Carl J's Experience
Experience description:
Before the experience: For two weeks I'd been sick, not feeling too well in my
stomach and when eating feeling dizziness, eventually starting having episodes
of melancholy about life and my ill feelings lasting around an hour or so at a
time and making me depressed. This illness was initially caused by what I think
was either drinking unfiltered water from a river on a trip or eating improperly
cooked turkey.
Eventually this sadness was unbearable one night as I couldn't sleep due to a
very heavy bout of depression lasting for hours and feeling nauseous to boot.
For the first ever time in my life (being mostly agnostic and never attended a
church, but believing in wishes and that good things come out of bad) I called
out with tears running down my face specifically to God or my dad (who passed
away when I was seven years old) to help me understand what was wrong and help
Almost immediately, I felt my pain go away replaced by passive
listening/observing and calmness. A calm, gentle large white light came over my
vision briefly and told me to write two things down on my phone (one of the two
things was specific to overcoming this illness, which involved not doing a
particular 'sin' which I was doing everyday at the time (stealing food from
supermarkets), and the other came in handy about 6 months later to do with
investments in Bitcoins, which said 'no bitcoins', eventually saving me a lot of
After I wrote these down, I seemed to be still on my bed but sat up straight,
feeling calm and content. My whole vision then slowly turned from the dark room,
to fizzy glowing white gold, and I felt like I was being lifted up or teleported
somewhere special, which felt incredibly exciting at the time. This place was in
the clouds somewhere not like Earth, with a
city or place in the clouds in the distance to the right of my centre of
vision. My first thought was that the city looked like Disney world, the main
Cinderella castle but much bigger, more towers and just magical. It looked
amazing and just gorgeous with the clouds all around and pinkish bluish sky.
I could also see myself in full view in this world, hard to describe with words
but sort of to the left of my centre of vision much closer than the castle, was
me as a black/void rectangle floating. It seemed I had a body but it was either
censored from vision or not created, as if I wasn't supposed to be there yet,
like a glitch, and was still an Earthly being. Even though I saw no other people
or things there, I got the feeling that they would be confused as to my presence
there as a void and possibly try to get away from me, which I found funny.
I was there for about 30 seconds, eventually coming back to my bed just as I
left it, sat upright and calm in the dark room. Lots of insights came to me
about life and my place in it, how not to worry about money or clothing or your
life, and find enjoyment and love, truth and excitement, make true friends and
be yourself.
Since this experience, for the past year I have had dreams showing me the day or
days to come, dream warnings about certain people who I have never met and then
later meet that day, and showing me distressing or memorable events in that day
and they happen and the dreams the night before help me overcome them calmly
without strong emotion in a way. It still surprises me to this day, also
recently I can tell when people are lying and cannot think of hurting or killing
anything now not even flies or bugs. I also feel a presence to the right of me
and sometimes see a glowing yellow/white alive, lighted swirling fiery piece of
energy to the lower right of my vision when I come to a truth in my mind or am
struggling to decide on something I find important. Also to my left a strong
invisible force if I'm about to do something not so wise, such as betting money)
it's not all amazing, I still feel lost sometimes and lonely as I'm still
finding myself at this stage. On days like this, certain lyrics from a song and
music will be in my head when waking, generally pleasant songs that give a
general feel for the day and words to live by, such as today it was 'One day my
father told me, live a life you will remember' and my dream said 'life is a
story, time is enjoyable each second and moment, live like this'. Yesterday I
was feeling a little cold on the inside so it was appreciated.
This experience and consequent 'psychic' powers have completely changed my
outlook on life and put me on the right track hopefully for rest of adulthood, I
understand some of my mission here is as a being to help certain people accept
themselves, teach them what I know and saw when they want to know or ponder
questions to me, also to make love and somehow create a small business with
somebody later in life.
At the time
of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?
Was the experience
difficult to express in words?
At what time during the
experience were you at your highest level of
consciousness and alertness? Mostly from the
point my pain went away and up until the next day when I woke up from my
slumber, then I felt fine, not ill anymore and feeling like my regular self but
with a new set of eyes and outlook
How did your highest level
of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal
everyday consciousness and alertness?
consciousness and alertness than normal
No runaway thoughts or uncertainties like
in everyday life, just curiosity and understanding of what I could feel and see
compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had
immediately prior to the time of the experience.
Vision was completely clear when seeing the other place in the sky, like ultra
high definitely reality. Also colors now and green and red
especially look more brilliant in life since this time.
compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had
immediately prior to the time of the experience.
No particular sounds at all, mostly just seeing and
'knowing' things, direct voice into my head at the start when told to write
things down
Did you see
or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your
consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?
What emotions did you feel
during the experience?
Peace, curiosity, childlike almost, some slight
sadness at one point
Did you pass into or
through a tunnel?
Did you see an unearthly
See description
you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable
I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly
The first light which alleviated my pain and told
me to write things down, not sure who it was as I called out to God and my
father. Also the ball of energy that guides me sometimes in life nowadays.
Did you encounter or
become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by
name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?
you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?
you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?
you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
See description, mostly
the cloud like landscape and Disneyworld city.
Did time seem
to speed up or slow down?
Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or
lost all meaning
Time didn't seem to
matter as I was not in an earthly body where things deteriorate or change.
you suddenly seem to understand everything?
Everything about myself or others
Some insights came to me about life here in this
universe and body, and continue to do so as I go on.