David H Experiences
This speck of light started coming towards me. As it did it started to make a whirlpool of light. Going from right to left it went round and round in a blur of white blueish light that as I said made the shape of a whirlpool of light.
Three SOBEs described at ages 6, 41, and 47.
Nini L Experience
From Hungary. Original in Hungarian, Shared in English and Hungarian.
I saw my neighbors in their own apartments, I saw cars passing by on the road, the trees swaying gently in the wind. It was an unearthly feeling, a mixture of peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment, as if everything was 'as it should be'. I remembered the rest of my family and knew who was where at that moment - some were working, some were running errands, some were on vacation. Whenever I thought of any of them, I suddenly 'traveled' to the city where that person was and also saw from above what they were doing.
SOBE probable dream. Shared in Hungarian and translated to English.
Rebecca N Experience
From the United Kingdom
Despite my extremely confused state my memory turned clearer when I suddenly popped out of my body. I was rather chill overall about the whole thing, apart from the part I got a bit nifty over the fact my view out of my body was the doctors balding head (which I wouldn’t be see prior to him walking in the room.
SOBE following seizure at age 5-6.
Alan R Experience
I could see the sergeant from above checking the cars. It was only for a split second and I was back in my body.
Brief SOBE.
Carol B Experience
I dreamed that I was in a pregnant woman's uterus and I could see the baby. The cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. I flew out of the uterus into a nearby doctor's head. I screamed at him, 'Do a C-Section! The baby is going to die! Do a C-section!'
Exceptional SOBE dream with awareness of specific details at the time of a remotely occurring emergency caesarian section.
Gary H Experience
I happened to go over to their house and my younger brother who still lived at home began to excitedly tell me of something that had happened. A radio that was downstairs had come on full blast, woke up everybody and then it turned itself off. I then realized what I had done.
SOBE dream with apparent turning on of radio at another house. Shared about 55 years later.
Lea P Experience
The Earth was lit up beautifully, with a vibrant blue for the oceans. I was awestruck by its beauty. It was like looking at a little golf-ball sized version, and I knew instinctively that I was looking at it from a great distance versus up close, for a very important reason. Without words, knowledge was imparted to me that my path is mine, and whether or not I attend church is not relevant. Nor is it relevant for me to attempt to compare my path to the path of anyone else.
Remarkable SOBE with spiritual insights. Shared slightly more than two months after the experience occurred.
Mena A Experience
From Russia
All of a sudden I was shifted to the Light reality - it looks like a thousand suns, the color of a bit yellowish white. There was nothing but light, I had no physical body and I felt connected with everything, I had crystal clarity, consciousness and bliss. There was no time - it feels like eternity, there were no objects, no movements. Then I was slowly returning to my physical state... it is hard to explain, it looked like a bended transparent something, not water, not a iar, not liquid, but a dense layer between physical reality and light reality. I could see movements in slow motion and like from above of my body and people around.
SOBE with remarkable gained ability during martial arts sparring match.
Matthew L Experience
I was floating away from my body like a balloon and had no control over it. I was fully conscious and aware. I'm not sure where I was, but I wasn't in my body or on earth. I felt more alive and more real than when I was in my physical body. My first thought was, 'Oh, no! I just died and I'm not ready to meet GOD. Please don't let me meet GOD. I want to go back.' I felt a pull like I was being pulled back to my body. I had no control over that either.
SOBE after day of military training in a desert.
Kate K Experience
I could see the entire of the universe, galaxies, planets, everything. I felt an incredible, powerful, immense love. I could feel information being transmitted to me, not that I can remember what it was, but it was a lot having to do with answers to questions I’ve had since I was a child, visions I have had all my life, math (I’m not a math person so I don’t know how to say more than that), the connectedness or oneness of everything, and that the only thing that’s really important at all times is love.
Very detailed SOBE with many spiritual insights.
EB Experience
I found myself standing in a large open space that looked like a large grassy field. Off in the distance, miles away, on top of a rise there was a large white, domed building, with a shallow dome, much wider than it was tall. Around the bottom edge, it appeared to have columns. The building was very far away, so it was hard to see detail. I looked behind me, and there was a forest. I looked down to my right, and could see a neat garden, with perfect rows of small round plants.
Sudden SOBE into unearthly realm.
Pat W Experience
From the UK.
Quite suddenly I popped out of my body and had a bird's eye view of the garden below. This was a frightening experience and I quickly popped back. I have tried to rationalise the cause and think it may well have been me picking up vibes from the meditators as well as having my eyes de-focussed by the gravel.
Brief SOBE during meditation.
John H Experience
I was so aware of my situation, so vividly aware, I knew I was not dreaming. I know when I have a dream and most people know a dream .. this was NOT a dream, it was as real as my typing this. I had feeling, fear, questions ... it was so weird. Then I remember thinking about what I had heard in the past about people seeing a light in the distance, so I started looking for it! I really concentrated and I saw a very, very small light in the distance.
SOBE with encountering a tunnel.
Brooke K Experience
I stood there looking at the chair and thinking of the experience I had just had. Still then I felt the presence with me. I felt an overwhelming sensation of spirits. I had predicted my own death. I was a small child just eight years old. The best outcome of me not moving most likely would have been losing my legs and having severe third-degree burns, possibly even killing me.
Remarkable SOBE at age 8 with information that may have saved her life.
Kristin S Experience
What seems exquisite about this space is the PROFOUND POTENTIAL ENERGY. I am going to be direct here because it was simply a fact. It was what it was and it was quite obvious. The darkness was in fact light particles without any force acting upon them. Since the space was infinite there was room for everything to be at rest. The light was not extending. It wasn't collapsed light particles; it was more like still light where the light spectrum encapsulated itself. An endless amount of light 'seeds' or 'individual light densities' that if acted upon with force could create images, sounds, matter. It was white light (or spectral light at rest) Each particle of nonmoving light had such profound potential energy and as if it 'waiting for a creative force to act upon it'.
SOBE with encounter with profound potential energy.
Ronald L Experience
While walking up to entry to ready room after a training flight as an instructor in advance Naval trading command. As I approached the ready room to debrief my student, I experienced the out of body moment - I found my self looking at my physical body at the doorway and the conscious thought 'you do not belong here anymore'.
Brief SOBE shared 52 years later.
Bryon F Experience
Then suddenly I was laying on the ceiling looking down at my mother beating me. I don’t think I could hear myself screaming or anything like that, I just observed her hitting me. I watched for a few moments without much emotion. Nothing else happened, I just floated on the ceiling and watched.
SOBE at age 4 at time of being severely spanked.
Heine S Experience 3/10/2021
From Denmark
The bedouin then pulls me completely out of my body. I told my mother to listen carefully, because this was out of the ordinary, and I wanted her to remember, so she could tell me about it afterwards. So I kept talking to her all the while, I wandered of with the man holding my right hand. We walked for some time on a kind of dirt road in the mauntains with a valley to the right.
SOBE with remarkable ongoing discussion with mother in same room as SOBE was occurring.
Jessie E Experience
I was standing over my own shoulder and I can still see my face when I died. It was a blank stare. And I was in a dark room like it reminds of a film set ya know with 3 walls lol and I couldn't see myself or who was next to me but His presence was undeniable. I just knew it was God. and I was begging with him to let me come back.
SOBE at time she thought she was dying, though no obvious significant physical compromise.
Julia J Experiences
In my understanding, that kind of separation from everyone I loved would feel more like a never ending hell than anything, so I sought God’s explanation. Usually my answers were more of words and feelings that came to my mind, but this time pictures, words, feelings, and an uncanny complete and fleshed out understanding flooded my mind almost instantly. I saw myself floating just beyond an open view of a young cosmos. New earths were being formed, new planets. Stars were exploding and nebulas were birthing new ones. “You can come back to me and I will take you with me and teach you everything there is to know about astronomy. You will not be bored. You will comprehend physics and math, and chemistry and even help me. The heavens will be at your disposal and you will be able to go anywhere.
Prayer experience, SOBE, and other experiences as she was near death and then recovered from heart failure at age 14.
Maryann H Experience
I felt myself like from my stomach being pushed through the bed I can imagine the whole thing happening as it was the next time I looked around I was in the corner of the room at the ceiling it was near a window I had looked over at my mother who was still on the phone I saw my body on the bed and I decided to look out the window as it was something I wanted to do to see if this was real
SOBE at age 7. Shared 60 years later.
Gary M Experience
I was standing in a bar wide awake getting ready to drink… I was high above the very room I was in… When I was shown myself I was an eddy that was a whirling spiral that got darker and darker the deeper it went… over time everything in my life has changed on the inside. I entered that bar and man filled with hate and alcoholic. I left it never to drink again.
Fragmentary description of apparent SOBE. Very transformative experience.
Hugo Experience
From France
This bad bed exit puts me out of balance I find myself face facing the ground ready to fall (the bed was 1m70 high) and I do not fall I float in the air slowly towards the ground. A feeling of intense panic invades me, I feel the fall in my guts (I am very sensitive to variations in weightlessness.) this feeling of weightlessness makes me even more panicking I move arms and feet like a grab on my back and brutally I get up from my bed.
SOBE vs OBE dream.
Ryan O Experience
There was no perception of time passing, and the experience of how I was in an infinite space is hard to convey in words, other than to say that we experience space around us in a finite way usually, and this limitation was gone. I was at some stage in the presence of, and felt at the same time that I was, a glowing spherical orb of orange / golden light, somewhat like the sun but with the light dimmed to a softer glow.
Meditation experience that is NDE-like.
Richard E Experience
My next perception was that I was at a point in space some distance from the Earth, looking at the Earth. Based on my recollection of the Apollo Program and the size of the Earth from the moon's surface, I would estimate I was halfway between the two. It was stereotypically beautiful. As I watched, the Earth's surface began to undulate, gently at first, but slowly increasing in intensity. The undulation gradually intensified and finally an explosion occurred. It was not an explosion of the Earth, but from it. Streams of light raced outward, the leading edges of which were tipped with human faces and hands. The expansion of light reached a maximum and began to retract back down toward the Earth until it looked like a small stellar object, or a luminous, radiant orb.
SOBE while washing dishes.
Mary Experience
I was in a great deal of pain and heard that my baby needed to be ‘turned around’. I saw a doctor take my hand and then I was suddenly floating on the ceiling looking down at my body and the silver of the surgical lights. There was no longer any pain. I saw the doctors around my body below and the same doctor still holding my hand. I was aware that he was new and frightened by this experience. I flipped back into my body once the baby was turned.
SOBE during childbirth.
Bettina Experience
From the Phillipines.
I went down and as I look around I saw a mother holding her baby, I got closer, I saw a flash of light and got suck up and went inside the baby's body, and everything went black. It feels like it’s my first memory in this lifeform. I asked my mother if they happen to go to a beach when I'm still a child and she said yes and made a confirmation that a fish was served, it's a fresh catch from the beach.
SOBE from early infancy.
Owen R Experience
When I become aware that I am something, I’m moving across emptiness through a black place. I don’t have a specific shape or size I’m just free flowing. I can feel another presence there but I don’t feel scared of it, more like it’s showing me something. Then I’m brought to a two wall and a floor set up and I see kids and some other classroom stuff. We focus in on one kid. I’m seeing him play around with some other kids and I’m just watching him. Then, I am him. I remember that I didn’t know where I was or who the people around me were but the kid I was watching did so I was seeing it from his point of view but I was letting him do what he wanted.
SOBE over self immediately prior to the time in his life (age around 5 years old) that he started having memories he retained.
Sithabiso D Experience
From Zimbabwe.
I could definitely feel the presence of God. I knew that he was ultimately in control and in charge. The world below did not matter and it felt like I was going faster and faster. There was freedom and other things were praising Him too. I then saw a pinkish orange cluster of stars and I knew I wanted to go there to praise God more. I could sense that that was the centre of the praise and it looked very beautiful. As I was going I ended up above the clouds and it was very quiet.
SOBE from a physician in Zimbabwe.
Shaun B Experiences
This was the same beginning each time I came to this room or what it felt like as a room. More a pitch black basement because I sensed I was enclosed though no walls were visible. In the the pitch dark I could not see my physical body in the darkness nor feel it. It felt as though I was just my two eyeballs. Stationary yet floating. The eyes were connected to my conscious because I was very confused the first moments having no idea what was occurring.
SOBEs while in office.
Debra C Experience
Then when I came out of that flashback I sat and stared at my screen and looked up the writer of the website. His name was Rush E. Allen. That isn't my name but I thought it interesting that my dad's name in this life is Edwin Allen (or E. Allen). I don't know why but I felt like I was the true author of this story and I also felt that I was meant to stumble on it so that it could trigger the flashback. Like it was meant for me to remember.
SOBE while reading a story on a website and other experiences.
Daniel K Experience
Then, I felt a kind of separating going on in my head. There was the real me that seemed to be pulling away from the corporeal me. I got a mental image of it as it was happening, and it seemed like the 'real me' that was pulling away was about 10 times more substantial that the physical me, and the physical me was very thin and about as substantial as papier-mache. I don't know if that makes any sense.
SOBE at home while relaxing muscles.
Rhonda P Experience
I was playing kickball on schoolyard as an outfielder. I chased a long ball under a grove of pine trees. I bent over to pick up the ball and suddenly found myself at the treetops looking down on my motionless body. Upon hearing demands if 'hurry up' from schoolmates, I was suddenly back in my body. I picked the ball up and returned to the game… My body was in the position of leaning down to pick up the ball and was motionless, almost as if frozen in place.
Age 8 playing on schoolyard. SOBE at treetop. Shared 69 years later.
Newie Y Experience
My son was born after a very difficult birth and the second I held him after I looked in his eyes I drifted off and saw light, then I saw MYSELF (my face looking at and admiring him) through HIS eyes just for a few seconds, about 10 seconds total.
Shortly after birth was looking at son for first time and saw herself through her son’s eyes.
Kim C Experiences
As I turned toward Heaven, I heard a soft angelic voice and felt a light touch on my shoulder. The word spoken directly to my mind by the voice was a gentle command. He simply said, 'Remember.' In lightning quick flashes of memory, I was shown my life’s work - both physical and spiritual, past and future, before Earth and on Earth - and was given an understanding of the importance of my mission.
SOBEs throughout childhood as a result of abuse.
Rosemary S Experience
I felt my body was very heavy and I could not move it. Then I sensed my astral legs rising above my physical legs. I was aware that I was awake and not asleep. I tried to move my body but I could not. I could not move my head to see if my sister was in her twin bed on the other side.
OBE at age 12 with interesting imagery of partial OBE of legs only.
Keegan H Experience
I became light-headed and felt tingling- much like when circulation is cut off from body tissue- in parts of my face. I was aware of feeling my heart beat in those areas. The lights came on in the theater to allow safe transit for viewers to leave. I sat and continued crying for a minute. My friends were facing me, watching. One second I was staring straight ahead at the screen/wall, and the next second I was significantly higher/above the three of us.
SOBE at age 16 following watching the movie Passion of Christ.
Anikó Experience
I felt that I don't control my body, it just walks ahead on its own. I felt that it's not me who wants to walk towards the entrance and if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. I saw myself from outside but not from above. About 270 degrees, which was also very weird. I would say I sensed the body which is meant to be me, from behind, front and left side. It was a very unusual feeling. I felt that it is a body like an object, I was sort of detached from it a bit, though not completely.
SOBE while at the market.
Chris Experience
I was watching tv and out of nowhere I felt like my soul was being pulled out of my body, I actually saw my body on the bed for a split second. I have had some other experiences in which for a split second I have felt total darkness and I feel 2 tall beings watching me just a few steps from where I am and once I see the entities they just disappear and everything just goes back to normal.
Brief SOBE while watching TV.
Jane Experience
He insisted on knowing when that would take place. So, I said 'let me see'. I looked up at my 20 foot white ceiling (the apt. used to be a store) and asked GOD to please protect me totally and completely, then continued to look up at the ceiling until I saw straight lines of light criss crossing each other without touching, they were made of flames. I noticed twinkling stars, I felt like I was in deep space.
SOBE with premonition of a song not written and a murder committed in the future.
Yolanda Experience
I stop at the top of the stairs and see my brother at the dining table. I think, “that is my brother, I love my brother.” Then I see my parents in the kitchen and I think, “there is my mom and dad, I love my mom and dad.” I smell pancakes and I think, “mmm I love pancakes.”
SOBE at age of one with information that would be important to her later in life.
Heidi G Experience 10/17/2018 I remember soaking it all in every detail and feeling so sad and traumatized coming to the realization that no one would ever believe me and think I was just crazy or they’d tell me it was a dream and no law authorities would take me seriously and gather a search party to find an anonymous girl without even a name and many others left dead by the river
Remarkable SOBE with apparent insights into a mass murder.
Mark A Experience
I recall waking up and 'drifting' to the end of the bed where I stopped, turned and looked at myself asleep in bed. I looked towards my sister who was storing and beginning to wake. I called her softly to show her this amazing experience. She opened her eyes, looked at me at the end of the bedbed, then looked towards my pillows and saw me asleep too. She screamed!
SOBE witnessed by sister at age 8.
Dylan M Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
A strong emotion overwhelmed my whole being during all of the experience. A love, a peace, an indescribable freedom, an immense power. I felt perfectly well, I was in pure happiness, as happy as I never had been. It was splendid, unbelievable and if I had had the choice, I never would have been going back to my body of my own accord. This infinite happiness, powerful, free of everything.
SOBE that started as a dream. In English and French
David U Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
Suddenly I felt going out of my body, as if being snapped outside. And I was flying in the air, first above my bed, the whole space around was filled with yellow golden light. I remember floating in the air and that I passed through the bars of my bed. On the floor there was like a golden carpet and I went towards a luminous form.
SOBE that started as a dream. Posted in English and French.
Patrick R Experience
I was standing on the edge of the roof of the duplex looking down at myself and my friend , I could she she was asking me or talking to me but could not hear her, someone was standing behind me on the roof. I said that's me down there . Then the what seemed to be a person moved quickly down beside me, I looked at them and said she's talking to me but I can't hear her. Then whoever it was said , Are you ready to go with me?
SOBE while sitting on a patio and talking.
Basil J Experience
Exceptional experience from the U.K.
As I was thinking it my sister appeared floating in a horizontal position on the other side of the light particle wall. My though continued 'and what the hell are you doing here'!. Again, this was exactly what I thought. Immediately my sister responded 'I am gone now'. This is verbatim. I remember the shock and awe realizing that she had heard my thoughts!
Remarkable experience at age 12 in intensive care area where his sister just died. SOBE into unearthly realm where he met his deceased sister.
Emma Experience
7/1/2018. From the UK.
Then as travelling fast almost to go downstairs i saw a woman around age 30 maybe a little younger. She had a white t shirt on, black bobbed hair. She did not look scary but she was waving at me and smiling…
SOBE around house with later verified view of letters in post box.
Julie T Experiences
Exceptional experience from the UK.
The whirling/spinning was not unpleasant it was the upward rising that was almost unbearable. I briefly got used to it enough to look down and was frightened at how high we were. There was a landscape below us glimpsed through veils of clouds that looked like deep green hills. I tried to speak to say 'don't let go' but felt drowned out by sound. It was a beautiful constant roar. The colors around us were changing to soft blues and whites and merging not dazzling any more.
SOBE at age 7 and a Remarkable shared SOBE at time of lovemaking.
Erika E Experience
I was noticing them move as my hands were still moving. I was also noticing how tan my arms looked, especially against the neon green tank top that I was wearing. Then I moved up to my head, and I was noticing how black my hair looked on the top of my head (because my head was down, looking at my hands). Usually it's just dark brown, but I had just put coconut oil in it, which made it look more black. I also noticed my hair parted right in the middle on the top of my head. It was at that exact moment that I startled myself. I thought, 'WHOA! That's the top of my head I'm looking at!'
SOBE with self-observation.
Alena S Experience
From Russia. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim.
I dreamed (although I can say that it wasn't like a dream) as if I were floating over the room where my grandfather lived, and as if I were observing from above that my grandfather was laying on the floor, and an emergency doctor was using a defibrillator on him (at that time I didn't know what they were called) and I saw that he came to and then they lost him again and this time couldn't save him.
SOBE with verified accurate observations far away from her of grandfather’s death.
Jason G Experience
I wondered what these beings were so I floated close to them and circled around them. I saw them but couldn't hear anything. I floated in between them and looked into the eyes of the larger one but a feeling with an inner voice so to speak told me not to look there so I looked away. I floated back between them and looked into the small ones eyes, closer and closer.
SOBE of very early childhood experience at age 2-4.
Sahil S Experience
From United Arab Emirates.
I was only 6 years old so I couldn't reach the shrine as it was wall mounted and yet I was able to see from a height greater than my own. I calmly looked around the room as if this state of being was normal. There was no panic. I made a passing glance at my bed and some of my toys and the strangest thing of them all- the sight of my own body lying in bed as if it was a teddy bear didn't frighten me at all.
SOBE at age 6.
Dede P Experiences
I could see myself sitting in the chair at the table, my head turned away from me-looking towards where my friend was at the sink. everything was exactly as it really was, the room dimensions, the colors of items, decorations, lighting,sounds.I do not recall being aware if my body was showing signs of motion, breathing, etc.
Three SOBEs described in detail.
Lauren P Experience
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
So I was floating above the area where my family and myself had been living for some years. I was above the houses, I saw the gardens, the flowers, the streets, the forest behind the houses; the sky was blue, I was free, in a total plenitude; there was no notion of time, of borders, insecurity, danger, sadness, pain, earthly thoughts, nothing of this had room there, where I was. I had a sensation of lightness, calm, of peace.
SOBE while at work. In English and French.
Brinton N Experience
Butch, wake up - your mother needs you.' While speaking he raised his arm and pointed at me and caused my spirit to rise up out of my body... then directed/floated it (me/my spirit) up and accross my room to my doorway then into the hall... standing me in my mother's room's doorway, whereupon I stood and saw my mother sitting up in bed reading her bible which was in her lap. He then directed by floating self back to my bed where I floated back into my body.
SOBE with angel or Jesus encounter at age 15.
Vince B SOBEs Experience
I was probably 6 or 7 and had come inside from playing outside probably with neighbors and friends. I had gotten a plastic yellow cup and put some water in it and was walking through my house headed back outside when suddenly I wasnt in the moment but seperated and watching myself walk through my home and head outside from another point in the home. There was no sickness involved or any other extreme circumstance that I remember. Just a few fleeting moments of memory from a point of view that wasn't 'first person' but an onlooker.
Two childhood SOBEs. SOBE dream at age 4, the other, and SOBE, at age 6-7.
Dr. I.K. V Experience
10/8/2017 From India.
I started enjoying my state that I could fly in the air and hover on from the ceiling. Gradually a feeling of great peace prevailed. I became calm. I did not have that intense headache any more. Even though, the lights were switched off, I could see everything in the room. The whole room was flooded with light, but the source of that light could not be seen. I was thinking a thousand things simultaneously as if I was a computer CPU. I am not sure how long I remained in that suspended position. I was enjoying the condition I was in.
Physician SOBE while suffering from malaria.
James H Experience
s it progressed I was seeing things from the passenger portion. Then I was looking at myself wondering how I could be still steering and functioning without crashing the car and I was on the other side of the center console looking at it. At this time there was no sense of emotion, no sounds, no sense of body except somehow I realized I was still connected to my body, but the connection was getting thin.
SOBE while driving on winding road.
Gatano N Experience
From Italy. Original in Italian.
Suddenly I found myself into an unknown environment, not dreadful but 'different'.
The landscape was desertic, with fine redish sands. Everything had a redish hue. I was surrounded with twigs: dry plants about one meter tall but with pointed thorns that emerged from the sands: all looked totally desertic, parched. I felt nimble, motivated, and pushed to search. I don't know what. I was very fine. Free. I repeat it, nimble: freed from my human body.
SOBE vs Dream
David W Experience
The Man then stopped the car and the woman got out with the baby. I noticed it was hot,they were on a dirt road with large trees; a steep bank on one side of the road and a sharp drop off on the other that led to a river. The last thing I remember was looking down on the woman with the crying baby she was holding;she said 'Hush Bo'.
SOBE at around 1-2 months old. Shared 68 years later.
703. Sandra M Experience 8/8/2017 Then I was told I would be going alone and I realized I was going to die and I said 'no!' I had two young kids and couldn't leave them. My sense of floating away reversed and I felt like I was back in this world. Then I was told, 'If you want to live, you have to see a doctor as soon as possible.'
Remarkable SOBE with information about her undiagnosed breast cancer that appears to have saved her life.
Christopher P Experience
I flew all over the Puget Sound, I went to my sister's house and was amazed to find that animals could see me. My sister has a black lab and he knows me well, he ran to me for pets and affection which I gave him. Her two cats just hissed and arched their backs at me. I remember seeing a green bread tie on their counter, so I grabbed it up and twisted it around the loop on their dogs collar, thinking that this was a dream and it won't be there when I check later.
SOBEs with apparent very rare physical validation of actions while OBE.
701. Shantelle Experience 6/21/2017 I could then see myself laying there and my mother there too and I could also see the campsite from above and our tent and picnic table and beyond the campsite to the beach, I saw people on the beach and the sand dunes. I started talking to my mother telling her what I was seeing, I asked her if she saw me.
SOBE at age 7.
700. Ed R Experience 5/9/2017 At some point after that I became aware that I was above our bed looking down on both my wife and myself sleeping. It's like I was in the spot where the wall and ceiling meet directly above our heads and was looking down from that vantage point. It was dark in the bedroom but I could see, sort of like a night vision camera would look. I started to feel like I was suffocating or something, and I thought, 'This isn't right - something is wrong.'
OBE that started as dream with verified OBE observations. Experience happened a few days prior to submission.
699. Pat A Experience 5/2/2017 From this point I became aware of my body down on the Sofa watching TV. I was calm, cool, could care less about what just occurred, it felt natural.I viewed my body as a natural object, it was still apparently watching TV, but I was not viewing it from that perspective, as I was the room and all of it, the body was something I was not associated with.
SOBE at age 8 during time of febrile illness.
698. William G Experience 4/15/2017 From Canada. I caught my eyes in the mirror and I immediately found myself up near the ceiling looking down on myself. I had no body and no feeling of having any kind of a physical presence at all. I felt beings above me but there was no feeling of direction or physical space so using the word above is not correct but is as close as I can get to describing it. These beings were not people but they used to be. They were very calm and told me not to worry and that I was not supposed to be where they were yet. There was a quiet compassion about them and no drama at all. I had an incredible all knowing feeling.
Sudden spontaneous OBE at age 11.
697. Marcus M Experience 4/9/2017 When walked to his door and touched the door handle time stood still I walked out of my body and went to an individual that standing behind the priest, when I reached the person I knew him seems like many centuries. I was happy to see him we rejoiced what it seems like for hours, asking how he has been, I suddenly returned to my body
SOBE as he was about to visit a priest.
696. Marge Experience 3/22/2017 after a bit of sitting, I was seeing from the top of the bus down at all the passengers, including myself. It felt like being a part of the air everyone shares. I have always randomly had lucid dreams, and astral projections, it was that same sort of light feeling. But I had never had this while being conscious, with my eyes open. I then thought about how I wasn't in my physical self and stared wondering about my breathing, if I stopped would I pass out and be stuck out here?
SOBE while riding a bus.
695. Chip R Experience 3/2/2017 When I awakened, I was aware that I was in a hospital... lying in bed. Suddenly, I levitated toward the ceiling and was able to look down upon myself and the scene in the hospital room. I asked if I was dead.
SOBE while in hospital. Interesting communication with another person in OBE at what may have been their moment of death.
694. Diana R Experience 1/29/2017 From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. I was surrounded by a very beautiful, bright, pulsating light. Around this light there were still other light colors. I perceived myself like an ever expanding cloud. But...the light wasn't only surrounding me, I myself was also light. And this Love!!!! Everywhere there was love. I was love! In every little part of my being, was light and love. The words I'm writing here, cannot describe a fraction of what I experienced. There are no words, that can describe this situation.
OBE that started as a dream with exceptional encounter with light and love. Both in English and German.
693. Grzegorz N Experience 1/19/2017 It was dark in the room but something was off, I couldn't tell at first but after short time I realized that my bed was at the other side of the room. So was window and door.
Whole room was like a mirror image of itself. I stood up and walked to the center of the room. My thoughts were clear, so was my consciousness and my senses worked normally so I realized that it was not a normal dream, because I was beginning to think it was. I even could think verbally, that never happens when I sleep, even while having lucid dream and I had quite a lot of those. I'm a IT guy so I got curious and decided to check my computer to see if it worked. To my surprise the moment I thought about doing that I was wide awake, lying in my bed, completely aware in the 'real world'.
SOBE with interesting mirror image awareness of his room.
692. Cruise T Experience 1/16/2017 From Israel. As I went high enough to see the roof and houses around time itself was either paused or super slow, I increased with speed and distance and was now over 100 meters above from my body. I looked to my right to the Mount Maunganui and saw 3 birds in the distance above the Mount, as I went to look back to the party and my body (all with a calmness, no stress or fear from the moment of leaving my body) the speed increased directly upward. I saw the city and country and earth grow smaller with speed to when I saw the solar system and galaxies start to flash away from me.
Remarkable SOBE that seemed to occur during an instant of earthly time.
691. Bonnie E Experience 1/8/2017 I could tell I was in spirit form, but never looked down at my 'spirit' to see if I had hands, etc. It didn't seem to be a concern I had. I seemed to know what I was, but also didn't know what I was. This part is very hard to explain because I don't know of any other form like it in order to explain it with words. While in the out of body 'spirit,' I was at peace and didn't seem to need to know what form I was actually in. It seemed like a greater reality, or another dimension…
SOBE following emergency caesarian section delivery.
690. Ann Experience 1/6/2017 From the UK. Suddenly I was somewhere else. Instead of seeing the squirrel and tree, I was looking at planet Earth through space. I seemed to know it was planet Earth. It was quite far away but I could clearly see the blue and green of it. Earth was quite well lit up, I suppose by the sun. All around was dark space. I can't remember much about what else was around because I mostly was just looking at Earth. I didn't feel anything was abnormal, though I was a bit surprised at how suddenly I was out there. I thought it was rather nice to be doing it. I didn't really think about how I got there. I was just there, watching the Earth and thinking, 'That's the Earth.'
SOBE around age 2-5. Shared about 60 years later.
689. Larissa M Experience 1/1/2017 At that point I started to leave my body, and I wanted to tell her 'oh I'm leaving my body' but it happened so quickly. It felt like I was drawn up through a narrow apperture, and then 'pop' - my head / upper half sort of popped right through and up into this enormous vast dark space, a place of such magnitude I couldn't find words - but a tremendously peaceful place. It was directionless, encompassing, vast, and incredibly comforting all at the same time.
SOBE during ‘energy healing session’.
688. Larissa M Experience 1/1/2017 At that point I started to leave my body, and I wanted to tell her 'oh I'm leaving my body' but it happened so quickly. It felt like I was drawn up through a narrow apperture, and then 'pop' - my head / upper half sort of popped right through and up into this enormous vast dark space, a place of such magnitude I couldn't find words - but a tremendously peaceful place. It was directionless, encompassing, vast, and incredibly comforting all at the same time.
SOBE during ‘energy healing session’.
687. Leslie M Experience 12/24/2016 This particular time however there was an upset when the nurse wanted to administer the premed via an injection which I refused to let her do, which meant I went into theater without it. Once there the anaesthetist tried to put me under with an injection. At this point I was very angry and tried to get up to leave. This resulted in me being held down by the theater staff while a gas mask was placed over my mouth. I witnessed this scene fleetingly from an elevated position from the corner of the room.
Brief SOBE during anesthetic induction.
686. Rhonda M Experience 12/23/2016 I am looking to the front where the dresser is situated and I keep on looking around and I recognize everything in the room with absolute clarity and definition and that fact struck me odd because I can't see without glasses and my first thought was I went to sleep with my glasses on and try to take them out of my face but I keep on trying to get them off my face and I don't feel them and I start to look around me and I put my hands in front of me and see them and start to turn them from the front to back and I realized that my movements are slower and that I can see without my glasses
SOBE with supernormal vision.
685. Patrick M Experiences 12/16/2016 & 12/25/16 My vantage point seemed to be about 40 feet (12-13 meters) in the air at an angle providing a good view. Two men approached him in the night and attacked him with a heavy duty folding pocket knife. My brother was knocked backwards by the slashing attack and jumped through the fire, sending of burning burning embers flying high through the dark night.
Remarkable SOBE that started as a dream with details of observations of a criminal attack on his brother later verified. Another he found his hidden bow and arrows in the OBE state.
684. Faith RT Experience 12/14/2016 I was lying on my bed, my mind whirling with these ideas, when I suddenly zoomed out of my body and into endless, star-studded space. As the stars slowly turned all around me, I felt myself as infinitely small, a tiny atom of being in all this glorious vastness. I somehow knew that life had gone on for eons before my existence and would continue long after I was gone. I felt a great comfort. Then the feeling of comfort expanded into an enormous sense of love surrounding me. I knew this love wasn't just for me, but for the whole universe.
SOBE at age 12. Shared 60 years later.
683. Sara S Experience 12/14/2016 In the morning as I got out of bed, I saw myself still in bed. I went as normal, down the hall and down the stairs into the living room. I laid on the chair. I could see the room reflected in the blank television screen. I saw myself enter the room as I done and laid on the chair as I had done. Then, I saw myself go into myself.
SOBE at age 7.
682. Ian T Experience 12/4/2016 from the United Kingdom. A young lady stopped and handed me her own Asthma inhaler,which she had been using herself. I took the inhaler and used it. I felt relief and thanked the young lady. I got up from the floor and looked as other people were struggling to breathe. I helped them by letting them use the young lady's inhaler.
SOBE/Dream with content about an asthma attack, and meeting a girl who died in a storm related asthma attack in Australia.
681. Matthew R Experience 11/5/2016 from the United Kingdom. I was sitting in my lounge relaxing after a days work with the TV on when all of a sudden I could see myself sitting in my chair and I was looking down at myself.
I remember thinking that my head was very shiny, as I am bald, and I was viewing myself as a mirror image of the way I was sitting.
SOBE while watching TV.
680. Tijo M Experience 10/19/2016 from India. I existed in some other dimension. But there was no tijo. Nothing but not nothingness. Its very hard to communicate. But I can even today feel that. For a time of 10 to 15 seconds I think it continued. I was not aware of the time.
SOBE while sitting in a chair.
679. Betty J Experience 10/14/2016 from the UK. Within minutes I felt my body lifting and then I was rushing through a tunnel and then come to a halt.
I saw Jesus right in front of me carrying his cross.
The next minute I know I went straight back to my body very forcefully.
SOBE after death of mother.
678. Harry B Experience 10/4/2016 I was skating at the local skating rink. I am off the rink fooling around on the carpeted area. Then, I am seeing myself from the other side of the rink. I start to get closer. The physical me does not know, I'm still just goofing off. Just as I step on the carpeted area again I am instantly back in my body and instantly knew what just occurred.
SOBE at age 10.
677. Emily H Experience 8/22/2016 From the United Kingdom I started to feel as if I was rising through the air, and then could see my bedroom from a new perspective as if I was floating above my bed. I was in the air looking down on myself lying there. As I watched I saw a pink/red orb emerge out of my ear and to a few feet away from my head. After a few seconds the orb slowly moved back into my head, then I was suddenly back in my body again.
SOBE that happened when she started to relax.
676. Janice Experience 8/16/2016 At some point during the night I awoke, or thought I awoke, and felt myself floating above my body. I was aware of having no feet but turned left and floated out of my bedroom door and down into the hall. I was aware of a twinkling of stars around me but my sensation of being solidly in the reality of my apartment was very real. I stopped in the hallway and read off a poster that I had on my hallway that read in part 'Your children are not your children' At that point I turned around and floated back into my bedroom and hovered over my body in my bed.
SOBE that started as a dream.
675. Hartley B Experience 7/20/2016 I was above myself, viewing myself from directly above. I stayed looking towards the ground, but could feel myself being pulled upwards by what felt like my diaphragm. I remained calm and aware somehow. As I continued to be pulled upwards, I saw the entirety of the bakery, then the building, then the greater area including the Naval Base. I saw the coastline and then the country. As I saw earth, I had this realization come over me that I was being pulled towards a black hole.
SOBE while at work.
674. Helen R Experiences 7/13/2016 I became aware of a much brighter light behind my head, in the room. I turned my head and looked. In the doorway between the living room and dining room was a tall column of light, reaching almost all the way to the ceiling. I couldn't see a figure in it, but i knew instinctively that this was Christ. He began moving toward me at the speed of a mortal man walking.
STE meeting with Christ and SOBE while explaining about God to an atheist.
673. Carla F Experience 7/4/2016 I was sitting on the floor drying my hair when suddenly I became aware that I had left my physical body... the transition had been seamless and I was still combing my hair. However, becoming conscious of the situation I broke out of this trance and looked down at myself.. it was as if time was frozen.. my physical body was motionless, frozen in time and still combing.
SOBE while drying hair at age 17. Shared 49 years later.
672. Cornelio M Experience 7/4/2016 From Mexico I could feel the sheet texture and the bed cover. There's a type of bed cover made out palm leaf in south America called 'petate'. By that I knew where I was. It happen again and this same this feeling crossed my mind. I was at my mom's house in Mexico! I looked around. I saw a window and the room was dark. I touched the bed cover again and I got convinced. It was that type of bed cover at my mother's house. I told myself that I needed to come back to my body. I felt myself starting to mix with a cloud that was twisting and going to a hole. Then I was in my room at my home.
SOBE with apparent verified OBE observation.
671. Martina R Experiences 5/26/2016 A feeling arose that I was more than my body, I was larger than it and was filling up the room. It was kind of puzzling because I saw myself as if looking through a telescope the wrong way round - my body (as other things in the room) seemed very very small, and very far away, while I was very very large. There were no thoughts, no emotions in me. I liked the experience very much and was in awe. It was a very peaceful, relaxed, and serene feeling. It was just 'I AM'.
Two SOBEs with one as teenager while dancing.
670. Carson J Experience 5/20/2016 I felt like I was witnessing my body act out abnormal actions, such as writing a poem about life. I texted my friend, and I was using abnormally large words, some words I still have no clue what they mean. it lasted for about 45 minutes, until I started to have another throbbing head pain. and then I just kind of came back to my body.
SOBE with apparent spontaneous writing of poem.
669. Chase A Experience 5/9/2016 I slapped the window some more and that's when I saw myself. I was outside of the SUV looking in at my terrified face. I watched for a minute before going inside the house. I saw my mom still putting groceries away, but then she called for me. And when I didn't come, she searched the house for me.
SOBE in car at age 2 in Iceland.
668. Allan F Experience 5/9/2016 From Australia. I noticed in the darkness some figures in hooded robes, no bodily feature could be seen. As i realised some sort of connection had been felt and i had no feelings of inhibition, I opened up with a free flowing feeling of love. As i was in this moment i noticed more being appearing and participating in whatever was occurring. Whatever took place in those moments is and has been hard to explain.I got to ask one question and that was, who are you. A voice that i will never forget said I Am.
SOBE with mystical experience.
667. Eduardo F Experience 5/9/2016 From Argentina. Then from that small point of light appeared someone started to approach me ... I felt it was like the face of someone coming towards me ... I felt I came jogging or running but could not see his body. ... It was as if he was worried about me and came quickly to meet me. ... At first I thought I could be Jesus, but as he approached I realized that maybe it was not. ... It was like a saint, made as light, a benevolent being.
SOBE both in Spanish and in English.
666. Chris M Friend Experience 5/2/2016 During World War 2 a friend of mine was shot down while flying a Hawker Typhoon fighter and crash landed in a field in France. He said that the aircraft was burning, and that he could not get the canopy off. He looked out of the plane and on the wing of the plane he saw himself standing there. I don't recall if his self was speaking to himself or if it was telepathy, but he had the feeling that seeing himself outside the aircraft meant that he should not give up and should get out of the aircraft, and he did. He said it was a really strange experience.
Second-person account of SOBE from World War II.
665. Evan D Experience 4/14/2016 From Australia When my girl came home I asked her where she had been she said out with her girlfriend. I didn't say anything about the OBE. About 2 weeks later she said to me one day, I have got something to tell you. I said to her are you going to tell me that you had sex with Rob in room 4 at the hotel? She said yes, how did you know? When I told her how I knew she wouldn't believe me then packed her bag and left. I haven't seen her since.
SOBE with remarkable confirmed observation of his girlfriend cheating on him.
664. Lester R Experience 4/12/2016 At this point my surroundings faded away and I was in a place of only white light. It wasn't blinding or brilliant, more like the background for a modeling photo-shoot. I was in clear control of my thoughts and I wondered to myself what was going on. I felt no gravity (but not that I was flying or floating), no physical sensations except sight and felt like I could lean back and be completely supported. I wasn't scared at all, but was trying to figure out what was going on. Almost instantly I felt 'love'; I was completely enveloped by it. I said to myself this must be the type of love the bible talks about. It was like nothing I'd experienced, thought about or even thought was possible.
SOBE while in grocery store.
663. Judith P Experience 4/12/2016 One night after having been out for a meal with a friend I went to bed as usual. I was happy and relaxed and not thinking of anything in particular. Suddenly I found myself zooming through space at an incredible speed. I was not aware of my body nor did I look down upon myself in bed. I was aware of the stars, planets and the Universe as a whole, although I was not observing them in detail. It was if I had merged into everything. I had become a part of the whole, of everything that existed.
I felt no fear, just the most overwhelming sense of joy and peace. I find it difficult to describe the feeling. I didn't want it to end but just as suddenly I was back in my earthly body with tears running down my face. I found myself repeating 'thank you, thank you' over and over. I have no idea why this happened when it did and I have not experienced it since. Quantum Physics now tells us that everything exists of vibrations and I believe I experienced something like a blending of vibrations, with my mind fully aware of it.
OBE dream with NDE-like content.
662. Kathy P Experience 3/28/2016 I had a sudden rush which felt as though my inner body, soul had been pulled up, into the room above. I experienced music like I had never heard. There was brightness abound, a private yet calm travel where I was experiencing a different state. I clearly remember I was calm, I also vividly recall the sure knowledge that my father knew what was happening. I traveled through the house, hallway to my parents room.
OBE dream with apparent shared experience.
661. JB Dad's Experiences 3/16/2016 The first of these occurred when he was a young boy (around 9 years old). He was sitting at the kitchen table in his house when he spontaneously experienced a vantage point near the ceiling, seeing the top of his own head as his body sat at the table. He said that it was over as quickly as it began but had always been something that he was never completely able to rationalize to himself, as he knew that it was not imaginative.
Father had many experiences during his life.
660. Chretien Experience 3/13/2016 From France. I am French and a former fighter pilot in the air force. In 1986, when I had just taken off from the base, I suddenly went out of my body, projected on my left, still inside the cockpit. So I saw myself laterally. Frightened by the experience, which lasted only a few short seconds, I immediately returned to my body. I have a fairly vivid memory of that moment despite the thirty years that have passed.
SOBE while flying fighter plane.
659. VB Experience 3/13/2016 I thought I had just died. That feeling changed though rather quickly. I had this warmth that came over me that can only be described as the bliss that you get from love; love that brings you joy and peace. It was like just falling in love or having hugged a love one after a long time away from them. I felt like I knew there was a barrier surrounding me that would ensure that I would feel this way for the rest of eternity. I didn't want this feeling to stop.
SOBE from sleep deprivation.
658. Julie L Experience 3/5/2016 It felt a little like death and I didn't want it to happen now. My brain was trying to understand how I could function without my body. It felt like my soul was above my body. The more I explored that feeling, the more I rose over my body. But it was difficult because there was also a strong force that was fighting to bring back my soul into my body. After a moment, it felt like a long time but I guess it went fast. Time was not important in this experience. I stopped to fight and my soul went back in my body.
OBE that started as a dream with component of sleep paralysis at age 16.
657. Oliver J Experience 2/29/2016 Seated around the table were about a dozen white-robed men. One was standing with a chair pulled out, which I guessed was for me. Being an agnostic my first thought was 'Damn I'm having a religious experience'. I was determined to speak to these people but got scared. What if my roommate tried to wake me? He'd think I was dead. What if they moved me and I couldn't find my body to get back in? Then it came to me that I didn't have to walk from place to place, but could sort of think myself there.
SOBE with prolonged journey outside of body. Shared 54 years after experience.
656. Maarit H Experience 2/16/2016 From Finland. Everything went black in my eyes for 000.2 seconds and next thing I saw was my body on the blue mattress, in the position I had 'left' it there. My vision was spinning with a very fast pace as I was spinning down to my body. I could see the doors of my cupboard, even when my physical eyes where shut, when I felt how I was being gently places back to my body. It took some time actually, maybe 15 seconds, as the angel - who I couldn't see anymore - made extra care that my soul would be attached back well. Like fitting something JUST FITTING into this mold. When I felt that I was completely in, there was a short silence, until I heard the angel spoke to me lovingly, still smiling 'You can start to wake yourself up slowly now'.
Interesting SOBE that started as a dream.
655. Danial Y Experience 1/31/2016 From Iran. I saw myself in my room, I was out of my body, and was slowly going up. On the right side of my bed is my PC, I saw my little brother working with the PC. Although we couldn't see each other, I was aware that my mother was in the living room and I think I saw here from rood view briefly. I noticed she said something, probably to me little brother (actually, I was not hearing anything). As I was going up, my little brother looked at me and 'said' that, 'hey, you're going up!' while laughing/smiling. I noticed my body below, and it was impressing to me that I was completely indifferent toward it, I was feeling that it no longer belongs to me, and I was no longer concerned about my body and the earthly world. I was very peaceful. Then I noticed a white light above near the roof, it was not irritating my sight, and I knew it is God and I'm going to go upper and embraced by the light, i.e. the God.
Muslim SOBE that started as a dream.
654. Max A Experience 1/18/2016 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. This time I told myself that this could have been me, if I had been there. The following night I was dreaming about death. I'm talking about it because this dream held sense and a large emotional load. It is completely involved in what came up afterwards. I saw my friends being enveloped by an invisible embrace and dropping dead, without any pain. I didn't feel sad for them, but I found that it was unfair, they even couldn't defend themselves.
SOBE shortly after Paris terrorist attacks.
653. Michelle L Experience 1/17/2016 I was immediately transported outside. Then I was taken to Devil's Tower in Wyoming. It was night now and the stars were shining brightly. There was a house behind me and I went in. I was looking for something and I found 3 doors. Each door I entered was a different time period. The last door I went into had 3 desks in it. All the desks were very old and the room was stone. I backed out of the room. As I backed out, I backed into another room. When I turned, the people in the room were surprised to see me. So shocked, the one man asked if I was real and reached out to touch my hand to see. I made a point to look around the room and take in all the detail. The room was 18th century Americana dining room/kitchen with a huge cooking fireplace, dining room table, chairs and other utensils and such.
OBE that started as a dream and she came back with dog hair!
652. Claudette S Experience 12/15/2015 My body felt very relaxed and I began to feel as if I was floating. I found myself in space. I remember thinking that this was impossible. I felt very alone and what I remember most was how vast space felt. It felt empty as if no other life was around. Mostly it just felt incomprehensibly huge. I found myself looking through a window of a spacecraft, perhaps a shuttle. I don't know what they call it. Inside were several astronauts. I focused on one man in particular. He was smiling and then he stopped. I sensed he was ill. The next second I found myself back in my body.
Teenage SOBE that was possibly verifiable.
651. Paul M Experience 12/15/2015 I had a dream where I was flying over central park, guessing 1840-1890, as per the clothes.
I flew above a park, a stone building, with a cobble stone walk way to the top, gas lamps along the walk way. Small lake with people strolling and picnicking. All the men are wearing full suits, top hats, polished shoes. All the women wearing fancy light dresses (the ones which bow out), mainly white, most have parasols, many have fancy wooden baby carriages.
Started as a dream with interesting OBE observation apparently verified.
650. Luc D Experience 12/11/2015 From Canada. Original in French, translated to English by Cassandra. I was in the moon, and I I went into a dark tunnel, like I was in a rock, a little larger than my shoulders, I didn’t feel gravity anymore, and my reaction was to look around me, and I was stunned to realize I could see 360 degrees around myself and in that moment I was back in my body because I was afraid, because as soon as I realized that I could see all the way around myself, my out of body experience was over. I thought I had gone crazy, I didn’t believe in the beyond, and suddenly I couldn’t form a sentence, subject, verb, and complement, I felt the presence of a tunnel above my head.
SOBE that had several NDE-like elements.
649. Adam H Experience 12/8/2015 I was beginning to get dizzy and started to hear my deceased mother's voice saying, "Hi, Honey!" This voice seemed to be coming from my 10 o'clock position. Just after that I felt pulled out toward that direction. I popped thru what seemed to be a small portal and I immediately saw my deceased mother, deceased 2nd wife, and deceased best friend. The vision was SO real. My vision was very much clearer there than anything I could see here on earth.
SOBE associated with dizziness during yard work.
648. Carlos G Experience 12/3/2015 So I look behind me and I see myself just standing there, some what straight, a little slouched, arms at my side and I have the thought 'that's me' and just as last time big breath and all I am back in the body that was just standing behind me. Now this time it was longer, I was moving, and a lot of feelings were involved. Besides the tint I didn't see much else different but I felt a lot. I felt transparent but yet fully clothed, it felt like I was still wearing what I had on. I didn't get a good look because everything happened fast but I felt like my astroprojected right foot was still attached to my physical right foot, so I didn't fully leave my body.
Two SOBEs. One at age 15 was likely a dream. Second was a SOBE.
647. Lisa K Experience 10/31/2015 From Australia I woke up and there was a bright light in the corner of my ceiling. I sat up and started floating towards the light. A woman appeared wearing a veil. I knew the woman's name was Mary, somehow even though she didn't mention it. She was kind and gentle but told me "No Lisa, you can't come here, go back to bed now" she repeated this a few times. I looked back at my bed and saw myself sleeping.
OBE that started as a dream with likely encounter with deceased relative at age 9.
646. Rebecca Experience 9/20/2015 From New Zealand I was in a tunnel of light, and I felt like I was being made to come back to consciousness, this world, and I was not happy about it. I came back too, to extreme pain and months of this to follow. I was in a tunnel with bright light. I was safe and comfortable there not in my body.
SOBE associated with painful treatment of burn injury at age 8.
645. Desmond Q Experience 9/18/2015 From the U.K. During Meeting for Worship the leader, George, shared his belief that Quakers alone held a vital place in the battle against moral degeneration, arising form the dynamic tension between Corporate and Personal responsibility. I recognized this as the trigger which brought me into Social Activism, and saw it as akin to the hairspring movement of a clockwork watch. I suddenly became aware that I was looking down on the assembly from above, and my attention was drawn to one person in the assembly as being of special significance. I looked down and discovered to my amazement that it was my physical self.
SOBE at Quaker conference.
644. Carl J Experience 9/15/2015 My whole vision then slowly turned from the dark room, to fizzy glowing white gold, and I felt like I was being lifted up or teleported somewhere special, which felt incredibly exciting at the time. This place was in the clouds somewhere not like Earth, with a city or place in the clouds in the distance to the right of my centre of vision. My first thought was that the city looked like Disney world, the main Cinderella castle but much bigger, more towers and just magical. It looked amazing and just gorgeous with the clouds all around and pinkish bluish sky.
SOBE during illness.
643. Cristine H Experience 9/14/2015 I took notice of the flowers, of how they were alive and they were immersed in a love that was pure. To this day i can cry thinking of it. The garden’s colors were also alive with hues that made every other colors at ‘home’ dull. The flowers moved as if a gentle wind always was present. It was sunny but the sun never hurt my eyes. The temperature was perfect and I felt a sense of wellbeing as I never have. The sun lit up the petals and wings, making them transparent and I would fly in to enjoy the intricate designs (like I did inside the kaleidoscope).
Among the most remarkable SOBEs ever shared with OBERF. Sudden visit to a beautiful realm with remarkable descriptions of her experience there.
642. Tilda H Experience 9/9/2015 I got out of bed and looked down at my body still laying there. I walked to the door to find the noise realized it must be coming from my dresser and my dream. I wanted to wake up. I walked back to the bed and knelled down beside myself. I was looking at my body still lying there mostly covered up except part of my arm and some hair. I was in fetal position and not moving. It didn’t scare me I just reached over and wanted to hold myself. I was still fighing to wake up when I crawled back under the blanket and back into my body. I was screaming 'Wake up, Wake up!’ over and over. I could feel how dry my mouth was and it was making it hard to scream or even talk. I thought to myself after I was almost back in my body go to him, go find Jeremey. He is in the kitchen at work unloading boxes. I knew right where he was and what he was doing all I needed to do was fly to him. I kept thinking to myself 'go to him' but I couldn't. I laid under the blanket and looked up.
SOBE that started as a dream.
641. Sharon W Experience 8/29/2015 From the UK. I saw a girl sitting at a window and I knew instinctively that she was an earthbound spirit. Despite my nervousness I knew I had to speak with her. I approached her and she said that her name was Honor...she was very sad. I asked her if she wanted to move on ..away from the dark room. She said ,yes. I asked her if she had anyone on the other side who could help her. She said that her grandmother had passed on and that her name was Edith. Suddenly the right side of my head went numb and I heard a woman's voice saying hello.
SOBE including interesting encounter with apparently deceased child.
640. Rayhaneh F Experience 8/29/2015 From Iran. Original in Persian, translated to English by Amir.One of my strongest thought was love for this (physical) world. Strangely, I felt very attached to this life and was not willing to die. On one hand I was telling to myself that everybody has to die some day and now this is my turn. But on the other hand I was thinking about my family, specially my mother for whom my death would be very painful. But whichever way, I just wanted this struggle between my body and my soul to end one way or the other, as it was very torturous. I was in these thought when suddenly my soul exited from my heart area in a 45 degree angle and I entered into a sun-like light.
SOBE in a state between waking and the dream state that is posted in both, Persian and in English.
639. Hiram N Experience 8/23/2015 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. From nowhere, a young girl with plaited hair and a long nightdress (Victorian looking) appeared and was smelling of the lily of the valley. I could tell she was friendly. She held out her hand, which l took. l was approximately 8 to 10 feet off the ground and looking down. l could see myself motionless. I saw only the relatives l had known, but I could feel the presence of all my relatives who were almost blurred images. A trusted friend said, 'It's alright, don't be afraid.' The relatives then surrounded me as though protecting me.
SOBE during a dream that is posted in both, French and in English.
638. Brian G Experience 8/20/2015 From the UK. From nowhere, a young girl with plaited hair and a long nightdress (Victorian looking) appeared and was smelling of the lily of the valley. I could tell she was friendly. She held out her hand, which l took. l was approximately 8 to 10 feet off the ground and looking down. l could see myself motionless. I saw only the relatives l had known, but I could feel the presence of all my relatives who were almost blurred images. A trusted friend said, 'It's alright, don't be afraid.' The relatives then surrounded me as though protecting me.
Remarkable SOBE that mimics a NDE, but no life-threatening event.
637. Lucinda B Experience 7/25/2015 At some point closer to the delivery I realized I was on the ceiling of the hospital room watching everyone. I could see my husband, the midwife, the nurses coming in and out. I could see myself lying in the bed, all the monitors etc. Time stood still and all of a sudden I was back in my body and I had the INCREDIBLE urge to push.
SOBE at time of very painful childbirth.
636. Joanne R Experience 7/11/2015 I was aware of becoming deeply relaxed, like I was butter melting in the sun, when suddenly I felt my "self" separate from my body in the chair and rise up into the space above the chair. "I" floated up to about six feet above my head and was looking down at myself! But it wasn't a part of me, it was "Me." So hard to explain...when I realised what had happened, I thought to myself, oh my god, I'm dying, and became afraid.
SOBE while listening to music.
635. Dolly J Experience 5/12/2015 A being of light, who was human shaped but made of light, reached out to me with both hands. I held the hands and floated up through the ceiling. I went and up, up, and up. I was looking down on my house from a great height. I could see my husband and my children playing. I had this amazing knowledge and understanding of everything and the reason for life. I knew that the wonderful, amazing love that follows after what we call death, Is really being born. We are but a small seed on earth, that expands into the most magnificent awakening. Nothing of life's experiences can come close to its magnificence.
NDE-Like SOBE with a light being.
634. Dixie J Experience 5/9/2015 As we entered the hall we walked toward a man sitting on the arm of a chair. I realized it was my deceased husband. I walked up to him and said something to the effect of, "My God, Harry I thought you were dead. I must be dreaming." He said, "Look I am fine, touch me." I touched him and noticed that he was young and healthy looking. I saw no gray, just dark brown hair and healthy skin. " I said to him, I must have dreamt you died." He repeated, "I am fine." He didn't say so but the implication was clear that I was forgiven for past transgressions.
Remarkable SOBE with ADC about one year after her husband’s death. Not a dream- she was standing throughout the experience.
633. Bob B Experience 5/9/2015 I found himself rising above the dental chair, looking down on myself. I continued to rise until I was about 10-20 feet above myself and the dentist and dental assistant, looking down on the whole scene. At that point, I was thinking to myself, “This is kind of neat.” Then I thought, “But, isn’t this what happens to people when they die?”
SOBE associated with nitrous oxide anesthesia for dental procedure.
632. Michael J Experience 5/9/2015 My recollection of the accident and the activities surrounding the event remain vivid and they have throughout the years. During the moments when I reflect upon it, I can remember the impact of the car and my body flying through the air.
SOBE during surgery after being hit by a car at age 12.
631. Gretchen D Experience 4/20/15 When standing in the check out line, I felt an "expanded awareness", that my spirit was outside my body and I saw before me a table with several people seated at it. A man spoke-"we have been waiting for you". I heard this audibly and saw the scene as visually as I saw the interior of the store. I felt my spirit being pulled toward the people seated at the table. I had a moment of panic not knowing who they were, as I recognized no one, or why they were waiting for me and waiting for me for what purpose? I was rational enough to question what would happen to my body if I joined them. Would the body have died right there in the checkout line? Actually I was terrified and fought to remain where I was. It took quite a bit of will not to go, to remain where I was. Soon the scene began to recede and fade from view- everything returned to what I called normal.
SOBE from retired nurse at the grocery store.
630. Mary S Experience 4/18/15 I was floating above and behind myself, I saw through those eyes not the eyes of my body, I remember simply being a presence in the air, not necessarily a body.
Remarkable SOBE at age 15 at time of near accident. Was able to choose which of three scenarios would occur in the future- and her choice may have saved her life.
629. Jeanette H Experience 4/13/15 I had an out-of-body experience in which I suddenly found myself floating on the ceiling… Well, in total childlike enthusiasm, I decided to answer my question of whether or not I could see him from the ceiling, so like a frog maneuvering itself in water from it's hind legs, I turned myself in two different directions. I turned myself face down first because that was the only way I'd be able to look down on him, and then I turned my head in the opposite direction and headed back towards the corner and then turned the corner along the opposite wall. Now I was passing over my own bed but didn't think to look down, mainly because it didn't occur to me that there might be a body to look at down there because I felt fully and completely intact.
SOBE following ether anesthesia at age 5. Shared 56 years later.
628. Denis Experience 3/16/15 From the France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. At the moment when I saw it, my whole being, my body, my heart and my mind, were attracted as if by a magnet towards this swirling incandescent ball, that was swooping down on me. While perceiving it, I instantly was standing up (I was sitting on the ground) with one move. I felt so much attracted, that the motion to stand up was very brusque, as if I was lighter, like being snatched upward, towards this ball of fire.
SOBE from going unconscious.
627. Terry H Experience 3/3/15 From the Netherlands.
626. Svetomir Experience 2/15/15 From Serbia. I was away from earth and could see it like small ball. I was a ball of bright white light and near me was bigger ball like me. Communication is without words. it told me look at earth and your feelings. I was surprised because I had no feeling and was surprised why I am doing on earth...like child play in mud...not worthy to think about that...after some time that big ball came and told me to go in place with similar beings like me..they communicate with each other about things what they Experienced; probably on earth next time after many years, I was some kind of being who travel through space. I remember some worlds with strange trees silver colors divided with something from space..those worlds are singing like tuned electric guitar.