Catrina P's Experience
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Experience description:

I was happy to see all of them, all. I don�t remember seeing anything displeasing.  I was feeling happy and I felt like laughing.  (I used to laugh in my dreams untill my father died, because it occurred in a very traumatic way for me. Yet after 3 years from his death I start laughing in dreams.)  Somebody was scolding me in a very gentle way, without hurting me at all.  I know it was a male voice coming from one side (cannot tell whether it came from the right or the left)  Only once in my life, they brought me to a �sleepy-like� state. I am not sure if it was at that time when it happened. It was while giving birth... but nothing serious happened. They used the forceps to take my daughter out. Without crossing any boundary, I was suddenly seing very specific instants of my past; some of which I didn�t even remembered (that is what I thought).   


I really never knew the day it all happened, since for me it was like another dream in which my brain participated in a much deeper way. That is why I did not take it very seriously. I was surprised to have all this information recorded in my brain. It was the day I told about this story when they informed me that this happens to many people and it is usually because of the NDE. I am happy not to have known about this at that time, otherwise I would have been scared to death.

As the film of my past was coming to an end, I was aware of my return. It was more or less telling me that I should avoid the things that had just been shown to me. It all referred to things I had done wrongly. It was real�I had really done those things !  I sensed I was being given a second chance. All the way through I was aware that it had all been like a trial. There will surely be a next trial, and I will be forgiven again the same way as before. 
This has caused that in life I do not worry much about good or evil. 

When I was a little girl I was horrified about death�Now I am no longer afraid of it.  This does not mean that I want to die.  I consider it two different things

De pronto, sin pasar frontera alguna, v� momentos muy concretos de mi pasado, que algunos ni recordaba ( eso cre�a).  Todos me alegraron verlos, todos. No recuerdo ninguno desagradable.  Incluso sent�a alegria y risa.  (Muchas veces reia en mis sue�os, hasta que muri� mi padre, porque fue de manera traum�tica para m�. Ahora parece que empiezo tras 3 a�os de aquello a reir en mis sue�os)  Alguien me re��a de manera muy dulce, sin hacerme da�o en ningun momento. Me han dormido en el hospital, una vez en mi vida, y no s� si fu� entonces cuando me pas�. Fu� en un parto...nada grave. Usaron ventosa para sacar a la ni�a. Se que era una voz masculina que venia de un lado ( no s� concretar si el derecho o el izquierdo )

Realmente no s� el dia que sucedi� porque siempre lo consider� un sue�o m�s, donde participaba de una manera m�s profunda mi cerebro.Por lo que no le eche mucha cuenta. Lo que si estaba era extra�ada por tenerlo todo almacenado en el cerebro, hasta el dia que lo cont� y me dijeron que le pasa a mucha gente y que suele ser por  ECM. Menos mal que no lo sabia entonces, porque sino me hubiese muerto del mismo susto.

 Al final de la pel�cula de mi pasado, era consciente de mi regreso, porque me decia algo parecido a que evitara esas cosas que me habia mostrado, que todo eran cosas que yo habia echo mal. Eran reales...las habia echo en realidad !  Sent�a que se me daba una segunda oportunidad. Y en todo momento sent�a que habia sido como un juicio. Que el siguiente juicio, porque evidentemente habria me perdonar�a de la misma manera. Eso ha echo que en mi vida, no me preocupe mucho del bien y del mal.  De peque�a me horrorizaba la muerte...ahora no le temo.  Eso no quiere decir que quiera morirme. Lo considero dos cosas distintas.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?          No     

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?          No     

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?  -

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness?          Less consciousness and alertness than normal

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)?          No     

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?          No     

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?     No

What emotions did you feel during the experience?          mucha alegria incluso risa
Much joy, even laughter.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?        No     

Did you see a light?         No     

Did you meet or see any other beings?         Yes    Alguien poderoso me hablaba desde un pude verlo nunca
Somebody powerful was talking to me from a side... I was never able to see it, though.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life?   Yes    ahora ya No me da miedo la me da horror dejar de existir, por el echo de que sufriran mis hijos cuando lo haga, porque me perder� muchas cosas del futuro, porque considero desafortunado vivir tan poco tiempo,...pero en ningun caso, me d� miedo el echo de morir.
Yes I did. Now I am no longer afraid of death...But I panic about the idea of not-existing, because my sons will suffer, because I will miss many things of the future. I consider it a misfortune to live such a short time, but I by no means fear dying.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?

 S�. Todo lo que fue pasando de mi pasado, era cierto. Incluso cosas que yo no recordaba.
Everything that was happening about my past, was true. Even things I could not remember at that time.

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions?          No     
No, I didn�t

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?
  Yes    Alteracion del tiempo, ya que la pelicula de mi vida pasaba a gran velocidad ante mi
Yes, I sensed an alteration in time since the film of my life was passing very quickly before me.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?     Yes    Comprendi que era una segunda oportunidad que me daba para demostrar que me podia portar bien. Comprendi que me re�ian con mucha dulcura, era como un juicio

Yes I understood that I had been given a second chance to proof that I could behave well. I felt I was being scolded in a very soft manner. It was like in a trial.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? No      No sent� cruzar frontera, pero era consciente de que Si regresaba.
No. I did not feel I was crossing a boundary, but I was conscious that I would come back.

Did you become aware of future events?

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?       Yes    Pero a veces dudo si ser� el sentido comun, � el sexto sentido que dicen tener las mujeres
Yes I did, but at times I doubt wether it is common sense or the sixth sense commonly attributed to women.

Have you shared this experience with others?        Yes    mi hermana y mi esposo, y una amiga que su marido vio el tunel y a un amigo suyo en una operacion :

Yes, with my sister and her husband. Also with a friend whose husband had seen the tunnel and with a friend of him who had seen it in an operation

mi hermana no cree en ciertas cosas" pero me creyo porque sabia que no me lo inventaria.

My sister does not believe in certain things, but she believed me, since she knew I would not lie about it.


Mi marido no dudo en ningun momento, puesto que ha pasado en su ni�ez por algunos sucesos no muy normales

My husband did not question me at all, due to some events he had experienced in his childhood that were not very normal.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?        Yes            Sabia lo del tunel, Pero nunca me habia enterado de nada de lo de ver mi pasado en una echo lo consider� un sue�o mucho tiempo o un fallo del cerebro, hasta que mi hermana me dijo lo que podia ser.....Y me horroric�, menos mal que durante la experiencia no lo sabia, porque me hubiese muerto del susto

Yes, I had heard about the tunnel, but I had never heard about anything like seeing the past in a film....In fact, for a long time I believed it to be a long dream or a brain impairment and it was not until my sister told me what it could have been that I realized. I was horrified. Thanks God I did not know about this while I was having the experience, otherwise I would have scared myself to death.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:            Experience was definitely real  -

How do you currently view the reality of your experience:      Experience was definitely real  -

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? No        -

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?     No            -

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?     No        -

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience?       No tiene nada que ver con la experiencia, pero desde que muri� mi padre, siento una compa��a encima mia, que incluso a veces he sentido querer comunicarme algo, o como ayudarme en algo. Estabamos los dos muy unidos.

It has nothing to do with the experience, but after my father�s death I sense a presence over me that has even tried to communicate something, sort of wanting to help me with something. We were both very close to each other.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?      Yes      -

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience?       -no deberian de ser rellenadas todas las casillas para poder mandarlas, porque algunas no considero que las debiera de rellenar, por no saberlas, o no entender lo que me pregunta.

One should not answer all the questions in order to get this questionnaire submitted. I cannot anwer some of the questions because I either don�t know the answer, or I just don�t understand what I am being asked.