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Francisco P's Experience
Experience description:
As mentioned earlier, I am pleased to send your way a copy of
my own NDE submitted to IANDS USA back in 1993. A translation into Spanish will
follow. April 14 1993 ND Experience report to IANDS, 638 Prospect Avenue, Hartford CT
USA. Will there be appropriate words and will I be able to find and use them to
best describe my Experience of LIGHT?. It was the time preceding the dawn of a spring day, year 1991, when, all of a
sudden, the slow pace of my basic physiological functions was dramatically
altered as from my restful sleep I did return to a sort of passive consciousness
state to immediately realize something was drastically deteriorating in my body.
It did seem to me some vital organs were deeply affected, shutting off very
rapidly their activities and, before I could feel any apprehension, I sensed the
switch of my physical life been turned off as a soundless voice conveyed the
very clear and unmistakable message : “Frank, you are gone. It is over.”. Then,
the sequence of whirlwind like, wonderful events evolved as the vortex of my
physical existence gave way to what appeared to be an outburst of fast, very
fast paced, delightful phenomena of unprecedented powerful intensity of a kind
never felt before, in face of which my very being simply and instantly felt
overwhelmed and permeated by a whole array of unparalleled, marvelous sensations
which absolutely overflowed my sensorial dimensions, for at the very instant I
received the message announcing my physical dismissal, a boundless Universe of a
very bright, radiant beyond description, soothing bluish WHITE LIGHT totally
wrapped my senses, bringing along the most unbelievable yet very real feelings
of peacefulness, immensurable joy and exhilarating harmony in unconditional
loving acceptance into this new Realm, inundating and sweeping throughout my new
being to the point of reaching a state of total and absolute bliss and ecstasy. Was it the sheer astonishment my essence or being was immersed into that at
this point reversed the entire process?, or rather was something else, something
related to the Will of the Majestic and Magnanimous PRESENCE from WHOM, there is
no doubt, all this originated which determined the way it turned out to be?. Perplexity and bewilderment followed as very excited and confused I sat in my
bed realizing that by all accounts I still was on this side, wondering about the
nature of this most unusual event, the reason for it and even if it did really
take place at all, and as a corollary the big why, why me?. To this day I still
don’t know. Since at that time I did not have the slightest knowledge, never heard of
such an occurrence happening to other people, I went on with my life, confiding
my experience only to my wife, my brother and sister-in-law and two couples good
friends of mine. In the months that followed, I could not avoid to often think
and reconsider the extent and impact of this still unexplained and misunderstood
event in my life, but slowly come to the conclusion that indeed something very
exceptional and yes, definitely yes, very important and transcendental had
happened to me, something that I am not qualified, given my limited human
dimensions, to comprehend in its enormity but for which I should and truly am
very grateful in having been chosen a recipient. Much later I had the first break which would allow me, so to speak, to
acknowledge that, as I already assumed, I was not alone in going throughout such
a wonderful event, although my particular conditions at the time did not seem to
fit the pattern of facts that leads most other persons to encounter their own,
since I did not suffer any trauma or illness that I know could trigger this
“close call”. A literary review in one of the local newspapers mentioned the
then recent publication of a book dealing with a rather unusual subject, namely
the “near death” experiences of children, written by Dr. Melvin Morse. It
immediately caught my attention and I suggested to my wife “Closer to the LIGHT”
would be a real nice present for the coming St. Valentine, and she ordered the
book from a bookstore. The reading of this text brought me the confirmation of a reality that had
eluded me for quite some time since having what, as a result of this book
content, I knew was my own Experience. Later on, this acknowledgement was
expanded while reading the works of Drs. Moody, Ring and Sabom. Needless to say, a great deal of relief and also wonderment resulted when it
was obvious that I was not alone in this “predicament” and moreover amazed and
excited at the idea that we, in fact, are such a crowd, that documented cases
have sprung all over the world from the most varied cultures, creed and
religious backgrounds. So reassuring all this. Nowadays there is this seemingly insatiable need to know more about this
wonderful subject and beyond that to get to know other fellow human beings who
have had the Experience of their lives and also belong to what I would define as
“The truly privileged bunch”. Without pretending to know anything of substance about what lays ahead for us
Humans once we irreversibly depart from earthly life beyond the ultimate
threshold into our next dimension, this Experience of LIGHT has erased any
doubts I could previously had about continuity of our spiritual life, may be in
a platonic, contemplative way, venerating the endless wonders of the Universe,
shielded forever from the needs, desires, passions, sickness, upheavals and
human all pervasive fragility of our present condition, merged into and
belonging to that Magnificent, Magnanimous and Majestic SPLENDOR. A recently completed sequel will be send soon, reporting
the conclusions I arrived to after 25 years of constant soul searching.
Traduccion del ECM Relato fechado 14 de abril de
¿ Habran
palabras adecuadas y sere capaz de encontrarlas para mejor expresar mi
Experiencia en la LUZ ¿.
Ocurrio una
noche de primavera del año 1991 cuando, súbitamente, el relajado ritmo de mis
funciones fisiológicas básicas se vio bruscamente alterado al deslizarse de mi
sueño reposado a una especie de pasivo estado de inusitada expectación para
instantáneamente percatarme que mi organismo estaba deteriorándose en extremo.
Me dio la impresión que mis organos vitales estaban críticamente afectados,
cesando rápidamente su funcionamiento y, antes de que pudiese sentir aprehensión
alguna, sentí contemplar el final de mi existencia física al mismo instante que
una voz sin sonido comunico el certero y clarísimo mensaje: “Francisco, has
fallecido. Se ha terminado”. Al momento, la secuencia, similar a un torbellino,
de maravillosas sensaciones se sucedieron simultáneamente al vertice de mi
existencia física ceder lugar a lo que parecía ser una avalancha de una rápida,
muy rápida, deliciosa experiencia sensorial sin precedente, de una poderosa
intensidad jamas experimentada hasta el momento, frente a la cual mi propia
esencia sencillamente y al instante se sintió abrumada por una multitud de
espirituales percepciones sin posible antecedente que inundaron mis dimensiones
sensoriales, ya que, al instante mismo que recibi el mensaje dándome a conocer
el final de mi existencia física, un ilimitado Universo de una muy radiante,
indescriptible en su brillantez y tranquilizadora, azulada LUZ BLANCA rodeo la
totalidad de mis sentidos, aportando las mas increíbles pero muy verídicas
sensaciones de paz, inmensa alegría y exultante armonía en incondicional
cariñosa bienvenida a este nuevo entorno espiritual, desbordando y saturando
plenamente la totalidad de mi nueva entidad eterea hasta llegar a un estado de
total y absoluto deleite y extasis.
¿Fue el
contundente asombro en que mi esencia o entidad estaba sumergida lo que en esta
circunstancia interrumpio el proceso o mas bien fue algo diferente, algo
relacionado con la Voluntad de la Majestuosa y Magnanima PRESENCIA de QUIEN sin
duda alguna todo este acontecer origino lo que determino el desenlace?.
De pronto me
halle despierto, desconcertado y confuso, sentado en la cama y sumido en un
estado de total aturdimiento y perplejidad, comprobando, con absoluta certeza,
que aun me encontraba en vida, preguntándome acerca de la naturaleza de este
inusitado acontecimiento, la razón del porque y eventualmente si en realidad
tuvo lugar, y como consecuencia la gran interrogante ¿Por qué a mi?. Aun lo
Dado que en
aquellos días no tenia ningún conocimiento, jamas había oído de un tal acontecer
ocurrir a otras personas, continue con mis actividades, confiando mi experiencia
a mi esposa, mi hermano y cuñada y un par de matrimonios
amigos. En los meses siguientes no pude sino con frecuencia pensar y considerar
la amplitud y el impacto emocional de este aun inexplicable e incomprensible
acontecimiento en mi vida, pero poco a poco llegue a la conclusión que
indudablemente algo muy excepcional y si, definitivamente si, muy importante y
trascendental me ocurrio, algo que no me considero cualificado, dadas mis
limitadas dimensiones humanas, para comprender en su enormidad, pero por lo que
yo debo y verdaderamente estoy muy agradecido en haber sido elegido receptor.
Mucho mas tarde
encontré la primera evidencia que me iba ha ayudar, por asi decir, a percatarme
que, como ya había supuesto, no era yo el único en experimentar tal maravilloso
acaecer, si bien mi situación personal en aquel momento no se semejaba en
absoluto a la secuencia en los hechos que llevan a otras personas a pasar por
sus propias experiencias personales, ya que yo ni estaba enfermo ni fui victima
de ningún accidente que pudiera ocasionar este “a punto de”. Una evaluación
literaria aparecida en uno de los periódicos locales dio a conocer la reciente
publicación de un libro que trataba de un tema inusitado, el llamado
“Experiencias cercanas a la muerte” en niños, escrito por el doctor Melvin
Morse. Inmediatamente atrajo mi atención y sugerí a mi esposa que “Closer to the
Light” seria un regalo que apreciaría en la ya cercana festividad de San
Valentin y ella se apresuro a enseguida adquirir el libro.
La lectura de
este texto me llevo a la confirmación de una realidad que me había eludido desde
el momento de haber vivido lo que de resultas del contenido de estas paginas
supe era mi propia Experiencia. Mas tarde, esta información se incremento con la
lectura de las obras de los doctores Moody, Ring and Sabom.
Por supuesto un
enorme alivio y asimismo asombro fueron la consecuencia inmediata cuando era
obvio que yo no era el único en este “trance” y aun mas, sorprendido y
entusiasmado al comprobar que de hecho somos tal muchedumbre, que comprobados
casos similares han surgido por todo el mundo provenientes de las mas variadas
culturas, creencias y religiones. Cuan tranquilizador todo esto.
En la
actualidad impera esta aparentemente insaciable necesidad de conocer mas y mas
acerca de este maravilloso tema y mas aun encontrar y conocer otras personas que
han, ellas mismas, tenido la Experiencia de sus vidas y asimismo pertenecen a lo
que yo definiría como “El grupo de los verdaderamente privilegiados”.
Sin pretender
conocer nada en concreto acerca de lo que nos pueda aconteder como seres humanos
una vez nos despidamos irreversiblemente de esta vida terrenal al cruzar el
umbral ultimo hacia nuestra próxima dimensión, esta “Experiencia en la LUZ” ha
completamente suprimido cualquier duda que yo hubiera albergado respecto a la
continuidad de nuestra vida espiritual, quizá en un estado platónico o
contemplativo, venerando las infinitas maravillas del Universo entero,
protegidos a perpetuidad de las necesidades, los deseos, las pasiones, las
enfermedades, los sobresaltos y la siempre presente pervasiva humana fragilidad
de nuestra condición presente, en convergencia y formando parte de este
Magnifico, Magnanimo y Majestuoso ESPLENDOR.
What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?
Keep gathering information about NDEs and related phenomena and spreading it all by all means available to us, enticing everyone involved to participate to their best of their ability so we can contribute to if not to eliminate, at least to diminish the degree of confrontation and hostility so prevalent and dangerous in our world today.