David W SOBE
It felt like I had been
awakened by a very bad experience and I did not understand what was going on. I
felt like I was floating looking down from inside the car ,there was a little
boy in the backseat, a woman holding a little baby crying in the passenger seat
and a man driving. He was very angry arguing with the woman. The Man then
stopped the car and the woman got out with the baby. I noticed it was hot, they
were on a dirt road with large trees; a steep bank on one side of the road and a
sharp drop off on the other that led to a river. The last thing I remember was
looking down on the woman with the crying baby she was holding; she said 'Hush
Bo'. Over the years, I learned, the little boy in the back seat was my brother,
the man was his Dad the woman my MOM and I was the baby. My Mom was in love and
had me by my Dad. My Mom wanted to leave with me and my brother, but she stayed
with the man so to keep my brother, my Dad left with the army.
Any associated
medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words? Yes took forty years
to speak of first one. Finally described about first time to my mom. Her eyes
got really big and she said it was true the place, time and situation. Still
very hard to talk about, feels like a secret not suppose to talk about it.
At the time of this
experience, was there an associated life threatening event?
Uncertain Anger, arguing, concerning my birth.
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
very vivid
Was the experience dream
like in any way? Yes. Observing, yet not
Did you experience a
separation of your consciousness from your body?
Yes I did not have a body. A floating sensation, like I was suspended. I was
there seeing all this, just seeing and not understanding why I was there and why
was I seeing these things. It felt like I was a FEELING, an EMOTION.
What emotions did you feel
during the experience? Disturbed, bewildered:
wanted to help but felt helpless. Like I was there but I wasn't.
Did you hear any unusual
sounds or noises? Just arguing, and it ended when
my mom calmed the baby. Saying to hush ,the baby {me}stopped crying.
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures? No
Did you see a light?
Did you meet or see any
other beings? No
Did you experiment while
out of the body or in another, altered state? No
Did you observe or hear
anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be
verified later? Yes When I was about forty, had a
talk with my Mom. I described the location and the whole incident, her eyes got
really big ,and she said yes every thing I observed was true it really happened,
amazing. I finally had the answer after wondering all those years.
Did you notice how your 5
senses were working, and if so, how were they different?
Uncertain think I just saw and heard, like I was a
Did you have any sense of
altered space or time? Uncertain floating,
hovering, looking down, felt uncomfortable
Did you have a sense of
knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure? No
Did you become aware of
future events? No
Were you involved in or
aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?
Yes At the time I didn't. I now know it was when my mom
got out of the car ,the arguing stopped and she got me to stop crying.
Did you have any psychic,
paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have
prior to the experience?
Yes Since I turned fifty , out of
body experiences, healing, a person telling me of his coming death, saying I
knew the Lord and to pray over his body at his point of death, my heart
about blew out of my chest,
just incredible. I
was to scared to go to him, but I did look in the Apt where he
laid. I was the manager, the new tenants couldn't rest, strange going--ons, as
though his Spirit was still there, finally after their many complaints: I did go
to where I had seen his body lay and I did kneel and pray for him, that Jesus
take him reminding the lord of his words. The next day I checked with the
tenants, they were all smiles. Praise God he was accepted!
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Uncertain As I grew up a feeling of not understanding, mostly feeling different
in some way.
How has the experience
affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
Many situations many would not have survived, have
an innate ability to survive. I'm keenly aware of the
spiritual soul.
Has your life changed
specifically as a result of your experience?
Uncertain Has had a subconscious affect on my whole life.
Have you shared this
experience with others? Yes My MOM. AWE
What emotions did you
experience following your experience? don't know
was a Baby
What was the best and worst
part of your experience? no best part
Is there anything else you
would like to add concerning the experience? The
only other time I did this was in 2002.It took a lot of courage then. I couldn't
bare to think about it for over a year. I'm sixty eight now and I seem to be
able to express my OBE experience a little easier. Plus, back then I could tell
there are a lot of copy cats out. there
Following the experience,
have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which
reproduced any part of the experience? Yes
Religious, prayer, meditation. faith and belief in the unseen mysteries of life.
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
experience? Yes when dealing with the unknown it is
very difficult to explain so that others can and will believe, and I believe
there is a reason for this. Example: We spent enormous energy, money
to travel to the Cosmos. All could be spent on the poor and the sick. We are
free if only we can see!