Experience description:
Ok, first when 8 was in grade one, fell out of my desk, I remember the bell
ringing to end the class. I was sitting in those elementary single desk with
tube still bending on one side and entry on the other side. I went to hop over
the tube to get out of desk. I heard crying. My vision saw all the kids lined up
at the door looking at something. At this time when I saw the kids I was above
everything. No body sensation at all. I looked in the direction the kids were
looking and looking down I saw what the kids were looking at. Me ! Crying on the
school floor. ! When my consciousness took over with the thought I had seeing me
and hearing me cry, …, spoof , I was back in my body, and I stopped crying and
stood up. I looked at the kids and they all just left leaving me alone to absorb
what happened. At that age, it made me aware of something else.
The second time was spontaneous. I was having a couple of drinks and went to the
bathroom . As I opened the door on my way out, there I was on the ceiling
watching myself walk back to the table. Again once realized my position, poof,
back in body. No one noticed again.
third time I was curious about past experiences. Laced down middle of day to
meditate on ether world. Totally clueless and in a black void. There was no need
for breathing and no physical appearance. A grain of light. This speck of light
started coming towards me. As it did it started to make a whirlpool of light.
Going from right to left it went round and round in a blur of white, blue-ish
light that as I said made the shape of a whirlpool of light. 'I actually had the
thought of 1 what is that 2 where am I , and 3 do I go into it , move forward,
again with the conscious thought I was back on the couch. Also a thought came to
me … she is coming and I stood up, major headache back right, and low and behold
my daughter came home from school.
Any associated medications or
substances with the potential to affect the experience?
Was the kind of experience
difficult to express in words?
At the time of this experience, was
there an associated life threatening event?
What was your level of
consciousness and alertness during the experience?
Was the experience dream like in any way?
Did you experience a separation of
your consciousness from your body?
Yes No form
What emotions did you feel during
the experience?
but curious.
Did you hear any unusual sounds or
Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar
religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or
amazing creatures?
Did you see a light?
Described above
Did you meet or see any other
Did you experiment while out of the
body or in another, altered state?
Only in
my lucid dreams. I control a lot of my dreams.
Did you observe or hear anything
regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?
Did you notice how your 5 senses
were working, and if so, how were they different?
No senses except sight, no breath no body
just pure …, ? Soul ?
Did you have any sense of altered
space or time?
Yes Just being on the ceiling
looking down and being in the great void ? Or an ether world.
Did you have a sense of knowing,
special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?
Just very intuitive. Example of what happens to
me. Sitting alone in dog park, letting my dog ramble about. I notice a lady
older, entering the park with her black lab , older. They are like 200 yards
away. The dog comes straight to me and sits beside me . And I say I know buddy ,
I know, but the lady comes up to me seeming very concerned. I asked what’s the
matter, she said I have owned this dog since he was born and he never did that
before. Never! I said that’s kinda cool,
she says, sir you don’t understand, he has been blind since birth. Needless to
say we both left puzzled.
Did you reach a boundary or
limiting physical structure?
Yes The ceilings and the light.
Did you become aware of future
Yes Pretty good. Had to tell my wife
something detrimental was going to happen to her family and it starts with a D.
Two years later ish Dylan died in a bike accident and then het brother lost his
Were you involved in or aware of a
decision regarding your return to the body?
Yes When I came out of the bathroom I
knew what was going on and had to catch up to myself.
Did you have any psychic,
paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have
prior to the experience?
Yes Too
many to list. Synchronicities I call them. Saw an Angel once don’t know if it
was a dream or not. Amazing beauty and
light. Tall blonde long haired dressed in a dress of translucent light again
white blue. I think she said do what makes you happy ? I was in shock from the
sheer beauty
Did you have any changes of
attitudes or beliefs following the experience?
Yes Had to explain to those that have
not experienced it.
How has the experience affected
your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?
Well , it freaked my wife out.
Daily life goes on; no religious practices. Did what I felt I had to do.
Has your life changed specifically
as a result of your experience?
Yes Knowing the non physical.
Have you shared this experience
with others?
Yes You know the look.lol
What emotions did you experience
following your experience?
Holy shit
What was the best and worst part of
your experience?
Best part …
experiencing it , the worst part… experiencing it.
Is there anything else you would
like to add concerning the experience?
What am I
supposed to to do ?
Following the experience, have you
had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced
any part of the experience?
Yes Meditation won’t meditate anymore.
I went there for answers found more questions.
Did the questions asked and
information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your
Yes Hopefully
Please offer any suggestions you
may have to improve this questionnaire.