationship. This is
the greatest gift. To accept God's love and know that ALL is well.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
regarding earthly life�s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?
Yes It is very difficult to let go of self. The ego plays a great part and
loves to be first. The greatest gift is to be able to let go and let your
Spirit lead you to yourself and the unknown. It is a the greatest journey, not
to plan but to be led by the great Spirit of God. To let go and let God. Not
in a control type of relationship but in a give and give relationship. This is
the greatest gift. To accept God's love and know that ALL is well.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness
regarding love?
Yes Acceptance of God's love. God's love is so great and after experiencing
this great love, one realizes that it is so overwhelming. To come back and face
the reality takes a life time. This happened over 38 years ago, and I am still
not accepting God's love 100%. Thank God, I have all eternity because that's
how long it will take to fully realize and give myself 100% in love.
During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information /
awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living
our earthly lives?
Yes Again, only love heals, only love forgives but first acceptance of this
great love. This is not easy because one is programmed to think about beliefs
not experience. You cannot think this through because it is a mystery and grace
comes to those who wait. God is patient. God is love. God knows you, more
than you know yourself. That is the journey, that is the challenge, that is
peace, that passes all understanding.
you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?
Yes To live in love, to give without wanting something in return. To let go
of self. To be free to choose, to love.
What occurred during your experience included:
Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at
the time of your experience Before my experience I believed in the
Resurrection but I did not believe that I would be saved just by being loved by
God. I believed I had to earn heaven, earn God's love. God's love is
unconditional, there is nothing that I have to do. The paradox is that when you
receive God's love, that is when you want to do good and give this love to ALL.
It's universal. Love. does make the world go round.
accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events
that occurred around the time of the experience?
remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred
around the time of the experience This experience will be with me forever.
One cannot deny so great a love.
Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your
perception of everything and everyone changed 100%. I started understanding
myself and others in a different way, I no longer wanted to compete, to be the
best. I still like to win but it doesn't mean much, just a game.
wanted to give what God has given me, I wanted to make other's aware of this
great love. Our family opened up a Christian book shop. My husband lost his
regular job and we took the leap and managed the book shop together. My mother,
worked a few days and she loved the ministry. Our daughters all learnt how to
minister to others, it was a joy to all be together, sharing the same values.
We met wonderful people, people who loved God and others. People who gave of
themselves and worked hard to pass it on from generation to generation.
My experience directly resulted in:
Large changes in my life
Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that
occurred as a result of the experience?
Yes Yes, like St. Paul, I made a 180 degree turn with my life. I no longer
tried to keep up with the Jones-es. I also became more involved with the
parish. I taught religious education. My older daughters sang in the Folk
Choir. My husband also became involved. We made many new friends. It was a
very exciting and fulfilling time for our family. One of my daughters told me
that things weren't boring anymore at home. No more, keeping the house
sparkling clean, let go and enjoy. I was less tense, less anxious, quit my
part-time job and stayed home with the children, until we took over the
Christian book shop.
Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your
experience that you did not have before the experience?
Yes More awareness of life. More acceptance of what I have to give. More
understanding of how one person can make a difference.
Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful
or significant to you?
encounter with my father Alfred. I was 2 when he went off to war in Europe in
1944. I did not remember him. Experience his great love for me was a gift that
I will have in my heart forever. This love can not be describe. It is pure
unconditional love.
Have you ever shared this experience with others?
With my husband, daughters, mother and siblings. I also have a personal
website, where I share my experience and my autobiography.
never knows how much influence one has when you share this kind of experience.
Many, do not understand, some do but are questionable and others think it's
interesting. It keeps one humble.
you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your
What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to
weeks) after it happened:
Experience was definitely real I had no doubts that this was real. I have had
potent dreams before but this was not the same. The same day that this
happened, my uncle came to visit and God sent him at the right time. I was a
mess. I explained to him my experience and he shared with me the same type of
experience that he had in church. This was very reassuring. Later, I called my
uncle who was a priest and told him about my experience. This was my father's
brother. My uncle looked at me and noticed that I had lost weight and asked if
I had been on drugs? I said no drugs. I was a little discouraged by his
response but took it ok because after all this was probably something that he
had never heard before. A few weeks later, I was at my Mom's and had another
spiritual experience and I called my uncle the priest, who lived nearby and went
to see him. I told him that the experience was like being Confirmed. I was
given the sacrament of Confirmation in the 6th grade. My uncle tried to
reassure me that I would be all right but he did not have much to say about the
Holy Spirit.
What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:
Experience was definitely real It was more real than my ordinary life. It
lifted me up to a better understanding of my life with my husband and children.
That this was my purpose, to give what God has given to me. I still believe and
more so than ever. I have 8 grandchildren to give this love and I am very
Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?
relationships have changed. I changed, so all has changed. I see. I was blind
but now I see. Sometimes, I think that I am the less blind leading the blind.
I go one step forward and two steps backward. But I do not quit. I go on and
do my best.
Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result
of your experience?
I no
longer feel like I have to do or go to special church services. I choose to be
part of the church community. If people want to count how many times they see
me, well, I guess they have nothing better to do. The truth as set me free.
any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the
Yes I have had many encounters with Jesus and with deceased relatives. On
September 27, 2012, my husband of 51 years passed to the other side and already,
I have had several encounters with him. Mostly, loving encounters. Some
experiences from the past and some from the present but most encounters are
intertwined with one another. My daughters also.
there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?
years of knowing that God's love will sustain me, has given me the courage since
my husband passed, to go on and give the love that we shared to all that I
encounter. There are many gifts of the Spirit but the greatest gift is Love.
peace that God has given me since my husband's death, passes all understanding.
Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and
comprehensively describe your experience?
Yes I am grateful to have had the chance to once again share my spiritual,
mystical experiences.