Ahmed W OBE
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Experience description:

I was suffering from a block that prevents me from urinating and stayed on this condition for more than two months, Where I was suffering pain and agony.

One day, while I was sleeping in my own room -part of a library where I was in charge- I was surprised to see my body from above and I was mocking myself and how I slept in the bed, And I was seeing everything around me in a fully conscious way.

After that everything disappeared and everything that was around me became dark, and there was a light from afar I was attracted to it. Then, I began to see a beautiful green nature; a green grassland and a lonely tree on the bank of a small torrent passing by, I was flying over this torrent but I do not see myself, And my movement began to accelerate, And I was passing beside many terrains I have not seen before.

Then I began to rise up high in the sky where I passed into the clouds, until I reached a large rocky border with a huge gate. The rocky border was high and the gate was carved in the middle of the boundary passing under it a large river. They were decorated on the sides with sculptures in the form of towers, but in a distinctive, precise and elaborate manner.

In the head of this gate was sculpted the sun and I tried to open the gate but I could not, At the top of the border to the left of the gate; There was a very dark window or aperture that I tried to enter through, Then I pulled very quickly; Then these previous scenes were returning quickly in a negative way. Until I reached the seashore when I saw my mother carrying me -when I was young- on her shoulders and manipulating me.

I was shocked by the feeling that I was staring at myself, and I realized that I saw myself in that shaved body and I felt a sudden fear. And then I pulled into a crispy and wide field of wheat spikes.

Finally, I End up with Sudden stop in front of a large staircase with beige paper envelopes, And there was someone browsing it in front of me and he pulled one of the workbooks that my name was on it, In the form of so and so, It is written without points on the letters "Habib" of course without points but in the form of this word or "Haseeb" without teeth of the Sen (Sen is an Arabic letter) I did not understand the meaning of the word and I was scared. Then suddenly and with violently way I came back to wake up like if I was dreaming. But with a strange paradox where I noticed on my body: My skin color was bluish and I felt very cold.

This was my first experience, And I'll tell you about my other experiences later where I went through two experiments next.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes, I was suffering from block that has closed my urethra and I couldn't Peeing completely. The health situation was deteriorating because of my own circumstance, Because I was in compulsory service. When they were succoring me to the hospital; I was accused with the malingering because they were using simple initial tests to detect the disease. I was punished with imprisonment until one of my colleagues in the service -who was in charge of taking me to the hospital- beat the substitute doctor. I was referred to Tishreen Military Hospital under the threat that if I was Malingering, my colleague and I would be imprisoned for a year.

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes, It is a thing that you experience for the first time, so you couldn't express in words.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? At the middle of the experience.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal. I could feel and hear everything as it's like I became a part of everything.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Normal like Anyone.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Stronger.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness/awareness was apart from your physical/earthly body? No.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? The fear, doubt, wonder, Pleasantness to which mixes with surprising, And quietness at some times.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Uncertain, I crossed over a river in a landscape.

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes, A light was appearing far, pulled me toward it.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? No.

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No.

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? No.

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience? Uncertain, Only a sense of my mother while she was carrying me on her shoulders, When I was a child at age four years old where she was walking along sands of a beach in Kuwait.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? Some unfamiliar and strange place.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning. Time has no meaning in my experience because it was strange.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? No.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Uncertain. I couldn't understand the question, So I couldn't describe.

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will, at whole, it was against my will except one time I said to myself that why I am exhausting myself? I am dreaming and must be waking up, and actually, I woke up but, in a dream, and after that I woke up again in the fact.

Did scenes from the future come to you? No.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (“life after death”)? Uncertain, I felt that life as if it's like a circle we move with.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist? Yes, I felt that someone took me to show me a special; personal thing about me, But I couldn't understand it well. But at the end of one of my experiences; I woke up and I was drawing a shape with both of my two hands, I have been inspired with its meaning, though I am not considering myself as a devout but it has to do with Allah Almighty.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime? Yes, Yes, I certainly realized things that I did not realize before, and I felt feelings that I have not experienced. Even my view of the creatures and life has changed.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist? Uncertain, I could feel the things and beings as a part of me, really.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s meaning or purpose? No.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s difficulties, challenges, or hardships? No.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love? Uncertain, when you feel the things as a part from you, surely you will love them Whatever they were.

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives? Uncertain, in one of the experiments when I woke up. I found myself drawing with my own hand a shape that inspired to me the unity of religions despite their differences. Their origin is one; God who represents love.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose? No.

What occurred during your experience included: Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience We believe in the oneness of God and this is consistent, But the difference in religions, And what I have learned from my experience is that religions have one goal, Despite their differences if applied correctly away from extremism.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience. The memory of the experiment is more accurate because it is distinctive and strange. I am 40 years old, I have experienced this experience only 3 times; And each time something different happens, while life and memories are normal and perhaps routine.

My experience directly resulted in: Large changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience? Yes, Many things have changed for me, My view of the creatures of life, Whether inanimate, animal, plant, or even human beings themselves. Also, My view to religions has changed.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? I felt God's presence in all things and the unity of religions and I felt that love is the foundation of everything in existence.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The part of the workbook; Never leaves my mind.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes, Surprising and sometimes ironic, I do not know, I was described as crazy, I was invited to a religious school to study theology and I refused because I was scared.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No.

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened: Experience was definitely real. In one of my experiments, I visited the house of one of my friends in another province. I described the geographic location of his house accurately and also in internal details, Although I have never visited him! Where he and his father were surprised!! Even though his father is a religious scholar, Where he asked me: "What did you want from me when you came to visit our house?" Of course, I was surprised by his reaction and his question to me! And did not answer with anything; except I do not know.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time: Experience was definitely real, I wish if I could repeat it.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? Uncertain, Circumstances still control over the situations and relationships.

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? No.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience? Uncertain, The experience is more difficult than limiting it in a group of questions.

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you? It Should Try to gathering these persons and saving to them a suitable environment; To which perhaps reproduce to them other experiences and understanding bigger facts and maybe more comprehensively.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? Experience is not limited in seeing unearthly beings, As you may see an animal that you have a strong relationship with it, Though you have never seen it before. As in my one of my experiences I saw a wolf to a degree that I could feel its Breaths and its smell while it was attacking another animal where I saw all details, Then in the morning, despite I wasn't sleeping at all, My neighbor let me know that the wolf has eaten his donkey. I was surprising! Because I was recalling that sense and smells to which I have already seen.

وصف التجربة:

كنت اعاني من كتله تمنعني من التبول وبقيت على هذه الحاله اكثر من شهرين وانا اعاني الالم والعذاب في احد الايام وانا نائم في الغرفه الخاصة بي وهي عباره عن جزئ من مكتبة حيث كنت المسؤول عنها تفاجأة برؤية جسدي من الاعلى وكنت في وكنت استهزء من نفسي وكيفية نومي في السرير وارى كل شيء من حولي وبطريقة واعيه تماما لكل التفاصيل وبعدها اختفى كل شيء واصبح كل ما هو حولي مظلم وترٱه نور من بعيد انجذبت اليه وبداتاشاهد طبيعة جميله خضراء عباره عن مسطحات عشبيه خضراء وشجره وحيده على ضفة سيل صغير يمر ن جانبها وانا اتحرك فوق هذا السيل طائرا لكن لا أرى نفسي وبدات تتسارع حركتي وامر بتظاريس كثيرة لم اراها من قبل وبعدها بدات الارتفاع للاعلى مرتفعا في السماء مررت في الغيومالىان وصلتالى حد صخري كبير وفيه بوابه ضخمه الرتفاع الحد الصخري الشاهق وكانت البوابه محفوره في وصت الحد ويمر من تحت البوابه نهر كبير وك وكانت البوابه مزخرفه على جوانبها بمنحوتات على شكل الابراج لكن بطريقه مميزه ودقيقه وكثيرة التفاصيل وفي راس البوابه نحوت الشمس حاولت فتح البوابه لم استطع وكان في اعلى الحد على يسار البوابه يجد نافذه او فتحه مظلمه جدا حالت الدخول منها ولم استطع وسحبت للاسفل بسرعه هائله لتعود المشاهد السابقه بشكل عكسي سريع الى ان وصلت الى شاطئ البحر فارى امي وهي تحملني وانا صغير على اكتافها ووتلاعبني والصدمه بالشعور الذي خالجني بانني كنت احدق بعيني على نفسي واعي اني ارى نفسس بتلك الهيئه المحلقه شعرت بخوف مفاجئ ينتابني ومن ثم سحبت الىحقل متموج من سنابل القمح والواسع وينتهي بي الطاف في اقف وبشكل مفاجئ اما درج كبير وفيه مغلفات ورقية لونها بيج وكان احد يتصفحها امامي وسحب احد المصنفات وكان مكتب عليه اسمي على شكل فلان بن فلانه ومكتوب فيه وبدون نقاط على الاحرف حبيب طبعا بدون نقاط ولكن على هيئة هذه الكلمه او حسيب بدون اسنان للسين لم افهم معنى الكلمة وانتابني شعور بالخوف وعدت بشكل مفاجئ وبطريقه عنيفه لاستيقظ وكانني كنت في حلم لكن مع مفارقه غريبه لاحظتها على جسدي ان لون بشرتي مزرق واشعر ببرد شديد جدا وهذه كانت تجربتي الاولى وساخبرك تجاربي الثانيه لاحقا حيث مررت بتجربتين بعدها

في وقت تجربتك، هل كان هناك حدث يهدد الحياة؟

نعم     كنت اعاني من كتله كانت تسد مجرى البول لدي ولا استطيع التبول بشكل تام

وكانت الحاله الصحيه تتدهور بسبب ظرفي الخاص انني كنت في الخدمه الاجباريه وعندما كانوا يسعفونني الى المستشفى كنت اتهم بالتمارض بسبب استخدام فحوص اوليه بسيطه لا تسطيع كشف المرض واعاقب بالسجن الى ان قام احد زملائي في الخدمه والذي كان مسؤول عن نقلي الى المستشفى بضرب الدكتور المناوب وبالتالي

رتب اعلى وتم تحويلي الى مستشفى تشرين العسكري تحت تهديد انه في حال كنت متمارض ساسجن اا وزميلي لمدة سنه تدخل

هل كانت التجربة صعبة التعبير بالكلمات؟

نعم     شيء تختيره لاول مره فيكون من الصعب التعبير عنه

كيف كان أعلى مستوى لك من الوعي والانتباه خلال التجربة مقارنة بوعيك وانتباهك اليومي العادي؟

أكثر وعيًا وانتباهًا من المعتاد     في وسطها    كنت اشعر بكل شيئ و اسمع كل شيء وكانني جزء من كل شيء حولي

يرجى مقارنة رؤيتك أثناء التجربة برؤيتك اليومية التي كانت لديك قبل وقت التجربة مباشرة..

طبيعيه كاي شخص اخر

يرجى مقارنة سمعك أثناء التجربة بسمعك اليومي الذي كان لديك قبل وقت التجربة مباشرة.

اقوى بكثير

هل شعرت بالانفصال عن جسدك؟


ما هي العواطف التي شعرت بها خلال التجربة؟؟

الخوف و والشك والحيره والمتعة الممزوجه بالدهش واحيان بالهدوء  

هل مررت بداخل نفق أو عبرت من خلاله؟

 غير مؤكد    عبرت فوق نهر  في طبيعه

هل رأيت ضوءًا غريبًا؟

نعم     جذبني نور كان يظهر من بعيد

هل يبدو أنك قد واجهت كائنًا روحانيًا أو وجودًا أو سمعت صوتًا غير معروف؟

سمعت صوتًا لم أتمكن من التعرف عليه.   

هل واجهت أو أصبحت على علم بأي كائنات متوفاة (أو حية)؟


هل عادت لك مشاهد من ماضيك؟

 غير مؤكد    فقط مشهد امي وهي تحملني فوق اكتافها وانا صغير عمري اربع سنوات وتمشي بي على رمال شاطئ في الكويت

هل يبدو لك أنك قد دخلت عالمًا آخر، غامض؟؟

مكان ما غريب وغير مألوف     

هل بدا أن الوقت يمر بشكل أسرع أم أبطأ؟

يبدو أن كل شيء يحدث في لحظة واحدة؛ أو توقف الوقت أو فقد كل معنى     لامعنى للوقت في تجربتي لانها غريبه

هل فجأة بدا لك أنك تفهم كل شيء؟


هل وصلت إلى حد أو كيان مادي؟

 غير مؤكد    لم افهم السؤال ولذلك لا استطيع الوصف

هل جاءتك مشاهد من المستقبل؟


خلال تجربتك، هل اكتسبت معرفة أو معلومات خاصة عن هدفك؟


ما هي التغييرات الحياتية التي حدثت في حياتك بعد تجربتك؟

Large changes in my life   

هل تغيرت في قيمك ومعتقداتك بسبب تجربتك؟

نعم     تغيرت امور كثيره عندي في طريقة نظري للموجدات في الحياه سواء جماد او حيوان ام نبات او حتى البشر مفسهم

تغيرت نظرتي للاديان

هل لديك أية هبات نفسية، غير عادية أو أية هبات خاصة أخرى بعد تجربتك والتي لم تكن لديك قبل التجربة؟

نعم     شعور اخر بوجد الله في كل الاشياء

وحدة الاديان

المحبه هي اساس كل شيء في الوجود

هل سبق لك أن شاركت هذه التجربة مع الآخرين؟

نعم     الدهشه

واحيان السخريه

وفي بعض الاحيان لست ادري

نعت بالجنون

دعيت لاحد المذاهب لدراسة علوم الالاهيات ورفضت خوفا

هل كانت لديك أي معرفة بتجربة الاقتراب من الموت قبل تجربتك؟


ما رأيك في واقعية تجربتك بعد فترة قصيرة (أيام إلى أسابيع) بعد حدوثها؟

كانت التجربة حقيقية بالتأكيد     احد تجاربي ظرت منزل احد اصدقائي في محافظة ثانيه ووصفت له الموقع الجغرافي بكل دقه لمنزلهم وبتفاصيل داخليه ايضا رغم اني لم ازوره ابدا حيث وقف هو ووالده مندهشين رغم ان والده عالم دين حيث سئلني ما ذا كنت تريد مني عندما جئت لزيارت منزلنا وانا طبعا كنت مندهشا من ردة فعلهم ومن سؤاله لي ولم ارد سو بلا ادري

ما رأيك في واقعية تجربتك الآن؟

كانت التجربة حقيقية بالتأكيد     اتمنى ان اعيدها

هل تغيرت علاقاتك على وجه التحديد بسبب تجربتك؟

 غير مؤكد    تبقى الظروف حاكمة المواقف والعلاقات

هل تغيرت ممارساتك الدينية منذ تجربتك؟


في أي وقت من حياتك، هل أعاد لك أي شيء إنتاج أي جزء من التجربة؟


هل الأسئلة المطروحة عليك والإجابات التي أدليت بها وصفت تجربتك بشكل شامل ودقيق؟

 غير مؤكد    ان التجربخ اصعب من ان تحددها بمجموعة اساله   

هل هناك أي أسئلة أخرى يمكننا طرحها لمساعدتك في توصيل تجربتك؟

    لا تتصر التجربه على رؤية كائنات خارجيه وانما قدد ترى حيوانا ولكن تكن لديك صله وثيقه معه رغم انك لم تصادفه ابدا بحياتك اوحيث في احدى تجاربي رأيت ذئبا حتى اني كمت اشعر بانفاسه واشم رائحتهوهو في حالة مهاجمه لحيوان اخر ورأيت كل التفاصيل وفي الصباح رغم اني لم اكن نائما ابدا عرفت من جاري ان الذئب التهم الحمار لديهانصدمة لان تذكرت المشهد والروائح التي كنت قد شاهدتها مسبقا

هل هناك جزء أو عدة أجزاء من تجربتك ذات مغزى أو ذات أهمية خاصة بالنسبة لك؟
    جزء المغلف لا يذهب من ذهني ابدا