Elena's Experience
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Everything was normal, I was fifteen and while I slept in the day, (as I believed at that moment) there appeared in my dreams a man dressed in white with his soft beard and hair. he held his hand out to me, asking me if I would give him mine, saying �This first time you are coming with me but from there on you will be on your own� I didn't think anything of it, I didn't doubt. Suddenly I saw myself below in bed from about a metre and a half away. I was surprised because I thought �What have is happening there I the bed for me to be up here?� I felt a calling and once more obeyed Him and we went on a journey to many places but always here on earth. On the following day I drew the places. I have never verified if they exist.

He accompanied me again in my body. The next day I did it again on my own. And this way I travelled for a year. But after a year I felt there had been much more and one night I emboldened myself and made a big mental effort (to get me going further through the tunnel, it was like falling through it) when suddenly I heard a noise like a �splash� and I was in a dark empty place, there was nothing except darkness around me, but just then I saw a point of light, far away and I knew, I don't know how, automatically, that if I prayed, it would come near me, and I prayed the only prayer I knew the �Our father� and I repeated it until the light came look for me and I was in the cone of light. Without thinking, I walked to the source of the light I got close to it, and I felt it put it's hand on my shoulder, although it wasn't like this, because I was frightened that I didn't have a shoulder, and they said to me �No you can't continue because if you go any further you won't be able to return� in an instant I knew, that if I went where I was going, some form of energy would spread me into all other energies.

It is like splashing a drop of water in a glass of water and then trying to separate it. I spent several days in the gloom, that for some reason kept me at the same time in the light but in the outside trying to maintain a balance in my thoughts, that allowed me in the light but near the darkness. I am sorry I can't explain it, it was as if my task should be just this. To be in contact with the darkness the longest period possible, without being trapped by it. I was always asking �What can I do here?� always answering �Whatever you are allowed to�

I don't know why I never asked myself �Why did they say  �Whatever you are allowed to�� Many days passed, months practising a state in which I was learning to not be afraid of the darkness and finally I had a clarity which came, but not from the darkness. I was be able to ask every question of the light (which was keeping me in constant communication with it) in spite of being in the darkness I asked many things and was given many replies.

A year later, here in this place every day, the answers I received for some of my questions began to fade from memory and when I returned to my body I felt I couldn't hold more in my head. Finally I said to my mother that something strange  had happened, and I needed help. I told her much less, just the basics, and she decided to take me to a psychiatrist and I told him the very least that I had left my body, that I had gone to a place where there had been light and darkness and presences, and that when I left my head felt like I had read the whole (national) bible in a single night.

They ran some tests and an EEG revealed that I had some totally unusual EEG peaks, in the alpha wave region. Finally, after many appointments, the psychiatrist told me that it wasn't a dream but a paranormal phenomenon. I didn't like it. I said to my mother that I wasn't going back to the psychiatrist ant that they were all crazy. It is impossible to say here everything that I knew in  those two years of these daily experiences. Nevertheless I know very well I was practising for a battle against the darkness and I felt like a warrior in training.

But it may well be that that which affected me most was when they started showing me past and future lives and there had been things I had had to achieve in this life, and they were not easy. I am afraid that as hard as I try I believe that I have succeeded I haven't managed to avoid that which impinges on me in a future life. Also I was brought up catholic, in a Latin American country, and although my parents aren't religious but equally for my part, the concept of other lives and reincarnation were absolutely wrong at this time in my life. I had never heard anything related to that which had happened to me. Also I was very tired from practising domination of the darkness.

Todo era normal yo tenia 15 a�os y un d�a mientras dorm�a, seg�n yo cre� en ese momento, en mis sue�os se apareci� un hombre vestido de blanco con su barba y pelo blando y extendi� su mano hacia mi, pidiendo que le diera la m�a y me dijo " esta primera vez lo vas a ir conmigo pero de ah� en adelante lo vas a hacer tu sola�. Yo ni pens� nada,no lo dude. Solo se que de pronto mire hacia abajo y me vi a mi misma en la cama como desde un metro y medio de distancia. Me sorprend� porque pens� " que hago yo ah� (en la cama) si yo estoy aqu�. Sent� que el me llamo y una vez mas y sin pensar le obedec� y fuimos a viajar a muchos lugares pero siempre aqu� en la tierra. Al d�a siguiente dibuje los lugares. Nunca he verificado si existen. El me acompa�o de nuevo a mi cuerpo. Al d�a siguiente lo hice yo sola, pero no me atrev� a salir de casa pasaron meses antes de que me atreviera a salir yo sola. Y as� viaje durante un a�o. Pero despu�s de un a�o sent�a que hab�a mucho mas y una noche me arme de valor y hice un esfuerzo mental (para dejarme ir mas largo por el t�nel, era como si cayera por el) y de pronto oi ese sonido como un "splash" y aparec� en un lugar, oscuro, vaci�, no hab�a mas que negro alrededor pero luego vi un punto de luz a lo lejos y supe no se porque autom�ticamente que si rezaba se acercar�a y rece lo �nico que me sabia el padre nuestro y lo fui repitiendo hasta que la luz me vino a buscar y yo estaba dentro del cono de la luz. Sin pensar camine hacia la fuente de luz pero cuando me iba acercando senti como si me pusieran la mano en el hombro, aunque no fue as� porque me temo que no tenia hombro y me dijeron "no, no puedes seguir por que si pasas no puedes regresar� de forma instant�nea supe que fuera lo que yo fuera, alguna forma de energ�a, me diluir�a en todas las otras energ�as.

Es algo as� como echar una gota de agua en un baso de agua y luego intentar separarla. Pase muchos d�as en la penumbra por alguna raz�n me manten�a siempre dentro de la luz pero en la parte mas exterior tratando de mantener un equilibrio en mi pensamiento que me permitiera estar en la luz pero cerca de la oscuridad. Lamento no saber como explicarlo. era como si mi cometido fuera justamente ese. Estar en contacto con la oscuridad el mayor tiempo posible sin dejarme atrapar por ella. siempre preguntaba "Que hago yo aqu�?" y siempre me contestaban " A ti se te permite" .

No se como no se me ocurri� preguntar "por que a mi se me permite". Pase muchos d�as, meses practicando un estado en el que fui aprendiendo a no temer a la oscuridad y finalmente tenia tal claridad en que no hab�a forma en que la oscuridad pudiera conmigo que fui capas de hacer todas las preguntas que quer�a a la luz (mantenerme en comunicaci�n constante con ella) a pesar de estar en la oscuridad. pregunte muchas cosas y me dieron muchas respuestas.

Despu�s de un a�o a diario en este lugar, las respuestas que obten�a a algunas de mis preguntas empezaron a ir mas all� de todas mis capacidades y cuando regresaba a mi cuerpo sent�a que no me cab�a mas en la cabeza. Finalmente le dije a mi mama que algo raro me pasaba y que necesitaba ayuda. Le cont� mas menos lo b�sico. decidi� llevarme al psiquiatra y yo le cont� pues lo b�sico al psiquiatra. que salia de mi cuerpo, que iba a un lugar donde hab�an luz oscuridad y presencias y que cuando despertaba sent�a la cabeza como si me hubiese le�do toda la biblioteca nacional en una solo noche.

Me hicieron ex�menes y el electroencefalograma revelo que tenia unos picos totalmente fuera de lo normal de ondas alfa. Finalmente, despues de dos citas, el psiquiatra me dijo que no era un sue�o sino un fen�meno paranormal. No me hizo ninguna gracia, le dije a mi mama que no volver�a al psiquiatra pues todos estaban locos. Es imposible contar aqu� todo lo que supe en dos anos de estas experiencias diarias. Sin embargo se muy bien que estuve practicando para luchar contra la oscuridad me sent�a como un guerrero al que entrenan.

Pero tal vez lo que mas me afecto de todo fue cuando me empezaron a mostrar vidas pasadas y vidas futuras, hab�a cosas que yo tenia que lograr en esta vida y no son tan f�ciles. Me temo que por mas esfuerzo que creo que he hecho aun no he logrado salvarme de lo que me tocar�a vivir en una vida futura. Ademas yo me crie como cat�lica en un pa�s latino aunque mis padres no son muy religiosos, pero igualmente para mi los conceptos de otras vidas y reencarnaci�n eran absolutamente inexistentes en ese momento de mi vida. Jamas hab�a o�do nada al respecto y eso me impresiono. Aunque tambien estaba muy cansada de mi practica de dominio de la oscuridad.

Circumstances around the time of the experience:
                          Other:Ninguna de las anteriores estaba perfecta solo me paso cada d�a durante 2 anos . Algunas veces 2 veces por d�a

No previous health problems, I was in perfect health, but it occurred every day for two years sometimes twice a day.

Your condition at time of experience:  Other  Other:nada, estaba en perfectas condiciones fisicas.
I was in perfect physical condition and healthy
Experience included:  Out of body experience
  Tunnel  Presence of unearthly beings  Unearthly light    Darkness    Void  Boundary  Strong emotional tone  Special knowledge or purpose  Life review  Awareness of the future  Hellish imagery 

Your religious background at the time of the experience:  Christian- Catholic    

Your religious background currently:  Do not know 

Do you consider the content of your experience to be: 
Both pleasant AND distressing

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  Yes     Porque como le describes el sabor del chocolate a alguien que nunca lo ha probado. Tratar de explicar cosas que sabes que solo es posible experimentar cuando estas ah� es tremendamente dif�cil, Te quedas sin palabras tratando de poner ejemplos. Sencillamente no hay palabras.  Lo que obtienes es informaci�n y como no la recibes en palabras sino por bloques instant�neos de conocimiento, despu�s no sabes como traducirlo a palabras.

Yes because it is like trying to describe the taste of chocolate to someone who has never tried it. To try to explain things that can only be experienced when you are there  is extremely difficult, you are left without words and trying to use examples. There are simply no words. That which you obtain is information, and you don't receive it in words, but in blocks of instant knowledge, which you don't know how to translate into words.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?            Todo el tiempo una vez que estas fuera de tu cuerpo estas alerta. Es como si fuera el estar dentro de tu cuerpo lo que hiciera que no lo est�s. Como si el cuerpo fuera una caparaz�n para lo que realmente somos. Con sus pro y sus Contra. Aunque la tranquilidad que sientes cuando estas en la luz, la sensaci�n de protecci�n te permite fijarte mejor en todo.

All the time and once you were out of your body, you were awake. Its like if you were in your body that which you do isn't as much as it should be. It's as if your body was just a shell, for that which we really are. With it's pros and cons. But the peace you feel when you are in the light, the feeling of protection lets you focus better on everything.
How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal
   Es que yo soy de las personas que se concentra en una solo cosa. Si me pongo a ver televisi�n y me concentro no me entero de nada de lo que pasa a mi alrededor. Si me hablan no me entero y all� mi radio de percepci�n era mayor, pero sin ning�n esfuerzo, solo sabia las cosas.

More. I concentrate on one thing at a time. If I watch TV I am not aware of anything going on around me. If they talk to me I don't listen and there my field of perception was better, but effortlessly, I just knew things.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   Aunque yo sent�a que tenia un frente y una parte trasera, aunque eso tal ves lo cre� porque no conozco otra forma de cuerpo, cuando quer�a ver algo que supuestamente estaba detr�s no tenia que voltear. No importaba lo que quisiera ver si prestaba atenci�n a algo, una idea, o lo que fuera, un pensamiento instant�neamente ve�a lo que quer�a ver, donde estaba no importaba es algo tan inmediato y sutil que ni siquiera percibes que has tenido la intenci�n de verlo, solo piensas y ves las respuestas. Es tan r�pido que no ves siquiera que haya un proceso. Como cuando estoy en mi cuerpo, que primero algo llama mi atenci�n, luego volteo y puedo verlo. Ah� no es as�, todo es instant�neo.

Although I felt I had a front and a back, although maybe that was because I don't know other types of body, and when you want to see something behind you, you don't have to turn around to see it. It doesn't matter what takes your attention, a thing or an idea, whatever, a thought immediately shows what you want to see, where is not so important as it is so immediate and subtle than you don't even know that you wanted to see it, you only think and there are the answers. It's so fast that you aren't aware of the process. Like when I am in my body, first something takes my attention, then I turn and I am able to see it. There, it is different, everything happens in an instant.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   No recuerdo o�r nada. Lo ultimo que o�a antes de llegar ah� era el sonido de llegada. Despu�s no o�a porque nadie hablaba. Yo recib�a de forma instant�nea lo que yo llamar�a paquetes de informaci�n. Sin embargo cuando salia de mi cuerpo y estaba en la tierra si pod�a o�r aunque lo que pasara estuviera en otra habitaci�n o fuera de la casa pero solo o�a aquello que me interesaba o aquello en lo que fijaba mi intenci�n. No se como describirlo. Lo siento.
I don't remember hearing anything. The last thing that I heard before arriving was the sound of arrival. Then I didn't hear because no-one said anything. Nevertheless when I left my body, it was on earth and I could hear that which was going on around me in another room or outside the house but I was only interested in, or was only focused on that which I concentrated on. I can't describe it. Sorry.
Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   Yes   Si. Todos los d�as lo hacia hasta la hora que mi mama llegara porque se supon�a que deb�a estar haciendo la tarea entonces cuando la o�a llegar me devolv�a r�pido para mi cuerpo. Pensaba que si entraba en mi cuarto y yo no estaba en mi cuerpo se iba a dar el susto de su vida. Yo sabia que mi cuerpo era incapaz de moverse si yo no estaba dentro de el. Pensaba que iba a creer que estaba muerta. Ademas de conseguir un rega�o por estar durmiendo y no haciendo la tarea. Una vez se me hizo tarde estaba haciendo algo interesante en el otro lugar y entre con tanto apuro y tan r�pido en mi cuerpo para moverlo y levantarme de la cama que me ca� de la cama y cuando mi mama entro en el cuarto me encontr� en el piso. Me pregunto que hacia y le dije que hab�a perdido un zapato. Recuerdo que ese d�a pens�. Uffff.. me salve por poco. Je. Hice otros muchos experimentos pero siempre llegaba a la conclusion de que aunque dormida a lo mejor pod�a o�r lo que pasaba dentro de la casa. Yo por mucho tiempo no me atrev� a salir.

Yes. All the time up to when my mother should come, because I was supposed to be doing chores, when I heard her arrive, and I returned to my body rapidly. I thought that if she came to my room, and I was out of my body it would give her the fright of her life. I knew that my body was incapable of moving if I wasn't in it. I imagined she would think I was dead. Also I would get a scolding for sleeping when I should have been doing chores. Once I was late I was doing something interesting somewhere else with so much trouble and so rapidly back to my body that to move it, and get up from the bed, I fell back on the bed, and when my mother came into the room she found me on the floor she asked me what was I doing and I said I had lost a shoe. I remember that day I thought Uffff.. I had just been saved. Heh. I did many more experiments but I always came to the conclusion that although I slept I could at best hear that which happened inside the house. Very often I never dared to go out.

What emotions did you feel during the experience?   Como he contado fueron muchas experiencias por mucho tiempo. Pero creo que lo mas impresionante es el indescriptible amor de la luz y el indescriptible horror de la oscuridad. Supe cuando estaba all� que si sinti�ramos algo as� cuando estamos dentro de nuestros cuerpos estos no lo soportar�an es demasiado amor y demasiado horror. Nos dar�a un infarto o algo. Dentro de nuestros cuerpos estamos protegidos y semidesconectados por alg�n tipo de mecanismo.  
As I have said there were many experiences for a prolonged length of time. But I believe the most impressive thing was the indescribable love of the light and indescribable horror of the darkness. I knew that when I was there, that we should have felt something else as if we were in our bodies which weren't able to feel that amount of love that amount of horror. It would give us a heart attack or similar. In our bodies we are protected and partially disconnected by some means.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   Yes
   Primero esta el t�nel por el que iba hacia all�, es un lugar oscuro por el que viajas a una velocidad incre�ble. Yo sentia como si callera y al mismo tiempo oia un zumbido que terminaba cuando terminaba el tunel. Y luego el tunel o talvez no un tunel, era un haz de luz conico por el que iba para llegar a la fuente de luz.

Yes. First there is a tunnel which is how I got there, it is a dark place though which you travel with amazing speed, I felt as if propelled and at the same time a buzzing that stopped at the end of the tunnel. And then the tunnel or maybe not a tunnel, it was a beam of conical light through which I travelled to arrive at the source of this light.

Did you see an unearthly light?   Yes
   Una luz tan blanca como jamas la podremos ver aqu�. La luz tiene un punto de fuente y a partir de all� lo inmunda todo. Para mi era como un cono grande de luz. Pero como he dicho tenia un punto de no retorno y en mi caso yo tenia que mantenerme en las afueras para as� cumplir mi cometido. Fuera de la luz solo habia oscuridad. La luz no molestaba en los ojos y de forma instintiva vas hacia ella.
Yes. A light so white so we could never see it. There was a source of the light and from there it cleaned everything. For me it was like a great cone of light. But when I said the was a point of no return, in my case I had to stay on the outskirts, to stick to my promise. Away from the light was only darkness. The light did not hurt your eyes, however hard you looked at it.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
Eran presencias. yo sabia que estaban ah�. al �nico que vi, ( vi con mi mente,digo yo , es que no necesitaba los ojos yo ve�a 360 grados sin necesidad de mirar) fue al mismo que me vino a buscar la primera vez. Entiendo que es mi gu�a. Y a una presencia inquieta y jugetona que esta todo el tiempo conmigo o por lo menos eso me comunico el. Me dijo que su �nica funci�n era que yo no muriera cuando no era el momento. Yo entend� que era algo as� como mi �ngel guardi�n. Ademas supe que aqu� abajo somos ca�ticos y podemos morir a cada rato si no es porque nos est�n cuidando.

I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin. There were presences. I knew they were there. The only one I saw (I saw with my mind, I would say, it's because you don't need eyes and can see 360 degrees without needing to look) was the same that came looking for me the first time. I understand it is my guide. And one restless mischievous presence, that was always with me or at least that is what it had said. It told me that it's sole purpose was that I shouldn't die when it wasn't my time. I understood that it was something like my guardian angel. I also knew that here below we are chaotic and we could die any time through not taking care.

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   No

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   No  

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
   A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
Estaba en un mundo de energias , Luz , Oscuridad y sabia que habia infinitos mas, todos diferentes.

It was a world of energies, light, darkness and I knew that it was infinitely great, totally different.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?
   Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
El tiempo no exist�a y lo asum� sin ning�n problema lo supe en el mismo momento en que llegue. me parec�a natural.

Time didn't exist and I knew it without difficulty in the same moment in which I arrived - to me it all seemed natural.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?
   Everything about the universe
Solo tenia que venir la idea de querer saber algo y instant�neamente lo sabia. era como si me pasaran bloques de informaci�n y cuanta informaci�n fuera no importaba era instant�neo. si tenia una pregunta la respond�an. todo lo que no se es solo porque no lo pregunte.
I only had to think of a thing to have the answer, instantly. It was as if they gave me great blocks of information and other information that was not important, it was instantaneous, if I had a question they responded. Everything that I don't know is only because I never asked it.
Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   Yes
Si, no pod�a pasar mas all� del punto que yo ve�a como fuente de la luz. Si pasaba no pod�a regresar.

I wasn't able to pass further than a point I saw as the source of the light, if I passed it I couldn't ever return.

Did you come to a border or point of no return?
   I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was "sent back" against my will

Did scenes from the future come to you?
  Scenes from my personal future 
De una supuesta vida futura que no tenia porque ser si yo aprend�a lo que tenia que aprender en esta. Aunque la verdad no entiendo todo, porque tambi�n se que al final es como un juego no es tan importante si metemos la pata. Pero bueno calculo que dentro del juego es importante

From a supposedly future life that I didn't have because to live in it I was to learn that which I had to learn in it. Although that truth is that I don't understand all of it, because I know that in the end it is like a game, it isn't so important if we make mistakes. But a good guess is that in the game it is important.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (�life after death�)?   Yes
   No se explicarlo, tu llegas all� y sabes que es as�. Esta pregunta es exactamente como que le preguntaras a un actor de teatro si cuando salio de la obra y estaba detr�s del tel�n encontr� algo que le dijera que sigue vivo despu�s de que se termina la obra. Es exactamente lo mismo. La obra es nuestra vida en la tierra.
I don't know how to explain it. You arrive there and you know it is true. This question is exactly what you would ask an actor in the theatre if when he has gone out in an act, and is behind the curtain, he found something he should say to you to keep living after the act finishes. Its exactly the same. The act is our life on earth.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   Yes   Si hay que llamar Dios al Amor infinito de la luz. Pues si. Pues nos Ama , nos protege y nunca dejar�a que algo malo nos pasara. Pero resulta que al mismo tiempo somos el.

Yes. We have to call on God the infinite love of the light. Yes. He loves us, He protects us, and would never let anything bad happen to us. But at the same time it seems we are Him.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Yes
   Si. Me mostraron una profesora en �frica. Daba clase a alumnos de primaria y aunque era la chica mas admirada en el poblado y todos los hombres quer�an casarse con ella. Ella nunca acepto ninguno, le parec�a que eran muy poquito y nunca le gusto ni uno y se quedo sola. Era muy buena persona y me hicieron sentir lo que ella sinti� y pens�, todo, es como si en ese momento me hubiera convertido en ella y me di cuenta de que sintiendo lo ella sent�a, pensando lo que ella pensaba yo hubiera hecho lo mismo que hizo ella. Estaba claro que yo no hab�a avanzado mucho en esta vida.

Yes. They showed me a teacher in Africa. She used to give classes to primary children and she was the most admired girl in the village and all the men wanted to marry her. She never accepted anyone and didn't think very much of them, not even one, she remained single. She was a very good person, and they made me feel what she felt and thought, everything, it's as if I am in this moment changed into her, and I realise that I am feeling what she felt, thinking what she thought and have done the same things she has done. It was clear that I haven't advanced much in this life.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   Yes
   Si todos somos uno, en realidad es como si fu�ramos un solo ente. y cuando digo todo me refiero a todo cada �rbol, cada gato y cada piedra en el universo entero es una sola entidad. nuestra individualidad se basa en una chispita de ese todo. No tengo absolutamente ninguna duda de ello. Lo sent� en toda su grandeza es absolutamente co_nMovedor.
Yes  If we are all one, in reality it is as if we are one entity and when I say everyone I mean every tree, every cat, every stone in the entire Universe, is one sole entity, our individuality is based on a sparklet of this whole. I have absolutely no doubt about this. I feel all it's greatness and it's absolutely moving.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s meaning or purpose?   Yes
   Cada uno de nosotros tiene algo que aprender o mejorar para poder aportar  a el todo que de alguna manera estamos construyendo. Nadie nos va a juzgar pero si perdemos el tiempo y la oportunidad de amar , ser amados de re�r y ser felices o si hacemos dano a otros se siente luego mucha verg�enza.

Yes. Every one of us has something to learn, or improve on, to be able to contribute to everything that we are in some way building. No one is going to judge us but if we waste time and the opportunity to love, be loved to laugh and be happy or if we hurt others, then, we will feel grief.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   Yes
   Cada uno de nosotros tiene algo que aprender o mejorar para poder aportar  a el todo que de alguna manera estamos construyendo. Nadie nos va a juzgar pero si perdemos el tiempo y la oportunidad de amar , ser amados de re�r y ser felices o si hacemos dano a otros se siente luego mucha verg�enza.

Yes. Every one of us has something to learn, or improve on, to be able to contribute to everything that we are in some way building. No one is going to judge us but if we waste time and the opportunity to love, be loved to laugh and be happy or if we hurt others, then, we will feel grief.
During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   Yes
   Es lo mas importante. No hay nada mas importante. El amor y la alegr�a es el alimento del universo. De nuestro universo.

Yes it is of the utmost importance there is nothing more important love and happiness is the food of the Universe. Of our Universe.

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   Yes
   Lo mas importante es que todos somos uno, que cuando da�amos a otra persona nos estamos da�ando a nosotros mismos. Y no es metaf�rico. es como si te fueras con tu familia a buscar materiales para construir la casa en la que van a vivir todos y cuando llegaras al lugar donde est�n todos los materiales se te olvidara que es tu familia y empezaras a pelear con ellos por el material que ellos cargan o se los robaras o los hirieras para que no pudieran llevarse algo que a ti te gusta. y cuando llegas al otro lado te das cuenta o recuerdas de nuevo que ese al que heriste para que no pudiera llevarse algo lo estaba cargando para ti. Que verg�enza.

Yes. It's most important that we are all one, and that when we hurt someone we are hurting ourselves. And it is not metaphorical. It is as if you were to go with your family to look for building materials to build a house in which you are going to live, and when you are to go to this home where all these materials are, you have forgotten that it is your family and start to hit them with the material they are carrying and start to rob them, so that they can't get anything that you, yourself want. And when you arrive on the other side you realise or remember again, these people you have hurt, so that they can't get anything being carried for you yourself. What a shame.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   Yes
   Ohhh. Dios son tantas cosas. Pero lo mas importante es que somos una sola entidad y que estamos aqu� para tener la experiencia de estar vivos. All� no se puede sentir el viento en la cara, no puedes correr por la playa, ni ba�arte en el mar y si de paso somos �tiles, mejoramos y podemos ser positivos para el todo al que pertenecemos se nos agradece.

My God there are so many things! But the most important is that we are one entity and that we are here to have the experience of being alive. There you can't feel the wind on your face, you can't run on the beach, or bathe in the sea and if in passing we are useful, we improve ourselves and are able to be positive for everything that we have we will be thankful.

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was entirely not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience
   No tenia la menor idea de nada, ni siquiera hab�a pensado en la posibilidad de que las cosas fueran as� una sola vez en mi vida. fue una absoluta sorpresa. Fue abrumador, pero no cuando estaba all�, mientras estaba all� todo me lo tomaba con tanta calma y naturalidad. Es como si ya lo supiera pero cuando entraba a mi cuerpo me quedaba. Wuaoooo.

I didn't have the least idea of any of it, neither had I ever thought about the possibility that things were so, at any point in my life. It was an absolute surprise. It was overwhelming, but not when I was there, while I was there I took everything calmly, and naturally. It's as if I already knew but when I came back into my body I stayed. Wow!

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:
   No ocurrieron grandes cambios en el momento. Pero a la larga a afectado mi vida de forma positiva y negativa al mismo tiempo. Positiva porque hasta recibir la luz en la cara me hace dar las gracias y negativa porque esta realidad me parece dura, creo que vas perdiendo el inter�s en las cosas materiales y terminas meti�ndote en problemas porque careces de incentivo para luchar por muchas cosas porque te parecen vanales.

There are no great changes at the present. But generally it has affected  my life in a positive and negative way at the same time. Positive because when I received the light in my face it made me give thanks and negative  because in reality it seemed hard to me, I believe you will lose interest in material things, and stop lying to yourself in problems because you lack the incentive to fight for many things because they seem mundane.

My experience directly resulted in:   Moderate changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?  
   Todo mi sistema de creencias. pase de nunca haber pensado en la existencia de algo mas all� de la muerte a la seguridad de que es esta vida la que es menos real. a menudo me encuentro hablando conmigo misma pregunt�ndome cuando sera la hora de regresar. Me pasa cada vez que me siento cansada. Despu�s recuerdo que me puedo divertir y disfrutar y otra vez doy las gracias y se me olvida que me gustar�a irme. La verdad sent� que aqu� es divertido y all� podr�a ser aburrido. Por lo menos donde yo estuve. Porque hay muchos lugares.

Yes  my whole belief system. I had never thought about the existence of anything after death and the certainty that it is this life which is less real. Sometimes I find myself talking out loud asking myself when will the time come to return. Every time I feel tired. Then I remember I am able to have fun, enjoy myself and again I give thanks, I forget myself and enjoy going out. I feel the truth is that here there is fun and there I could be bored. At least where I was. I am saying this because there are many places.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?
   Yes   Pod�a saber cosas que iban a pasar en el futuro. Veo pel�culas e im�genes de cosas que van a pasar pero normalmente a otras personas no a mi.

I was able to know things that were going to happen in the future. I saw films and images of things that are going to happen but normally to other people not to me.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?     Si. Lo que para mi sigue siendo un misterio, es que siento continuamente que fui a practicar como enfrentarme a la oscuridad y continuamente me pregunto cuando llegara el momento.

Yes. That which for me continues to be a mystery is that I always feel that I was going to have to confront the darkness and I continually ask myself when that moment will be.

Have you ever shared this experience with others?  
  Contar realmente la experiencia es algo que he hecho pocas veces y pasaron muchos anos antes de que lo hiciera. A mi madre y a los psiquiatras me limite a decirles que tenia un sueno en que alguien igual a mi salia de mi cuerpo y que me dol�a la cabeza. Hablar de lo que aprend�  se ha llevado 20 anos.

To really tell the story is something that I have done very rarely, and many years passed before I did. To my mother and the psychiatrists I only said it was a dream, in which someone like me came out of my body and that I hurt my head. Talking about what I have learned has taken twenty years.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   No

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was probably not real
   Porque me divert�a y como me pasaba todo el tiempo, prefer�a creer que era un sueno para poder seguir haci�ndolo porque de otra manera me daba miedo y eso fue lo que paso. Ademas si era real tenia que contarlo y iban a pensar que estaba loca.

Because I enjoyed myself and it was happening to me all the time, I would prefer to think it was a dream to be able to continue to experience it because otherwise it would make me frightened, and that was what happened. Also if it was real I would have to tell them about it and they would think I was crazy.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was definitely real
  Porque yo sent�a que si yo aceptaba que era real iba a tener que pensar que yo era muy rara. En ese tiempo yo no hab�a o�do nada al respecto y tampoco cre�a en nada de esas cosas. No era nada f�cil aceptarlo.

Because I felt that if I accepted it as real it I was going to have to think of myself as very rare. At this moment I haven't heard anything in that respect, and also never believed in any of these things. It was never easy to accept it.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Yes   Soy mas tolerante y juzgo mucho menos. Veo en todo el mundo y todo una chispa de luz. Y cuando peor es la situaci�n de una persona mas me admira el alma que decidi� venir a aprender esa lecci�n tan dura.

I am more tolerant and judge much less. I see in all the world and in everyone a sparklet of light. And when a situation is bad I admire more the soul that decides to return to learn this very hard lesson.

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Yes   Pase de no ser muy amiga de las religiones a saber que todas estaban bien.

Yes. It is true that I am not very fond of religions as a means of knowing that all of us are well.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   Yes
   Cada vez que voy a juzgar a alguien viene a mi cabeza el recuerdo de que es un alma. No un cuerpo. A veces incluso pienso  que tal vez lo conozca y sea mi amigo all�.

Yes every time I am going to judge someone a memory comes into my head that they are a soul. Not a body. Sometimes I also think that I may know them or they could be my friend from there.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?
   Uncertain   No estoy contando todo lo que vi.

Uncertain. I didn't say everything that I saw.

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?    Hay un experimento que se supone hacen en hospitales, poniendo algo escrito a ver si alguien que sale de su cuerpo lo ve. Ese experimento no tiene sentido, aunque tal ves por un milagro alguien lo vea un d�a. Cuando uno sale de su cuerpo en realidad para ver algo necesita el poder de la intenci�n. Cuando vez lo que esta pasando en otro lugar lo ves porque tienes la intenci�n de verlo, algo sucede y ese hecho llama tu atenci�n a lo que pasa y entonces lo ves , no lo haces con tus ojos. Y no ves ni una de las paredes que est�n entre tu y aquello que quieres ver. Por tanto para que una persona fuera de su cuerpo pueda leer el letrero tiene saber que esta ah� y ademas tener una seria intenci�n de leerlo. Lo cual es muy dif�cil ya que me temo que eso cae en la mayor de las banalidades en un momento como ese. Por lo tanto no lo ver�a ni aunque lo tuviera en la pared de enfrente, si lo que le interesa es lo que esta del otro lado de la pare. Quien sabe tal vez si lo pusieran en la sabana que cubre al paciente habr�a una posibilidad, pues en alg�n momento la intenci�n de la persona se enfocara en su cuerpo. pero creo que como todo el mundo sabr�a lo que dice pues tampoco servir�a. Hagan lo que hagan si la intenci�n de la persona no se enfoca en ello no van a lograr nada.

There is an experiment in hospitals where they put something written to see if anyone that leaves their body sees it. This experiment doesn't make much sense but maybe by a miracle someone could see it one day. When one comes out of their body in reality to look at something they need to have the power of intent. When you look at that which is passing in that other place you look at it because you have the intent to look at it. Something happens and this grabs your attention, at that which has happened and then you see it,  you don't do it with your eyes. And you don't see even one of the walls that are between you and what you are looking at, inasmuch as  one person can read the piece of paper, he has knowledge it is there and also has a serious intention to read it. That which is most difficult now is I feel that it would end up in the banal in a moment like this. In as much as he wouldn't look at anything there would be on the wall in front, because that which interests him is on the other side of the same wall. Who knows they may put it on the sheet that covers the patient. Possibly. But in this case the attention of the person is focussed on their body. But I believe everyone would know what it says then that also would be useless. They should do what they should do, and if the intent of the person is not focussed on it, he is not going to achieve anything.